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教育背景 2003.09~2008.05 上海交通大学 工业工程与管理系 博士 2000.09~2003.03 合肥工业大学 机械工程系 硕士 1996.09~2000.07 合肥工业大学 机械工程系 学士 工作经历 2018.01-至今 教授 博士生导师 上海交通大学 工业工程与管理系 2012.01-2017.12 副研究员 博士生导师 上海交通大学 工业工程与管理系 2010.06-2011.12 助理研究员 上海交通大学 工业工程与管理系 2008.06-2010.05 博士后 上海交通大学 工业工程与管理系 出访及挂职经历 2006.08-2007.09 访问学者 美国密西根大学 (University of Michigan) 2016.03-2018.07 上汽通用五菱汽车股份有限公司 TDC总经理助理 科研项目 [1]2018-2021 国家自然科学基金面上项目(基金号:51775343):基于高密度点云测量数据的复杂多腔体零件制造误差建模理论与控制方法,负责人。 [2]2013-2016 国家自然科学基金面上项目(基金号:51275558):基于激光全息干涉测量的零件三维形貌制造误差建模理论和诊断方法,负责人。 [3]2010-2012 国家自然科学基金青年项目(基金号:50905114): 产品质量制造误差线性建模理论和在线控制技术,负责人。 [4]2016-2020 国家自然科学基金重点项目(基金号: 51535007):发动机缸体加工多尺度误差流建模理论与协调控制方法,主参排2。 [5]2017-2019 国家重大04专项(2017ZX04016001):轿车动力总成关键零件国产加工装备与工艺集成验证平台,子课题“国产加工装备在验证线上精度保持性验证”负责人。 [6]]2017-2019 上海市科学技术委员会“科技创新行动计划”重大项目(17DZ1101202):基于数字化工艺与柔性生产的发动机缸盖智能制造关键技术研究,子课题负责人。 [7]2015-2016 国家重点实验室基金(重点基金:MSVZD201503):发动机缸盖燃烧室容积非稳态过程监控与在线加工补偿方法与实验研究,负责人。 [8]2014-2017 国家重大04专项(2014ZX04015-021):面向制造过程的先进共性工艺技术研究与信息采集平台建设,子课题负责人。 [9]2013-2015 上海市青年科技启明星计划(A类,项目编号:13QA1402100):基于激光全息干涉测量的零件三维形貌制造误差建模理论和优化方法,负责人。 [10]2012-2014 上海航天基金(12GFZ-JJ08-011):航天阀门多工序加工过程误差流建模理论与诊断方法,负责人。 [11]2012-2014 国家科技支撑计划(2012BAF06B03): 汽车发动机制造精度控制的两微米工程,子课题负责人。 [12]2010-2016 上海交大-上汽通用五菱校企合作项目: 发动机精密制造“两微米工程”(一期,二期),子课题负责人。 [13]2010-2012 机械系统与振动国家重点实验室开放基金(基金号:MSV-2010-13):串并联混合式制造过程非线性制造误差显式建模方法和在线控制技术,负责人。 [14]2008-2010 中国博士后特别资助基金(基金号:201003270):复杂多元相关制造过程监控与诊断方法研究,负责人。 [15]2008-2010 第44批中国博士后基金(一等资助)(基金号:20080440087):多工序制造过程非线形制造误差分析与建模,负责人。 教学工作 [1]《基础工业工程》,本科生,48学时,3学分 [2]《先进制造技术》,本科生,34学时,2学分 软件版权登记及专利 软件: (1)杜世昌,多工序加工系统制造误差预测、诊断、控制及系统可靠性分析系统(2010SR015787) (2)杜世昌,阀体类产品工艺数据库及检测数据集成处理与分析软件(2010SR015615) (3)杜世昌,航天阀门加工质量监控与异常诊断软件(2013SR024601) (4)杜世昌,基于kriging方法的平面度误差分析软件(2013SR039448) (5)杜世昌,多源制造误差监测与质量异常溯源软件(2017SR172200) (6)杜世昌,发动机缸盖加工过程监控与异常溯源软件(2019SR0528773) 专利: (1)零件表面形貌三维高密度点云数据转化为灰度图像的方法,专利号 ZL 2012 1 0046615.9,发明人:杜世昌、王猛、奚立峰 (2)三坐标测量机测量平面度的样本点优化选取方法,专利号 ZL 201310221048,发明人:肯特、杜世昌、王猛、奚立峰 (3)基于贝叶斯方法的航天阀门零件加工过程故障诊断方法,专利号 ZL 201410443481.3, 发明人:杜世昌,陈雨桐,黄德林 (4)直列发动机缸盖燃烧室在线补偿加工的方法,专利号ZL 201510564339.9,发明人:杜世昌,黄德林,吴卓琦,王猛,金隼 (5)基于染色体原理的配合面泄漏区域测量系统,专利号:ZL 2018 2 2063494.4,发明人:殷亚祥,邵益平,杜世昌,奚立峰 (6)一种基于直列发动机缸体的装夹优化方法及系统,发明人:杜世昌,李贵龙 (7)一种基于动态啮合齿数分析的发动机缸体顶面铣削颤振预测方法,发明人:杜世昌,李贵龙 (8)一种两刚性表面接触过程分析的方法,发明人:殷亚祥,杜世昌,邵益平,奚立峰 (9)具有空间相关性的圆柱形状误差的监控方法,发明人:杜世昌,赵晨,邓亚飞,李贵龙 (10) 基于高清晰测量的面铣削表面刀纹分割方法,发明人:殷亚祥,杜世昌,王坤,奚立峰 荣誉奖励 2018 上海交通大学机械与动力工程学院年度考核“优秀” 2017 上海交通大学晨星青年学者奖励(A类) 2016 上海交通大学聘期考核“优秀”(2014-2016) 2016 上海交通大学优秀共产党员 2016 上海交通大学机械与动力工程学院年度考核“优秀” 2016 指导本科生获得上海市高校工业工程优化改善设计大赛一等奖 2015 上海交通大学机械与动力工程学院年度考核“优秀” 2013 上海交通大学聘期考核“优秀”(2011-2013) 2013 上海市青年科技启明星 2012 上海市科技进步一等奖(排8) 2012 上海交通大学机械与动力工程学院年度考核“优秀” 2012 上海交通大学晨星青年学者奖励(B类) 2012 指导研究生获得中国质量协会质量创新会议优秀论文二等奖 2010 上海交通大学新进优秀青年教师一等奖 2010 第二届中国工业工程案例大赛三等奖 2010 上海交通大学晨星青年学者奖励(C类) 2010 上海交通大学博士后考核“优秀” 2009 上海交通大学博士后考核“优秀”


复杂制造过程(发动机关键零部件、航天阀门等)产品质量建模与控制,主要包括: (1)多工序制造误差建模与控制 1)误差流建模方法(状态空间模型与马尔科夫模型) 2)质量改进方法:质量瓶颈识别、单调性分析、产品序列分析等 (2)统计质量控制 1)控制图设计 2)控制图模式识别 3)失控源识别 (3)基于高清测量的零件表面误差建模与控制 1)滤波方法 2)基于空间统计学的表面形貌建模 3)形貌误差评价方法 4)误差源诊断


