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教育经历 2008-2013,香港浸会大学物理系,博士,计算神经专业 2002-2006,中国科学技术大学物理学院,学士,理论物理专业 工作经历 2023-至今, 北京师范大学系统科学学院,副教授 2021-2023, 北京师范大学系统科学学院,助理研究员 2015-2021, 北京师范大学认知神经科学与学习国家重点实验室,助理研究员 2013-2015, 香港浸会大学,物理系,计算神经科学专业,博士后




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Yuhan Chen, Qixiang Lin, Xuhong Liao, Changsong Zhou*, and Yong He*. (2021). Association of aerobic glycolysis with the structural connectome reveals a benefit-risk balancing mechanism in the human brain, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 118(1): e2013232118. Yuhan Chen*, Zi-Ke Zhang*, Yong He, and Changsong Zhou*. (2020). A Large-Scale High-Density Weighted Structural Connectome of the Macaque Brain Acquired by Predicting Missing Links. Cerebral Cortex. 30, 4771-4789. Yuhan Chen, Shengjun Wang, Claus C Hilgetag and Changsong Zhou*, (2017) Features of spatial and functional segregation and integration of the primate connectome revealed by trade-off between wiring cost and efficiency. PLoS Computational Neuroscience. 13(9):e1005776. Yuhan Chen, Shengjun Wang, Claus C. Hilgetag, Changsong Zhou*, (2013) Trade-off between multiple constraints enables simultaneous formation of modules and hubs in neural systems. PLoS Computational Neuroscience. 9(3): e1002937. Yu-Han Chen, Bing-Hong Wang, Li-Chao Zhao, Changsong Zhou, Tao Zhou*, (2010) Optimal transport on supply-demand network, Physical Review E. 81(6 Pt 2):066105. Zamora-López* Gorka, Yuhan Chen, Gustavo Deco, Morten L. Kringelbach, and Changsong Zhou*. (2016). Functional complexity emerging from anatomical constraints in the brain: the significance of network modularity and rich-clubs. Scientific reports, 6(1), 1-18. Ming Zhao, Changsong Zhou*, Yuhan Chen, Bambi Hu, Bing-Hong Wang, (2010) Complexity versus modularity and heterogeneity in oscillatory networks: combining segregation and integration in neural systems, Physical Review E. (82):046225. 揭示人脑能量代谢的结构基础,并指出高代谢脑区的优化连接揭示人脑的收益风险平衡机制。[Chen et al., 2021, PNAS, 第一作者] 提出多因素迭代预测模型来绘制灵长类全脑高精度含权结构连接网络。[Chen et al., 2020, Cerebral Cortex,第一作者和并列通讯作者] 指出灵长类大脑中大部分脑区连接服从基本约束-成本效率平衡约束,病指出违反约束的特殊长程连接子脑区集团在功能分离整合中的重要作用。[Chen et al., 2017, PLoS Computational Biology, 第一作者] 指出灵长类猕猴大脑结构网络的重要基本特征-模块结构和大度核心脑区并存的拓扑特征,受到基本生物限制-连接成本和通讯效率的平衡约束产生的机制。[Chen et al., 2013, PLoS Computational Biology, 第一作者]


Neuroimage, Cerebral Cortex, PLoS Computational Biology, Neural Networks, Cognitive Neurodynamics 等国外期刊的审稿人
