X. Cao, K. Fraser, Z. Song, C. Drummond, H. Huang, Machine learning and reduced order computation of a friction stir welding model, Journal of Computational Physics, November 2021.
L. Shen, Z. Xu, P. Lin, H. Huang, S. Xu, An energy stable C0 finite element scheme for a phase-field model of vesicle motion and deformation, SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, December 2021.
J. Liu, Y. Sun, J. Ma, J. Tu, Y. Deng, P. He, R. Li, F. Hu, H. Huang, X. Zhou, and S. Xu, Analysis of main risk factors causing stroke in Shanxi Province based on machine learning models, Informatics in Medicine Unlocked, August 2021.
S. Li, R. Pan, A. Gupta, S. Xu, Y. Fang, H. Huang Predicting the Risk of Rupture for Vertebral Aneurysm based on Geometric Features of Blood Vessels, Royal Society Open Science, 11 August 2021 https://doi.org/10.1098/rsos.210392.
G. Alix, H. Huang, A. Guergachi, K. Keshavjee, X. Gao An Online Risk Tool for Predicting Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, Diabetology, July, 2021, published online.
Y. Chen, S. Xu, H. Huang J. Cheng, Numerical Method for Parameter Inference of Nonlinear ODEs with Partial Observations, Royal Society Open Science, Published:28 July 2021. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1098/rsos.210171.
Y. Zhu, S. Xu, H. Huang R.S. Eisenberg, A Tridomain Model for Potassium Clearance in Optic Nerve of Necturus, Biophysical Journal, published online June29,2021.DOI:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bpj.2021.06.020.
Y. Zhu, S. Xu, H. Huang R.S. Eisenberg, Optic Nerve Microcirculation: Fluid Flow and Electro-Diffusion, Physics of Fluids, 33, 041906 (2021).DOI: https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0046323.
S. Xu, J.C. Chang, C.C. Chow, K.C. Brennan, H. Huang, A mathematical model for persistent post-CSD vasoconstriction, PLOS Computational Biology, July 15, 2020. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pcbi.1007996.
Z. Song, X. Cao, T.-L. Horng, H. Huang, Electric discharge of electrocytes: modelling, analysis and simulation, Journal of Theoretical Biology, April 2020. doi:10.1016/j.jtbi.2020.110294.
X. Wang, X. Gong; K. Sugiyama, S. Takagi, H. Huang, An Immersed Boundary Method for Mass Transfer through Porous Biomembranes under Large Deformations, Journal of Computational Physics, Volume 413, 15 July 2020, 109444.
L. Shen, H. Huang, P. Lin, Z. Song, S. Xu, An energy stable C 0 finite element scheme for a quasi-incompressible phase-field model of moving contact line with variable density, Journal of Computational Physics, 405, 109179 (Mar 2020).
X. Cao, Z. Song, T.-L. Horng, H. Huang, Electric potential generation of electrocytes: modelling, analysis, and computation, Journal of Theoretical Biology, 487, 110107 (Feb 2020).
F. Habib, H. Huang, A. Mauskopf, B. Nikolic, T. Salisbury, Optimal Allocation to Deferred Income Annuities, Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, 90, 94-104 (Jan 2020).
H. Lai, H. Huang, A. Guergachi, K. Keshavjee, X. Gao, Predictive Models for Diabetes Mellitus Using Machine Learning Techniques, BMC Endocrine Disorders, 19,101 (2019).
H. Tao et al., Oscillatory cortical forces promote three dimensional cell intercalations that shape the mandibular arch in a Wnt5a, Yap/Taz and Piezo1-dependent manner, Nature Communications, 10, 1703 (2019).
Z. Song, X. Cao, Z.-L. Horng, H. Huang, On the selectivity of KcsA potassium channel: analysis and computation, Physical Review E, 100, 022406 (2019).
Y. Zhu, S. Xu, R.S. Eisenberg, H. Huang, A Bidomain Model for Lens Microcirculation, Biophysical Journal, 116(6), 1171-1184 (2019).
R. Yu, S. Wu, A. Huang, N. Gold, H. Huang, G. Fu, K. Lee, Using polygraph to detect passengers carrying illegal items, Frontiers in Psychology, 10, 322 (2019).