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英文专著: [1] Shichang Du and Lifeng Xi, High Definition Metrology Based Surface Quality Control and Applications. Springer (ISBN: 978-981-15-0278-1), 2019. 英文期刊: (*) 通信作者 [1] Chen Zhao, Shichang Du (*), Yafei Deng, Guilong Li and Delin Huang, Circular and cylindrical profile monitoring considering spatial correlations, Journal of Manufacturing Systems. 2020, 54: 35-49. [2] Kun Wang, Shichang Du (*), and Lifeng Xi. Three-dimensional Tolerance Analysis Modelling of Variation Propagation in Multi-stage Machining Processes for General Shape Workpieces, International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing, 2020, 21 (1): pp 31–44 [3] Guilong Li, Shichang Du (*), Delin Huang, Chen Zhao, Yafei Deng, Dynamics Modeling-Based Optimization of Process Parameters in Face Milling of Workpieces with Discontinuous Surfaces, ASME Transaction on Manufacturing Science and Engineering. 2019. 141: 101009-1-15. [4] Yiping Shao, Yaxiang Yin, Shichang Du (*), Lifeng Xi, A Surface Connectivity Based Approach for Leakage Channel Prediction in Static Sealing Interface, ASME Transaction on Journal of Tribology, 2019, 141: 062201-1-11. [5] Guilong Li, and Shichang Du (*) . Elastic mechanics-based fixturing scheme optimization of variable stiffness structure workpieces for surface quality improvement, Precision Engineering, 2019, 56: 343-363. [6] Lan Fei, Jean-Yves Dantan, Cyrille Baudouin, and Shichang Du. Calibration and uncertainty estimation of non-contact coordinate measurement systems based on Kriging models. Precision Engineering, 2019, 57: 16-29. [7] Guojin Si, Tangbin Xia, Ying Zhu, Shichang Du, and LIfeng Xi. Triple-level opportunistic maintenance policy for leasehold service network of multi-location production lines. Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 2019, 190: 106519 [8] Shichang Du (*) , Rui Xu and Lin Li. Modeling and Analysis of Multiproduct Multistage Manufacturing System for Quality Improvement. IEEE Transaction on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: systems. 2018, 48(5): 801-820. [9] Yiping Shao, Yaxiang Yin, Shichang Du (*), Tangbin Xia, Lifeng Xi, Leakage Monitoring in Static Sealing Interface Based on Three Dimensional Surface Topography Indicator. ASME Transaction on Manufacturing Science and Engineering. 2018. 140(10), 101003 [10] Delin Huang, Shichang Du (*) , Guilong Li, Chen Zhao, and Yafei Deng. Detection and monitoring of defects on three-dimensional curved surfaces based on high-density point cloud data. Precision Engineering. 2018, 53: 79-95. [11] Shichang Du (*) , Tao Liu, Delin Huang, and Guilong Li. A fast and adaptive bi-dimensional empirical mode decomposition approach for filtering of workpiece surfaces using high definition metrology. Journal of Manufacturing Systems. 2018. 46, pp. 247-263 [12] Shihong Liu, Shichang Du (*) , and Lifeng Xi. Transient analysis of quality performance in two-stage manufacturing systems with remote quality information feedback. Computers & Industrial Engineering. 2018, 117, 262-281. [13] Tangbin Xia, Lifeng Xi, Shichang Du, Lei Xiao and Ersun Pan, Energy-oriented maintenance decision-making for sustainable manufacturing based on energy saving window. ASME Transaction on Manufacturing Science and Engineering. 2018. 140, 051001-1-12. [14] Tangbin Xia, Yifan Dong, Lei Xiao, Shichang Du, Ershun Pan, Lifeng Xi. Recent advances in prognostics and health management for advanced manufacturing paradigms. Reliability Engineering & System Safety. 2018. 178, 255-268. [15] Yiping Shao, Kun Wang, Shichang Du (*), Lifeng Xi,High definition metrology enabled three dimensional discontinuous surface filtering by extended tetrolet transform. Journal of Manufacturing Systems. 