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刘海龙 长聘副教授/特别研究员, 海洋学院 教育背景 Ph.D., University of Maryland-College Park, Physical Oceanography (2009) M.S., Institute of Oceanography, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Physical Oceanography (2002) B.S., Ocean University of Qingdao, Oceanography (1999) 工作经历 2015-Present, Associate Professor/Special Scientist, Shanghai Jiaotong University 2009- 2015, Postdoctoral Associate (2009-2012) / Senior Research Associate (2012-2015), RSMAS/CIMAS, University of Miami and NOAA/AOML 05/2009-08/2009, Visiting Research Scientist, Center for Ocean-Land-Atmosphere Studies, Institute of Global Environment and Society 2002-2009, Graduate Research Assistant, University of Maryland MEES Program 科研项目 as Pincipal Investigator Deep Blue Grant of Shanghai Jiao Tong University (2022-2023) Sino-German Mobility Programme (2021-2023) Grant from the Norwegian Consulate General in Shanghai (2020) Grant of National Natural Science Foundation of China (2018-2021) Open Financial Grant from Ministry of Education Key Laboratory for Earth System Modeling of Tsinghua University (2017) Open Financial Grant from Qingdao National Laboratory for Marine Science and Technology (QNLM2016ORP0101) (2017-2020) National Key Research & Development Plan Sub-Project of Ministry of Science and Technology of China (2016YFA0601804) (2016-2021) Grant of Natural Science Foundation of Shanghai (16ZR1416200) (2016-2019) University of Miami SEEDS Program (2014) as Collaborator National Science Foundation (2004-2009), NOAA-MAPP Projects (2009-2012, 2012-2015) 代表性论文专著 Submitted: Yang Y., and H. Liu*: Characteristics Analysis of Antarctic Sea Ice Rapid Decline Events. Submitted to Oceanologia et Limnologia Sinica (in Chinese). Huang C, H. Liu*, H. Li, J. Zuo, and R. Wang: Combined Effects of ENSO and PDO on Activity of Major Hurricanes in the Eastern North Pacific. Submitted to Climate Dynamics. Shi Y.,H. Liu*, and X. Wang: Responses of the Southern Ocean Mixed Layer Depth to Two-type El Niño Events during Austral Winter. Submitted to Acta Oceanologica Sinica. * Corresponding Author. A detail publication list can be found at google scholar. 教学工作 Graduate Data Analysis in Physical Oceanography Ocean Turbulence Undergraduate Fluid Mechanics Introduction of Oceanography 软件版权登记及专利 Patent: H.Liu and F. Wang: An Initialization Method and Decadal Climate Forecast System (approved in Aug 2022) 荣誉奖励 2020, International Science Council/Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research (SCOR) Visiting Scholarship 2020-2025, Associateship of the Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (Italy) 2019, Second Class Award of Team Teaching Achievement of Shanghai Jiao Tong University (4th Member) 2014, Early Career Scientist Funding for the Climate Symposium 2014 2013, Scientists and Engineers Expanding Diversity and Success (SEEDS) You Choose Leadership Award of University of Miami 2012, Peer Educators in the Ethics of Research (PEER) Fellowship of University of Miami 2008, Jacob K. Goldhaber Travel Grant of Graduate School of University of Maryland 2008, Student Travel Award of Ocean Science Meeting 2008 2001, “Peng Menggang” Fellowship of Chinese Academy of Sciences 2000, First Class Advanced Science and Technology Prize of Chinese Ministry of Education


Oceanic Mixed Layer Properties and Upper Ocean Dynamics Air-Sea/Air-Sea-Ice Interaction and Climate Variability Numerical Modeling of Ocean (Coupled) General Circulation


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

Yang Y., H. Liu*, X. Wang, 2023: Temporal and Spatial Variation Characteristics of Antarctic Sea Ice and the Causes of its Record Decline During 2015-2016: A Review. Advances in Polar Science. Ma, X., H. Liu* and X. Wang, 2022: Interannual Variability of Barrier Layer in the Tropical Atlantic and Its Relationship with the Tropical Atlantic Modes. Journal of Physical Oceanography. Gong X., H. Liu*, F. Wang, and C. Heuze, 2022: Of Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation in the CMIP6 projects. Deep Sea Research II. Huang, C., H. Liu*, X. Wang, H. Li, Z. Zhang, J. Zuo and R. Wang, 2022: PDO Modulation on the Relationship between ENSO and Typhoon Tracks. Journal of Climate. Liu, H., Z. Song*, X. Wang and V. Misra, 2022: An Ocean Perspective on CMIP6 Climate Model Evaluations. Deep Sea Research II. Zheng, S., H. Liu* and X. Wang, 2022: A Robust Mode of the Winter Oceanic Mixed Layer Depth in the North Pacific. Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans. Liu, H.*, 2021: Can Humans Control Climate? Journal of Shanghai Jiao Tong University (in Chinese), 55 Sup1. Huang, C. and H. Liu*, 2021: How will the Weather Change along with Global Warming? Journal of Shanghai Jiao Tong University (in Chinese), 55 Sup1.


AGU Honor and Recognition Committee (2020-2023) Coordinator for AGU Ocean Sciences Outstanding Student Presentation Awards (2019-Present) Editorial Service Associate Editor for Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans Editorial Board Member for Deep-Sea Research Part II (Sep2022-Present) Reviewer For Journals: Climate Dynamics, Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, Journal of Climate, Journal of Geophysical Research-Ocean, Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmosphere, Geophysical Research Letters, Journal of Physical Oceanography... For Grants: NOAA Ernest F. Hollings Undergraduate Scholarship, NSF(USA) Grant, NSFC(China) Grant...