B. Pourziaeia, G.M. Lewis, H. Huang, J.E. Lewis, Spatiotemporal Model for Depth Perception in Electric Sensing, Journal of Theoretical Biology, 461, 157-169 (2019).
X. Zhao, N. Gold, Y. Fang, S. Xu, Y. Zhang, J. Liu, A. Gupta, H. Huang, Vertebral artery fusiform aneurysm geometry in predicting rupture risk, Royal Society Open Science, 5(10), 180780 (2018).
Z. Song, X. Cao, H. Huang, Electro-neutral models for a multi-dimensional dynamic Poisson-Nernst-Planck system, Physical Review E, 98, 032404 (2018).
M. Milevsky, H. Huang, The Utility Value of Longevity Risk Pooling: Analytic Insights, North American Actuarial Journal, 22, 574-590 (2018).
Y. Zhu, A. Guergachi, H. Huang, The Impacts of Entrepreneurship on Wealth Distribution, Journal of Statistical Physics, 173(6), 1734-1754 (2018).
Y. Liu, D. He, X. Gong, H. Huang, Deformation of an encapsulated bubble in steady and oscillatory electric fields, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 844, 567-596 (2018).
H.-W. Yang, et al., An investigation of the distribution and location of mast cells affected by the stiffness of substrates as a mechanical niche, International Journal of Biological Sciences, 14, 1142-1152 (2018).
X. Cao, H. Huang, An adaptive conservative finite volume method for PoissonNernst-Planck equations on a moving mesh, Communications in Computational Physics, 26, 389-412 (2018).
Z. Song, X. Cao, H. Huang, Electroneutral models for dynamic Poisson-Nernst- Planck systems, Physical Review E, 97, 012411 (2018).
W. Yao, H. Huang and R.M. Miura, Role of Astrocyte in Cortical Spreading Depression: A Quantitative Model of Neuron-Astrocyte Network, Communications in Computational Physics, 23, 440-458 (2018).
H. Huang, M. Milevsky, T. Salisbury, Retirement Spending and Biological Age, Jour- nal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 84, 58-76 (2017).
H.-H. Huang, H. Huang, Y. Wang, H. Zhu, Credit Contingent Interest Rate Swap Pricing, Mathematics-in-Industry Case Studies, 8, 6 (2017).
N. Gold, Q. Wang, M. Cao, H. Huang, Liquidity and volatility: on commonality, causality, and pricing in the Canadian Market, Mathematics-in-Industry Case Stud- ies, 8, 7(2017).
H. Huang and M. Milevsky, Longevity risk and retirement income tax efficiency: A location spending rate puzzle, Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, 71, 50-62 (2016).
D. He, J.J. Wylie, H. Huang and R.M. Miura, Extension of a viscous thread with temperature-dependent viscosity and surface tension, Journal of Fluid Mechanics,800, 720-752 (2016).
R. Feng and H. Huang, Statutory financial reporting for variable annuity guaranteed death benefits: Market practice, mathematical modeling and computation, Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, 67, 54-64 (2016).
H. Huang, M. Milevsky, V.R. Young, Optimal Purchasing of Deferred Income Annuities When Payout Yields are Mean-Reverting, Review of Finance, 21, 327-361 (2016).
D. He and H. Huang, A contact line dynamic model for a conducting water drop on an electrowetting device, Communications in Computational Physics, 20, 811-834 (2016).
Y.-H. Tseng, P. Huang, and H. Huang, An immersed boundary method for diatom sedimentation, International Journal of Numerical Analysis and Modeling, Ser. B,13, 220-229 (2016).
Q. Wang, N. Gold, M. Frasch, H. Huang, M. Thiriet, X. Wang, Mathematical Model of Cardiovascular and Metabolic Responses to Umbilical Cord Occlusions in Fetal Sheep, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 77 (12), 2264-2293 (2015).
J.J. Wylie, H. Huang, and R.M. Miura, Asymptotic Analysis of a Viscous Thread Extending Under Gravity, Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, 313, 51-60 (2015).
