刘世梁,许贵林. 广西典型滨海湿地景观生态健康评价与旅游可持续发展. 海洋出版社,2018.
刘世梁, 赵清贺, 董世魁. 水利水电工程的定量影响评价技术研究. 中国环境科学出版社, 2016.
刘世梁. 道路景观生态学研究. 北京师范大学出版社, 2012.
董世魁, 刘世梁, 战金艳. 环境科学野外综合实习教程. 北京师范大学出版社, 2011.
董世魁, 刘世梁, 邵新庆, 黄晓霞. 恢复生态学. 高等教育出版社, 2009.
董世魁, 张翔, 刘世梁, 石建斌, 李晓文. 阿尔金山国家级自然保护区生态监测与综合管理. 环境科学出版社, 2015.
董世魁,王学霞,张勇,汤琳,刘世梁,青藏高原高寒草地植物-土壤系统的生物多样性及其对全球变化的响应. 科学出版社,2018
崔保山, 杨志峰, 董世魁, 刘世梁, 白军红, 刘新会, 李绍才. 纵向岭谷区重大工程建设与区域生态系统变化交互作用, 科学出版社 2009.
杨志峰, 董世魁, 易雨君, 刘世梁, 尹心安. 水坝工程生态风险模拟及安全调控. 科学出版社, 2015.
傅伯杰, 陈利顶, 马克明, 王仰麟等. 景观生态学原理及应用, 科学出版社, 2001.
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国家认证认可监督管理委员会, 中国质量认证中心. 有机产品认证服务于生态文明建设的理论与实践. 中国质检出版社,中国标准出版社, 2016.
Shikui Dong, Shiliang Liu, and Lu Wen. Vulnerability and resilience of coupled human and natural systems of pastoralism worldwide. In: Springer International Publishing Switzerland, 2016.
Shuang Zhao; Shiliang Liu*;Xiaoyun Hou; Yongxiu Sun; Robert Beazley; Air pollution and cause-specificmortality: A comparative study of urban and rural areas in China, Chemosphere,2021, 262: 0-127884.
Shiliang Liu*; Fangfang Wang;Li Deng; Yuhong Dong; Yixuan Liu; Multi-s cale ecological connectivity dynamicsassociated with hydropower station: a case study in the Lancang River valley,Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 2021, 8: 0-616356.
Yi An; Shiliang Liu; YongxiuSun; Fangning Shi; Yixuan Liu; Robert Beazley; Determining the importance ofcore areas in the alpine shrub-meadow gradient zone of the Qinghai-TibetPlateau, Ecological Modelling, 2021, 440: 0-109392.
Mingqi Li; Shiliang Liu*;Yongxiu Sun; Yixuan Liu; Agriculture and animal husbandry increased carbonfootprint on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau during past three decades, Journal ofCleaner Production, 2021, 278: 0-123963.
Yixuan Liu; Shiliang Liu*;Yongxiu Sun; Mingqi Li; Yi An; Fangning Shi; Spatial differentiation of the NPPand NDVI and its influencing factors vary with grassland type on theQinghai-Tibet Plateau, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 2021, 193(1):0-48.
周岩; 刘世梁*; 谢苗苗; 孙永秀; 安毅; 人类活动干扰下区域植被动态变化—— 以西双版纳为例, 生态学报, 2021,41(02): 565-574.
Mu Xia; Kun Jia*; Wenwu Zhao;Shiliang Liu; Xiangqin Wei; Bing Wang; Sp atio-temporal changes of ecologicalvulnerability across the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, Ecological Indicators, 2021,123: 0-107274.
Yudan Xu; Shikui Dong*; XiaoxiaGao; Mingyue Yang; Shuai Li; Hao Shen; Jiannan Xiao; Yuhui Han; Jing Zhang; YuLi; Yangliu Zhi; Yunfeng Yang; Shiliang Liu; Quanming Dong; Huakun Zhou;Aboveground community composition and soil moisture play determining roles inrestoring ecosystem multifunctionality of alpine steppe on Qinghai-TibetanPlateau, Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment, 2021, 305: 0-107163.
Yi An; Shiliang Liu*; YongxiuSun; Fangning Shi; Shuang Zhao; Neg ative effects of farmland expansion on multi-specieslandscape connectivity in a tropical region in Southwest China, AgriculturalSystems, 2020, 179: 102766.
Shuang Zhao; Shiliang Liu*;Xiaoyun Hou; Robert Beazley; Yongxiu Sun; Shikui Dong; Evidence of provincialvariability in air pollutants-asthma relations in China, Journal of CleanerProduction, 2020, 242: 118553.
Fangning Shi; Shiliang Liu*; YiAn; Yongxiu Sun; Shuang Zhao; Yixuan Liu; Mingqi Li; Spatio-temporal dynamicsof landscape connectivity and ecological network construction in Long YangxiaBasin at the Upper Yellow River, LAND, 2020, 9(8): 0-265.
Yongxiu Sun; Shiliang Liu;Yuhong Dong; Shikui Dong; Fangning Shi; Eff ects of multi-time scales droughton vegetation dynamics in Qaidam River Basin, Qinghai-Tibet Plateau from 1998to 2015, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 2020, 141(1-2): 117-131.
Yi An; Shiliang Liu; YongxiuSun; Fangning Shi; Robert Beazley; Constr uction and optimization of anecological network based on morphological spatial pattern analysis and circuittheory, Landscape Ecology, 2020, XX(XX).
Shuang Zhao; Shiliang Liu*;Yongxiu Sun; Yixuan Liu; Robert Beazley; Xiaoyun Hou; Assessing NO2-relatedhealth effects by non-linear and linear methods on a national level, Science ofthe Total Environment, 2020, 744: 0-140909.
史芳宁; 刘世梁*; 安毅; 孙永秀; 董世魁; 武雪; 城市化背景下景观破碎化及连接度动态变化研究———以昆明市为例, 生态学报, 2020, 40(10): 3303-3314.
Xuehua Liu*; Shiliang Liu;Introduction to the special issue: Biodiversity mechanism in natural successionand ecological restoration, Ecological Engineering, 2020, 143: 0-105614.
Fangning Shi; Shiliang Liu*;Yongxiu Sun; Yi An; Shuang Zhao; Yixuan Liu; Mingqi Li; Ecological networkconstruction of the heterogeneous agro-pastoral areas in the upper Yellow Riverbasin, Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment, 2020, 302: 0-107069.
Shuai Li; Shikui Dong*; HaoShen; Yudan Xu; Xiaoxia Gao; Yuhui Han; Jing Zhang; Mingyue Yang; Yu Li;Zhenzhen Zhao; Yunfeng Yang; Shiliang Liu; Huakun Zhou; Quanming Dong; DavidSwift; Nitrogen addition gradient can regulate the environmental filtering ofsoil potassium or phosphorus in shaping the community assembly of alpinemeadow, Ecological Indicators, 2020, 109: 105774.
Jian Sun*; Miao Liu; Bojie Fu;David Kemp; Wenwu Zhao; Guohua Liu; Guodong Han; Andreas Wilkes; Xuyang Lu;Youchao Chen; Genwei Cheng; Tiancai Zhou; Ge Hou; Zhan, Tianyu; Fei Peng; HuaShang; Ming Xu; Peili Shi; Yongtao He; Meng Li; Jinniu Wang; Atsushi Tsunekawa;Huakun Zhou; Yu Liu; Yurui Li; Shi liang Liu; Reconsidering the efficiency ofgrazing exclusion using fences on the Tibetan Plateau, Science Bulletin, 2020,65 (16): 1405-1414.
Hao Shen; Shikui Dong*; AntonioDiTommaso; Shuai Li; Jiannan Xiao; Mingyue Yang; Jing Zhang; Xiaoxia Gao; YudanXu; Yangliu Zhi; Shiliang Liu; Quanming Dong; Wenying Wang; Pan Liu; Jiyu Xu;Eco-physiological processes are more sensitive to simulated N deposition inleguminous forbs than non-leguminous forbs in an alpine meadow of theQinghai-Tibetan Plateau, Scie nce of the Total Environment, 2020, 744:0-140612.
Shikui Dong*; Yu Li; Hasbagan Ganjurjav*;Qingzhu Gao; Xiaoxia Gao; Jing Zhang; Yulong Yan; Yong Zhang; Shiliang Liu;Guozheng Hu; Xuexia Wang; Hongbao Wu; Shuai Li; Grazing promoted soil microbialfunctional genes for regulating C and N cycling in alpine meadow of theQinghai-Tibetan Plateau, A griculture Ecosystems & Environment, 2020, 303:0-107111.
Hao Shen; Shikui Dong*; ShuaiLi; Wenying Wang; Jiannan Xiao; Mingyue Yang; Jing Zhang; Xiaoxia Gao; YudanXu; Yangliu Zhi; Shiliang Liu; Quanming Dong; Huakun Zhou; Jane C. Yeomans;Effects of Warming and N Deposition on the Physiological Performances of Leymussecalinus in Alpine Meadow of Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, Frontiers in PlantScience, 2020, 10: 0-1804.
Yu Li; Shikui Dong*; QingzhuGao; Yong Zhang; Shiliang Liu; Hasbagan Ganjurjav; Guozheng Hu; Xuexia Wang;Yulong Yan; Hongbao Wu; Xiaoxia Gao; Shuai Li; Jing Zhang; Rotational grazingpromotes grassland aboveground plant biomass and its temporal stability underchanging weather conditions on the Qinghai-Tibetan plateau, Land Degradation& Development, 2020, 31: 2662-2671.
