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谢湉,男,副教授,“博士后创新人才计划”获得者。长期致力于湿地生态保护与修复的研究,近五年在Global Change Biology, Journal of Applied Ecology, Science of the TotalEnvironment, Geoderma, Ecological Indicators, Journal of EnvironmentalManagement等高水平期刊发表论文40余篇。主持科研项目4项,包括国家自然科学基金面上项目、青年项目、中国博士后科学基金博士后面上项目与北京师范大学青年教师基金项目。作为骨干参与国家科技部973项目、国家自然科学基金联合基金重点项目、国家自然科学基金重点基金、中国工程院咨询研究项目等。授权国际发明专利1项、国家发明专利1项、软件著作权5项。获得国家林业与草原局、自然资源部生态修复司批复咨询报告3项。为黄河三角洲国家级自然保护区提供生态保护与修复技术2项。担任了HydroResearch期刊的执行编辑,以及Frontiers in Marine Science、Water、Sustainability等SCI期刊的客座编辑。




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Bo Pang, Tian Xie*,Baoshan Cui *, Qing Wang.,Zhonghua Ning, Zezheng Liu, Cong Chen. Adaptability of Common Coastal WetlandPlant Populations to Future Sea Level Rise. Ecosystem Health andSustainability, 2023, 9. Chenjie Xie, BaoshanCui*, ZhonghuaNing, Shulin Yu, Tian Xie*.Longitudinal Dynamics of Hydrological Connectivity in the Yellow River Delta,China. Frontiers in Marine Science, 2022, 9: 899671. Tian Xie, Andong. Wang, ShanzeLi, Baoshan Cui*, Junhong Bai, Dongdong Shao. Crab contributions as anecosystem engineer to sediment turnover in the Yellow River Delta. Frontiers inMarine Science, 2022, 9: 2010. Peng Dou, Xuan Wang, Yan Lan, Baoshan Cui, Junhong Bai, Tian Xie*. Benthic MacroinvertebrateDiversity as Affected by the Construction of Inland Waterways along MontaneStretches of Two Rivers in China. Water, 2022, 14(7): 1080. Zhonghua Ning, CongChen, Tian Xie*, ZhengchangZhu, Qing Wang, Baoshan Cui*,Junhong Bai. Can the native faunal communities be restored from removal ofinvasive plants in coastal ecosystems? A global meta-analysis. Global ChangeBiology. 2021, 27: 4644–4656. Qing Wang, Tian Xie*, Meng Luo, JunhongBai, Cong Chen, Zhonghua Ning, Baoshan Cui*. How hydrological connectivityregulates the plant recovery process in salt marshes. Journal of AppliedEcology, 2021, 58:1314–1324. Tian Xie, Qing Wang, Zhonghua Ning, Cong Chen, Baoshan Cui*, Junhong Bai, WeiShi, Bo Pang. Artificial modification on lateral hydrological connectivitypromotes range expansion of invasive Spartina alterniflora in saltmarshes of the Yellow River delta, China. Science of the Total Environment,2021, 769: 144476. Qing Wang1,Tian Xie1, Zhonghua Ning, Cong Chen, Ying Man, Baoshan Cui*.Enhancement of lateral connectivity promotes the establishment of plants insaltmarshes, Science of the Total Environment, 2021, 767: 145484. (共同一作) Zhonghua Ning, Cong Chen, Zhenchang Zhu, Tian Xie*, Qing Wang, Baoshan Cui*,Tjeerd J. Bouma. Tidal channel-mediated gradients facilitate Spartina alterniflora invasion incoastal ecosystems: implications for invasive species management. MarineEcology Progress Series, 2021, 659: 59–73. Tian Xie, Peng Dou, ShanzeLi, Baoshan Cui*, Junhong Bai, Qing Wang, Zhonghua Ning. Potential Effect ofBioturbation by Burrowing Crabs on