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清华大学博士/博士后,北京师范大学大气环境研究中心主任,教授/博导。长期从事能源利用与大气污染控制技术(除尘、脱硫、脱硝、脱汞)、中国典型大气污染物排放清单、区域大气环境质量模拟分析、有害重金属元素(汞、砷、硒、铅、镉、铬、镍、锑等)排放迁移转化及环境与健康影响等方面的研究工作。作为负责人或主要研究人员参加科研项目20余项,包括国家重点研发计划“大气污染成因与控制技术研究”、国家大气重污染与治理攻关计划(“总理基金”)、国家自然科学基金重大地区国际合作项目、国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划)课题、国家863计划、环保部公益性行业专项课题等。先后主持国家自然科学基金面上项目 5 项、北京市自然科学基金项目1项及环保部十二五规划项目等。截止2018年7月,已在ES&T、ACP、AE、JHM等环境科学与大气科学领域TOP学术刊物及美国化学学会(ACS)年会等国际会议上发表学术论文100余篇,SCI/ISTP/EI收录50余篇,其中在国际环境科学与大气环境领域顶级刊物ACP、ES&T、AE等发表论文30余篇,参与研究曾获2007年教育部自然科学一等奖,并获2012和2013年国际能源与环境领域ANI-Award奖提名。 教育经历 1999.5~2003.7 清华大学环境科学与工程系, 环境工程专业 工学博士 1992.9~1995.4 华北电力大学环境工程系, 热能工程专业 工学硕士 1988.9~1992.7 华北电力大学环境工程系, 环境工程专业 工学学士 工作经历 2011~至今 北京师范大学 大气环境研究中心 主任 2011~至今 北京师范大学环境学院 岗位教授/教授 2008~2014 北京师范大学环境学院 水气环境模拟研究所 所长 2007.09~2006.09 日本国立环境研究所 日本学术振兴会JSPS学者 2006.7~2006.8 日本国立环境研究所合作研究 2005.11~至今 北京师范大学环境学院 副教授 2003.10~2005.10 清华大学环境科学与工程系 博士后 1997.5~2003.10 华北电力大学环境工程系 讲师 1995.5~1997.4 华北电力大学环境工程系 助教 其他信息 国际能源与环境领域埃尼奖(ANI-Award)提名,2012&2013年 教育部自然科学一等奖,2007年 北京师范大学青年教师教学基本功比赛三等奖,2008年 中国博士后科学基金二等奖,2004 华北电力大学“教学优秀”二等奖,1998


多尺度大气污染物排放清单及应用(城市--区域--国家--洲际--全球) 大气污染控制理论与技术(除尘、脱硫、脱硝及脱除重金属等) 有毒有害重金属元素(汞、砷、硒、镉、铬、铅、锑、镍等)大气排放、控制、迁移转化及环境与健康影响 能源利用与区域大气环境质量模拟分析 区域大气复合污染防治理论与对策 地区酸沉降控制及规划 城市与区域大气环境规划与管理


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Lv Y.Q.,Tian H.Z.*, Luo L.N., Liu S.H., Bai X.X., Zhao H.Y., Lin S.M., ZhaoS., Guo Z.H., Xiao Y.F., Yang J.Q. Meteorology-normalized variations of airquality during the COVID-19 lockdown in three Chinese megacities, AtmosphericPollution Research, 2022, 13(6): 101452. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apr.2022.101452 Fu, Z.Q., Lin, S.M., Tian H.Z.*,Hao, Y., Wu, B.B., Liu, S.H., Luo L.N., Bai X.X., Guo Z.H., Lv, Y.Q. Acomprehensive emission inventory of hazardous air pollutants from municipalsolid waste incineration in China. Science of the Total Environment,2022, 826: 154212. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.154212 Zhao, H.Y., Geng, G.N.*, Liu, Y., Liu, Y.,Zheng, Y.X., Xue, T., Tian H.Z., He K.B., Zhang Q*. (2022).Reduction of Global Life Expectancy Driven by Trade-Related Transboundary AirPollution. Environmental Science & Technology Letters, 2022,9(3): 212-218. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.estlett.2c00002 Luo L.N., Bai X.X., Liu, S.H., Wu, B.B.,Liu, W., Lv, Y.Q., Guo Z.H., Lin, S.M., Zhao S., Hao Y., Hao J.M., Zhang K.,Zheng A.H., Tian H.Z.* Fine particulate matter (PM2.5/PM1.0)in Beijing, China: Variations and chemical compositions as well as sources. Journalof Environmental Sciences, 2022, 121: 187-198. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jes.2021.12.014 Guo, Z.H., Hao, Y., Tian H.Z.*,Bai, X.X., Wu, B.B., Liu, S.H., Luo L.N., Liu W., Zhao S., Lin S.M., Lv Y.Q.,Yang J.Q., Xiao, Y.F. Field measurements on emission characteristics, chemicalprofiles, and emission factors of size-segregated PM from cement plants inChina. Science of the Total Environment, 2022, 818: 151822.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.151822 Sun Y.J., Huang Y.J., Xu S.W.*, Li J., Yin M.,Tian H.Z.* Seasonal variations in the characteristics ofmicrobial community structure and diversity in atmospheric particulate matterfrom clean days and smoggy days in Beijing. Microbial Ecology, 2022,83(3): 568-582. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00248-021-01764-1 Liu, S.H., Tian H.Z.*, Luo,L.N., Bai, X.X., Zhu, C.Y., Lin, S.M., Zhao S., Zhang K., Hao J.M., Guo Z.H.,Lv, Y.Q. Health impacts and spatiotemporal variations of fine particulate andits typical toxic constituents in five urban agglomerations of China. Scienceof the Total Environment, 2022, 806: 151459. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.151459 Liu,K.Y, Wu, Q.R, Wang, S.X*, Ouyang, D., Li, Z.J., Ding, D., Li G.L., Tang Y.,Xiang L.Y., Han D.M., Wen M.N., Liu T.H., Duan L., Tian H.Z.,Hao, J.M. Highly Resolved Inventory of Mercury Release to Water fromAnthropogenic Sources in China. Environmental Science & Technology,2021, 55(20): 13860-13868. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.est.1c03759 Liu,S.H., Tian H.Z.*, Bai, X.X., Zhu, C.Y., Wu, B.B., Luo, L.N., HaoY., Liu W., Lin S.M., Zhao S., Wang K., Liu K.Y., Gao J.J., Zhang Q.*, ZhangK., Kan H.D., Liu Y., Hao, J.M. Significant but spatiotemporal-heterogeneoushealth risks caused by airborne exposure to multiple toxic trace elements inChina. Environmental Science & Technology, 2021, 55(19):12818-12830. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.est.1c01775 Bai, X.X., Luo, L.N., Tian H.Z.*,Liu, S.H., Hao, Y., Zhao, S., Lin S.M., Zhu C.Y., Guo Z.H., Lv, Y.Q.Atmospheric vanadium emission inventory from both anthropogenic and naturalsources in China. Environmental Science & Technology, 2021,55(17), 11568-11578. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.est.1c04766 Lin S.M., Tian H.Z.*, Hao Y.,Wu B.B., Liu S.H., Luo L.N., Bai X.X., Liu W., Zhao S., Hao J.M., Guo Z.H., LvY.Q. Atmospheric emission inventory of hazardous air pollutants from biomassdirect-fired power plants in China: historical trends, spatial variationcharacteristics, and future perspectives, Science of the Total Environment, 2021, 767: 0-144636. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.144636 Wang, W.G., Liu, M.Y., Wang, T.T., Song, Y.*,Zhou L., Cao J.J., Hu J.L., Tang G.G., Chen Z., Li Z.J., Xu Z.Y., Peng C., LianC.F., Chen Y., Pan Y.P., Zhang Y.H., Sun Y.L., Li W.J., Zhu T., Tian H.Z.,Ge, M.F*. Sulfate formation is dominatedby manganese-catalyzed oxidation of so2 on aerosol surfaces during haze events.Nature Communications, 2021, 12(1): 1993. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-021-22091-6 Luo L.N., Tian H.Z*, Liu H.J., Bai X.X., Liu W., Liu S.H., Wu B.B., LinS.M., Zhao S., Hao Y., Sun Y.J., HaoJ.M., Zhang K. Seasonal variations in the mass characteristics and opticalproperties of carbonaceous constituents of PM2.5 in six cities of North China. EnvironmentalPollution, 2021, 268, PartB, 115780. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envpol.2020.115780 Bai X.X., Tian H.Z.* Liu X.Y. Wu B.B., Liu S.H., Hao Y., Luo L.N., LiuW., Zhao S., Lin S.M., Hao J.M., Guo Z.H., Lv Y.Q. Spatial-temporal variationcharacteristics of air pollution and apportionment of contributions bydifferent sources in Shanxi province of China. Atmospheric Environment, 2021, 244, 117926. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.atmosenv.2020.117926. Zhao S., Tian H.Z.