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研究员、博士生导师。2001年6月于西南交通大学土木工程学院道路与铁道工程专业博士毕业,进入同济大学土木工程博士后流动站,2003年6月博士后出站在上海交通大学工作至今。2012年12月-2013年11月在日本京都大学防灾研究所斜面灾害研究中心访学。长期致力于岩土工程防灾减灾与风险防控方面的研究工作,先后主持十三五国家重点研发计划项目课题1项、国家自然科学基金项目4项、国家自然科学基金重点项目子课题1项、十二五国家科技支撑计划项目专题1项及其他科研项目20余项;主研国家自然科学基金重点项目1项、国家杰出青年科学基金1项。发表国内外学术论文80余篇,其中SCI收录30篇;参编学术专著或教材6部。 科研项目 主持的纵向项目 国家重点研发计划项目课题: 岩溶山区特大滑坡高位远程动力致灾机理(2018YFC1504804),2018.12-2021.12 国家自然科学基金面上项目: 台风-暴雨耦合作用下植被覆盖边坡稳定性响应与滑坡灾害触发机理研究(42277126),2023.01-2026.12 国家自然科学基金面上项目: 基于多源数据协同的崩滑-碎屑流远程动力致灾机理分析与潜在隐患点风险评价(41977215),2020.01-2023.12 国家自然科学基金面上项目: 地震触发高速远程滑坡-碎屑流全程动力学机理研究(41272382),2013.01-2016.12 国家自然科学基金青年项目: 高速远程滑坡干碎屑流动力学机理研究(40602035),2007.01-2009.12 主研的纵向项目 国家自然科学基金重点项目: 川藏铁路高山峡谷区高速远程滑坡自激振动悬浮减 阻、流变转化停积就位及阻滞耗能复合防控机理(41530639),2016.01-2020.12 国家杰出青年科学基金项目: 地质灾害预测评价及防治处理(41225011),2013.01-2017.12 教学工作 材料力学 本科生 土木工程安全与风险分析 本科生 防灾工程学导论 硕士生 防灾减灾信息系统与决策系统 研究生 滑坡工程学 硕博通用 荣誉和奖励 [1] 2011年《重大滑坡减灾防灾关键支撑技术》国家科学技术进步奖 二等奖,单位排名: 6;个人排名: 10 [2] 2013年/2014年《汶川地震地质灾害综合调查调查与减灾关键技术研究》国土资源科学技术奖 一等奖/中国地质调查局地质调查成果奖 一等奖/中国地质学会十大科技进展,单位排名: 10;个人排名: 10 [3] 2017 年《岩溶山区特大崩滑灾害成灾模式与早期识别关键技术研究》国土资源科学技术奖 二等奖/中国地质调查局地质调查成果奖 二等奖,单位排名: 4;个人排名: 7