2018. 49: 75-92. [16] Shichang Du (*) ,Tao Liu, Delin Huang and Guilong Li. An Optimal Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition Method for Vibration Signal Decomposition. ASME Transaction on Journal of Vibration and Acoustics.2017.139,031003-1-18 [17] Delin Huang, Shichang Du (*) , Guilong Li, and Zhuoqi Wu. A systematic approach for on-line minimizing volume difference of multiple chambers in machining processes based on high definition metrology. ASME Transaction on Manufacturing Science and Engineering. 2017. 139(8): 081003-1-17 [18] Shichang Du (*) and Lan Fei. Co-Kriging method for form error estimation incorporating condition variable measurements. ASME Transaction on Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering.2016.138,041003-1-16. [19] Shichang Du (*) and Rui Zhang.Modelling and Joint Monitoring of Input and Output of Systems with Arbitrary Order Autoregressive Disturbance. International Journal of Production Research. 2016, 54(6), 1822-1838. [20] Shichang Du (*) , Changping Liu, and Lifeng Xi. A selective multiclass support vector machine ensemble classifier for engineering surface classification using high definition metrology. ASME Transaction on Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering. 2015, 137, 011003-1-15. [21] Shichang Du (*) , Deling Huang, and Hui Wang. An adaptive support vector machine-based workpiece surface classification system using high definition metrology. IEEE Transaction on Instrumentation and Measurement. 2015, 64(10): 2590-2604. [22] Shichang Du (*) , Xufeng Yao and Delin Huang. Engineering Model-Based Bayesian Monitoring of Ramp-up Phase of Multistage Manufacturing Process.International Journal of Production Research. 2015, 53(15): 4594-4613. [23] Shichang Du (*) , Xufeng Yao, Delin Huang and Meng Wang. Three-dimensional variation propagation modeling for multistage turning process of rotary workpieces. Computers & Industrial Engineering.2015,82,41-53. [24] Shichang Du (*) , Changping Liu, Delin Huang. A Shearlet-Based Separation Method of 3D Engineering Surface Using High Definition Metrology. Precision Engineering, 2015,40:55-73. [25] Shichang Du (*) ,Rui Xu,Delin Huang,and Xufeng Yao.Markov Modeling and Analysis of Multi-stage Manufacturing Systems with Remote Quality Information Feedback. Computers & Industrial Engineering. 2015,88:13-25. [26] Meng Wang, Te Ken, Shichang Du, Lifeng Xi.Tool Wear Monitoring of Wiper Inserts in Multi-insert Face Milling Using 3D Surface Form Indicators. ASME Transaction on Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering. 2015 137(3):031006-1-7. [27] Meng Wang, Yiping Shao, Shichang Du and Lifeng Xi. A diffusion filter for discontinuous surface measured by high definition metrology. International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing. 2015, 16(10): 2057-2062. [28] Meng Wang, Lifeng Xi, Shichang Du, 3D surface form error evaluation using high definition metrology Precision Engineering, 2014,38:230– 236 [29] Shichang Du (*) , Jun Lv. Minimal Euclidean distance chart based on support vector regression for monitoring mean shifts of auto-correlated processes,International Journal of Production Economics, 2013, 141, pp.377-387. [30] Shichang Du (*) , Delin Huang, Jun Lv, Recognition of concurrent control chart patterns using wavelet transform decomposition and multiclass support vector machines, Computers & Industrial Engineering, 2013,66,pp.683-695 [31] Beixin Xia, Lifeng Xi, Binhai Zhou, Shichang Du. An efficient analytical method for performance evaluation of transfer lines with unreliable machines and finite transfer-delay buffers, International Journal of Production Research. 