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教育背景: 1993-1997 上海交通大学土木工程系工业与民用建筑 本科 1997-2000 上海交通大学土木工程系结构工程 硕士 2000-2003 英国利兹大学结构工程 博士 工作背景: 2000-2000 香港理工大学土木工程系 助理研究员 2003-2005 英国巴斯大学幕墙研究中心 结构工程师 2005-2006 美国Axis幕墙咨询公司 高级工程师 2006-2012 英国伯明翰大学土木工程系 讲师 (2011起兼任结构学科负责人和土木硕士点负责人) 2012 -2019 上海交通大学船舶海洋与建筑工程学院土木工程系 研究员,博士生导师 2019-今 上海交通大学船舶海洋与建筑工程学院土木工程系 长聘教授,博士生导师 专业资格: 2010 - 英国混凝土协会注册会员 (MCS) 2012 - 英国结构工程师学会注册会员(MIStructE),英国皇家特许工程师(CEng) 2016 - 英国土木工程师学会会士(FICE) 科研项目 PhD scholarship is available for international applicants on various research topics. Please contact Professor Yang via j.yang.1@sjtu.edu.cn or ResearchGate profile: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Jian_Yang24 1. 2021-2024,新型建筑外围护体系智能感应、数字化运维及修复技术研究 (21dz1204704),上海市科委“科技创新行动计划”社发项目 (参与) 2. 2021 - 2024, 新型梯度中间膜对结构玻璃开裂后承载性能提升研究, 自然科学基金面上项目 (主持) 3. 2020 - 2023,基于人工智能的物业风险管理处置及预测关键技术与系统,上海市科委“科技创新行动计划”社发项目 (项目牵头) 4. 2018 – 2022,大型组装式造楼平台远程智能监控平台 ,上海市科委“科技创新行动计划”社发项目 (子课题牵头) 5. 2017 – 2021,玻璃结构破坏仿真模拟及鲁棒优化设计方法,科技部“重点研发”项目(子课题牵头) 6. 2017 – 2021,既有玻璃幕墙安全健康预警技术和安全性能提升技术研究,上海市科委“科技创新行动计划”社发项目(子课题牵头) 7. 2016 – 2019,装配式混凝土结构防连续倒塌设计理论,科技部“重点研发”项目(子课题牵头) 8. 2014 – 2017,建筑玻璃结构在刚体冲击下的破坏机理及预测模型研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目 (主持) 9. 2014 – 2015,建筑玻璃在风载和风致飞射物共同作用下的破坏机理研究和预测分析,教育部博士点基金新教师项目 (主持) 10. 2014 – 2016,建筑结构夹胶玻璃在静动载联合作用下的破坏机理和承载力预测研究,上海市教委创新重点项目 (主持) 11. 2014 – 2016,重大建设工程科技创新治理体系研究,上海市科委“科技创新行动计划”社发项目(参与) 12. 2013 – 2015,基于全寿命性能设计理论海上风力发电机混凝土塔架考虑其腐蚀劣化和疲劳损伤以及在极端环境荷载作用下的动力分析,上海市科委“浦江人才计划”项目(主持) 13. 2012 – 2015,绿色建筑材料和新型结构体系,中组部海外高层次人才项目(主持) 14. 2012 – 2013,基于全寿命性能设计理论(Performance-Based Design)混凝土离岸风力发电机塔架考虑其疲劳损伤和腐蚀等病变情况下在复杂荷载作用下的动力分析,重点实验室青年创新基金(主持) 15. 部分横向项目: • 医疗建筑智慧设计方法和平台开发 • 玻璃幕墙面板表面损伤智能检测装置研发 • 固体废弃物再生资源建筑材料关键技术研究 • BIM 技术在预制混凝土建筑中的应用 • 幕墙玻璃在冲击作用下及破坏后安全性能实验研究 • 考虑连接体系劣化的幕墙玻璃动态特征和脱落风险评估 • 大型主题乐园工程建设管理模式研究 • 既有幕墙安全检测研发 • 低碳混凝土在装配式建筑中的应用 • 装配式变电站建筑关键技术研究 • 新农村建筑新体系和新技术 • 大型复杂幕墙的维护技术 • 大跨体育场馆钢屋盖结构的设计优化和分析研究 • 新一代绿色高性能混凝土及可循环装配结构(NPC)关键技术研发 • 高速铁路线上玻璃幕墙维护吊篮研究 • 高速铁路轨道板制造及铺设技术研究 • 采用预制装备式混凝土结构对变电站工程建设安全和质量的影响 16. 2012年前承担的项目 • 2007.07- 2010.06 英国EPSRC 与企业联合资助“新型低碳建筑结构的开发和应用”项目负责人 • 2008.07- 2011.06 英国EPSRC 与企业联合资助“新型轻钢结构的开发及轻钢设计新理论的研究“项目负责人 • 2010.09- 2011.09 英国结构工程师协会(IStructE)工程硕士(MEng)研究资助项目“低碳建筑结构服役检测“负责人 • 2011.09- 2012.09 英国结构工程师协会(IStructE)硕士(MSc)研究资助项目“玻璃结构的鲁棒性研究“负责人 • 2012.09- 2013.08 伯明翰铁路研究中心资助项目"再生骨料在无渣轨道板中的应用“负责人 • 2012.06- 2015.05 英国结构工程师协会(IStructE)研究资助项目"低碳混凝土在无渣轨道中的应用“合作负责人 教学工作 2013/07 – 至今,全英文研究生课程:可持续性建设,学时32 2014/02 – 至今,全英文研究生课程:变分原理与有限元方法,学时48 2018 – 2019, 国际暑期课程,学时32 2018 – 2020,船建学院研究生核心课程建设《可持续性建设》 2019 – 2021, 双一流全英文建设课程《变分原理与有限元》 2019 – 2021, 交叉模块课程《绿色建筑设计和技术》 2019 – 2021, 国际实习基地建设 2016 – 2017,研究生课程教学改革研究项目《项目式教学方法在新兴课程中的应用与探索》 2019 – 至今,学术写作、规范与伦理,中文16学时、英文16学时 国内外共完成指导了4个博士后,21个博士,52个硕士毕业生(MEng, MSc & MPhil) 软件版权登记及专利 专利与软著: 1. 发明专利: 一种全自动玻璃表面抗耐磨损性能测试装置及方法,申请号:2021104945819. 2. 发明专利: 一种复合改性剂、增强水泥基复合材料及其制备方法,CN202010770045.2 3. Indian Patent, Sustainable cement concrete composite. 374296. 4. Innovation Patent, High strength cement incorporating discarded tire rubber ash as a partial replacement for binder, ensuring sustainability in construction industry. 2020102116 5. 一种混凝土结构耐久性预测方法、系统及终端。 CN110737967B,2021-07-30 6. 实用新型: 一种全自动玻璃面板微裂纹检测平台。 专利号:ZL2019 2 1777098.6. 