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2016年12月毕业于上海交通大学结构工程专业,获工学博士学位。随后在上海交通大学力学流动站从事两年半的博士后研究工作。目前任职于交大土木系。 科研项目 1. 国家自然科学基金委员会,面上项目,52178147,基于模态理论的截面开孔薄壁梁有限元方法及其应用研究,2022-01至2025-12,主持; 2. 上海交通大学新进教师启动计划,AF0100112,基于GBT的几何精确有限元及在钢框架火灾分析中的应用,2020-01至2022-12,在研,主持; 3. 上海市科学技术委员会,21DZ1204601,建筑全生命周期数字化管控关键技术研究及示范-课题1,2021-08至2024-07,在研,主要参与; 4. 国家自然科学基金委员会,面上项目,52078292,大型火电厂锅炉钢结构体系协同作用与抗震性能研究,2021-01至2024-12,在研,参与; 5. 工业和信息化部,MC-201620-H01-04,深水半潜式支持平台研发-平台大型生活区人员应急与逃生技术研究-课题4,2017-01至2019-06,已结题,参与; 6. 国家自然科学基金委员会,面上项目,51278296,巨型截面短深钢梁力学性能,2013-01至2016-12,已结题,参与。 教学工作 担任研究生课程《结构稳定理论》助课; 主持本科生PRP项目。 指导本科生毕业设计。 荣誉和奖励 2021年度黄金枝土木建筑奖研金(一等奖);




查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

1. Jiang YH, Duan LP, Zhao JC (2023). “An iterative method based on a 3-DOF model for optimal seismic design of coal-fired thermal power plant," Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology, In Press. (https://doi.org/10.1115/1.4056838) (SCI) 2. Liu C, Duan LP (2023). “An analytical prediction of the distortional buckling loads for cold-formed channel beams with edge-stiffened rectangular web openings," Buildings, 13(1), 101. (https://doi.org/10.3390/buildings13010101) (SCI) 3. Duan LP, Zhao JC (2022). “An extended GBT formulation for elastoplastic analyses of perforated thin-walled members,” Thin-Walled Structures,181C:110143. (SCI-A档) 4. Ruan SP, Zhao JC, Song ZS, Duan LP (2022). “Experimental and Numerical Studies of Multi-compartment Spreading Fire in a Full-Scale Steel Framed Building,” Fire Technology, in Press. (https://doi.org/10.1007/s10694-022-01301-7) (SCI) 5. Duan LP, Zhao JC, Zou JX (2022). “Generalized beam theory-based advanced beam finite elements for linear buckling analyses of perforated thin-walled members,” Computers & Structures, 259: 106683. (SCI-A档) 6. Ruan SP, Zhao JC, Song ZS, Duan LP (2022). “Experimental investigation on the structural response of a steel framed building subjected to travelling fire,” Journal of Structural Engineering (ASCE), 148(2): 04021269. (SCI-A档) 7. Duan LP, Zhao JC (2021). “An extended first-order generalized beam theory for perforated thin-walled members,” Thin-Walled Structures, 161: 107492. (SCI-A档) 8. Duan LP, Zhao JC (2019). “A geometrically exact cross-section deformable thin-walled beam finite element based on generalized beam theory,” Computers & Structures, 218:32-59. (SCI-A档) 9. Duan LP, Zhao JC (2019). “GBT deformation modes for thin-walled cross-sections with circular rounded corners,” Thin-Walled Structures, 136:64-89. (SCI-A档) 10. Duan LP, Zhao JC (2018). “A nonlinear explicit dynamic GBT formulation for modeling impact response of thin-walled steel members,” Journal of Southeast University (English Version), 34(2):237-250. (EI) 11. Duan LP, Zhao JC, Liu S (2016). “A B-splines based nonlinear GBT formulation for elastoplastic analysis of prismatic thin-walled members,” Engineering Structures, 110(1): 325-346. (SCI-A档) 12. Duan LP, Zhao JC, Liu S, Zhang DX (2016). “A B-splines-based GBT formulation for modeling fire behavior of restrained steel beams,” Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 116:65-78. (SCI-B档) 13. Duan LP, Zhao JC (2017). “A cross-section deformable beam finite element model for fire simulations of thin-walled steel columns,” Proceedings of the International Conference of Applications of Structural Fire Engineering (ASFE 2017), September 7-8, Manchester, United Kingdom. (DOI: 10.1201/9781315107202-38) 14. 阮诗鹏, 赵金城, 宋振森, 段立平 (2021). “蔓延火灾下钢框架结构抗火性能试验,” 建筑结构学报, 43(09): 103-114. (EI)


中国钢结构协会结构稳定与疲劳分会青年理事;Thin-Walled Structures, Engineering Structures等期刊审稿人。