P. Aroda, A. Guergachi and H. Huang, Application of convolution operator for scenario integration with loss data in operational risk modeling J. Operational Risk,10(4), 23-44 (2015).
H.-H. Huang, E. Wang, H. Huang, Y. Wang. Theoretical and computational analysis of credit and liquidity risks with multiple defaults. Journal of Credit Risk, 11(4), 1-28 (2015).
F. Liang, M. Oshima, H. Huang, H. Liu, S. Takagi, Numerical Study of Cerebroarterial Hemodynamic Changes Following Carotid Artery Operation: A Comparison Between Multiscale Modeling and Stand-Alone Three-Dimensional Modeling, ASME Journal of Biomedical Engineering, 137, 101011-1 (2015).
M. Milevsky, H. Huang, V.R. Young, A Glide Path for Target Date Fund Annuitization, Journal of Retirement, 3, 27-37 (2015).
X. Gong, Z. Gong and H. Huang, An immersed boundary method for mass transfer across permeable moving interfaces, Journal of Computational Physics, 278, 148-168 (2014).
Y-H Tseng and H. Huang, An immersed boundary method for endocytosis, Journal of Computational Physics, 273, 143-159 (2014).
H. Huang, M.A. Milevsky and T.S. Salisbury, Optimal initiation of a GLWB in a variable annuity: No Arbitrage approach, Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, 56, 102-111 (2014).
X. Wang, D. He, J. Wylie, H. Huang, Singular perturbation solutions of steady-state Poisson-Nernst-Planck systems, Physical Review E, 89, 022722 (2014).
H. Huang, M.A. Milevsky and T.S. Salisbury, Valuation and Hedging of the Ruin- Contingent Life Annuity (RCLA), Journal of Risk and Insurance, 81: 367-395 (2014).
W. Yao, H. Huang, G.-H. Ding, A dynamic model of calcium signaling in mast cells and LTC4 release induced by mechanical stimuli, Chinese Science Bulletin, 59, 956-963 (2014).
R.M. Miura, H. Huang, and J.J. Wylie. Mathematical approaches to modeling of cortical spreading depression, Chaos, 23, 046103 (2013).
J.C. Chang, K.C. Brennan, D. He, H. Huang, R.M. Miura, P.L. Wilson, and J.J. Wylie. A mathematical model of the metabolic and perfusion effects on cortical spreading depression, PLoS ONE, 8, e70469 (2013).
D. He and H. Huang, A Constrained Level Set Method for Simulating the Formation of Liquid Bridges, Communications in Computational Physics, special issue on Fluid Motion Driven by Immersed Structures, 12, 577-594 (2012).
S. Ii, X. Gong, K. Sugiyama, J. Wu, H. Huang and S. Takagi, A Full Eulerian Fluid- Membrane Coupling Method with a Smoothed Volume-of-Fluid Approach, Communi- cations in Computational Physics, 12, 544-576 (2012).
H. Huang, M.A. Milevsky and T.S. Salisbury, Optimal Retirement Consumption with a Stochastic Force of Mortality, Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, 51, 282-291 (2012).
J.J. Wylie, H. Huang and R.M. Miura, Stretching of viscous threads at low Reynolds numbers, Journal of Fluids Mechanics, 683, 212-234 (2011).
H. Huang, R.M. Miura, and W. Yao, A Simplified Neuronal Model for the Instigation and Propagation of Cortical Spreading Depression, Advance in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 3, 759-773 (2011).
H. Huang and M.A. Milevsky, Lifetime Ruin Minimization: Should Retirees Hedge Inflation or Just Worry About It? Journal of Pension Economics and Finance, 10, 363-387 (2011).
J.-B. Wu, C.S. Bohun and H. Huang, A Thermal Elastic Model for Constrained Crystal Growth with Facets, Journal of Engineering Mathematics, 69, 71-90 (2011).
M. Milevsky and H. Huang, Spending Retirement on Planet Vulcan: The Impact of Longevity Risk Aversion on Optimal Withdrawal Rates, Financial Analyst Journal, 67, 45-58 (2011).
W. Yao, H. Huang, and R.M. Miura, A Continuum Neuronal Model for the Instigation and Propagation of Cortical Spreading Depression, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 73, 2777-90 (2011).