2013, 51:6, pp.1799-1819. [32] Shichang Du (*) , Jun Lv, Lifeng Xi. On-line classifying process mean shifts in multivariate control charts based on multiclass support vector machines, International Journal of Production Research. 2012,50,6288-6310. [33] Shichang Du (*) , Lifeng Xi. A robust approach for root causes identification in machining processes using hybrid learning algorithm and engineering knowledge. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing. 2012,23,1833-1847 [34] Shichang Du (*) , Jun Lv, Lifeng Xi. Degradation process prediction for rotational machinery based on hybrid intelligent model. Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacturing. 2012, 28, pp.190-207. [35] Tangbin Xia, Lifeng Xi, Xiaojun Zhou, Shichang Du, Modeling and Optimizing Maintenance Schedule for Energy Systems Subjectto Degradation, Computers & Industrial Engineering, 2012, 63, pp.607-614 [36] Shichang Du (*) , Lifeng Xi. Fault diagnosis in assembly processes based on engineering-driven rules and PSOSAEN algorithm. Computers & Industrial Engineering,2011,60, pp.77-88. [37] Shichang Du (*) , Lifeng Xi, Jiwen Sun, and Ershun Pan. Modeling and controlling of critical dimension in semiconductor manufacturing. International Journal of Materials and Structural Integrity, 2010, 4(1), 35-58. [38] Shichang Du (*) , Lifeng Xi. An integrated system for on-line intelligent monitoring and identifying process variability and its application, International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing,2010,23(6),29-542. [39] Shichang Du (*) , Lifeng Xi. On-line intelligent monitoring and diagnosis of aircraft horizontal stabilizer assemble processes. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2010, 50(1-4), 377-389. [40]Jiwen Sun, Lifeng Xi, Shichang Du, Ershun Pan, “Tool maintenance optimization for multi-station machining systems with economic consideration of quality loss and obsolescence”, Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 2010(26), pp.145-155 [41]Shichang Du (*) , Lifeng Xi, Improve product quality through causality analysis in product engineering, International Journal of Materials and Structural Integrity, 2009, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 11-34. [42] Shichang Du (*) , Lifeng Xi, Ershun Pan, and C. Richard Liu. Design of measurement system for quality improvement in Multi-stage Manufacturing Systems, International Journal of Radio Frequency Identification Technology and Applications. 