1.国家自然科学基金青年项目,基于承载特性分析的拖曳锚安装轨迹预测方法研究,2019-2021, 在研,项目负责人
3.国家自然科学基金国际(地区)合作项目,下一代海上风力机在极端风浪载荷下的关键技术与机理, 2017-2020,结题,项目主要参与者
1. 毋晓妮,李晔;一种具有吸力沉箱和张紧式系泊系统的海上风机单桩基础, ZL201821150838.9
2. 毋晓妮,李晔;一种具有张紧式锚泊系统的海上风机单桩基础, ZL201821150754.5
3. 毋晓妮,李晔;一种垂直轴潮流能水轮机单桩多层布置式支撑机构, ZL201821151690.0
4. 毋晓妮,李晔;带有桁架侧向支撑结构的海上风机单桩基础, ZL201821166792.x
5. 毋晓妮,李晔;大型深海浮式多能源联合发电基地, ZL201821173620.5
海洋基础系统,海洋工程锚固基础; 海洋新能源装备基础稳定性, 海上风机基础;
海洋岩土工程, 土体与结构物相互作用,大变形数值方法;
海洋工程, 浮式结构锚泊系统,流固耦合力学,流固土耦合力学.
1.Wu X.*, Chow Y. K., Leung C. F. (2020). Kinematic analysis of drag anchor installation behavior considering both shallow and deep anchor behavior of horizontal fluke. Applied Ocean Research100 (2020) 102157.
2.Wu X.*, Wang T., Liao Q., Li Y.*(2020). Influence of kinematic analysis parameters of drag anchor trajectory prediction using yield envelope method. China Ocean Engineering, 34(2): 257–266.
3. Wang T., Jin H., Wu X.* (2020). Coupled dynamic analysis of TLP floating offshore wind turbine. Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering142(1):011901:1-9. doi:10.1115/1.4044075.
4. Wang T.*, Zhang Y., Bao X., Wu X. (2020). Mechanisms of soil plug formation of open-ended jacked pipe pile in clay. Computers and Geotechnics 118(2020)103334.
5. Wu X.*, Chow Y. K., Leung C. F. (2019). Numerical study of effect of fluke inclination on behavior of drag anchor in clay with linearly increasing shear strength under unidirectional and combined loading, Applied Ocean Research 91C(2019) 101883.
6.Wu X., Hu Y., Li Y.*, Yang J., Duan L., Wang T., Adcock T., Jiang Z., Gao Z., Lin Z., Borthwick A., Liao S. (2019). Foundations of offshore wind turbines: a review, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 104 (2019) 379–393.
7.Wu X.*, Chow Y. K., Leung C. F. (2019). Effect of fluke inclination on behavior of drag anchor in uniform clay under unidirectional and combined loading. Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering 141(5), 054501:1-8.
8.Wang T., Liu W., Wu X. (2019). One-dimensional modelling of pile jacking installation based on CPT tests in sand. Geotechnique, 69, No. 10, 877–887.
9.Zhang W., Li Y.*, Wu X., Guo S. (2018). Review of the applied mechanical problems in ocean thermal energy conversion. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 93 (2018) 231–244.
10.Wu X.*, Chow Y. K., Leung C. F. (2017). Behavior of drag anchor in clay with linearly increasing shear strength under unidirectional and combined loading. Applied Ocean Research(63):142-156.
11.Wu X.*, Chow Y. K., Leung C. F. (2017). Behavior of drag anchor under uni-directional loading and combined loading. Ocean Engineering (129):149-159.
12.Wu X.*, Chow Y. K., Leung C. F. (2016). Prediction of drag anchor trajectory with both shallow and deep anchor behavior. Offshore Technology Conference Asia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, OTC-26438.
13.Wu X.*, Chow Y. K., Leung C. F. (2015). Prediction of kinematic behaviour of drag anchors. Poster for Joint Industry Forum for Offshore Geotechnics (JIFOG2015), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
14.Wu X.*, Chow Y. K., Leung C. F. (2015). Behaviour of drag anchors in clay with linearly increasing shear strength under uni-directional loading. The Twenty-Eighth KKHTCNN Symposium on Civil Engineering. Bangkok. Thailand.
15.Wu X.*, Chow Y. K., Leung C. F. (2014). Numerical simulation of drag anchor under vertical, horizontal and moment loading. The Twenty-Seventh KKHTCNN Symposium on Civil Engineering, Shanghai, China.
Ocean Engineering, Applied Ocean Research, Marine Georesources & Geotechnology,Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering,Journal of Ocean Engineering and Marine Energy等多期刊审稿人; Applied Ocean Research 杰出审稿人