7. 专利: 无极变速器及半主动调谐粘滞惯性阻尼器。中国,专利号: ZL 2019 1 1268919.8. 8. 专利:一种半主动调谐质量惯性阻尼器。中国,专利号:ZL2020 1 0199463.0 9. 软著:基于组合有限离散元法的玻璃结构破坏仿真模拟软件 V1.0, 2021SR0478213。 10. 软著:玻璃幕墙传感器串口数据采集-解析系统软件v1.0,2021SR0525707。 11. 软著:玻璃幕墙结构安全物联网项目监测管理系统,2021SR0951698。 12. 软著:历史保护建筑长期值守健康监测系统,2021SR0951698,2021-06。 13. 实用新型: 一种用于提升装配式混凝土结构延性的钢筋连接器。 中国,专利号: ZL 2019 2 1332822.4 14. 软著:全玻璃面板安全性智能监测及分析软件,中国,软件著作权,2018SR996322 15. 软著:基于神经网络的混凝土耐久性预测软件,中国,软件著作权,2016SR271950 16. 软著:多因素耦合作用下混凝土电化学修复效果预测软件,中国,软件著作权,2018SR709431 17. 实用新型:一种拆装式多功能试验台,中国,实用新型,201920016101.6,授权日2019, 12. 24 18. 实用新型:一种玻璃幕墙脱胶检测装置及其检测方法,中国,实用新型,201920261081.9,授权日2020, 02. 07 19. 实用新型:一种压力自平衡真空玻璃无变形复合结构,中国,实用新型,ZL 2014 1 0086343.4 标准: 1.国际标准ISO 21712-2020, Fine ceramics (advanced ceramics, advanced technical ceramics) — Test method for flexural bond strength of ceramics, 已发布 (主持) 2.国家标准GB/T 39826-2021,精细陶瓷 界面弯曲强度测定 四点弯曲法,已发布(主持) 3.行业标准 2020-12-29,建筑用木基面材结构保温复合板, 已发布 4.团体标准: 中国工程建设标准化协会标准T/CECS 202X,玻璃结构工程技术规程 5.团体标准:上海市建筑学会团体标准T/ASSC MQ01-202X,座地式全玻璃幕墙技术标准,发布 荣誉和奖励 2021, 第三届“共创杯”智能建造技术创新大赛中,基于数字孪生的历保建筑智能化运维系统,优秀指导老师(1等奖1项) 2021, “海创汇杯”智慧城市与智能建造大学生创新创业赛,基于群体智能的装配式建筑供应链协同系统,优秀指导老师 (1项二等奖,2项三等奖) 2021,首届智慧城市创新应用大赛,基于数字孪生技术的大型公共空间安全管理系统,优秀指导老师 (1项二等奖) 2020,中国建筑材料联合会基础研究类,二等,基于多离子传输机制的混凝土耐久性能劣化与修复机理 2019, 指导大学生社会实践项目获“2019年全国大学生最佳暑期实践团队” 2019, 上海交通大学学生社会实践“优秀指导教师” 2017,上海市“知行杯”大学生社会实践项目大赛优秀指导教师 2017,上海交通大学“行万里路、知中国情”暑期社会实践优秀指导教师 2016,上海交通大学第六届“凯原十佳”教师 2017,上海铁路局科学技术进步奖,一等,大型铁路客站外幕墙维护设备研究 2017,上海土木工程科技技术奖,三等,地下空间利用低碳评估技术及应用 2016,中国建筑材料联合会技术发明类,二等,钢化玻璃自爆及建筑玻璃坠落风险检测和预测关键技术 2013,入选上海浦江人才 2013,入选江苏双创人才 2012,入选海外高层次青年人才 2012,一项科研成果获英国结构工程师协会(IStructE)中英格兰分会年度科研奖 2011,两项科研成果获英国结构工程师协会(IStructE)中英格兰分会年度科研奖


结构工程,绿色建筑材料,新型结构系统(如玻璃结构,预制装配式结构),智能建造与运维,建筑工业化,人工智能在土木中的应用,数字孪生 Structural Engineering; Sustainable construction materials (recycled concrete, FRP); Novel structural systems (glass structures, precast concrete cross wall structures); Façade systems (energy efficient glazing systems, safety monitoring and maintenance of façades in service); Off-site construction; Smart construction and maintenance, Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Civil Engineering, Digital twin


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

英文论文 (updated on 29/11/2021) 1.Li, C., Shen, H. S., Yang, J., & Wang, H. Low-velocity impact response of sandwich plates with GRC face sheets and FG auxetic 3D lattice cores. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 2021, 132, 335-344. 2.Li, L., Yang, J., Li, H., & Du, Y. Insights into the microstructure evolution of slag, fly ash and condensed silica fume in blended cement paste. Construction and Building Materials, 2021,309, 125044. 3.Thomas, B. S., Yang, J., Bahurudeen, A., Abdalla, J. A., Haweeleh, R. A., Hamada, H. M., ... & Ashish, D. K. Sugarcane bagasse ash as supplementary cementitious material in concrete–A review. Materials Today Sustainability, 2021, 100086. 4.Yang, J., Wang, Y., Wang, X. E., Hou, X., Zhao, C., & Ye, J. Local bridging effect of fractured laminated glass with EVA based hybrid interlayers under weathering actions. Construction and Building Materials, 2022, 314: 125595. 5.Zhao, Chao-Wang; Yang, Jian; Li, Jia-Tong. Generation of Hospital Emergency Department Layouts Based on Generative Adversarial Networks. Journal of Building Engineering, 2021, 102539. 