2009, Vol. 2, No. 3-4, pp.165-182 [43]Jiwen Sun, Lifeng Xi, Ershun Pan, Shichang Du, Bo Ju, Integration of Product Quality and Tool Degradation for Reliability Modeling and Analysis of Multi-station Manufacturing Systems, International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 2009(03), Vol.22, No.3, pp.267-279 [44] Jiwen Sun, Lifeng Xi, Ershun Pan, Shichang Du,Design for diagnosability of multistation manufacturing systems based on sensor allocation optimization, Computers in Industry, 2009(60), pp.501-509 [45] Shichang Du (*) , Lifeng Xi, Ershun Pa,Product Lifecycle-Oriented Quality and Productivity Improvement Based on Stream of Variation Methodology. Computers in Industry, 2008, Vol. 59, No. 2-3, pp. 180-192. [46] Shichang Du (*) , Lifeng Xi, Ershun Pan. Analysis of product quality with consideration of influence of manufacturing errors in discrete-part machining systems, International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology, 2008, Vol. 33, No. 1, pp. 3-11. [47] Jiwen Sun, Lifeng Xi, Shichang Du, Bo Ju, Reliability Modeling and Analysis of Serial-parallel Hybrid Multi-operational Manufacturing System Considering Dimensional Quality, Tool Degradation and System Configuration, International Journal of Production Economics, 2008, 114, pp.149-164 [48] Shichang Du (*) , Lifeng Xi, Ershun Pan, Diagnosability Study for Quality Improvement based on Distributed Sensing and Information Technology. International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology, 2007, Vol. 28, No.2/3, pp. 117-127 [49] Lifeng Xi, Shichang Du, State Space Modeling of Dimensional Machining Errors of Serial-Parallel Hybrid Multi-Stage Machining System, Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2007, Vol.20, No.5, pp.64-67 [50] Shichang Du (*) , Lifeng Xi, Ershun Pan, and C. Richard Liu. Modeling and Control of Dimensional Quality of A Serial Multi-station Machining System, International Journal of Reliability, Quality and Safety Engineering, 2006, Vol. 13, No. 5, pp. 399-420. [51] Shichang Du (*) , Lifeng Xi. Distributed sensor system for fault detection and isolation in multistage manufacturing systems, International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology, 2006, Vol. 25, No.4, pp. 182-191 会议论文: [1] Guilong Li, Shichang Du (*), Delin Huang, Chen Zhao and Yafei Deng. Chatter Prediction for Face Milling Process of Workpieces with Variable Stiffness. ASME International Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference, MSEC2019-3061, June 10-15, 2019, Erie, Pennsylvania, the United States. [2] Yafei Deng, Shichang Du (*), Chen Zhao. Prognostic Study of CNC Machine Component Using a Systematic Method. IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, IEEM2019, 15-18 December, Macau [3] Chen Zhao, Shichang Du (*), and Yafei Deng. Geometric error modeling and monitoring of the 3D surface by Gaussian correlation model. IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, IEEM2019, 15-18 December, Macau [4] Ziwei Lin, Andrea Matta, and Shichang Du. A New Partition-Based Random Search Method for Deterministic Optimization Problems. Winter Simulation Conference, WSC2019, Dec08-11, 2019, National Harbor, USA. [5] Cunwu Sun, Meimei Zheng, Shichang Du, Kan Wu, Hao Zhou, Tangbin Xia, Jie Lin. Ordering Problem with Known Capacity in Smart Factory. 2019 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Cyber Physical Systems (ICPS 2019). May 6-9, 2019 in Taipei, Taiwan, China. [6] Delin Huang and Shichang Du (*). A novel two-stage method of selection of sample points for surface quality estimation of multi-hole workpiece. Proceedings of the IEEE 2018 International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, IEEM2018-P-0151, December 16-19, 2018, Bangkok, Thailand. [7] Ziwei Lin, Shichang Du, Andrea Matta. Initial sampling using multi-fidelity information