H. Huang, R.M. Miura, J.J. Wylie, Diffusion in a Cellular Medium: A (1+1)- Dimensional Model, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 73, 1682-94 (2011).
T. David, T. van Kempen, H. Huang, and P.L. Wilson, The Geometry and Dynamics of Binary Trees, Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 81, 1464-1481 (2011).
A. Pan, B. Pourziaei, and H. Huang, Effect of Ocean Iron Fertilization on the Phytoplankton Biological Carbon Pump, Advance in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 3, 52-64 (2011).
N. Vaidya, H. Huang and S. Takagi, Coarse grained molecular dynamics simulation of interaction between hemagglutinin fusion peptides and lipid bilayer membranes, Advance in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2, 430-450 (2010).
M.-C. Lai, Y.-H. Tseng and H. Huang, Numerical simulations of moving contact lines with surfactant, Communications in Computational Physics, 8, 735-757 (2010).
N. Vaidya and H. Huang, Influenza Viral Membrane Deformation due to Refolding of HA-protein: Two-dimensional Model and Analysis, Advance in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2, 160-182 (2010).
D. He, H. Huang and Y. Tan, Numerical simulation for a droplet fission process of electrowetting on dielectric device, Communication in Computational Physics, 7, 1076-1094 (2010).
H. Huang, K. Sugiyama, and S. Takagi, An Immersed Boundary Method for Restricted Diffusion with Permeable Interfaces, Journal of Computational Physics, 228, 5317-5322 (2009).
P. Wilson, H. Huang, and S. Takagi, Hydrophobic effect in a continuum model of the lipid bilayer, Communications in Computational Physics, 6, 655-672 (2009).
M.-C. Lai, C.-W. Hsu, and H. Huang, A front-tracking method for motion by mean curvature with surfactant, Advance in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 1: 288-300 (2009).
J.J. Wylie, H. Huang, and R.M. Miura, Systems of Coupled Diffusion Equations with Degenerate Nonlinear Source Terms: Linear Stability and Travelling Waves, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems A, 23, 561-569 (2009).
H. Huang, M. Milevsky, and T.S. Salisbury, A Different Perspective on Retirement Income Sustainability: Introducing the Ruin Contingent Life Annuity (RCLA), Journal of Wealth Management, 11, 89-96 (2009).
H. Huang, R.M. Miura and J.J. Wylie, Optical fiber drawing and dopant transport, SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 69, 330-347 (2008).
J.-B. Wu, C. S. Bohun, and H. Huang, A Thermal Elastic Model for Directional Crystal Growth with Weak Anisotropy, SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 69, 283-304 (2008).
J.-B. Wu, C.S. Bohun and H. Huang, Semi-analytic solution for thermoelastic problem with cubic anisotropy, Journal of Crystal Growth, 310, 4373-4384 (2008).
M.-C. Lai, Y.-H. Tseng, and H. Huang, An immersed boundary method for interfacial flows with insoluble surfactant, Journal of Computational Physics, 227, 7279-7293 (2008).
H. Huang, M. Milevsky and J. Wang, Portfolio Selection and Life Insurance, Journal of Risk and Insurance, 75, 848-872 (2008).
H. Huang and M.A. Milevsky, Portfolio Choice and Mortality-Contingent Claims: The General HARA Case, Journal of Banking and Finance, 32, 2444-2452 (2008).
H. Huang, C. Ye and W. Sun, Moisture Transport in Fibrous Clothing Assemblies, Journal of Engineering Mathematics, 61, 35-54 (2008).
Z. Gong, H. Huang and C. Lu, Stability Analysis of the Immersed Boundary Method for a Two-dimensional Membrane with Bending Rigidity, Communication in Computational Physics, 3 (3), 704-723 (2008).
C. Ye, H. Huang, J. Fan and W. Sun, Numerical Study of Heat and Mositure Transfer in Textile Materials by a Finite Volume Method, Communication in Computational Physics, 4 (4), 929-948 (2008).
R.M. Miura, H. Huang and J.J. Wylie, Cortical Spreading Depression: An Enigma, European Journal of Physics, 147 287 (2007).