6.Bai, L., Wadee, M.A., Köllner, A., Yang, J. Variational modelling of local–global mode interaction in long rectangular hollow section struts with Ramberg–Osgood type material nonlinearity. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2021, 209, 106691. 7.Hu, L., Ghafoori, E., Pons, S., Yang, J., Azim, I. Fire behavior and design of steel columns reinforced by prestressed CFRP strips. Composite Structures, 2021, 275, 114516. 8.Hu, L., Feng, P., Meng, Y., Yang, J. Buckling behavior analysis of prestressed CFRP-reinforced steel columns via FEM and ANN.Engineering Structures, 2021, 245, 112853. 9.Wang, F., Yang, J., Wang, X.-E., Azim, I. Study on progressive collapse behaviour of steel-framed substructures with sheathed CFS stud infill walls.Journal of Building Engineering, 2021, 42, 102720. 10.Pang, B., Wang, F., Yang, J., Nyunn, S., Azim, I. Performance of slabs in reinforced concrete structures to resist progressive collapse. Structures, 2021, 33, pp. 4843–4856. 11.Huang, X.-H., Wang, X.-E., Yang, J., ...Wang, F., Azim, I. Nonlinear analytical study of structural laminated glass under hard body impact in the pre-crack stage. Thin-Walled Structures, 2021, 167, 108137. 12.Wang, F., Han, Y., Yang, J. Nonlinear FE analysis on stiffness and resistance of bolted cold-formed steel built-up joints.Structures, 2021, 33, pp. 2520–2533. 13.Wang, X.-E., Huang, X.-H., Yang, J., ...Zhu, Y., Xie, D. Experimental and analytical study on the pre-crack impact response of thick multi-layered laminated glass under hard body impact. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2021, 206, 106613. 14.Jia, D.-G., Gao, W.-Y., Duan, D.-X., Yang, J., Dai, J.-G. Full-range behavior of FRP-to-concrete bonded joints subjected to combined effects of loading and temperature variation. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2021, 254, 107928. 15.Song, J., Gao, W.-Y., Ouyang, L.-J., ...Yang, J., Liu, W.-D. Compressive behavior of heat-damaged square concrete prisms confined with basalt fiber-reinforced polymer jackets. Engineering Structures, 2021, 242, 112504. 16.Zhao, C., Yang, J., Wang, X.-E., Ren, M., Azim, I. Investigation into short term behaviors of embedded laminated glass connections with various configurations. Construction and Building Materials, 2021, 297, 123687. 17.Chen, L., Xie, X., Lu, Q., ...Pitt, M., Yang, J. Gemini principles-based digital twin maturity model for asset management. Sustainability (Switzerland), 2021, 13(15), 8224. 18.Hamada, H.M., Thomas, B.S., Yahaya, F.M., ...Abdalla, J.A., Hawileh, R.A. Sustainable use of palm oil fuel ash as a supplementary cementitious material: A comprehensive review. Journal of Building Engineering, 2021, 40, 102286. 19.Fang, T., Zhao, Y., Gong, J., Wang, F., Yang, J. Investigation on maintenance technology of large-scale public venues based on bim technology. Sustainability (Switzerland), 2021, 13(14), 7937. 20.Ghaemdoust, M.R., Wang, F., Li, S., Yang, J. Numerical investigation on the transverse vibration of prestressed large-span beams with unbonded internal straight tendon. Materials, 2021, 14(9), 2273. 