2016.1至今,上海交通大学船舶海洋与建筑工程学院交通运输工程系,副教授(硕导)/ 交通研究中心主任
[1] 2019,上海市交通委,上海轨道交通行业安全生产监管责任体系建设
[2] 2019,上海市交通委,道路运输行业安全数据需求分析及标准化体系建设
[3] 2018,上海市交通委,上海市交通委应急预案修编-综合类应急预案(11项)及其操作手册
[4] 2018,上海市交通委,安全风险辨识指南评估项目
[5] 2018,无锡市政设计院,无锡长桥海洋公园景区交通影响专题研究
[6] 2017,上海市交通委,道路运输重点业态安全生产风险辨识指南和等级划分标准及其管理制度
[7] 2017,上海市交通委,桥梁隧道运行安全生产风险辨识指南和等级划分标准及其管理制度
[8] 2017,上海市交通委,安全生产事故隐患排查治理项目
[9] 2017,上海自放科技,城市医院系统智能停车关键技术研发基金
[10] 2016,国家自然科学基金委,城市越江隧道线形安全设计方法研究(青年项目)
Linjun Lu. Operational Performance Evaluation of Four Types of Exit Ramps, A Microscopic Simulation Method Analyzing Driving Behavior under Different Traffic Facilities. Scholar’s Press (Germany), 2014. ISBN: 978-3-639-71244-5.
《Traffic Engineering Fundamentals (English)》,本科课程
《Practical Course for Traffic Safety (English)》,本科课程
《Traffic Engineering Theory and Methodology (English)》,研究生课程
[1] 交通桥梁重点业态安全生产风险管理智能操作系统
[2] 隧道安全生产风险管理智能操作系统
[3] 危险品运输安全生产风险管理智能操作系统
[4] 危险货物码头安全生产风险管理智能操作系统
[5] 城市公交安全生产风险管理智能操作系统
[6] 道路旅客运输安全生产风险管理智能操作系统
[7] 基于MATLAB的城市公共交通空间人群流动系统软件
[8] 轨道交通网络合理规模及运营经济性研究软件
[9] 基于MATLAB的越江隧道线形设计系统
[10] 近场动力学轴对称破坏问题分析软件
[1] 交通安全(Transportation Safety & Security)
[2] 智能交通(Intelligent Transportation System)
[3] 交通仿真(Traffic Simulation)
[4] 基础设施性能监测(Infrastructure Performance Monitoring)
[1] Tenchao Yu, Linjun lu*, Jinglai Li. A weight-bounded importance sampling method for variance reduction. International Journal for Uncertainty Quantification. 2019, 9, 3, 311-319.
[2] Miaoqing Hu, Linjun Lu*, Jun Yang. Exploring an Estimation Approach for the Pedestrian Level of Service for Metro Stations Based on an Interaction Index. Transportation Letters. https://doi.org/10.1080/19427867.2019.1629061
[3] Lian Zhu, Linjun Lu*, Wenying Zhang, Yurou Zhao, Meining Song. Analysis of Accident Severity for Curved Roadways Based on Bayesian Networks. Sustainability. 2019, 11(8), 2223.
[4] Jingbo Yin, Yijie Wu, Linjun Lu*. Assessment of investment decision in the dry bulk shipping market based on real options thinking and the shipping cycle perspective. Maritime Policy & Management. 2019, 46, 3, 330-343.
[5] Qinghui Liu, Pizhong Qiao*, Linjun Lu*. Mixed mode fracture characterization of GFRP-concrete bonded interface using four-point single leg bending test. Engineering Structures. 2018, 171, 647-657.
[6] Chenming Jiang, Linjun Lu*, Jian John Lu. Socioeconomic factors affecting the job satisfaction levels of self-employed container truck drivers: a case study from Shanghai Port. Maritime Policy & Management. 2017, 44, 5, 641-656.
[7] Linjun Lu, Ziyuan Gu, Di Huang, Zhiyuan Liu*. An Evaluation Framework for the Public Information Guidance System. KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering. 2017, 21, 5, 1919-1928.
[8] Yingqi Ma, Linjun Lu*, Jian John Lu. Safety evaluation model of urban cross-river tunnel based on driving simulation. International Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion. 2017, 24, 3, 293-302.
[9] Chen Wang, Linjun Lu*, Jian Lu*, Tao Wang. Correlation between Crash Avoidance Maneuvers and Injury Severity Sustained by Motorcyclists in Single-Vehicle Crashes. Traffic Injury Prevention. 2016, 17, 2, 188-194.
[10] Chenming Jiang, Linjun Lu*, Shengdi Chen, Jian John Lu. Hit-and-run Crashes in Urban River-Crossing Road Tunnels. Accident Analysis and Prevention. 2016, 95(B), 373-380.
[11] Jian Gang Jin, Linjun Lu*, Lijun Sun, Jingbo Yin. Optimal Allocation of Protective Resources in Urban Rail Transit Networks against Intentional Attacks. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review. 2015, 84, 73-87.
[12] Linjun Lu, Qing-chang Lu*, ABM Sertajur Rahman. Residence and Job Location Change Choice Behavior under Flooding and Cyclone Impacts in Bangladesh. Sustainability. 2015, 7(9), 11612-11631.
[13] Chen Wang, Linjun Lu*, Jian Lu. Statistical Analysis of Bicyclists’ Injury Severity at Unsignalized Intersections. Traffic Injury Prevention. 2015, 16, 5, 507-512.
[14] Jing Chen, Linjun Lu*, Jian John Lu, Yinghao Luo. An Early-Warning System for Shipping Market Crisis Using Climate Index. Journal of Coastal Research. 2015, 73, 620-627.
[15] Linjun Lu, Chen Wang*, Ying Zhang, Wei Chen, Xinyue Du. Development of a Safety Assessment Tool for Long-Span Bridges Case Study of Sutong Bridge in China. Transportation Research Record. 2014, 2451, 1, 97-102.
Accident Analysis & Prevention, Traffic Injury Prevention, Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory等多本SCI期刊审稿人