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2021.9 - 今,上海交通大学,船舶海洋与建筑工程学院,长聘教轨副教授 2021.2 - 2021.8,芬兰阿尔托大学(Aalto),Department of Mechanical Engineering,博士后 2017.8 - 2021.1,德国汉堡工业大学(TUHH),Institute for Fluid Dynamics and Ship Theory (FDS),博士后 2012.9 - 2017.6,西北工业大学,航海学院,导师:宋保维,博士 2008.9 - 2012.6,西北工业大学,教育实验学院+航海学院,本科 软件版权登记及专利 acousticsPlus声比拟流噪声计算软件,软著登字第10772440号, 登记号:2023SR0185269, 2023, 软件著作权. 荣誉和奖励 2021 上海海外高层次人才计划 2017 工信创新奖学金 2011 宝钢奖学金


当前研究方向: 基于面元法的船舶螺旋桨性能分析与优化设计 基于大涡模拟与声比拟法的流激噪声分析 其他感兴趣的研究方向: 基于开源软件与自编程的高精度空化模拟 基于实验的螺旋桨空化与噪声研究 面元+CFD耦合算法在新型推进器/自航实验仿真中的应用 基于涡粒子+CFD耦合算法的高精度涡流模拟


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

Youjiang Wang. An easy-to-implement highly efficient algorithm for nonlinear Kutta condition in boundary element method. Physics of Fluids 34:127111. 2022. https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0131509. Youjiang Wang, T. Mikkola and S. Hirdaris. A fast and storage-saving method for direct volumetric integration of FWH acoustic analogy. Ocean Engineering, 261(January), 112087, 2022. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.oceaneng.2022.112087 Youjiang Wang, K. Wang and M. Abdel-Maksoud. noiseNet: A neural network to predict marine propellers’ underwater radiated noise. Ocean Engineering, 236(6):109542, 2021. Youjiang Wang, U. Göttsche and M. Abdel-Maksoud. Sound field properties of non-cavitating marine propellers. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 8 (11): 885, 2020. Youjiang Wang and M. Abdel-Maksoud. Coupling wake alignment lifting line method and boundary element method for open water and unsteady propeller simulation. Ocean Engineering, 213:107738, 2020. Youjiang Wang and M. Abdel-Maksoud. Application of remeshed vortex method for the simulation of tip vortex at high Reynolds number. Aerospace Science and Technology, 93:105347, 2019. Youjiang Wang, M. Abdel-Maksoud, and B. Song. A boundary element-vortex particle hybrid method with inviscid shedding scheme. Computers & Fluids. 168:73-86, 2018. Youjiang Wang, and M. Abdel-Maksoud. Application of remeshed vortex method to the simulation of 2D flow around circular cylinder and foil. Ship Technology Research. 65(2):79-86, 2018. X. Wang, B. Song, P. Wang, W. Tian, and Youjiang Wang. Surrogate-based optimization of location hole for contactless power transmission system. Ocean Engineering. 157:35-43, 2018. Youjiang Wang, M. Abdel-Maksoud, and B. Song. Simulating marine propellers with vortex particle method. Physics of Fluids, 29(1):017103, 2017. Youjiang Wang, M. Abdel-Maksoud, and B. Song. A fast method to realize the pressure Kutta condition in boundary element method for lifting bodies. Ocean Engineering, 130:398-406, 2017. Youjiang Wang, M. Abdel-Maksoud, K. Wang, and B. Song. Prediction of tip vortex cavitation inception with low-order panel method. Ocean Engineering, 125:124–133, 2016. Youjiang Wang, M. Abdel-Maksoud, and B. Song. Convergence of different wake alignment methods in a panel code for steady-state flows. Journal of Marine Science & Technology, 21(4):567–578, 2016. Baowei Song, Youjiang Wang, and Wenlong Tian. Open water performance comparison between hub-type and hubless rim driven thrusters based on CFD method. Ocean Engineering, 103:55–63, 2015. 会议论文: 王有江. 基于面元法的螺旋桨斜流性能分析[C]//中国造船工程学会,西北工业大学,中国船舶集团有限公司第七〇五研究所.第五届水下无人系统技术高峰论坛--以深制海,智领发展论文集.[出版者不详],2022:5.DOI:10.26914/c.cnkihy.2022.054565. Youjiang Wang, Mikkola T, Hirdaris S. Hydroacoustic evaluation of cavitating flow based on direct FWH approach and dual mesh technique. SMP’22, Wuxi, China: 2022. S. Krüger, Youjiang Wang, M. Scharf, U. Göttsche, and M. Abdel-Maksoud. A hybrid calculation concept for single and multi-component propulsors. SMP’19, Rome, Italy, 2019. Youjiang Wang, U. Göttsche, M. Abdel-Maksoud, and S. Krüger. Different techniques to simulate tandem propeller with Boundary Element Method. IWSH 2019, Hamburg, Germany, 2019. Youjiang Wang, M. Abdel-Maksoud. Application of Remeshed Vortex Method for the Simulation of Tip Vortex at Re=53000. ICVFM 2018, Xi’an, China, 2018. Youjiang Wang, M. Abdel-Maksoud, P. Wang, and B. Song. Simulate the PPTC propeller with a vortex particle-boundary element hybrid method. SMP’17, Espoo, Finland, 2017.


期刊审稿人: Ocean Engineering Journal of Hydrodynamics Journal of Marine Science and Engineering Fluids 国际会议分会主席: 2019年,11th International Workshop on Ship and Marine Hydrodynamics (IWSH),德国汉堡 2018年,8th International Conference on Vortex Flow Mechanics (ICVFM),中国西安