Gao, Xiaoxia; Dong, Shikui*;Li, Shuai; Xu, Yudan; Liu, Shiliang; Zhao, Haidi; Yeomans, Jane; Li, Yu; Shen,Hao; Wu, Shengnan; Zhi, Yangliu; Usin g the random forest model and validatedMODIS with the field spectrometer measurement promote the accuracy ofestimating aboveground biomass and coverage of alpine grasslands on theQinghai-Tibetan Plateau, Ecological Indicators, 2020, 112: 0-106114.
Shikui Dong; Jing Zhang;Yuanyuan Li; Shiliang Liu; Qugnaming Dong; Huakun Zhou; Jane Yeomans; Yv Li;Shuai Li; Xiaoxia Gao; Effect of grassland degradation on aggregate-associatedsoil organic carbon of alpine grassland ecosystems in the Qinghai-TibetanPlateau, European Journal of Soil Science, 2020, 71(1): 69-79.
Yi An, Shiliang Liu, YongxiuSun, Fangning Shi, Shuang ZhaoNegative effects of farmland expansion onmulti-species landscape connectivity in a tropical region in SouthwestChina,Agricultural Systems,2020,179,102766
Xue Wu, Shiliang Liu, ShuangZhao, Xiaoyun Hou, Jingwei Xu, Shikui Dong and Guohua Liu. Quantification anddriving force analysis of ecosystem services supply, demand and balance inChina. Science of the Total Environment, 2019, 652: 1375-1386.
Shiliang Liu, Yongxiu Sun,Yuhong Dong, Haidi Zhao, Shikui Dong, Shuang Zhao and Robert Beazley. Thespatio-temporal patterns of the topsoil organic carbon density and itsinfluencing factors based on different estimation models in the grassland ofQinghai-Tibet Plateau. PLoS ONE, 2019, 14: e0225952-e0225952.
Yijie Yin, Shiliang Liu,Yongxiu Sun, Shuang Zhao, Yi An, Shikui Dong and Ana Coxixo. Identifyingmultispecies dispersal corridor priorities based on circuit theory: A casestudy in Xishuangbanna, Southwest China. Journal of Geographical Sciences,2019, 29: 1228-1245.
Yongxiu Sun, Shiliang Liu,Yuhong Dong, Yi Ana Fangning Shi, Shikui Dong, Guohua Liu. Spatio-temporalevolution scenarios and the coupling analysis of ecosystem services with landuse change in China. Science of the Total Environment, 2019, 681: 211-225.
Fangyan Cheng, Shiliang Liu,Xiaoyun Hou, Xue Wu, Shikui Dong and Ana Coxixo. The effects of urbanization onecosystem services for biodiversity conservation in southernmost YunnanProvince, Southwest China. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2019, 29(7): 1159-1178.
Shuang Zhao, Shiliang Liu,Xiaoyun Hou, Robert Beazley, Yongxiu Sun and Shikui Dong. Evidence ofprovincial variability in air pollutants-asthma relations in China. Journal ofCleaner Production, 2019, 242.
Shuang Zhao, Shiliang Liu,Xiaoyun Hou, Robert Beazley, Yongxiu Sun. Identifying the contributions ofmultiple driving forces to PM10–2. 5 pollution in urban areas in China. Scienceof the Total Environment, 2019, 663: 361-368.
Xiaoyun Hou, Shiliang Liu,Shuang Zhao, Robert Beazley, Fangyan Cheng, Xue Wu, Jingwei Xu, Shikui Dong.Selection of suitable species as a key factor for vegetation restoration ofdegraded areas in an open-pit manganese-ore mine in Southern China usingmultivariate-analysis methods. Land Degradation & Development, 2019, 30(8):942-950.
Xiaoyun Hou, Shiliang Liu,Fangyan Cheng, Yueqiu Zhang, Shikui Dong, Xukun Su and Guohua Liu. Vegetationcommunity composition along disturbance gradients of four typical open-pitmines in Yunnan Province of southwest China. Land Degradation &Development, 2019, 30(4): 437-447.
Xiaoyun Hou, Shiliang Liu,Shuang Zhao, Shikui Dong, Yongxiu Sun, Robert Beazley. The alpine meadow aroundthe mining areas on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau will degenerate as a result ofthe change of dominant species under the disturbance of open-pit mining.Environmental Pollution, 2019, 254.
Xiaoyun Hou, Shiliang Liu,Fangyan Cheng, Xukun Su, Shikui Dong, Shuang Zhao and Guohua Liu. Variabilityof environmental factors and the effects on vegetation diversity with differentrestoration years in a large open-pit phosphorite mine. Ecological Engineering,2019, 127: 245-253.
Jingwei Xu, Shiliang Liu,Shuang Zhao, Xue Wu, Xiaoyun Hou, Yi An, Zhenyao Shen. Spatiotemporal dynamicsof water yield service and is response to urbanization in the Beiyun riverbasin, Beijing. Sustainability, 2019, 11(16)4361.
Xue Wu, Shiliang Liu, YongxiuSun, Yi An, Shikui Dong, Guohua Liu. Ecological security evaluation based onentropy matter-element model: A case study of Kunming city, southwest China.Ecological Indicators, 2019, 120, 469-478.
Yueqiu Zhang, Shiliang Liu,Xiaoyun, Hou, Fangyan Cheng, Zhenyao Shen. Landscape- and climatechange-induced hydrological alterations in the typically urbanized Beiyun Riverbasin, Beijing, China. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment,2019, 33(1), 149-168.
Shiliang Liu, Yuhong Dong,Yongxiu Sun, Junran Li, Yi An, Fangning Shi. Modelling the spatial pattern ofbiodiversity utilizing the high-resolution tree cover data at large scale: Casestudy in Yunnan province, Southwest China. Ecological Engineering, 2019, 134,1-8.
Shiliang Liu, Guohao Pan,Yueqiu Zhang, Jingwei Xu, Rui Ma, Zhenyao Shen, Shikui Dong. Risk assessment ofsoil heavy metals associated with land use variations in the riparian zones ofa typical urban river gradient. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2019,181, 435-444.
Jian Sun, Tianyu Zhan, MiaoLiu, Zhenchao Zhang, Yi Wang, Shiliang Liu, Gaolin Wu, Guohua Liu and AtsushiTsunekawa. Verification of the biomass transfer hypothesis under moderategrazing across the Tibetan Plateau: a meta-analysis. Plant and Soil, 2019.
Ruidong Wu, Hugh P. Possingham,Guangzhi Yu, Tong Jin, Junjun Wang, Feiling Yang, Shiliang Liu, Jianzhong Ma,Xi Liu and Haiwei Zhao. Strengthening China's national biodiversity strategy toattain an ecological civilization. Conservation Letters, 2019,12(5).
Shuai Li, Shikui Dong, HaoShen, Yudan Xu, Xiaoxia Gao, Yuhui Han, Jing Zhang, Mingyue Yang, Yu Li,Zhenzhen Zhao, Yunfeng Yang, Shiliang Liu, Huakun Zhou, Quanming Dong and DavidSwift. Nitrogen addition gradient can regulate the environmental filtering ofsoil potassium or phosphorus in shaping the community assembly of alpinemeadow. Ecological Indicators. 2020, 109.
Shikui Dong, Wei Sha, Xukun Su,Yong Zhang, Shuai Li, Xiaoxai Gao, Shi-liang Liu, Jian-bin Shi, Quanru Liu andYan Hao. The impacts of geographic, soil and climatic factors on plantdiversity, biomass and their relationships of the alpine dry ecosystems: Casesfrom the Aerjin Mountain Nature Reserve, China. Ecological Engineering,2019,127: 170-177.
Xiaoxia Gao, Shikui Dong, YudanXu, Shengnan Wu, Xiaohui Wu, Xi Zhang, Yangliu Zhi, Shuai Li, Shiliang Liu, YuLi, Zhanhuan Shang, Quanmin Dong, Huakun Zhou and Paul Stufkens. Resilience ofrevegetated grassland for restoring severely degraded alpine meadows is drivenby plant and soil quality along recovery time: A case study from theThree-river Headwater Area of Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Agriculture Ecosystems& Environment, 2019, 279: 169-177.
Yuhui Han, Shikui Dong, XiaoyuWu, Shiliang Liu, Xukun Su, Yong Zhang, Haidi Zhao, Xiaolei Zhang and DavidSwift. Integrated modeling to identify priority areas for the conservation ofthe endangered plant species in headwater areas of Asia. Ecological Indicators,2019, 105: 47-56.
Yuhui Han, Shikui Dong,Zhenzhen Zhao, Wei Sha, Shuai Li, Hao Shen, Jiannan Xiao, Jing Zhang, XiaoyuWu, Xiaoman Jiang, Jinbo Zhao, Shiliang Liu, Quanmin Dong, Huakun Zhou and C.Yeomans Jane. Response of soil nutrients and stoichiometry to elevated nitrogendeposition in alpine grassland on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Geoderma, 2019,343: 263-268.
Qiaoyi Hua, Yi Yu, Shikui Dong,Shuai Li, Hao Shen, Yuhui Han, Jing Zhang, Jianan Xiao, Shiliang Liu, QuanmingDong, Huakun Zhou, Kelly Wessell. Leaf spectral responses of Poa crymophila tonitrogen deposition and climate change on Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. AgricultureEcosystems & Environment, 2019, 284.
Shuai Li, Shikui Dong, HaoShen, Yuhui Han, Jing Zhang, Yudan Xu, Xiaoxia Gao, Mingyue Yang, Yu Li,Zhenzhen Zhao, Shiliang Liu, Huakun Zhou, Quanming Dong and Jane C. Yeomans.Different responses of multifaceted plant diversities of alpine meadow andalpine steppe to nitrogen addition gradients on Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau.Science of the Total Environment, 2019, 688: 1405-1412.
Yu Li, Shikui Dong, QingzhuGao, Yong Zhang, Shiliang Liu, David Swift, Hasbagan Ganjurjav, Guozheng Hu,Xuexia Wang, Yulong Yan, Hongbao Wu, Wenrong Luo, Yiqing Ge, Yan Li, ZhenzhenZhao, Xiaoxia Gao, Shuai Li and Jiahui Song. The effects of grazing regimes onphenological stages, intervals and divergences of alpine plants on theQinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Vegetation Science, 2019, 30: 134-145.
Yu Li, Shikui Dong, QingzhuGao, Yong Zhang, Shiliang Liu, David Swift, Jinbo Zhao, Hasbagan Ganjurjav,Guozheng Hu, Xuexia Wang, Yulong Yan, Xujuan Cao, Wenhan Li, Wenrong Luo,Zhenzhen Zhao, Shuai Li and Xiaoxia Gao. Grazing promotes plant functionaldiversity in alpine meadows on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Rangeland Journal,2019, 41: 73-81.
Yu Li, Shikui Dong, ShiliangLiu, Xukun Su, Xuexia Wang, Yong Zhang, Zhenzhen Zhao, Xiaoxia Gao, Shuai Liand Lin Tang. Relationships between plant diversity and biomass production ofalpine grasslands are dependent on the spatial scale and the dimension ofbiodiversity. Ecological Engineering, 2019, 127: 375-382.
Hao Shen, Shikui Dong, ShuaiLi, Jiannan Xiao, Yuhui Han, Mingyue Yang, Jing Zhang, Xiaoxia Gao, Yudan Xu,Yu Li, Yangliu Zhi, Shiliang Liu, Quanming Dong, Huakun Zhou and Jane C.Yeomans. Effects of simulated N deposition on photosynthesis and productivityof key plants from different functional groups of alpine meadow onQinghai-Tibetan plateau. Environmental Pollution, 2019, 251: 731-737.
Hao Shen, Shikui Dong, ShuaiLi, Jiannan Xiao, Yuhui Han, Mingyue Yang, Jing Zhang, Xiaoxia Gao, Yudan Xu,Yu Li, Yangliu Zhi, Shiliang Liu, Quanming Dong, Huakun Zhou and Jane C.Yeomans. Grazing enhances plant photosynthetic capacity by altering soilnitrogen in alpine grasslands on the Qinghai-Tibetan plateau. AgricultureEcosystems & Environment, 2019, 280: 161-168.
Yudan Xu, Shikui Dong, XiaoxiaGao, Mingyue Yang, Shuai Li, Hao Shen, Jiannan Xiao, Yuhui Han, Jing Zhang, YuLi, Yangliu Zhi, Yunfeng Yang, Shiliang Liu, Quanming Dong, Huakun Zhou andPaul Stufkens. Trade-offs and cost-benefit of ecosystem services of revegetateddegraded alpine meadows over time on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. AgricultureEcosystems & Environment, 2019, 279: 130-138.
Zhenzhen Zhao, Xiangfeng Zhang,Shikui Dong, Yu Wu, Shiliang Liu, Xukun Su, Xuexia Wang, Yong Zhang and LinTang. Soil organic carbon and total nitrogen stocks in alpine ecosystems ofAltun Mountain National Nature Reserve in dry China. Environmental Monitoringand Assessment, 2019, 191.
刘世梁,武雪,朱家蓠,张辉,贾克敬,赵爽. 耦合景观格局与生态系统服务的区域生态承载力评价[J]. (中英文). 中国生态农业学报,2019,27(05):694-704.
吴晓慧,单熙凯,董世魁,高晓霞,许驭丹,张曦,武胜男,胡樱,温璐,刘世梁,董全民,王文颖. 基于改进的Lotka-Volterra种间竞争模型预测退化高寒草地人工恢复演替结果[J]. 生态学报,2019,39(09):3187-3198.
武胜男,张曦,高晓霞,许驭丹,吴晓慧,单席凯,刘世梁,董全民,董世魁,温璐. 三江源区“黑土滩”型退化草地人工恢复植物群落的演替动态[J]. 生态学报,2019,39(07):2444-2453.
张静,董世魁,赵珍珍,李帅,韩雨晖,沙威,沈豪,刘世梁,董全民,周华坤,土旦加,祁星民,王浩善. 模拟氮沉降对青海湖流域高寒草原植物群落组成及稳定性的影响[J]. 草业科学,2019,36(11):2733-2741.
Yueqiu Zhang, Shiliang Liu andFangyan Cheng. WetSpass-Based Study of the Effects of Urbanization on the WaterBalance Components at Regional and Quadrat Scales in Beijing, China. Water,2018, 10(1): 5-29.
Fangyan Cheng, Shiliang Liu,Xiaoyun Hou, Yueqiu Zhang, Shikui Dong, Ana Coxixo Guohua Liu. Urban landextraction using DMSP/OLS nighttime light data and Openstreetmap datasets forcities in China at different development levels. IEEE Journal of SelectedTopics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 2018,11(8):2587-2599.
Xiaoyun Hou, Shiliang Liu,Shuang Zhao, Yueqiu Zhang, Xue Wu, Fangyan Cheng, Shikui Dong. Interactionmechanism between floristic quality and environmental factors during ecologicalrestoration in a mine area based on structural equation modeling. EcologicalEngineering, 2018, 124:23-30.
Fangyan Cheng, Shiliang Liu,Xiaoyun Hou, Yueqiu Zhang and Shikui Dong. Response of bioenergy landscapepatterns and the provision of biodiversity ecosystem services associated withland-use changes in Jinghong County, Southwest China. Landscape Ecology, 2018,(26):1-16.
Emmanuel Rukundo, Shiliang Liu,Yuhong Dong, Evariste Rutebuka, Ernest Frimpong Asamoah, Jingwei Xu, Xue Wu.Spatio-temporal dynamics of critical ecosystem services in response toagricultural expansion in Rwanda, East Africa. Ecological Indicators, 2018,89:696-705.
Shiliang Liu, Xiaoyun Hou, MinYang, Fangyan Cheng, Ana Coxixo, Xue Wu, Yueqiu Zhang. Factors driving the relationshipsbetween vegetation and soil properties in the Yellow River Delta, China.Catena, 2018, 165: 279-285.
Shiliang Liu, Yijie Yin, JunranLi, Fangyan Cheng, Shikui Dong, Yueqiu Zhang. Using cross-scale landscapeconnectivity indices to identify key habitat resource patches for Asianelephants in Xishuangbanna, China. Landscape and Urban Planning, 2018, 171:80-87.
Shuang Zhao, Shiliang Liu,Xiaoyun Hou, Fangyan Cheng, Xue Wu, Shikui Dong, Robert Beazley. Temporaldynamics of SO2 and NOX pollution and contributions of driving forces in urbanareas in China. Environmental Pollution, 2018, 242: 239-248.
Xue Wu, Shiliang Liu, FangyanCheng, Xiaoyun Hou, Yueqiu Zhang, Shikui Dong, Guohua Liu. A regional strategyfor ecological sustainability: A case study in Southeast China. Science of theTotal of Environment, 2018, 3(616-617):1224-1234.
Yueqiu Zhang, Shiliang Liu,Fangyan Cheng, Ana Coxixo, Xiaoyun Hou, Zhenyao Shen, Lei Chen. Spatialdistribution of metals and associated risks in surface sediments along atypical urban river gradient in the Beijing region. Archives of EnvironmentalContamination and Toxicology, 2018, 74:80–91.
Xukun Su, Shikui Dong, ShiliangLiu, Arthur Philip Cracknell, Yong Zhang, Xuexia Wang, Guohua Liu. Using anunmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) to study wild yak in the highest desert in theworld. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2018(1):1-14.
Chen Zhao, Shikui Dong,Shiliang Liu, Nannan An, Isange Sylvie, Haidi Zhao, Qi Liu, Xiaoyu Wu.Preliminary study on the effect of cascade dams on organic matter sources ofsediments in the middle Lancang–Mekong River. Journal of Soils & Sediments,2018, 18(1): 1-12.
Zhenzhen Zhao, Shikui Dong,Xiaoman Jiang, Jinbo Zhao, Shiliang Liu, Mingyue Yang, Yuhui Han, Wei Sha. Are land use andshort time climate change effective on soil carbon compositions and theirrelationships with soil properties in alpine grassland ecosystems onQinghai-Tibetan Plateau? Science of the Total Environment, 2018, 625:539-546.
Xiaoyu Wu, Shikui Dong,Shiliang Liu, Quanru Liu, Yuhui Han, Xiaolei Zhang, Xukun Su, Haidi Zhao andJing Feng. Identifying priority areas for grassland endangered plant species inthe Sanjiangyuan Nature Reserve based on the MaxEnt model. BiodiversityScience, 2018, 26: 138-148.
Shuai Li, Shikui Dong,Xiangfeng Zhang, Shiliang Liu, Jianbin Shi, Xiaoxia Gao, David Swift, Yudan Xu,Hao Shen, Mingyue Yang and Canhoto Coxixo Ana Margarida. Evolutionary historyand functional traits determine the spatial pattern of multifaceted plantdiversity in a typical temperate desert disturbed by an expressway. Science ofthe Total Environment, 2018,635: 972-983.