21.Li, B., Wang, J., Yang, J., Wang, Y. Probabilistic seismic performance evaluation of composite frames with concrete-filled steel tube columns and buckling-restrained braces. Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering, 2021, 21(2), 73. 22.Davoodabadi, M., Vareli, I., Liebscher, M., ...Cuniberti, G., Mechtcherine, V. Thermoelectric energy harvesting from single-walled carbon nanotube alkali-activated nanocomposites produced from industrial waste materials. Nanomaterials, 2021, 11(5), 1095. 23.Pan, Z., Yang, J., Wang, X.-E., Liu, J., Li, J. Surface Scratch Detection of Monolithic Glass Panel Using Deep Learning Techniques. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, 2021, 98, pp. 133–143. 24.Wang, X.-E., Meng, Y., Yang, J., Huang, X., Wang, F., Xu, H. Optimal kernel extreme learning machine model for predicting the fracture state and impact response of laminated glass panels. Thin-Walled Structures, 2021, 162, 107541. 25.Fu, G., Fu, G., Yu, C., Li, S., Wang, F., Yang, J. Behaviour of rectangular concrete-filled steel tubular slender column with unequal wall thickness. Engineering Structures, 2021, 236: 112100. 26.Shaban, W.M., Yang, J., Elbaz, K., Xie, J., Li, L. Fuzzy-metaheuristic ensembles for predicting the compressive strength of brick aggregate concrete. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 2021, 169, 105443. 27.Iqbal, M. F., Javed, M. F., Rauf, M., Azim, I., Yang, J., Liu, Q. Sustainable utilization of foundry waste: Forecasting mechanical properties of foundry sand based concrete using multi-expression programming. Science of The Total Environment, 2021, 146524. 28.Ali Sadeghian, M., Yang, J., Wang, X.-E., Wang, F. Novel adaptive tuned viscous inertance damper (ATVID) with adjustable inertance and damping for structural vibration control. Structures, 2021, 29, 814–822. 29.Davoodabadi, M., Liebscher, M., Hampel, S., Sgarzi, M., Rezaie, A.B., Wolf, D., Cuniberti, G., Mechtcherine, V., Yang, J. Multi-walled carbon nanotube dispersion methodologies in alkaline media and their influence on mechanical reinforcement of alkali-activated nanocomposites. Composites Part B: Engineering, 2021, 209, 108559. 30.Azim, I., Yang, J., Iqbal, M.F., Mahmood, Z., Javed, M.F., Wang, F., Liu, Q.-F. Prediction of Catenary Action Capacity of RC Beam-Column Substructures under a Missing Column Scenario Using Evolutionary Algorithm. KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 2021, 25, 891–905. 31.Zhao, C., Yang, J., Xiong, W., Li, J. Two Generative Design Methods of Hospital Operating Department Layouts Based on Healthcare Systematic Layout Planning and Generative Adversarial Network. Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University (Science) , 2021, 26, 103–115. 32.Zhang, H., Wang, F., Yang, J., Wang, X.-E. Evaluation on the behaviour of screwed CFS joints subjected to combined loading. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 2021, 180, 106582. 33.Wang, X.-E., Yang, J., Pan, Z., Wang, F., Meng, Y., Zhu, Y. Exploratory investigation into the post-fracture model of laminated tempered glass using combined Voronoi-FDEM approach. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2021, 190, 105989. 34.Huang, X.-H., Yang, J., Azim, I., Ren, X., Wang, X.