*, Luo L., Liu H.J., Wu B.B., Liu S.H., Bai X.X., LiuW., Liu X.Y., Wu Y.M., Lin S.M., Guo Z.H., Lv Y.Q., Xue Y.F. Temporal variationcharacteristics and source apportionment of metal elements in PM2.5in urban Beijing during 2018–2019. Environmental Pollution, 2021, 268, Part B, 115856. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envpol.2020.115856. Wu B.B., Bai X.X., Liu W., Lin S.M., LiuS.H., Luo L.N., Guo Z.H., Zhao S., Lv Y.Q., Zhu C.Y., Hao Y., Yang Liu Y., HaoJ.M., Duan L., Tian H.Z.* Non-negligibleStack Emissions of Non-criteria Air Pollutants from Coal-Fired Power Plants inChina: Condensable Particulate Matter and Sulfur Trioxide. Environmental Science & Technology. 2020, https://dx.doi.org/10.1021/acs.est.0c00297. Wu Y.M., Lin S.M., Tian H.Z.*, Zhang K., Wang Y.F., Sun B.W., Liu X.Y., Liu K.Y.,Xue Y.F., Hao J.M., Liu H.J., Liu S.H., Shao P.Y., Luo L.N., Bai X.X., Liu W., WuB.B., Zhao S. A quantitative assessment of atmospheric emissions and spatialdistribution of trace elements from natural sources in China. Environmental Pollution, 2020, 259, 113918. Wu B.B., Bai X.X., Liu W., Zhu C.Y., HaoY., Lin S.M., Liu S.H., Luo L.N., Liu X.Y., Zhao S., Hao J.M., Tian H.Z.* Variationcharacteristics of final size-segregated PM emissions from ultralow emissioncoal-fired power plants in China. Environmental Pollution, 2020, 259, 113886. Liu X.Y., Bai X.X., Tian H.Z.*, Wang K., Hua S.B., Liu H.J., Liu S.H., Wu B.B., WuY.M., Liu W. Fine particulate matter pollution in North China: Seasonal-spatialvariations, source apportionment, sector and regional transport contributions. Environmental Research, 2020, 7, 109368 Zhu C.Y., Tian H.Z.*, Hao J.M. Global anthropogenic atmosphericemission inventory of twelve typical hazardous trace elements, 1995–2012. Atmospheric Environment, 2020, 220,117061 Wu B.B., Tian H.Z.*, Hao Y., Liu S.H., Sun S.Y., Bai X.X., Liu W., LinS.M., Zhu C.Y., Hao J.M., Luo L.N., Zhao S., Guo Z.H. Refined assessment ofsize-fractioned particulate matter (PM2.5/PM10/PMtotal)emissions from coal-fired power plants in China. Science of the Total Environment. 2020, 706:135735 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.135735. Liu W., Wu B.B., Bai X.X., Liu S.H., LiuX.Y., Hao Y., Liang W.Z., Lin S.M., Liu H.J., Luo L.N., Zhao S., Zhu C.Y., Hao J.M.,Tian H.Z.* Migration andEmission Characteristics of Ammonia/Ammonium through Flue Gas Cleaning Devicesin Coal-Fired Power Plants of China. Environmental Science & Technology,2019. DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.9b04995. Shuhan Liu, Chuanyong Zhu, Hezhong Tian*, Yuxuan Wang, Kai Zhang, Bobo Wu, Xiangyang Liu, Yan Hao, Wei Liu, Xiaoxuan Bai, Shumin Lin, Yiming Wu, Panyang Shao, Huanjia Liu. Spatiotemporal Variations of Ambient Concentrations of Trace Elements in a Highly Polluted Region of China. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 2019, 124 (7), 4186-4202. Huanjia Liu, Hezhong Tian*, Kai Zhang, Shuhan Liu, Ke Cheng, Shasha Yin, Yongli Liu, Xiangyang Liu, Yiming Wu, Wei Liu, Xiaoxuan Bai, Yong Wang, Panyang Shao, Lining Luo, Shumin Lin, Jing Chen, Xingang Liu. Seasonal variation, formation mechanisms and potential sources of PM2. 