Shikui Dong, Yu Li, ZhenzhenZhao, Yuanyuan Li, Shiliang Liu, Huakun Zhou, Quanming Dong, Shuai Li, XiaoxiaGao, Hao Shen, Yudan Xu, Yuhui Han, Jing Zhang and Mingyue Yang. LandDegradation Enriches Soil delta C-13 in Alpine Steppe and Soil delta N-15 inAlpine Desert by Changing Plant and Soil Features on Qinghai Tibetan Plateau.Soil Science Society of America Journal, 2018, 82: 960-968.
刘世梁,刘芦萌,武雪,侯笑云,赵爽,刘国华. 区域生态效应研究中人类活动强度定量化评价. 生态学报,2018(19):1-12.
刘世梁,赵爽,成方妍,侯笑云,贾克敬,祁帆,杨枫. 市域尺度两种生态系统服务评价方法对比研究[J]. 中国生态农业学报,2018,26(09):1315-1323.
刘世梁,安南南,侯笑云,董世魁,赵爽,许经纬. 澜沧江下游景观破碎化时空动态及成因分析[J]. 生态环境学报,2018,27(07):1351-1358.
李明琦,刘世梁,武雪,孙永秀,侯笑云,赵爽. 云南省农田生态系统碳足迹时空变化及其影响因素[J]. 生态学报,2018,38(24):8822-8834.
安毅,刘世梁,侯笑云,成方妍,赵爽,武雪. 人类活动的景观生态响应——以个旧市为例[J]. 生态学报,2018,38(24):8861-8872.
刘世梁,朱家蓠,许经纬,武雪,赵爽,侯笑云. 城市化对区域生态足迹的影响及其耦合关系[J]. 生态学报,2018,38(24):8888-8900.
武晓宇,董世魁,刘世梁,刘全儒,韩雨晖,张晓蕾,苏旭坤,赵海迪,冯憬. 基于MaxEnt模型的三江源区草地濒危保护植物热点区识别[J]. 生物多样性,2018,26(02):138-148.
Shiliang Liu*, Yueqiu Zhang,Fangyan Cheng, Xiaoyun Hou and Shuang Zhao. Response of grassland degradationto drought at different time-scales in Qinghai province: spatio-temporalcharacteristics, correlation, and implications. Remote Sensing, 2017, 9 (12):1329.
Shiliang Liu*, Yijie Yin,Fangyan Cheng, Xiaoyun Hou, Shikui Dong. Spatio-temporal variations ofconservation hotspots based on ecosystem services in Xishuangbanna, SouthwestChina. PloS one, 2017,12(12): e0189368.
Fangyan Cheng, Shiliang Liu*,Yijie Yin, Yueqiu Zhang, Qinghe Zhao & Shikui Dong. Identifying trace metaldistribution and occurrence in sediments, inundated soils, and non-floodedsoils of a reservoir catchment using Self-Organizing Maps, an artificial neuralnetwork method. Environmental Science & Pollution Research International,2017, 24(24): 19992-20004.
Shiliang Liu*, Yijie Yin,Xuehua Liu, Fangyan Cheng, Juejie Yang, Junran Li, Shikui Dong, Annah Zhu.Ecosystem services and landscape change associated with plantation expansion ina tropical rainforest region of Southwest China. Ecological Modelling, 2017,353: 129-138.
Shiliang Liu*, Yuhong Dong,Fangyan Cheng, Yueqiu Zhang, Xiaoyun Hou, Shikui Dong, Ana Coxixo. Effects ofroad network on Asian elephant habitat and connectivity between the naturereserves in Xishuangbanna, Southwest China. Journal for Nature Conservation,2017, 38: 11-20.
Shiliang Liu*, Nannan An,Shikui Dong, Chen Zhao, Ana Coxixo, Fangyan Cheng, Xiaoyun Hou. Spatialvariations of sedimentary organic carbon associated with soil loss influencedby cascading dams in the middle Lancang River Ecological Engineering 2017 106,323–332
Shiliang Liu*, Fangyan Cheng,Shikui Dong*, Haidi Zhao, Xiaoyun Hou, Xue Wu. Spatiotemporal dynamics ofgrassland aboveground biomass on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau based on validatedMODIS NDVI. Scientific Reports 2017, 7: 4182.
Xiaoyu Wu, Shikui Dong,Shiliang Liu, Xukun Su, Yuhui Han, Jianbin Shi,Yong Zhang, Zhenzhen Zhao, WeiSha, Xiang Zhang, Feng Gao, Donghua Xu. Predicting the shift of threatenedungulates’ habitats with climate change in Altun Mountain National NatureReserve of the Northwestern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Climatic Change, 2017,142(3-4):331-344.
Deng Li, Shiliang Liu, JuejieYang, Cong Wang, Qi Liu. Variation and accumulation of sediments and associatedheavy metals along cascade dams in the Mekong river, China. EnvironmentalEngineering & Management Journal, 2017, 16(9):2075-2087.
Yong Zhang, Shikui Dong,Qingzhu Gao, Shiliang Liu, Hasbagan Ganjurjav, Xuexia Wang, Xukun Su, XiaoyuWu. Soil bacterial and fungal diversity differently correlated with soilbiochemistry in alpine grassland ecosystems in response to environment changes.Scientific Reports, 2017, 7: 43077.
Zhenzhen Zhao, Shikui Dong,Xiaoman Jiang, Shiliang Liu, Hanzhong Ji, Yu Li, Yuhui Han, Wei Sha. Effects ofwarming and nitrogen deposition on CH4, CO2 and N2O emissions in alpinegrassland ecosystems of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Science of the TotalEnvironment, 2017, 592: 65-572.
尹艺洁,刘世梁,成方妍,吕一河,安南南,刘昕明. 基于景观特征的广西典型红树林湿地生态系统健康评价. 安全与环境学报,2017,17(03):1164-1170.
刘世梁,侯笑云,尹艺洁,成方妍,张月秋,董世魁. 景观生态网络研究进展. 生态学报,2017,37(12):3947-3956.
刘世梁,安南南,尹艺洁,成方妍,董世魁. 广西滨海区域景观格局分析及土地利用变化预测. 生态学报, 2017,37(18):5915-5923.
成方妍,刘世梁,张月秋,尹艺洁,侯笑云. 基于MODIS序列的北京市土地利用变化对净初级生产力的影响. 生态学报, 2017,37(18):5924-5934.
董玉红,刘世梁,王军,侯笑云. 基于景观格局的土地整理风险与固碳功能评价. 农业工程学报,2017,33(7):246-253.
刘世梁,侯笑云,张月秋,尹艺洁,王军. 基于生态系统服务的土地整治生态风险评价与管控建议. 生态与农村环境学报, 2017,33(3):193-200.
成方妍,刘世梁,尹艺洁,吕一河,安南南,刘昕明. 基于MODIS NDVI的广西沿海植被动态及其主要驱动因素. 生态学报,2017,37(3):788-797.
刘世梁,尹艺洁,杨珏婕,安南南,王聪,董世魁. 漫湾库区景观破碎化对区域生境质量的影响. 生态学报,2017,37(02):619-627.
刘世梁. 数据与技术驱动下的人类活动对生态系统的影响及评价研究——"人类活动的数量化表征与生态效应"专刊序言. 科研信息化技术与应用, 2017, 8(3):3-6.
侯笑云,刘世梁,成方妍,赵爽,武雪,贾克敬,祁帆,杨枫.生态保护红线划定中生物多样性重要性评价的不同方法对比研究. 科研信息化技术与应用, 2017,8(3):79-88.
董玉红,刘世梁, 张月秋, 侯笑云, 成方妍. 大数据在我国生态环境监测与评价中的应用与问题. 科研信息化技术与应用2017,8(3):18-26. 科研信息化技术与应用,2017,8(3):72-78.
刘芦萌,刘世梁,成方妍,张月秋,武雪. 基于灯光数据的西南生态屏障区建设用地扩展的空间分布特征. 科研信息化技术与应用,2017,8(3):27-36.
赵清贺,徐珊珊,刘世梁. 坡面植被斑块水土保持功能的景观图谱表达. 科研信息化技术与应用,2017,8(3):72-78.
Xukun Su, Shikui Dong, ShiliangLiu, Yu Wu, Xuexia Wang, Yong Zhang, Xiaoyu Wu. Identifying suitable habitatsof three ungulates in Arjinshan National Nature Reserve, China. Journal ofMountain Science, 2016, 13(1): 157-168.
Shiliang Liu, Yuhong Dong,Fangyan Cheng, Ana Coxixo, Xiaoyun Hou. Practices and opportunities ofecosystem service studies for ecological restoration in China. SustainabilityScience, 2016,11(6): 935–944.
NanNan An, Shiliang Liu, YijieYin, Fangyan Cheng, Shikui Dong, Xiaoyu Wu. Spatial distribution and sources ofpolycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in the reservoir sediments afterimpoundment of Manwan Dam in the middle of Lancang River, China. Ecotoxicology,2016(25): 1072–1081
Shiliang Liu, Yuhong Dong,Fangyan Cheng, Yijie Yin, Yueqiu Zhang. Variation of soil organic carbon andland use in a dry valley in Sichuan province, Southwestern China. EcologicalEngineering. 2016, 95:501–504
刘世梁*, 安南南, 尹艺洁, 成方妍, 董世魁. 基于SWAT模型的澜沧江中游小流域水土流失与NDVI时空动态相关性. 水土保持学报, 2016, 30(1): 62-66.
