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2005年北京师范大学生命科学学院获学士学位,并在中国科学院动物研究所干细胞与生殖生物学国家重点实验室获博士学位,毕业后留所担任助理研究员,2016年担任副研究员,代理胚胎生物学组组长。2019年至2020年在美国加州理工大学英国科学院院士Magdalena Zernicka-Goetz实验室访问学习。2021年加入北京师范大学生命科学学院。 多年来主要从事小RNA及RNA修饰介导的妊娠建立和表观遗传相关研究。以第一作者/共同第一作者/通讯作者的身份在Nature Cell Biology(2021及2018), Nature Reviews Endocrinology(2020), Cell Research, Trends in Molecular Medicine, Molecular Aspects of Medicine, Development, Journal of Molecular Cell Biology, Journal of Biological Chemistry, Biology of Reproduction等期刊发布论文22篇,参与工作发表在Science等重要杂志上;研究论文被Cell Press报道,入选F1000推送,并作为Cover Story受到Trends in Molecular Medicine和Journal of Molecular Cell Biology的编辑推荐。受邀为EMBO Reports, Journal of Biology Chemistry, Molecular Human Reproduction, Reproduction, Fertility & Sterility, Biology of Reproduction等领域内主流期刊多次审稿。 主持国家科技部重点研发计划子课题两项、科技部973子项目课题一项、基金委面上项目两项和青年项目一项,入选中国科学院青年促进会并获人才项目支撑。受邀在美国佐治亚大学 (The University of Georgia) 医学院、以色列特拉维夫大学等学校及Nature Conference等国际会议上做报告。获中国生理学会生殖科学专业委员会2015年青年科技奖,2016年和2019年分别获全国妇幼健康科学技术(自然科学)一等奖,2011年全国人口和计划生育优秀科技成果一等奖。


机体如何响应环境暴露,并如何将环境暴露信息传递到子代,影响子代健康 妊娠建立中小RNA及RNA修饰的变化及对妊娠结局的影响 非编码小RNA及RNA修饰在相关疾病检测及治疗中的作用