5 in two typical cities in the Central Plains Urban Agglomeration, China. Science of the Total Environment, 2019, 657, 657-670. Weihua Qin, Yuepeng Zhang, Jing Chen, Qing Yu, Siming Cheng, Wenguang Li, Xingang Liu, Hezhong Tian. Variation, sources and historical trend of black carbon in Beijing, China based on ground observation and MERRA-2 reanalysis data. Environmental Pollution, 2019, 245, 853-863. Huanjia Liu, Hezhong Tian*, Yan Hao, Shuhan Liu, Xiangyang Liu, Chuanyong Zhu, Yiming Wu, Wei Liu, Xiaoxuan Bai, Bobo Wu. Atmospheric emission inventory of multiple pollutants from civil aviation in China: Temporal trend, spatial distribution characteristics and emission features analysis. Science of the total environment, 2019, 648, 871-879. Yassir Arfala, Jamaa Douch, Ali Assabbane, Khalid Kaaouachi, Hezhong Tian, Mohamed Hamdani. Assessment of heavy metals released into the air from the cement kilns co-burning waste: Case of Oujda cement manufacturing (Northeast Morocco). Sustainable Environment Research, 2018, 28 (6), 363-373 Bobo Wu, Hezhong Tian*, Yan Hao, Shuhan Liu, Xiangyang Liu, Wei Liu, Xiaoxuan Bai, Weizhao Liang, Shumin Lin, Yiming Wu, Panyang Shao, Huanjia Liu, Chuanyong Zhu. Effects of Wet Flue Gas Desulfurization and Wet Electrostatic Precipitators on Emission Characteristics of Particulate Matter and Its Ionic Compositions from Four 300 MW Level Ultralow Coal-Fired Power Plants. Environmental science & technology, 2018, 52 (23), 14015-14026. Chuanyong Zhu, Hezhong Tian*, Yan Hao, Jiajia Gao, Jiming Hao, Yong Wang, Shenbing Hua, Kun Wang, Huanjia Liu. A high-resolution emission inventory of anthropogenic trace elements in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei (BTH) region of China. Atmospheric environment, 2018, 191, 452-462. Gao, Jiajia; Wang, Kun; Wang, Yong; Liu, Shuhan; Zhu,Chuanyong; Hao, Jiming; Liu, Huanjia; Hua, Shenbing; Tian, Hezhong*. Temporal-spatialcharacteristics and source apportionment of PM2.5 as well as its associatedchemical species in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region of China. Environmental Pollution. 2018, 233:714-724 Liu, Shuhan; Hua, Shenbing; Wang, Kun; Qiu, Peipei;Liu, Huanjia; Wu, Bobo; Shao, Pangyang; Liu, Xiangyang; Wu, Yiming; Xue,Yifeng; Hao, Yan; Tian, Hezhong*. Spatial-temporal variation characteristics ofair pollution in Henan of China: Localized emission inventory, WRF/Chemsimulations and potential source contribution analysis. Science of the Total Environment, 2018, 624: 396-406. Xue, Yifeng; Wang, Yong; Li, Xuefeng; Tian, Hezhong*;Nie, Lei; Wu, Xiaoqing; Zhou, Junrui; Zhou, Zhen*. Multi-dimensionapportionment of clean air parade blue phenomenon in Beijing. J. of Environmental Sciences, 2018, 65:29-42. Liu, Kaiyun; Wang, Shuxiao*; Wu, Qingru; Wang, Long;Ma, Qao; Zhang, Lei; Li, Guoliang; Tian, Hezhong; Duan, Lei; Hao, Jiming.A Highly Resolved Mercury Emission Inventory of Chinese Coal-Fired Power Plants.Environmental Science & Technology. 2018, 52(4): 2400-2408. Wang, Yan; Cheng, Ke*; Tian, He-Zhong*; Yi,Peng; Xue, Zhi-Gang. Analysis of Reduction Potential of Primary Air PollutantEmissions from Coking Industry in China. Aeriosol and Air Quality Research, 2018, 18(2): 533-541. Xue, Yifeng; Cheng, Linglong; Chen, Xi; Zhai, Xiaoman;Wang, Wei*; Zhang, Wenjie; Bai, Yan; Tian, Hezhong*; Nie, Lei; Zhang, Shihao;Wei, Tong. Emission characteristics of harmful air pollutants from cremators inBeijing, China. PLOS ONE. 2018, 13(5):1-13 Liu, Huanjia; Wu, Bobo; Liu, Shuhan; Shao, Panyang;Liu, Xiangyang; Zhu, Chuanyong; Wang, Yong; Wu, Yiming; Xue, Yifeng; Gao,Jiajia; Hao, Yan; Tian, Hezhong*. A regional high-resolution emission inventoryof primary air pollutants in 2012 for Beijing and the surrounding fiveprovinces of North China. Atmospheric Environment. 