董世魁, 赵晨, 刘世梁, 杨志峰, Isange Sylvie, 安南南. 水坝建设影响下澜沧江中游沉积物重金属形态分析及污染指数研究. 环境科学学报, 2016,36(2): 466-474.
沙威, 董世魁, 刘世梁, 刘全儒, 石建斌, 李晓文, 苏旭坤, 吴娱. 阿尔金山自然保护区植物群落生物量和物种多样性的空间格局及其影响因素. 生态学杂志, 2016, 35(2): 330-337.
Yong Zhang, Shikui Dong,Qingzhu Gao, Shiliang Liu, Huakun Zhou, Hasbagan Ganjurjav, Xuexiao Wang.Climate change and human activities altered the diversity and composition ofsoil microbial community in alpine grasslands of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau.Science of the Total Environment,2016, (562):353-363
Yong Zhang, Shikui Dong,Qingzhu Gao, Shiliang Liu, Yan Liang, Xunjuan Cao. Response of alpinevegetation and soils to the disturbance of plateau pika(Ochotona curzoniae) atburrow level on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau of China. Ecological Engineering,2016(88):232-236.
董世魁,吴娱,刘世梁,等.阿尔金山国家级自然保护区草地生态安全评价.草地学报, 2016,24(4):906-909.
董世魁,汤琳,张相锋,刘世梁,刘全儒,苏旭坤,张勇,武晓宇,赵珍珍,李钰,沙威.高寒草地植物物种多样性与功能多样性的关系. 生态学报, 2017,37(5):1472-1483.
Qi Liu, Shiliang Liu*, HaidiZhao, Li Deng, Cong Wang, Qinghe Zhao, Shikui Dong. The phosphorus speciationsin the sediments up- and down-stream of cascade dams along the middle LancangRiver. Chemosphere, 2015, 120: 653-659.
Shiliang Liu*, Haidi Zhao,Xukun Su, Li Deng, Shikui Dong, Xiang Zhang. Spatio-temporal variability inrangeland conditions associated with climate change in the Altun MountainNational Nature Reserve on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau over the past 15 years.Rangeland Journal, 2015, 37 (1): 67-75.
Chen Zhao, Shiliang Liu*,Shikui Dong*, Sylvie Isange, Qi Liu, Nannan An, Xing Li. Spatial and seasonaldynamics of organic carbon in physically fractioned sediments associated withdam construction in the middle Lancang-Mekong River. Journal of Soils andSediments, 2015, 15(11): 2323-2333.
Shiliang Liu*, Nannan An,Juejie Yang, Shikui Dong, Cong Wang, Yijie Yin. Prediction of soil organicmatter variability associated with different land use types in mountainouslandscape in southwestern Yunnan province, China. Catena, 2015, 133: 137-144.
Shiliang Liu*, Xuku Su, ShikuiDong, Fangyan Cheng, Haidi Zhao, Xiaoyu Wu, Xiang Zhang, Junran Li. Modelingaboveground biomass of an alpine desert grassland with SPOT-VGT NDVI. GIScience& Remote Sensing, 2015, 52(6): 680-699.
Xukun Su, Shiliang Liu*, ShikuiDong, Yong Zhang, Xiaoyu Wu, Haidi Zhao, Zhenzhen Zhao, Wei Sha. Effects ofpotential mining activities on migration corridors of Chiru (Pantholops hodgsonii)in the Altun National Nature Reserve, China. Journal for Nature Conservation,2015, 28: 119-126.
Zhao, Haidi, Shiliang Liu*,Shikui Dong, Xukun Su, Xuexia Wang, Xiaoyu Wu, Lei Wu, Xiang Zhang. Analysis ofvegetation change associated with human disturbance using MODIS data on therangelands of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Rangeland Journal, 2015, 37 (1):77-87.
Su, Xukun, Shikui Dong,Shiliang Liu, Yu Wu, Haidi Zhao, Xiang Zhang, Jin Weng, Lin Tang, Xiaoyu Wu,Peng Hou. Changes in rangeland cover associated with livestock grazing in AltunNational Nature Reserve, northwest Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Rangeland Journal,2015, 37 (1): 97-105.
Li, Yuanyuan, Shikui Dong,Shiliang Liu, Huakun Zhou, Qingzhu Gao, Guangmin Cao, Xuexia Wang, Xunkun Su,Yong Zhang, Lin Tang, Haidi Zhao, Xiaoyu Wu. Seasonal changes of CO2, CH4 andN2O fluxes in different types of alpine grassland in the Qinghai-TibetanPlateau of China. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 2015, 80: 306-314.
Tang, Lin, Shikui Dong, RuthSherman, Shiliang Liu, Quanru Liu, Xuexia Wang, Xukun Su, Yong Zhang, YuanyuanLi, Yu Wu, Haidi Zhao, Chen Zhao, Xiaoyu Wu. Changes in vegetation compositionand plant diversity with rangeland degradation in the alpine region ofQinghai-Tibet Plateau. Rangeland Journal, 2015, 37 (1): 107-15.
Wang, Xuexia, Shikui Dong, RuthSherman, Quanru Liu, Shiliang Liu, Yuanyuan Li, Yu Wu. A comparison ofbiodiversity-ecosystem function relationships in alpine grasslands across adegradation gradient on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Rangeland Journal, 2015,37 (1): 45-55.
Zhang, Yong, Qingzhu Gao,Shikui Dong, Shiliang Liu, Xuexia Wang, Xukun Su, Yuanyuan Li, Lin Tang, XiaoyuWu, Haidi Zhao. Effects of grazing and climate warming on plant diversity,productivity and living state in the alpine rangelands and cultivatedgrasslands of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Rangeland Journal, 2015, 37 (1): 57-65.
Li Deng, Shiliang Liu, ShikuiDong, Nannan An, Haidi Zhao, Qi Liu. Application of Ecopath model on trophicinteractions and energy flows of impounded Manwan reservoir ecosystem inLancang River, southwest China. Journal of Freshwater Ecology, 2015, 30(2):1-17.
Shikui Dong, Xuexia Wang,Shiliang Liu, Yuanyuan Li, Xukun Su, Lu Wen, Lei Zhu. 2015. Reproductiveresponses of alpine plants to grassland degradation and artificial restorationin the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Grass and Forage Science 70, 229-238.
刘世梁*, 田韫钰, 安南南, 赵海迪, 董世魁. 基于逐月标准化降水蒸散指数的多尺度方法分析气候变化对澜沧江流域归一化植被指数的影响. 气候与环境研究, 2015,20 (6): 705-714.
刘世梁*, 安南南, 董世魁, 赵海迪, 邓丽, 赵晨. 基于NDVI的水电站开发对植被的影响—以澜沧江梯级水电站开发为例. 山地学报, 2015, 1:48-57.
刘世梁*, 安南南, 杨珏婕, 董玉红, 王聪. 澜沧江中游山地不同土地利用对土壤有机碳的影响及预测. 应用生态学报, 2015, 4: 981-988.
刘世梁*, 尹艺洁 安南南董世魁. 有机产业对生态环境影响的全过程分析与评价体系框架构建. 中国生态农业学报,2015, 23(7): 793-802.
董玉红, 刘世梁*, 安南南, 尹艺洁, 王军, 邱扬. 基于景观指数和空间自相关的吉林大安市景观格局动态研究. 自然资源学报, 2015,30 (11): 1860-1871.
董世魁, 武晓宇, 刘世梁, 苏旭坤, 吴娱, 石建斌, 李晓文, 张翔, 许东华, 翁晋. 阿尔金山自然保护区基于野牦牛,藏野驴, 藏羚羊适宜栖息地的生态容量估测. 生态学报, 2015, 35 (23): 7598-7607.
刘世梁, 尹艺洁, 成方妍. 区域有机产业成熟度的生态环境指标体系构建初探. 认证与认可, 2015,12: 58-60.
Yuanyuan Li, Shikui Dong,Shiliang Liu, Xuexia Wang, Lu Wen, Yu Wu. The interaction between poisonousplants and soil quality in response to grassland degradation in the alpineregion of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Plant Ecology, 2014, 215 (8): 809-819.
Wang, Xuexia, Shikui Dong,Qingzhu Gao, Huakun Zhou, Shiliang Liu, Xukun Su, Yuanyuan Li. Effects of short-term andlong-term warming on soil nutrients, microbial biomass and enzyme activities inan alpine meadow on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau of China. Soil Biology &Biochemistry, 2014, 76: 140-142.
Shiliang Liu*, Li Deng, LidingChen, Junran Li, Shikui Dong, Haidi Zhao. Landscape network approach to assessecological impacts of road projects on biological conservation. ChineseGeographical Science, 2014, 24(1): 5-14.
Cong Wang, Shiliang Liu*, LiDeng, Qi Liu, Juejie Yang. Road lateral disconnection and crossing impacts inriver landscape of Lancang River Valley in Yunnan Province, China. ChineseGeographical Science, 2014, 24(1): 15-27.
Shiliang Liu, Yuhong Dong*, LiDeng, Qi Liu, Haidi Zhao, Shikui Dong. Forest fragmentation and landscapeconnectivity change associated with road network extension and city expansion:A case study in the Lancang River Valley. Ecological Indicators, 2014, 36:160-168.
Shiliang Liu*, Cong Wang,Juejie Yang, Qinghe Zhao. Assessing the heavy metal contamination of soils inthe water-level fluctuation zone upstream and downstream of the Manwan DamLancang River. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 2014, 14: 1147-1157.