H. Huang, P. Lin and W. Zhou, Moisture Transport and Diffusive Instability of during Bread Baking, SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 68 (1), 222-238 (2007).
N. Vaiday, H. Huang and S. Takagi, Modeling HA-protein Mediated Pre-fusion of an Influenza Virus into a Healthy Cell, Mathematical Medicine and Biology, 24, 251-270 (2007).
H. Huang, J. Wylie, R.M. Miura and P. Howell, On the Formation of Glass Microelectrode, SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 67 (3), 630-666 (2007).
J. Wylie and H. Huang, Extensional flow with viscous heating, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 570, 359-370 (2007).
J. Wylie, H. Huang, R.M. Miura, Thermal instability in drawing viscous threads, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 570, 1-16 (2007).
X. Gong, S. Takagi, H. Huang and Y. Mastumoto, A numerical study of mass transfer of ozone dissolution in bubble plumes with an Euler-Lagrange mthod, Chemical Engineering Science, 62, 1081-1093 (2007).
P.D. Howell, J.J. Wylie, H. Huang, and R.M. Miura, Stretching of Heated Threads with Temperature-Dependent Viscosity: Asymptotic Analysis, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, 7 (3), 553-572 (2007).
H. Huang and S. Liang, Thermal-stress reduction for a Czochralski grown single crystal, Journal of Engineering Mathematics, 59, 1-23 (2007).
N. Vaidya, H. Huang, and D. Liang, Grown-in Defects Modeling of InSb Crystals and Computation Defects inside InSb Crystals, Communication in Computational Physics, 1(3), 513-529 (2006).
S. Bohun, I. Frigaard, H. Huang and S. Liang, A Semi-Analytical Model for the Cz Growth of Type III-V Compounds, SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 66 (5),1533 (2006).
B. Steinberg, Y. Wang, H. Huang, and R.M. Miura, Spatial Buffering in Brian-Cell Microenvironment, Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 2 675-702 (2005).
H. Huang, D. Liang, and B.R. Wetton, Motion of Drops on a Planar Surface under Shear, Comm. Math. Sci., 2 (2), 535-552 (2004).
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H. Huang, S. Lapin and R. Westbrook, In-Site Thermal Remediation of Contaminated Soil, Canadian Applied Mathematics Quarterly, 12, 25-36 (2004).
G. Lewis, I. Frigaard, H. Huang, T. Myers, R. Westbrook, and M. Carrasco-Teja, Simple Models for an Injection Molding Systems, Canadian Applied Mathematics Quarterly 12, 25-36 (2004).
H. Huang, R.M. Miura, W. Ireland, and E. Puil, Heat-Induced Stretching of a Glass Tube Under Tension: Application to Glass Microelectrodes, SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 63 (5), 1499-1519 (2003).
H. Huang and S. Takagi, PHYSALIS: A New Method for Particle Flow Simulation. Part III: Convergence Analysis of Two Dimensional Flows, Journal of Computation Physics, 189 (2), 493-511 (2003).
P. Weng, H. Huang and J. Wu, Asymptotic Speed of Propagation of Wave Fronts in a Lattice Delay Differential Equation with Global Interaction, IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics, 68 (4), 409-439 (2003).
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H. Huang, J. Longeway, T. Vieira, and J. Wu, Aggregation and Heterogeneity from the Nonlinear Dynamic Interaction of Birth, Maturation and Spatial Migration, Journal of Nonlinear Analysis: Series B, 4 (2), 287-300 (2003).
H. Huang and M. Paulhus, Optimal Strategy for Heavy Oil Production Using Cyclic Steam Stimulation. Canadian Applied Mathematics Quarterly, 9 (3), 225-248 (2001).
C.J. Budd, H. Huang and R.D. Russell, Mesh Selection for a Nearly Singular Boundary Value Problem, Journal of Scientific Computing, 16 (4), 525-552 (2001).
H. Huang and B.R. Seymour, Finite Difference Solutions for Incompressible Flow Problems with Corner Singularities, Journal of Scientific Computing, 15 (3), 265-292 (2000).