in simulation optimization of manufacturing systems. Proceedings of the 2018 Winter Simulation Conference. Gothenburg, Sweden. [8] Yiping Shao, Shichang Du (*) , and Lifeng Xi. 3D machined surface topography forecasting with space-time multioutput support vector regression using high definition metrology. Proceedings of the ASME 2017 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, DETC2017-67155, August 6-9, 2017, Cleveland, Ohio, USA [9] Kun Wang, Yaxiang Yin, Shichang Du (*) , Lifeng Xi, Tangbin Xia. State Space Modeling of Multi-scale Variation Propagation in Machining Process Using Matrix Model, IEEM 2017 Singapore [10] Meng Wang, Shichang Du (*) , Lifeng Xi. Predicting machined surface topography based on high definition metrology. 15th IFAC Symposium on Information Control Problems in Manufacturing INCOM 2015:1013-1017. 中文期刊: [1] 宋婷婷,赵子任,杜世昌,任斐, 梁鑫光. 基于马尔科夫模型的关联多工序装配系统装配质量分析。上海交通大学学报,2018, 52(3), 324-331. [2] 王恒,杜世昌,奚立峰,任斐,梁鑫光.基于改进多元经验模态分解的多通道振动信号融合分析。机械设计与研究,2018, 34(2), 31-41. [3] 赵子任,杜世昌,黄德林,任斐, 梁鑫光. 多工序制造系统暂态阶段产品质量马尔科夫建模与瓶颈分析。上海交通大学学报,2017, 51(10), 1166-1173. [4] 李贵龙,杜世昌. 发动机缸体多工序加工变形误差传递的建模与分析。上海交通大学学报,2017, 51(4), 385-392. [5] 宋轲,杜世昌,奚立峰,任斐,梁鑫光. 基于集合经验模态分解和模糊集的异质信号融合方法研究。机械设计与研究,2017, 33(6), 15-20. [6] 刘涛,杜世昌,黄德林,任斐,梁鑫光.基于改进的集合经验模态方法振动信号分解。上海交通大学学报,2016(9):1452-1459 [7] 徐锐,杜世昌,任斐,梁鑫光,刘维红,基于马尔科夫模型的关联多工序系统加工质量分析。上海交通大学学报,2015,49(5), 669-674. [8] 张锐,杜世昌,奚立峰,任斐,梁鑫光,刘维红。面向自相关过程的改进ARMAST控制图与Grubbs调和规则的集成。计算机集成制造系统,2015,21(1), 151-159. [9]绍益平,王猛,杜世昌,奚立峰,杨嘉。基于高清晰测量的多孔洞表面三维形貌分析,上海交通大学学报,2015,49(9),1339-1345. [10] 姚旭峰,杜世昌,王猛,奚立峰。航天阀门多工序加工过程误差传递分析与建模。工业工程与管理,2014,19(1), 113-121. [11] 费兰,杜世昌,面向零件平面度误差估计的空间泛克里金插值建模。机械工程学报,2014,50(15), 127-135. [12] 张锐,杜世昌,奚立峰,AR(p)扰动下最小均方误差受控过程的联合监控。上海交通大学学报,2014,48(12), 1739-1744+1750. [13] 刘长平,杜世昌,奚立峰. 基于剪切波的三维零件表面滤波方法. 机械设计与研究, 2014, 30(6), 70-76 [14] 杜世昌,王猛,奚立峰,多工序加工系统产品尺寸误差传递建模。机械工程学报,2011,47(16),143-149. [15] 孙继文,奚立峰,潘尔顺,杜世昌,面向产品尺寸质量的制造系统可靠性建模与分析。上海交通大学学报,2008,42(7), 1100-1104. [16] 孙继文,奚立峰,潘尔顺,杜世昌,基于敏感度分析的制造系统工位设计布置评价。机械工程学报,2008,44(10), 38-43. [17] 孙继文,奚立峰,杜世昌,面向多工位制造系统可诊断性的传感器布置优化。计算机集成制造系统,2007,13(12), 2441-2445. [18] 杜世昌,奚立峰,潘尔顺,串并联混合式多阶段制造系统产品质量建模与控制。计算机集成制造系统,2006,12(7), 1068-1073. [19] 杜世昌,奚立峰,潘尔顺,多阶段制造系统中尺寸偏差建模与控制。上海交通大学学报,2006,40(4), 583-587. 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(1)国际期刊 Computers & Industrial Engineering(影响因子:3.195, Elsevier)区域编委(Area Editor, 2017.1-2020.12)https://www.journals.elsevier.com/computers-and-industrial-engineering/editorial-board (2)国际期刊 Flexible Services and Manufacturing journal(影响因子:1.857, Springer)副编辑(Associate Editor)http://www.springer.com/engineering/production+engineering/journal/10696/PSE?detailsPage=editorialBoard (3) The program committee member of IEEM 2019. (4)审稿人 [1] IIE Transaction [2] IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics [3] IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering [4] IEEE Transactions on Biomedical and Health Informatics [5] IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering [6] IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics [7] IEEE Transactions on RA-L [8] International Journal of Production Research [9] Computer and Industrial Engineering [10] Precision Engineering [11] Computers in industry [12] Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing [13] Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation (4)国家自然科学基金通讯评审专家(2010-至今)