Haidi Zhao, Shiliang Liu*,Shikui Dong, Xukun Su, Qi Liu, Li Deng. Characterizing the importance ofhabitat patches in maintaining landscape connectivity for Tibetan antelope inthe Altun Mountain National Nature Reserve, China. Ecological Research, 2014,29 (6): 1065-1075.
Qinghe Zhao, Shiliang Liu*, LiDeng, Shikui Dong, Cong Wang. Soil degradation associated with water-levelfluctuations in the Manwan Reservoir, Lancang River Basin. Catena, 2014, 113:226-235.
Shiliang Liu*, Li Deng, ShikuiDong, Qinghe Zhao, Juejie Yang, Cong Wang. Landscape connectivity dynamicsbased on network analysis in the Xishuangbanna Nature Reserve, China. ActaOecologica, 2014, 55: 66-77.
Juejie Yang, Shiliang Liu*,Cong Wang, Li Deng, Shi-kui Dong. Forest pattern dynamics and landscapeconnectivity changes in the Manwan Basin after dam construction in the LancangRiver, China. Landscape and Ecological Engineering, 2014, 10(1): 77-83.
刘世梁*, 安南南, 王军. 土地整理对生态系统服务影响的评价研究进展. 中国生态农业学报,2014, 9: 1010-1019.
刘世梁*, 董玉红, 安南南, 王军, 赵海迪. 基于增强型植被指数序列和景观格局分析的松嫩平原盐碱地动态—以大安市为例.应用生态学报, 2014,25(11): 3263-3269.
刘世梁*, 董玉红, 王军. 基于WEPP模型的土地整理对长期土壤侵蚀的影响. 水土保持学报, 2014,4: 18-22.
刘世梁*, 刘琦, 王聪, 赵清贺, 邓丽, 董世魁. 基于地理加权回归的漫湾库区景观破碎化及影响因子分析. 地理科学, 2014,34(7): 856-862.
刘世梁*, 刘琦, 张兆苓, 邓丽, 董世魁. 云南省红河流域景观生态风险及驱动力分析. 生态学报, 2014, 34(13): 3728-3734.
刘世梁*, 赵海迪, 董世魁, 安南南, 苏旭坤, 张翔. 基于SPEI 的近50 年青藏高原高寒草地自然保护区气候变化研究. 生态环境学报, 2014, 23(12): 1883-1888.
刘世梁*, 赵海迪, 董世魁, 苏旭坤, 刘琦, 邓丽, 张翔. 基于SPOT NDVI的阿尔金山自然保护区植被动态变化研究. 干旱区研究, 2014, 5: 832-837.
刘世梁*, 赵海迪, 董世魁, 苏旭坤, 刘琦, 张翔. 高寒荒漠区河流廊道景观动态及驱动因子分析—以阿尔金山自然保护区为例. 生态学杂志, 2014,6: 1647-1654.
苏旭坤, 董世魁, 刘世梁, 刘颖慧, 石建斌, 吴娱, 张翔, 高峰, 许东华. 阿尔金山国家级自然保护区基于GIS-生态位模型的野牦牛栖息地辨识研究. 干旱区地理, 2014,6: 1216-1221.
苏旭坤, 董世魁, 刘世梁, 刘颖慧, 石建斌, 吴娱, 张翔, 许东华. 阿尔金山自然保护区土地利用/覆被变化对藏野驴栖息地的影响. 生态学杂志, 2014, 1: 141-148.
苏旭坤, 董世魁, 刘世梁, 石建斌, 吴娱, 张翔, 高峰, 许东华. 阿尔金山自然保护区藏羚羊冷暖季适宜性栖息地分异性. 生态学杂志, 2014, 06: 1639-1646.
赵晨, 董世魁, 刘世梁, Isange Sylvie, 李晋鹏, 刘琦, 安南南. 漫湾大坝上下游沉积物重金属与营养元素分布特征及环境风险评价. 环境科学学报, 2014, 09: 2417-2425.
赵海迪, 刘世梁*, 董世魁, 刘琦, 李晓文. 三江源区人类干扰与湿地空间变化关系研究. 湿地科学, 2014, 12(1): 22-28.
赵海迪, 刘世梁*, 董世魁, 苏旭坤, 张翔. 基于植被覆盖度的藏羚羊栖息地时空变化研究. 生态学报, 2014, 12: 3285-3292.
钟莉娜, 郭旭东, 赵文武, 刘世梁, 吴全. 内蒙古鄂尔多斯市达拉特旗土地利用结构变化对生态系统服务价值的影响. 中国土地科学, 2014, 10: 25-32.
Qi Liu, Shiliang Liu*, HaidiZhao, Deng Li, Cong Wang, Qinghe Zhao, Shikui Dong. Longitudinal variability ofphosphorus fractions in sediments of a canyon reservoir due to cascade damconstruction: a case study in Lancang River, China. PLoS ONE, 2013, 8(12),e83329.
Shiliang Liu*, Qinghe Zhao,Minxia Wen, Li Deng, Shikui Dong, Cong Wang. Assessing the impact ofhydroelectric project construction on the ecological integrity of the NuozhaduNature Reserve, southwest China. Stochastic Environmental Research and RiskAssessment, 2013, 27(7): 1709-1718.
Qinghe Zhao, Shiliang Liu*,Cong Wang, Li Deng, Shikui Dong. Effects of water-level fluctuations and landuse type on heavy metal accumulation along a dam reservoir, Southwest China.Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 2013, 22: 1118-1125.
Qinghe Zhao, Shiliang Liu*, LiDeng, Shikui Dong, Cong Wang. Longitudinal distribution of heavy metals insediments of a canyon reservoir in Southwest China due to dam construction.Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 2013, 185(7): 6101-6110.
Qinghe Zhao, Shiliang Liu*, LiDeng, Shikui Dong. Evaluating influences of the Manwan dam and climatevariability on the hydrology of the Lancang-Mekong River, Yunnan Province,Southwest China. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, 2013, 18(10): 1322-1330.
Qinghe Zhao, Shiliang Liu*, LiDeng, Shikui Dong, Zhifeng Yang, Qi Liu. Determining the influencing distanceof dam construction and reservoir impoundment on land use: A case study ofManwan Dam, Lancang River. Ecological Engineering, 2013, 53, 235-242.
Shiliang Liu*, Yuhong Dong, LiDeng, Qi Liu, Jun Wang, Xilai Zhang. Effects of different terrace protectionmeasures in a sloping land consolidation project targeting soil erosion at theslope scale. Ecological Engineering, 2013, 53 (4): 46-53.
Jinpeng Li, Shikui Dong,Mingchun Peng, Zhifeng Yang, Shiliang Liu, Xiaoyan Li, Chen Zhao. Effects ofdamming on the biological integrity of fish assemblages in the middleLancang-Mekong River basin. Ecological Indicators, 34: 94-102.
吴娱, 张相锋, 董世魁, 刘世梁, 张翔, 苏旭坤, 王学霞, 李媛媛. 阿尔金山自然保护区东部典型植物群落的物种组成、多样性及生物量. 生态学杂志, 2013, 32(9): 2250 -2256.
李小艳, 彭明春, 董世魁, 刘世梁, 李晋鹏, 杨志峰. 基于ESHIPPO模型的澜沧江中游大坝水生生物生态风险评价. 应用生态学报, 2013,24(2): 517-526.
董世魁, 朱晓霞, 刘世梁, 王学霞, 苏旭坤, 李媛媛, 温璐. 全球变化背景下草原畜牧业的危机及其人文-自然系统耦合的解决途径. 中国草地学报, 2013,35(4): 1-6.
董世魁, 汤琳, 王学霞, 刘颖慧, 刘世梁, 刘全儒, 吴娱, 李媛媛, 苏旭坤, 赵晨. 青藏高原高寒草地植物多样性测定的最小样地面积. 生物多样性, 2013,21 (6): 651-657.
刘世梁*, 刘琦, 王聪, 杨珏婕, 邓丽. 道路建设对区域植被类型的影响. 应用生态学报, 2013, 24(5): 1192-1198.
Cong Wang, Shiliang Liu*,Qinghe Zhao, Li Deng, Shikui Dong. Spatial variation and contaminationassessment of heavy metals in sediments in the Manwan Reservoir, Lancang River.Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2012, 82: 32-39.
Qinghe Zhao, Shiliang Liu*, LiDeng, Shikui Dong, Cong Wang, Zhifeng Yang, Juejie Yang. Landscape change andhydrologic alteration associated with dam construction. International Journalof Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 2012, 16: 17-26.
Qinghe Zhao, Shiliang Liu*, LiDeng, Shikui Dong, Juejie Yang, Cong Wang. The effects of dam construction andprecipitation variability on hydrologic alteration in the Lancang River Basinof southwest China. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment,2012, 26: 993-1011.
Qinghe Zhao, Shiliang Liu*, LiDeng, Zhifeng Yang, Shikui Dong, Cong Wang, Zhaoling Zhang. Spatio-temporalvariation of heavy metals in fresh water after dam construction: a case studyof the Manwan Reservoir, Lancang River. Environmental Monitoring andAssessment, 2012, 184: 4253-4266.
Jinpeng Li, Shikui Dong,Mingchun Peng, Xiaoyan Li, Shiliang Liu. Vegetation distribution pattern in thedam areas along middle-low reach of Lancang-Mekong River in Yunnan Province,China. Frontiers of Earth Science, 2012, 6(3): 283-290.