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H. Huang and B.T.R. Wetton, Discrete Compatibility in Finite Difference Methods for Viscous Incompressible Fluid Flow, Journal of Computational Physics, 126, 468- 478 (1996).
H. Huang and B.R. Seymour, Mass Transport in a Branching Channel: A Numerical Study, Journal of Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 1, 531-542 (1996).
H. Huang and B.R. Seymour, The No-Slip Boundary Condition in Finite Difference Approximation, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 22, 713 (1996).
H. Huang and B.R. Seymour, A Finite Difference Method for Flow in a Constricted Channel, Computers and Fluids, 24, 153-160 (1995).
H. Huang, B.R. Seymour, and V.J. Modi, Fluid Mechanics of Stenosed Arteries, International Journal of Engineering Science, 33, 815-828 (1995).
S. Takagi, Y. Matsumoto, and H. Huang, Numerical Analysis of a Single Rising Bubble Using a Boundary Fitted Coordinate System, Transaction, Japanese Society of Mechanical Engineer (JSME), 61-586, 1976-1983 (1995).
H. Huang and A. Prosperetti, Discussion on Accuracy of Convection-Diffusion Equations in a Curvilinear Coordinate System, Numerical Heat Transfer, Part B, 26, 1-20 (1994).
Z. Song and H. Huang, Modelling of Friction Stir Welding Process of Aluminum Alloys, in Proceedings of the 8th Montreal Industrial Problem Solving Workshop, University of Montreal, Aug. 7-11, 2017.
P.D. Howell and H. Huang, Models for Production of Microalumina, in Proceedings of the 100th European Study Groups with Industry, Oxford University, April 7-11, 2014
C.S. Bohun et al., Modelling of CO2 Laser Polishing of Glass, in Proceedings of the Fifth Montreal Industrial Problem Solving Workshop, Centre de Researches Math- ematiques, Montreal, August 19-23, pp. 1-10, 2013.
A. Goriely, H. Huang and Hugh McNamara, Locating a blockage in the cerebral vascular network, in Proceedings of the First Study Groups with Industry, King Abadula University of Science and Technology, Saudi Arabia, January 22-26, 2011.
P. Dellar, H. Huang and Ashley Pitcher, Optimal Tariff Period Determination, in Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Industrial Applications, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, December 4-8, 2006.
D. Cottrell, H. Huang and N. Nigam, Incorporating Estimation Error into Optimal Portfolio Allocation, in Proceedings of the 1st Fields-MITACS Industrial Problems Workshop, Toronto, ON, Canada, August 14-18, 2006.
H. Huang, S. Lapin and R. Westbrook, In-Site Thermal Remediation of Contam- inated Soil, in Proceedings of the 7th Pacific Institute Industrial Problem Solving Workshop, Calgary, AB, Canada, May 25-29, 2003. Appeared in Canadian Applied Mathematics Quarterly, 12, 25-36 (2004).
H. Huang, Non-Newtonian Effects on Ink-Jet Droplet Formation: A Mathematical Model, in Proceedings of the 45th European Study Group with Industry, Leiden, The Netherlands, Feb 17-21, 2003. Published in Nieuw Archief voor Wiskunde, the official magazine of the Dutch Mathematical Society in 2005.
H. Huang, Optimal Strategy for Imperial Oil’s Cold Lake Facilities, in Proceedings of the 7th Pacific Institute Industrial Problem Solving Workshop, Edmonton, AB, Canada, May 29-June 2, 2000. A revised version (by H. Huang and M. Paulhus) Appeared in Canadian Applied Mathematics Quarterly, 9, 225-248 (2001).
H. Huang, Medical Insurance after Retirement: Mathematical Models, in Proceedings of the 3rd Chinese Study Group with Industry, Hong Kong, July 2002.
H. Huang, Temperature Control by Laminar Flows, in Proceedings of the 1st Work- shop on Industrial Applications, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, July 2002
H. Huang, Compressible Flow in a Porous Oil Well, in Proceedings of the 2nd Chi- nese Study Group with Industry, Shanghai, China, October, 2001.
H. Huang, Report of the 1st PIMS Graduate Industrial Math Modelling Camp (ed.), Vancouver, May 25-29, 1998.