Sediment Parameters in Coastal Salt Marshes.Wetlands, 2020, 1-10. Peng Dou, TianXie*, Shanze Li, Junhong Bai, Baoshan Cui*. A Network Perspective toEvaluate Hydrological Connectivity Effects on Macroinvertebrate Assemblages.Wetlands, 2020, 1-12. Zhonghua Ning, Cong Chen, Tian Xie*, Qing Wang, Xu Ma, Haochen Sui, Baoshan Cui*. A novelherbivorous wood-borer insect outbreak triggers die-offs of a foundation plantspecies in coastal ecosystems, Ecosystem Health and Sustainability, 2020, 6:1823888. Zhonghua Ning,Cong Chen, Tian Xie*, Qing Wang,Junhong Bai, Dongdong Shao, Ying Man, Baoshan Cui*. Windows of opportunity forsmooth cordgrass landward invasion to tidal channel margins: The importance ofhydrodynamic disturbance to seedling establishment. Journal of EnvironmentalManagement, 2020, 266: 110559. Tian Xie, Baoshan Cui*, Shanze Li, Junhong Bai. Topographyregulates edaphic suitability for seedling establishment associated with tidalelevation in coastal salt marshes. Geoderma, 2019, 337, 1258-1266. Tian Xie, Baoshan Cui*, Shanze Li, Shuyan Zhang. Management ofsoil thresholds for seedling emergence to re-establish plant species on bareflats in coastal salt marshes. Hydrobiologia, 2019, 827, 51-63. Tian Xie, Shanze Li, Baoshan Cui*, Junhong Bai,Qing Wang, Wei Shi. Rainfall variation shifts habitat suitability for seedlingestablishment associated with tidal inundation in salt marshes. EcologicalIndicators, 2019, 98, 694-703. Tian Xie,Baoshan Cui, Shanze Li. Addressing the impacts of defense structures on plantspecies in coastal wetlands by a life cycle analysis: Implications forbiological conservation. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2017, 123: 113-121. Tian Xie,Baoshan Cui, Junhong Bai, Shanze Li, Shuyan Zhang. Rethinking the role ofedaphic condition in halophyte vegetation degradation on salt marshes due tocoastal defense structure. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 2016 103: 81-90. Shanze Li, Tian Xie, Junhong Bai.Degradation and Ecological Restoration of Estuarine Wetlands in China.Wetlands, 2022, 42(7): 90. Chengjie Xie, Baoshan Cui*, Tian Xie, Shuling Yu, Zezheng Liu, Qing Wang, Zhonghua Ning.Reclamation shifts the evolutionary paradigms of tidal channel networks in theYellow River Delta, China. Science of The Total Environment, 2020, 742: 140585. Chengjie Xie, Baoshan Cui*, Tian Xie, Shuling Yu, Zezheng Liu, Cong Chen, Zhonghua Ning, QingWang, Yuxuan Zou, Xiaojing Shao. Hydrological connectivity dynamics of tidalflat systems impacted by severe reclamation in the Yellow River Delta. Scienceof The Total Environment, 2020, 739: 139860. Shanze Li, Tian Xie, Steven C. Pennings, Yuchun Wang,Christopher Craft, Mingming Hu. A comparison of coastal habitat restorationprojects in China and the United States. Scientific Reports, 2019, 9: 1-10. Zhonghua Ning, TianXie, Zezheng Liu, Junhong Bai, Baoshan