Jinpeng Li, Shikui Dong,Zhifeng Yang, Mingchun Peng, Shiliang Liu, Xiaoyan Li. Effects of cascadehydropower dams on the structure and distribution of riparian and uplandvegetation along the middle-lower Lancang-Mekong River. Forest Ecology andManagement, 2012, 284: 251-259.
李小艳, 董世魁, 刘世梁, 彭明春, 李晋鹏, 赵清贺, 张兆苓. 水坝工程对澜沧江中游陆生植物的生态风险评估. 应用生态学报, 2012,8: 2242-2248.
刘琦, 刘世梁*, 赵清贺, 王聪, 邓丽, 杨珏婕, 董世魁. 基于移动窗口法的水电开发影响下景观格局梯度分析. 山地学报, 2012, 5:628-635.
刘琦, 刘世梁*, 赵清贺, 王聪, 邓丽, 杨珏婕, 董世魁. 漫湾水电站建设的景观生态风险时空分异及影响因子研究. 安全与环境学报, 2012,12(6): 113-118.
刘世梁*, 杨珏婕, 安晨, 邱扬, 王军. 基于景观连接度的土地整理生态效应评价. 生态学杂志, 2012, 3: 689-695.
刘世梁*, 王聪, 刘琦, 邓丽, 杨珏婕. 水利工程对流域生态系统的影响及其评价方法. 中国环境科学, 2012, 32(S2): 92-100.
Shikui Dong, Jinpeng Li,Xiaoyan Li, Shiliang Liu, Qinghe Zhao. Impacts of geo-physical factors andhuman disturbance on composition and diversity of roadside vegetation: A casestudy from Xishuangbanna National Nature Reserve of Southwest China. AfricanJournal of Biotechnology, 2011, 10(72): 16228-16235.
Shikui Dong, Lu Wen, ShiliangLiu, Xiangfeng Zhang, James P Lassoie, Shaoliang Yi, Xiaoyan Li, Jinpeng Li,Yuanyuan Li. Vulnerability of worldwide pastoralism to global changes andinterdisciplinary strategies for sustainable pastoralism. Ecology and Society,2011, 16(2): 10-32.
Shiliang Liu*, Li Deng, QingheZhao, Stephen Daniel DeGloria, Shikui Dong. Effects of road network onvegetation pattern in Xishuangbanna, Yunnan Province, Southwest China.Transportation Research Part D, 2011, 16: 591-594.
刘世梁*, 王聪, 张希来, 杨珏婕. 土地整理中不同梯田空间配置的水土保持效应研究. 水土保持学报, 2011,25(4): 59-62.
王聪, 刘世梁*, 董世魁, 邓丽, 李晋鹏, 杨珏婕, 杨恒学. 辽宁省营口生态市可持续发展评价研究. 人口资源与环境, 2011,21(5): 10-14.
杨珏婕, 刘世梁*, 赵清贺, 董世魁, 张志明. 基于网络K 函数的西双版纳人工林空间格局及动态. 生态学报, 2011,31(23): 6734-6742.
张兆苓, 刘世梁*, 赵清贺, 邓丽, 董世魁. 道路对景观格局和土壤侵蚀的影响—以云南省凤庆县为例. 土壤通报, 2011, 42(1): 169-173.
赵清贺, 刘世梁*, 张兆苓, 邓丽. 漫湾水电开发对库区景观动态的影响. 生态学杂志, 2011,30(10): 2343-2350.
张兆苓, 刘世梁*, 赵清贺, 杨珏婕. 道路网络对景观生态风险的影响—以云南省红河流域为例. 生态学杂志, 2010,29(11): 2223-2228.
况亮, 秦玮, 董世魁, 刘世梁, 战金艳, 赵烨, 田甜, 钱清清, 曾思原. 公路建设对雾灵山自然保护区植被的影响. 生态学杂志, 2010,29(1): 146- 151.
Wei Fu, Shiliang Liu*, StephenDaniel DeGloria, Shikui Dong, Robert Beazley. Characterizing the"fragmentation-barrier" effect of road networks on landscapeconnectivity: A case study in Xishuangbanna, Southwest China. Landscape andUrban Planning, 2010, 95: 122-129.
Min Yang, Shiliang Liu*,Zhifeng Yang, Tao Sun, Robert Beazley. Multivariate and geostatistical analysisof wetland soil salinity in nested areas of the Yellow River Delta. AustralianJournal of Soil Research, 2009, 47(5): 486-497.
Min Yang, Shiliang Liu*,Zhifeng Yang, Tao Sun, Stephen Daniel DeGloria, Kathleen Holt. Effect on soilproperties of conversion of yellow river delta ecosystems. Wetlands, 2009, 29: 1014-1022.
Baoshan Cui, Hongjuan Zhai,Shikui Dong, Bin Chen, Shiliang Liu. Multivariate analysis of the effects ofedaphic and topographical factors on plant distribution in the Yilong LakeBasin of Yun-Gui Plateau, China. Canadian Journal of Plant Science, 2009, 89:209-219.
Yao Huang, Yongqiang Yu, WenZhang, Wenjuan Sun, Shiliang Liu, Jun Jiang, Jinshui Wu, Wantai Yu, Yu Wang,Zhaofang Yang. Agro-C: A biogeophysical model for simulating the carbon budgetof agroecosystems. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2009, 149: 106-129.
Shiliang Liu*, Yuhong Dong,Minxia Wen, Bin Chen. Quantify the landscape effect and environmentalsustainability of rural region planning at town scale near metropolis.Frontiers of Earth Sciences in China, 2009, 3(1): 112-117.
Zhaoling Zhang, Shiliang Liu*,Shikui Dong, Wei Fu, Baoshan Cui. Spatio-temporal analysis of different levelsof road expansion on soil erosion distribution: a case study of Fengqingcounty, Southwest China. Frontiers of Earth Science in China, 2009, 3(4): 389-396.
衷平, 杨志峰, 崔保山, 刘世梁. 公路网对湿地生态功能的累积效应研究—以云南纵向岭谷区为例. 环境科学学报, 2009,29(2): 397- 405.
刘世梁*, 富伟, 崔保山, 杨敏. 基于RV指数的道路网络干扰效应空间分异研究—以云南省纵向岭谷区为例. 地理与地理信息科学, 2009, 25(2): 50-54.
杨敏, 刘世梁*, 孙涛, 富伟. 黄河三角洲湿地景观边界变化及其对土壤性质的影响. 湿地科学, 2009,7(1): 67-74.
富伟, 刘世梁*, 崔保山, 张兆苓. 基于景观格局与过程的云南省典型地区道路网络生态效应. 应用生态学报, 2009,20 (8): 1925- 1931.
富伟, 刘世梁*, 崔保山, 张兆苓. 景观生态学中生态连接度研究进展. 生态学报, 2009,29(11): 6174-6182.
安晨, 刘世梁*, 李新举, 邱扬. 景观生态学原理在土地整理中的应用. 地域研究与开发, 2009,28(6): 68-74.
Shiliang Liu*, Baoshan Cui,Shikui Dong, Zhifeng Yang, Min Yang, Kathleen Holt. Evaluating the influence ofroad networks on landscape and regional ecological risk-a case study in LancangRiver Valley of Southwest China. Ecological Engineering, 2008, 34: 91-99.
Shikui Dong, Baoshan Cui,Zhifeng Yang, Shiliang Liu, Jie Liu, Zongkai Ding, Jianjun Zhu, Weike Yao, Guoliang Wei. Therole of road disturbance in the dispersal and spread of Ageratina adenophoraalong the Dian-Myanmar international road. Weed Research, 2008, 48: 282-288.
温敏霞, 刘世梁*, 崔保山, 杨敏. 水利工程建设对自然保护区生态系统的影响.生态学报, 2008,28(4): 1663-1671.
刘世梁*, 温敏霞, 崔保山, 杨敏. 基于网络特征的道路生态干扰——以澜沧江流域为例. 生态学报, 2008,28(4): 1672-1680.
温敏霞, 刘世梁*, 崔保山, 富伟, 杨敏. 澜沧江流域云南段道路网络对生态承载力的影响研究. 环境科学学报, 2008, 28(6): 1241-1248.
杨敏, 刘世梁*, 孙涛, 崔保山, 赵欣胜. 基于边界特征的黄河三角洲景观变化及空间异质性. 生态学杂志, 2008, 27(7): 1149-1155.
刘世梁*, 温敏霞, 崔保山, 富伟, 杨敏. 道路影响域的界定及其空间分异规律—以纵向岭谷区为例. 地理科学进展, 2008, 27(5): 122-128.
刘世梁*, 温敏霞, 崔保山, 富伟, 杨敏. 基于空间分析方法和GIS的区域道路网络特征分析. 山地学报, 2008, 26(4): 459-466.
刘世梁*, 崔保山, 温敏霞, 董世魁. 路域土壤重金属含量空间变异的影响因子. 环境科学学报, 2008,28(2): 253 - 260.
董世魁, 崔保山, 刘世梁, 刘杰, 朱建军, 姚维科, 丁宗凯. 滇缅国际通道沿线紫茎泽兰(Eupatoriumadenophorum)的分布规律及其与环境因子的关系. 环境科学学报, 2008,28(2): 278-288.
王娟, 崔保山, 刘世梁, 刘杰, 翟红娟. 各等级道路网对纵向岭谷区景观结构健康的影响. 环境科学学报, 2008, 28 (2): 261-268.