查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

[24] Chang WB, Xing AG*, Wang P, Zhuang Y, Jin KP, He JY, Chai SF (2021) Analysis of Dangchuan 5# landslide on January 27, 2021, in Yongjing County, Gansu Province, China. Landslides (2021)18:3615-3628 [23] Gardezi H, Bilal M, Cheng QG, Xing AG*, Zhuang Y, Masood T(2021) A comparative analysis of attabad landslide on January 4, 2010, using two numerical models. Natural Hazards 107:519-538 (IF: 3.102) [22] Zhuang Y, Xing AG* (2021) History must not repeat itself-urban geological safety assessment is essential. Natural Hazards https://doi.org/10.1007/s11069-02 1-05111-y (IF: 3.102) [21] Zhang MZ, Zhou B, Cheng QG, Shen LK, Xing AG*, Zhuang Y (2021) Investigation of the triggering mechanism and runout characteristics of an earthflow in Zhimei village, Chengduo, Qinghai, China. Natural Hazards 109: 903-929 (IF: 3.102) [20] Chang WB, Wang P, Xing AG, Wang HJ, Yu YF, Li XD (2021) Failure mode and dynamic response of loess slopes with tectonic joints under seismic action. Environmental Earth Sciences 80:531 [19] Bilal M, Xing AG*, Zhuang Y, Zhang YB, Jin KP, Zhu YQ (2021) Coupled 3D numerical model for a landslide-induced impulse water wave: A case study of the Fuquan landslide. Engineering Geology 290: 106209 (IF : 6.755) [18] Zhuang Y, Xing AG*, Leng YY, Bilal M, Zhang YB, Jin KP, He JY (2021) Investigation of Characteristics of Long Runout Landslides Based on the Multi-source Data Collaboration: A Case Study of the Shuicheng Basalt Landslide in Guizhou, China. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering 54(8): 3783-3798 (IF: 6.730) [17] Luo H, Xing AG*, Jin KP, Xu SM, Zhuang Y (2021) Discrete Element Modeling of the Nayong Rock Avalanche, Guizhou, China Constrained by Dynamic Parameters from Seismic Signal Inversion. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 54(4): 1629-1645 (IF: 6.730) [16] Zhang YB, Xing AG*, Jin KP, Zhuang Y, Bilal M, Xu SM, Zhu YQ (2020) Investigation and dynamic analyses of rockslide-induced debris avalanche in Shuicheng, Guizhou, China. Landslides 17: 2189-2203 (IF: 6.578) [15] Zhuang Y, Yin YP, Xing AG, Jin KP (2020) Combined numerical investigation of the Yigong rock slide-debris avalanche and subsequent dam-break flood propagation in Tibet, China. Landslides 17: 2217-2229 (IF: 6.578) [14] Gnyawali KR, Xing AG*, Zhuang Y (2020) Dynamic analysis of the multi-staged ice–rock debris avalanche in the Langtang valley triggered by the 2015 Gorkha earthquake, Nepal. Engineering Geology 265: 105440 (IF : 6.755) [13] Zhuang Y, Xing AG, Cheng QG, Li DS, Zhao C, Xu C (2020) Characteristics and numerical modeling of a catastrophic loess flow slide triggered by the 2013 Minxian-Zhangxian earthquake in Yongguang village, Minxian, Gansu, China. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and Environment 79: 439-449 (IF: 4.298) [12] Zhuang Y, Xu Q, Xing AG* (2019) Numerical investigation of the air blast generated by the Wenjia valley rock avalanche in Mianzhu, Sichuan, China. Landslides16: 2499-2508 (IF: 6.578) [11] Zhu YQ, Xu SM, Zhuang Y, Dai XJ, Lv G, Xing AG* (2019) Characteristics and runout behaviour of the disastrous 28 August 2017 rock avalanche in Nayong, Guizhou, China. Engineering Geology 259: 105154 (IF : 6.755) [10] Jin KP, Yao LK, Cheng QG, Xing AG* (2019) Seismic landslides hazard zoning based on the modified Newmark model: a case study from the Lushan earthquake, China. Natural Hazards 99: 493-509 (IF: 3.102) [9] Li B, Xing AG*, Xu C (2017) Simulation of a long-runout rock avalanche triggered by the Lushan earthquake in the Tangjia Valley, Tianquan, Sichuan, China. Engineering Geology 218: 107-116 (IF : 6.755) [8] Yin YP, Xing AG*, Wang GH, Feng Z, Li B, Jiang Y (2017)Experimental and numerical investigations of a catastrophic long-runout landslide in Zhenxiong, Yunnan, southwestern China. Landslides 14: 649-659 (IF: 6.578) [7] Xing AG*, Yuan XY, Xu Q, Zhao QH, Huang HQ, Cheng QG (2017) Characteristics and numerical runout modelling of a catastrophic rock avalanche triggered by the Wenchuan earthquake in the Wenjia valley, Mianzhu, Sichuan, China. Landslides 14: 83-98 (IF: 6.578) [6] Xing AG*, Xu Q, Zhu YQ, Jiang Y (2016) The August 27, 2014, rock avalanche and related impulse water waves in Fuquan, Guizhou, China. Landslides 13: 411-422, 2016 (IF : 6.578) [5] Xing AG*, Wang GH, Yin YP, Tang C, Xu ZM (2016) Investigation and dynamic analysis of a catastrophic rock avalanche of September 23,1991, Zhaotong, Yunnan, China. Landslides13:1035-1047 (IF : 6.578) [4] Xing AG*, Wang GH, Li B, Jiang Y, Feng Z, Kamai T (2015) Long runout mechanism and landsliding behaviour of a large catastrophic landslide triggered by a heavy rainfall in Guanling, Guizhou, China. Canadian Geotechnical Journal 52: 971-981 (IF: 3.725) [3] Xing AG*, Xu Q, Gan JJ (2015) On characteristics and dynamic analysis of the Niumian valley rock avalanche triggered by the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake, Sichuan, China. Environmental Earth Sciences 73: 3387-3401(IF: 2.784) [2] Xing AG*, Wang GH, Yin YP, Jiang Y, Wang GZ, Yang SY, Dai DR, Zhu YQ, Dai JA (2014) Dynamic analysis and field investigation of a fluidized landslide in Guanling, Guizhou, China. Engineering Geology 181: 1-14 (IF : 6.755) [1] Yin YP, Xing AG (2012) Aerodynamic modeling of the Yigong gigantic rock slide-debris avalanche, Tibet, China. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and Environment 71(1): 149-160 (IF: 4.298)


国际滑坡协会(ICL) 理事; 国际地质灾害减轻协会(ICGdR) 理事; 中国地质学会地质灾害研究分会 委员; 国际岩石力学学会 会员; 中国岩石力学与工程学会滑坡与工程边坡分会 常务理事; 中国岩石力学与工程学会海洋工程地质灾害防控分会 常务理事; 中国岩石力学与工程学会环境岩土工程分会 理事; 中国岩石力学与工程学会红层工程分会 理事; 中国地震学会地震灾害链专业委员会 委员; SCI期刊Landslides 编委; Geoenvironmental disasters 副主编; 防灾减灾工程学报 编委。
