2010年获得北京师范大学心理学博士学位,博士论文导师为林崇德教授、Elizabeth F. Loftus院士和陈传升教授。2004-2008年在北京师范大学发展心理研究所硕博连读,在导师林崇德教授指导下,进行儿童认知发展研究,参与董奇教授负责的北师大基因-脑-行为项目。2008-2010年在美国加州大学尔湾分校博士联合培养,在心理系Loftus院士、陈传升教授和生物化学系Robert Moyzis指导下,进行人类错误记忆和认知神经遗传研究
2010年起在北京师范大学工作,历任讲师(2010-2014)、副教授(2014-2019)、教授(2019-至今),博士生导师。自2010年在北师大工作至今,主持有关人类学习记忆发展及其神经遗传机制的科研项目7项(国家自然科学基金面上项目2项、国自然青年、教育部博士点等),参加重大重点科研项目6项(国家科技部973计划、国自然重点等);发表SCI/SSCI学术论文30余篇(其中以第一和通讯作者发表在Nature Communications、PNAS等学术刊物上的实验研究论文20余篇);获国家万人计划青年拔尖人才、北师大优秀新生导师等称号;担任研究生学位专业课《认知发展与发展认知神经科学》、参与本科生课程《青少年心理发展与个人成长》、《走进心理学》等教学工作;承担人民教育出版社出版的《儿童心理学》教材第6版修订工作
Xuhao Shao, Ao Li, Chuansheng Chen, Elizabeth F. Loftus,Bi Zhu.* (2023). Cross-stage neural pattern similarity in the hippocampus predicts false memory derived from post-event inaccurate information. Nature Communications, 14(1), 2299.
Xuhao Shao, Chuansheng Chen, Elizabeth F. Loftus, Gui Xue, Bi Zhu.* (2022). Dynamic changes in neural representations underlie the repetition effect on false memory. NeuroImage, 259, 119442.
Xuhao Shao, Wenzhi Liu, Ying Guo, Bi Zhu.* (2022). Age effects on neural discriminability and monitoring process during memory retrieval for auditory words. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, 14.
Xixi Dang, Bi Zhu*, Chuansheng Chen, Xin Li (2020). Age differences in false memories for visual scenes and the effect of prior recall. Journal of Pacific Rim Psychology, 14.
Bi Zhu, Chuansheng Chen, Xuhao Shao, Wenzhi Liu, Zhifang Ye, Liping Zhuang, Li Zheng, Elizabeth F. Loftus, and Gui Xue. (2019). Multiple interactive memory representations underlie the induction of false memory. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 116 (9), 3466-3475.
林崇德、朱皕 (2019). "新时代中国儿童心理发展教材建设——《儿童心理学》第六版人民教育出版社最新出版." 心理发展与教育, 35(2): 254-254.
Bi Zhu, Chuansheng Chen, Elizabeth F. Loftus, Qi Dong, Chongde Lin, and Jun Li. (2018). Intellectual factors in false memories of patients with schizophrenia. Psychiatry Research, 265, 256-262.
Bi Zhu, Chuansheng Chen, Robert K. Moyzis, Qi Dong, and Chongde Lin. (2018). The choline acetyltransferase (CHAT) gene is associated with parahippocampal and hippocampal structure and short-term memory span. Neuroscience, 369, 261-268.
Bi Zhu, Chuansheng Chen, Xixi Dang, Qi Dong, and Chongde Lin. (2017). Hippocampal subfields’ volumes are more relevant to fluid intelligence than working memory. Intelligence, 61,169-175.
Bi Zhu, Chuansheng Chen, Gui Xue, Xuemei Lei, Yunxin Wang, Jin Li, Robert K. Moyzis, Jun Li, Qi Dong, and Chongde Lin. (2017). Associations between the CNTNAP2 gene, dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, and cognitive performance on the Stroop task. Neuroscience, 343C, 21-29.
Bi Zhu, Chuansheng Chen, Elizabeth F. Loftus, Qinghua He, Xuemei Lei, Qi Dong, and Chongde Lin. (2016). Hippocampal size is related to short-term true and false memory, and right fusiform size is related to long-term true and false memory. Brain Structure & Function, 221, 4045-4057.
Zhifang Ye, Bi Zhu, Liping Zhuang, Zhong-lin Lu, Chuansheng Chen, and Gui Xue. (2016). Neural global pattern similarity underlies true and false memories. Journal of Neuroscience, 36, 6792-6802.
Bi Zhu, Chuansheng Chen, Robert K. Moyzis, Qi Dong, and Chongde Lin. (2015). Educational attainment-related loci identified by GWAS are associated with select personality traits and mathematical and language abilities. Personality and Individual Differences, 72, 96-100.
Bi Zhu, Chuansheng Chen, Gui Xue, Xuemei Lei, Jin Li, Robert K. Moyzis, Qi Dong, and Chongde Lin. (2014). The GABRB1 gene is associated with thalamus volume and modulates the association between thalamus volume and intelligence. NeuroImage, 102, 756-763.
Bi Zhu, Chuansheng Chen, Gui Xue, Robert K. Moyzis, Qi Dong, Chunhui Chen, Jin Li, Qinghua He, Xuemei Lei, Yunxin Wang, and Chongde Lin. (2014). The SEMA5A gene is associated with hippocampal volume, and their interaction is associated with performance on Raven's Progressive Matrices. NeuroImage, 88, 181-187.
Bi Zhu, Chuansheng Chen, Elizabeth F. Loftus, Robert K. Moyzis, Qi Dong, and Chongde Lin. (2013). True but not false memories are associated with the HTR2A gene. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 106, 204-209.
Bi Zhu, Chuansheng Chen, Robert K. Moyzis, Qi Dong, Chunhui Chen, Qinghua He, Jin Li, Jun Li, Xuemei Lei, and Chongde Lin. (2013). The DOPA decarboxylase (DDC) gene is associated with alerting attention. Progress in Neuropsychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry, 43, 140-145.
Bi Zhu, Chuansheng Chen, Elizabeth F. Loftus, Qi Dong, and Chongde Lin. (2013). The relationship between DRM and misinformation false memories. Memory & Cognition, 41(6), 832–838.