查看导师最新文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

研究性论文(Research article) Qu Y, Zhang J, Guo S, Zhang L, Qian J, Zhu X, Duan E, Zhang Y. Three-Dimensional Visualization of Mouse Endometrial Remodeling After Superovulation. Frontiers in Cell and Development Biology, 2022, Jun 29;10:933852 (IF=6.684) Zhang L, Li Y, Wang J, Hong C, Lu W, Qu Y, Black S, Chen Q, Zhou Z, Jin W, Duan E, Tang H, Zhang Y. RNA Modification Signature of Peripheral Blood as a Potential Diagnostic Marker for Pulmonary Hypertension. Hypertension. 2022 Mar;79(3):e67-e69. (IF=10.190) Junchao Shi*, Yunfang Zhang*, Dongmei Tan*, Xudong Zhang*, Menghong Yan*, Ying Zhang*, Reuben Franklin*, Marta Shahbazi, Kirsty Mackinlay, Reuben Franklin, Shichao Liu, Bernhard Kuhle, Emma R. James, Liwen Zhang, Yongchun Qu, Qiwei Zhai, Wenxin Zhao, Linlin Zhao, Changcheng Zhou, Weifeng Gu, Jernej Murn, Jingtao Guo, Douglas T. Carrell, Yinsheng Wang, Xuemei Chen, Bradley R.Cairns, Xiang-lei Yang, Paul Schimmel, Sihem Cheloufi, Magdalena Zernicka-Goetz, Sihem Cheloufi#, Ying Zhang#, Tong Zhou#, Qi Chen#. PANDORA-seq expands the repertoire of regulatory small RNAs by overcoming RNA modifications.Nature Cell Biology. 2021, Apr;23(4):424-436 (IF=28.824) Yongcun Qu*, Qi Chen*, Shanshan Guo*, Chiyuan Ma, Yonggang Lu, Junchao Shi, Shichao Liu, Tong Zhou, Taichi Noda, Jingjing Qian, Liwen Zhang, Xili Zhu, Xiaohua Lei, Yujing Cao, Wei Li, Wei Li, Nicolas Plachta, Martin M. Matzuk, Masahito Ikawa, Enkui Duan#, Ying Zhang#, Hongmei Wang#. Cooperation-based sperm clusters mediate sperm oviduct entry and fertilization. Protein & Cell. 2021, In Press. (IF=14,87) Lei X#, Cao Y, Ma B, Zhang Y, Ning L, Qian J, Zhang L, Qu Y, Zhang T, Li D, Chen Q, Shi J, Zhang X, Ma C, Zhang Y#, Duan E#. Development of mouse preimplantation embryos in space. National Science Review. 2020 doi.org/10.1093/nsr/nwaa062 (IF=17.275) hang Y, Qian J, Oren Z, Mustafa B, Ariel J.J, Dan G, Duan E, David E#. Analysis of in vivo uterine peristalsis in the non-pregnant female mouse. Interface Focus. 2019 Aug 6;9(4):20180082. (IF=3.906) Qian J, Zhang Y, Qu Y, Zhang L, Shi J, Zhang X, Liu S, Kim BH, Hwang SJ, Zhou T, Chen Q, Ward SM, Duan E#, Zhang Y#. Caffeine consumption during early pregnancy impairs oviductal embryo transport, embryonic development and uterine receptivity in mice. Biology of Reproduction 2018; Dec 1;99(6):1266-1275 (IF=4.285) Zhang Y*, Zhang X*, Shi J*, Tuorto F*, Li X*, Liu Y, Liebers R, Zhang L, Qu Y, Qian J, Pahima M, Liu Y, Yan M, Cao z, Cao Y, Peng H, Liu S, Wang Y, Zheng H, Woolsey R, Zhai Q, Li L, Zhou T, Yan W, Lyko F, Zhang Y#, Zhou Q#, Duan E#, Chen Q#. Dnmt2 mediates intergenerational transmission of paternally acquired metabolic disorders through sperm small non-coding RNAs. Nature Cell Biology 2018; 20:535-540. (获Nature Reviews Endocrinology专题点评) (IF=28.824) Zhang Y*, Chen Q*, Zhang H*, Wang Q*, Li R, Jin Y, Wang H, Ma T#, Qiao J#, Duan E#. Aquaporin-dependent excessive intrauterine fluid accumulation is a major contributor in hyper-estrogen induced aberrant embryo implantation. Cell Research. 2015Jan;25(1):139-42. (SMPC新闻采访/报道) (IF= 25.617) Zhang Y*, Zhang Y*, Shi J*, Zhang H, Cao Z, Gao X, Ren W, Ning Y, Ning L, Cao Y, Chen Y, Ji W, Chen ZJ#, Chen Q#, Duan E#. Identification and characterization of an ancient class of small RNAs enriched in serum associating with active infection. Journal of Molecular Cell Biology, 2014, 6 (2): 172-174. (封面故事 & 编辑推荐) (IF= 6.216) Lu S*, Peng H*, Zhang H*, Zhang L, Cao Q, Li R, Zhang Y#, Yan L#, Duan E, Qiao J. Excessive intrauterine fluid cause aberrant implantation and pregnancy outcome in mice. PLoS One, 2013 Oct 23;8(10):e78446. (IF= 3.240) Zhang H*, Zhang Y*, Zho H, Zhang Y, Chen Q, Peng H, Lei L, Qiao J, Shi J, Cao Z, Duan E#, Jin Y#. Hormonal regulation of ovarian bursa fluid in mice and involvement of aquaporins. PLoS One, 2013 May 22; 8(5): e63823. (IF= 3.240) Chen Q*, Zhang Y*, Peng H, Lei L, Kuang H, Zhang L, Ning L, Cao Y, Duan E. Transient {beta}2-adrenoceptor activation confers pregnancy loss by disrupting embryo spacing at implantation. Journal of Biological Chemistry 2011, 286: 4349-4356. (IF= 5.157) Peng H*, Zhang Y*, Lei L*, Chen Q, Yue J, Tan Y, Duan E. Aquaporin 7 expression in postimplantation mouse uteri: a potential role for glycerol transport in uterine decidualization. Fertility and Sterility 2011 95: 1514-1517. (IF= 7.329) 综述(Reviews) Qian J, Chen Q, Sean M. Ward, Duan E#, Zhang Y#. Impacts of caffeine during pregnancy. Trends in Endocrinology & Metabolism. 2020 Mar;31(3):218-227. (封面故事) (IF=12.015) Zhang Y, Chen Q#. The expanding repertoire of hereditary information carriers. Development. 2019 Mar 15;146(6). pii: dev170902(IF=6.868) Zhang Y*, Wang Q*, Wang H, Duan E. Uterine Fluid in Pregnancy: A Biological and Clinical Outlook.Trends in Molecular Medicine.2017 Jul;23(7):604-614. (封面故事 & Cell Press点评 &入选F1000) (IF=11.951) Chen Q*, Zhang Y*, Elad D, Jaffa AJ, Cao Y, Ye X, Duan E. Navigating the site for embryo implantation: biomechanical and molecular regulation of intrauterine embryo distribution. Molecular Aspects of Medicine, 2013, Oct;34(5):1024-42. (IF= 14.235) 观点(Comments) Zhang Y#, Chen Q#. Human sperm RNA code senses dietary sugar. Nature Reviews Endocrinology. 2020 Apr;16(4):200-201. (IF=43.330) Zhang Y,Duan E#. LncRNAs and paraspeckles predict cell fate in early mouse embryo. Biology of Reproduction. 2019 May 1;100(5):1129-1131. (IF=4.285)