-E. Static and dynamic analyses of auxetic hybrid FRC/CNTRC laminated plates. Nanotechnology Reviews, 2020, 9, 1625–1642. 35.Wang, X.-E., Yang, J., Huang, X., Wang, F., Zhu, Y. Voronoi-FDEM concept for modelling post-fracture response of progressively damaged structural glass. Engineering with Computers, 2021. 36.Liu, Q.-F., Iqbal, M.F., Yang, J., Lu, X.-Y., Zhang, P., Rauf, M. Prediction of chloride diffusivity in concrete using artificial neural network: Modelling and performance evaluation. Construction and Building Materials, 2021, 268, 121082. 37.Pan, Z., Yang, J., Wang, X.-E., Wang, F., Azim, I., Wang, C. Image-based surface scratch detection on architectural glass panels using deep learning approach. Construction and Building Materials, 2021, 282, 122717. 38.Shaban, W.M., Elbaz, K., Yang, J., Thomas, B.S., Shen, X., Li, L., Du, Y., Xie, J., Li, L. Effect of pozzolan slurries on recycled aggregate concrete: Mechanical and durability performance. Construction and Building Materials, 2021, 276, 121940. 39.Thomas, B.S., Yang, J., Mo, K.H., Abdalla, J.A., Hawileh, R.A., Ariyachandra, E. Biomass ashes from agricultural wastes as supplementary cementitious materials or aggregate replacement in cement/geopolymer concrete: A comprehensive review. Journal of Building Engineering, 2021, 40, 102332. 40.Chen, L., Lu, Q., Li, S., He, W., Yang, J. Bayesian Monte Carlo Simulation–Driven Approach for Construction Schedule Risk Inference. Journal of Management in Engineering, 2021, 37, 04020115. 41.Fu, G., Fu, G., Li, S., Yang, J., Wang, F. Investigations into structural behavior of concrete-filled rhs columns with unequal flange thickness under compressive load. Materials, 2020, 13(23), 5463. 42.Nazar, S., Yang, J., Thomas, B. S., Azim, I., Rehman, S. Rheological properties of cementitious composites with and without nano-materials: A comprehensive review. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020, 272, 122701. 43.Huang, X.-H., Yang, J., Wang, X.-E., Azim, I. Combined analytical and numerical approach for auxetic FG-CNTRC plate subjected to a sudden load. ENGINEERING WITH COMPUTERS, 2020. 44.Jian, Y., Wafaa, M.S., Khalid, E., Blessen, S.T., Xie, J.X., Li, L.J. Properties of concrete containing strengthened crushed brick aggregate by pozzolan slurry. CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS, 2020, 10, 118612. 45.Wang, L., Chen, L., Tsang, D., Guo, B., Yang, J., Shen, Z., Hou, D., Yong, S., Chi, S. Biochar as green additives in cement-based composites with carbon dioxide curing, 2020, 258, 120678. 46.Julian, W., Gao, W., Yang, J. Effect of temperature variations on interfacial debonding of FRP-plated beams: A coupled mix-mode cohesive zone modelling. Materials Science and Engineering, 2020, 33, 12003. 47.Wang, F., Yang, J., Azim, I., Li, B., Ma, Y. Experimental and numerical evaluations of the distribution and effect of roll-forming residual stress on CFS sigma beams. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 2020, 7, 105978. 48.Azim, I., Yang, J., Javed, M.F., Iqbal, M.F., Mahmood, Z., Wang, F., Liu, Q.-F. Prediction model for compressive arch action capacity of RC frame structures under column removal scenario using gene expression programming. 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