Cui*. Native herbivores enhance theresistance of an anthropogenically disturbed salt marsh to Spartinaalterniflora invasion. Ecosphere, 2019, 10: 1-13. Liming Sun, Dongdong Shao, Tian Xie, Weilun Gao, Xu Ma, Zhonghua Ning, Baoshan Cui. How DoesSpartina alterniflora Invade in Salt Marsh in Relation to Tidal ChannelNetworks? Patterns and Processes. Remote Sensing, 2020, 12: 2983. Zonglian She, Tian Xie. Study on the aerobicbiodegradability and degradation kinetics of 3-NP, 2,4-DNP and 2,6-DNP. Journalof Hazardous Materials, 2012, 241: 478–485. Shanze, Li, Baoshan Cui, Tian Xie, Kejiang Zhang. DiversityPattern of Macrobenthos Associated with Different Stages of Wetland Restorationin the Yellow River Delta. Wetlands, 2016, 36:57-67. Shanze, Li. Baoshan Cui, Tian Xie, Xiaojin Shao. Consequences andImplications of Anthropogenic Desalination of Salt Marshes on Macrobenthos.Clean-Soil Air Water, 2016, 44:8-15. Shanze Li, Baoshan Cui,Junhong Bai, Tian Xie, Jiaguo Yan,Qin Wang, Shuyan Zhang. Effects of soil abiotic factors on the plant morphologyin an intertidal salt marsh, Yellow River Delta, China. Physics and Chemistryof the Earth, 2017. Shanze Li, Baoshan Cui, Tian Xie, Junhong Bai. What drives thedistribution of crab burrows in different habitats of intertidal salt marshes,Yellow River Delta, China. Ecological Indicators, 2017. Jiaguo Yan, Baoshan Cui,Jingjing Zheng, Tian Xie, Qin Wang,Shanze Li. Quantification of intensive hybrid coastal reclamation for revealingits impacts on macrozoobenthos. Environmental Research Letters, 2015, 10: 014004. Yu Zhang, Baoshan Cui, Tian Xie, Qin Wang, Jiaguo Yan.Gradient Distribution Patterns of Rhizosphere Bacteria Associated with theCoastal Reclamation. Wetlands, 2016, 36: S69-S80. Peng Dou, Baoshan Cui, Tian Xie, Dazheng Dong, Binhe Gu.Macrobenthos Diversity Response to Hydrological Connectivity Gradient.Wetlands, 2016, 36: S45-S55. 王青, 骆梦, 邱冬冬,谢湉,施伟,崔保山*. 滨海盐沼水文特征对盐地碱蓬定植过程的影响. 自然资源学报, 2019, 34: 2569-2579. 张立,谢湉,胡雪红,周炎武,何伟宏*.国际规范案例对我国滨海湿地生态修复技术规范编制的启示.海洋开发与管理, 2020, 37: 19-25. 解成杰,谢湉,刘泽正,于淑玲,王青,崔保山*.硬质海岸防护设施的生态效应与对策.农业资源与环境学报, 2020, 37: 461-468. 李冬雪,谢湉,马旭,崔保山*,吴霞,车纯广,张希涛.1985—2015年刁口河黄河故道区域河流水文连通时空演变规律.环境生态学, 2020, 2: 10-16. 解成杰,谢湉,刘泽正,宁中华,于淑玲,王青,于海玲,崔保山*.水文连通对湿地生物的影响.环境生态学, 2020, 2: 26-34. 庞博,崔保山*,蔡燕子,谢湉,王青,宁中华.我国滨海湿地生态修复参照区选取方法研究.环境生态学, 2020, 2:1-9. 谢湉, 张树岩, 李姗泽, 王青, 蔡燕子, 施伟, 崔保山*. 滨海盐沼植物种子扩散过程对潮流阻断的响应机制. 北京师范大学学报(自然科学版), 2018, 54: 1-8. 崔保山, 谢湉, 王青, 李姗泽, 闫家国, 于淑玲, 刘康, 郑京晶, 刘泽正. 大规模围填海对滨海湿地的影响与对策. 中国科学院院刊, 2017, 4: 418-425. 崔保山, 蔡燕子, 谢湉, 宁中华, 华妍妍. 湿地水文连通的生态效应研究进展及发展趋势. 北京师范大学学报(自然科学版), 2016. 李姗泽, 崔保山, 谢湉, 张树岩, 刘伟华, 付守强. 黄河三角洲沼泽中大型底栖动物的分布特征. 湿地科学, 2015, 13: 759-764. 谢湉, 巨天珍, 师贺熊. 甘肃省小陇山濒危珍稀植物白皮松群落种间关联. 生态学杂志, 2010, 29: 448-453.


联合国开发计划署/全球环境基金的东亚-澳大利西亚迁飞路线中国候鸟保护网络建设项目的省级保护地(黄河三角洲)指导专家(2021-2026) 期刊HydroResearch的执行编辑,SCI期刊Frontiers in Marine Science的审稿编辑与客座编辑,以及SCI期刊Water和Sustainability的客座编辑