2018, 181: 20-33. Sun, Yujiao*; Xu, Shangwei;Zheng, Danyang; Li, Jie; Tian, Hezhong*; Wang Yong. Effects of haze pollutionon microbial community changes and correlation with chemical components in atmosphericparticulate matter. Science of the Total Environment. 2018, 637-638:507-516.DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.04.203. Wang,Y.; Xue, Y.F.; Tian H.Z.*; Jian Gao J.**, Chen, Y.; Zhu,C.Y.; Liu, H.J.;Wang, K.; Hua, H.B; Liu, S.H.; Shao, P.Y. (2017). Effectiveness of temporarycontrol measures for lowering PM2.5 pollution in Beijing and the implications.Atmospheric Environment. 2017, 157:75-83. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.atmosenv.2017.03.017 Wang, Y.; Cheng, K.*; Wu, W.D.; Tian, H.Z.**; Yi,P.; Zhi, G.R.; Fan, J.;Liu, S.H. (2017) Atmospheric emissions of typical toxicheavy metals from open burning of municipal solid waste in China. Atmospheric Environment. 2017. 152: 6~15. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.atmosenv.2016.12.017. Yifeng Xue, Hezhong Tian*, Jing Yan, Zhen Zhou, Junling Wang, Lei Nie, Tao Pan*, Junrui Zhou, Shenbing Hua, Yong Wang, Xiaoqing Wu. Temporal trends and spatial variation characteristics of primary air pollutants emissions from coal-fired industrial boilers in Beijing, China. Environmental Pollution. 2016, Vol. 213:717-726. Doi: 10.1016/j.envpol.2016.03.047. Kun Wang, Hezhong Tian,* Shenbing Hua, Chuanyong Zhu, Jiajia Gao, Yifeng Xue, Jiming Hao, Yong Wang, and Junrui Zhou. A Comprehensive Emission Inventory of Multiple Air Pollutants from Iron and Steel Industry in China: Temporal Trends and Spatial Variation Characteristics. Science of the Total Environment. 2016, Vol.559, 15 July 2016, Pages 7–14.Doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2016.03.125 Shenbing Hua; Hezhong Tian*; Kun Wang; Chuanyong Zhu; Jiajia Gao, Dr.; Yilin Ma; Yifeng Xue; Yong Wang; Shiheng Duan; Junrui Zhou . Atmospheric Emission Inventory of Hazardous Air Pollutants from China’s Cement Plants: Temporal Trends, Spatial Variation Characteristics and Scenario Projections. Atmospheric Environment. 2015, Doi: 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2015.12.056 Yifeng Xue, Hezhong Tian *, Jing Yan**, Chengcheng Xiong, Tao Pan, Lei Nie, Xiaoqing Wu, Jing Li, Wei Wang, Jiajia Gao, Chuanyong Zhu, and Kun Wang. Present and Future Emissions of HAPs from Crematories in China. Atmospheric Environment. 2015, Doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2015.10.079 Zhu C.Y., Tian H.Z.,* Cheng K., Liu K.Y., Wang K., Hua S.B., Gao J.J., and Zhou J.R. Potentials of Whole Process Control of Heavy Metals Emissions from Coal-fired Power Plants in China. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2016, 114:343-351 H. Z. Tian*, C. Y. Zhu, J. J. Gao, K. Cheng, J. M. Hao, K. Wang, S. B. Hua, Y. Wang, and J. R. Zhou. Quantitative assessment of atmospheric emissions of toxic heavy metals from anthropogenic sources in China: historical trend, spatial distribution, uncertainties, and control policies. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 15, 10127–10147, 2015. http://www.atmos-chem-phys.net/15/10127/2015/acp-15-10127-2015.pdf Junrui Zhou; Hezhong Tian*; Chuanyong Zhu; Jiming Hao; Jiajia Gao; Yong Wang; Yifeng Xue; Shenbing Hua; and Kun Wang. Future trends of global atmospheric antimony emissions from anthropogenic activities until 2050. Atmospheric Environment, 2015, 120, 385-392. Cheng, K.; Wang, Y.; Tian, H.Z.*; Gao, X.; Zhang, Y.X.; Wu, X.C.; Zhu, C.Y.; Gao, J.J. (2014) Atmospheric emission characteristics and control policies of five precedent-controlled toxic heavy metals from anthropogenic sources in China. Environ Sci & Technol. 2015, 49(2),pp1206-1214. DOi: http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/es5037332. Gao, J., Tian, H.*, Cheng, K., Lu, L., Zheng, M., Wang, S., Hao, J., Wang, K., Hua, S., Zhu, C., Wang, Y., The variation of chemical characteristics of PM2.5 and PM10 and formation causes during two haze pollution events in urban Beijing, China, Atmospheric Environment (2015), doi: 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2015.02.022. 王 堃, 滑申冰, 田贺忠*, 朱传勇,高佳佳, 王 勇, 周君蕊, 朱家昕. 2011年中国钢铁行业典型有害重金属大气排放清单. 中国环境科学. 2015,35(10):2934-2938 (EI收录) Hezhong Tian*, JunRui Zhou, Chuanyong Zhu, Dan Zhao, Jiajia Gao, Jiming Hao, Mengchang He, Kaiyun Liu, Kun Wang, and Shenbing Hua. A Comprehensive Global Inventory of Atmospheric Antimony Emissions from Anthropogenic Activities, 1995-2010. Environ Sci Technol, 2014. 48, pp10235?10241. DOI: 10.1021/es405817u. Jiajia Gao, Hezhong Tian*, Ke Cheng, Long Lu, Yuxuan Wang, Ye Wu, Chuanyong Zhu, Kaiyun Liu, Junrui Zhou, Xingang Liu, Jing Chen, Jiming Hao. (2014). Seasonal and spatial variation of trace elements in multi-size airborne particulate matters of Beijing, China: mass concentration, enrichment characteristics, source apportionment, chemical speciation and bioavailability. Atmospheric Environment, 2014. 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2014.08.081 Tian H.Z.*, Liu K.Y., Zhou J.R., Qiu P.P., Gao J.J., Zhu C.Y., Wang K., Hua S.B. Atmospheric Emission Inventory of Hazardous Trace Elements from China’s Coal-fired Power Plants -- Temporal Trends and Spatial Variation Characteristics. Environ Sci and Technol, 2014, 48, 3575?3582. Qiu, Peipei; Tian, Hezhong*; Zhu, Chuanyong; Liu, Kaiyun; Gao, Jiajia; Zhou, Junrui. An elaborate high resolution emission inventory of primary air pollutants for the Central Plain Urban Agglomeration of China. Atmospheric Environment, 2014, 86, 93-101. Cheng K., Tian H.Z*., Zhao D., Lu L., Wang Y., Chen J. Liu X.G., Jia W.X., Huang Z. Atmospheric emission inventory of cadmium from anthropogenic sources. Int. J. Environ. Sci. 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A review of key hazardous trace elements in Chinese coals: abundance, occurrence, behavior during coal combustion and their environmental impacts. Energy & Fuels, 2013. 27, pp601-614, DOI: 10.1021/ef3017305. Tian H.Z.*, Gao J.J., Lu L., Zhao D., Cheng K., Qiu, P.P. Temporal trends and spatial variation characteristics of hazardous air pollutant emission inventory from municipal solid waste incineration in China, Environmental Science & Technology (ES&T). 2012, 46(18):10364-71, DOI: 10.1021/es302343s.(SCI TOP, IF=5.257) