2022.09-至今 上海交通大学,农业与生物学院,长聘教轨副教授
2017.09-2022.08 加州大学伯克利分校,植物与微生物学系,博士后
2015.12-2017.3 陕西师范大学,生命科学学院,博士后
2009.09-2015.7 中科院上海植物生理生态研究所,硕博连读
2005.09-2009.07 南京农业大学,本科
1. 揭示出环核苷酸门控通道CNGC18是一个花粉管质膜钙离子通道蛋白,对花粉管顶端游离钙离子浓度梯度的建立和维持必不可少,并且参与花粉管的方向控制。
2. 发现植物MLO(Mildew Locus O)基因编码一类植物独有的钙离子通道,其中一个成员AtMLO7参与花粉管诱导的胚珠助细胞钙离子浓度上升,并且受到类受体激酶和RALF小肽信号的调控。
1. 钙信号在植物雌雄配子相互作用中的功能研究
2. 植物抗逆和抗病过程中的钙信号转导
1. Gao, Q., Wang, C., Xi, Y., Shao, Q., Li, L., and Luan, S. (2022). A receptor-channel trio conducts Ca2+ signaling for pollen tube reception. Nature 607, 534-539.
2. Ma, B.*, Zhang, L.*, Gao, Q.*, Wang, J.*, Li, X., Wang, H., Liu, Y., Lin. H., Liu, J., Wang, X., Li, Q., Deng, Y., Tang, W., Luan, S. and He, Z. (2021) A plasma membrane transporter coordinates phosphate reallocation and grain filling in cereals. Nature Genetics. 53(6), 906-915. (*共同第一作者)
3. Shao, Q.*, Gao, Q. *, Lhamo, D., Zhang, H., Luan, S., (2020) Two glutamate- and pH-regulated Ca2+ channels are required for systemic wound signaling in Arabidopsis. Sci Signal 13. (*共同第一作者)
4. Tian, W., Wang, C., Gao, Q., Li, L., and Luan, S. (2020). Calcium spikes, waves and oscillations in plant development and biotic interactions. Nat Plants 6, 750-759.
5. Pan, Y.*, Chai, X.*, Gao, Q.*, Zhou, L., Zhang, S., Li, L., and Luan, S. (2019). Dynamic interactions of plant CNGC subunits and calmodulins drive oscillatory Ca2+ channel activities. Dev Cell, 1-16.(*共同第一作者)
6. Gao, Q. *, Gu, L.L. *, Wang, H.Q., Fei, C.F., Fang, X., Hussain, J., Sun, S.J., Dong, J.Y., Liu, H., and Wang, Y.F. (2016). CNGC18 is an essential Ca2+ channel in pollen tube tips for pollen tube guidance to ovules in Arabidopsis. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 15;113(11):3096-101. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1524629113. (*共同第一作者)
7. Gao, Q., Fei, C., Dong, J, Gu, L., and Wang, Y. (2014). Arabidopsis CNGC18 is a Ca2+-permeable channel. Mol Plant 7(4):739-43. doi: 10.1093/mp/sst174.