王娟 , 崔保山, 姚华荣, 刘世梁. 纵向岭谷区澜沧江流域景观生态安全时空分异特征. 生态学报, 2008,28(4): 1681-1690.
Juan Wang, Baoshan Cui,Shiliang Liu, Shikui Dong. Effects of road networks on ecosystem service valuein the Longitudinal Range-Gorge Region. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2007,52(SII): 180-191.
Hongjuan Zhai, Baoshan Cui, BoHu, Guoliang Wei, Shiliang Liu. Regional ecosystem changes under differentcascade hydropower dam construction scenarios in LRGR. Chinese ScienceBulletin, 2007, 52(SII): 106-114.
Shiliang Liu*, Baoshan Cui,Minxia Wen, Juan Wang, Shikui Dong. Statistical regularity of road networkfeatures and ecosystem change in Longitudinal Range-Gorge Region (LRGR).Chinese Science Bulletin, 2007, 52(SII): 82-89.
Minxia Wen, Shiliang Liu*,Baoshan Cui. Research on spatiotemporal change of ecological capacity anddriving forces in LRGR. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2007, 52(SII): 74-81.
Shikui Dong, Baoshan Cui,Zhifeng Yang, Shiliang Liu, Jie Liu, Juan Wang, Zongkai Ding, Lina Gao, ShuqingZhao. Species composition, plant cover and diversity of recently reforestedwild lands near Dabao highway in Longitudinal Range-Gorge Region of YunnanProvince, China. African Journal of Biotechnology, 2007, 6: 2810-2820.
Shiliang Liu*, Xudong Guo,Bojie Fu, Gang Lian, Jing Wang. The effect of environmental variables on soilcharacteristics at different scales in the transition zone of the Loess Plateauin China. Soil Use and Management, 2007, 23: 92-99.
刘世梁*, 崔保山, 温敏霞, 王娟, 董世魁. 纵向岭谷区道路网络特征和生态系统变异统计规律. 科学通报, 2007, 52(SII): 71-77.
温敏霞, 刘世梁*, 崔保山. 纵向岭谷区生态承载力的时空动态及驱动因子研究. 科学通报, 2007,52(SII): 64-70.
刘世梁*, 郭旭东, 连纲, 王静. 黄土高原典型脆弱区生态安全多尺度评价. 应用生态学报, 2007,18 (7): 1554- 1559.
刘世梁*, 崔保山, 温敏霞. 道路建设的生态效应及对区域生态安全的影响. 地域研究与开发, 2007,26(3): 108-111.
刘世梁*, 温敏霞, 崔保山. 不同道路类型对澜沧江流域景观的生态影响. 地理研究, 2007,16(1): 234-238.
刘世梁*, 崔保山, 温敏霞, 董世魁. 重大工程对区域生态安全的驱动效应及指标体系构建. 生态环境, 2007,16(1): 234-238.
翟红娟, 崔保山, 胡波, 魏国良, 刘世梁. 纵向岭谷区不同水电梯级开发情景胁迫下的区域生态系统变化. 科学通报, 2007,S2: 93-100.
王娟, 崔保山, 刘世梁, 董世魁, 魏国良, 刘杰. 公路网对纵向岭谷区生态系统服务价值的影响. 科学通报, 2007,S2: 155-165.
Guoqiang Li, Keming Ma, BojieFu, Shiliang Liu. Designing regional pattern for ecosystem restoration: a casestudy. Science in China: Series E, 2006, 49: 86-97.
董世魁, 崔保山, 刘世梁, 刘杰, 朱建军, 姚维科. 云南省公路路域绿化护坡植物的生态区划与选择. 环境科学学报, 2006,26(6): 1038-1046.
刘世梁*, 温敏霞, 崔保山, 董世魁. 道路网络扩展对区域生态系统的影响——以景洪市纵向岭谷区为例. 生态学报, 2006,26(9): 3018-3024.
翟红娟, 崔保山, 赵欣胜, 刘世梁, 胡波, 姚敏. 异龙湖湖滨带不同环境梯度下土壤养分空间变异性. 生态学报, 2006,26(1): 61-69.
徐琳瑜, 杨志峰, 帅磊, 鱼京善, 刘世梁. 基于生态服务功能价值的水库工程生态补偿研究. 中国人口资源与环境, 2006, 16(4): 125-128.
董玉红, 欧阳竹, 刘世梁. 农业生物多样性与生态系统健康及其管理措施. 中国生态农业学报,2006, 14(3): 16-20.
刘世梁*, 傅伯杰, 刘国华, 马克明. 岷江上游退耕还林与生态恢复的问题和对策. 长江流域资源与环境,2006, 15(4): 506-510.
刘世梁*, 崔保山, 杨志峰, 甘淑, 董世魁. 高速公路建设对山地景观格局的影响-以澜沧江流域为例. 山地学报, 2006, 24(24): 54-59.
刘世梁*, 郭旭东, 傅伯杰, 连纲, 王静. 道路网络对黄土高原过渡区土地生态安全的影响. 干旱区研究, 2006, 23(1): 126-132.
刘世梁*, 崔保山, 杨志峰, 董世魁. 道路网络对澜沧江流域典型区土地利用变化的驱动分析. 环境科学学报, 2006,26(1): 162-167.
刘世梁*, 傅伯杰, 刘国华, 马克明. 我国土壤质量及其评价研究的进展. 土壤通报, 2006,37(1): 137-143.
Yuhong Dong, Zhu Ouyang,Shiliang Liu. Nitrogen transformation in maize soil after application ofdifferent organic manures. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2005, 17(2):340-343.
刘世梁*, 杨志峰, 崔保山, 甘淑. 道路对景观的影响及其生态风险评价—以澜沧江流域为例. 生态学杂志, 2005,24(8): 897-901.
刘世梁*, 郭旭东, 连纲, 傅伯杰, 王静. 黄土高原土壤养分空间变异的多尺度分析—以横山县为例. 水土保持学报, 2005, 19(5): 105-108.
Bojie Fu, Shiliang Liu, KemingMa, Yongguan Zhu. Relationships between soil characteristics, topography andplant diversity of heterogeneous deciduous broad-leaved forest near Beijing,China. Plant and Soil, 2004, 261: 47-54.
Bojie Fu, Shiliang Liu, LidingChen, Yihe Lü, Jun Qiu. Soil quality regime in relation to land cover and slopeposition across a highly modified slope landscape. Ecological Research, 2004,19: 111-118.
Keming Ma, Bojie Fu, ShiliangLiu, Wenbin Guan, Guohua Liu, Yihe Lü, Madhur Anand. Multiple-scale soilmoisture distribution and its implications for ecosystem restoration in an aridriver valley, China. Land Degradation & Development, 2004, 15: 75-85.
Yihe Lü, Liding Chen, Bojie Fu,Shiliang Liu. Entangling the complexity of protected area management: the caseof Wolong Biosphere Reserve, Southwestern China. Environmental Management,2004, 33: 788-798.
刘世梁, 傅伯杰, 马克明, 刘国华. 岷江上游高原面景观与植被格局对土壤性质的影响. 应用生态学报, 2004,15(1): 26-30.
张文辉, 卢涛, 马克明, 周建云, 刘世梁. 岷江上游干旱河谷植物群落分布的环境与空间因素分析. 生态学报, 2004, 24(3): 552-559.
Bojie Fu, Shiliang Liu, YiheLu, Liding Chen, Keming Ma. Comparing the soil quality changes of differentland uses determined by two quantitative methods. Journal of EnvironmentalSciences, 2003, 15(2): 167-172.
Yihe Lü, Liding Chen, Bojie Fu,Shiliang Liu. A framework for evaluating the effectiveness of protected areas:the case of Wolong Biosphere Reserve. Landscape and Urban Planning, 2003, 63:213-223.
刘世梁, 傅伯杰, 陈利顶, 吕一河, 马克明. 两种土壤质量变化的定量评价方法比较. 长江流域资源与环境, 2003, 12(5): 422-426.
刘世梁, 傅伯杰, 马克明, 张洁瑜. 北京东灵山地区地形土壤因子与植物群落关系研究. 植物生态学报, 2003,27(4): 496-502.
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刘国华, 马克明, 傅伯杰, 关文彬, 康永祥, 周建云, 刘世梁. 岷江干旱河谷主要灌丛类型地上生物量研究. 生态学报, 2003,23(9): 1758-1762.
刘世梁, 傅伯杰, 吕一河, 陈利顶, 马克明. 坡面土地利用方式与景观位置对土壤质量的影响研究. 生态学报, 2003, 3: 414-420.
Shiliang Liu, Bojie Fu, YiheLü, Liding Chen. Effects of reforestation and deforestation on soil propertiesin humid mountainous areas: a case study in Wolong nature reserve, Sichuanprovince, China. Soil Use and Management, 2002, 18: 376-380.
Yao Huang, Shiliang Liu, QirongShen, Lianggang Zong. Model establishment for simulating soil organic carbondynamics. Agricultural Sciences in China, 2002, 1(3): 307-312.
Yao Huang, Shiliang Liu, QirongShen, Lianggang Zong, Dingan Jiang, Hongguang Huang. Validation and scenarioanalysis of a soil organic carbon model. Agricultural Sciences in China, 2002,1(4): 417-423.
傅伯杰, 刘世梁.长期生态研究中的若干重要问题及趋势. 应用生态学报, 2002, 13(4): 476-480.
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刘世梁, 傅伯杰, 陈利顶, 吕一河, 马克明. 卧龙自然保护区土地利用变化对土壤性质的影响. 地理研究, 2002, 21(6): 682-687.
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