梁乐文 博士后,
2023/2- 上海交通大学,海洋学院,博士后
2019/5-2019/11 德国 马克斯普朗克海洋微生物研究所 访问学生
2018/8 以色列 本古里安大学 地球与环境科学系 访问学生
2019 上海交通大学优秀博士生海外访学资助计划
1. Liang, L., Wang, Y., Sivan, O., & Wang, F. (2019). Metal-dependent anaerobic methane oxidation in marine sediment: Insights from marine settings and other systems. Science China Life Sciences, 62(10), 1287-1295.
2. Vigderovich, H., Liang, L., Herut, B., Wang, F., Wurgaft, E., Rubin-Blum, M., & Sivan, O. (2019). Evidence for microbial iron reduction in the methanic sediments of the oligotrophic southeastern Mediterranean continental shelf. Biogeosciences, 16(16), 3165-3181.
3. Liang, L., Sun, Y., Dong, Y., Ahmad, T., Chen, Y., Wang, J., & Wang, F. (2022). Methanococcoides orientis sp. nov., a methylotrophic methanogen isolated from sediment of the East China Sea. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 72(5), 005384.
4. Yorshansky, O., Liang, L., Pellerin, A., Wang, F., Herut, B., & Sivan, O. (2022). Iron oxides impact sulfate-driven anaerobic oxidation of methane in diffusion-dominated marine sediments. Frontiers in Marine Science, 1701.
5. Ishaq, S. E., Ahmad, T., Hou, J., Liang, L., Wang, Y., & Wang, F. (2022). Draft Genome Sequences of Four Bacterial Strains Isolated from Sediment of the South China Sea. Microbiology Resource Announcements, 11(5), e00191-22.
6. Lv, Z., Ding, J., Wang, H., Wan, J., Chen, Y., Liang, L., ... & Wang, F. (2022). Isolation of a Novel Thermophilic Methanogen and the Evolutionary History of the Class Methanobacteria. Biology, 11(10), 1514.
7. Liang, L., Vigderovich, H., Sivan, O., Hou, J., Niu, M., Yorshansky, O., ... & Wang, F. (2022). Iron (oxyhydr) oxides shift the methanogenic community in deep sea methanic sediment-insights from long-term high-pressure incubations. Science of The Total Environment, 848, 157590.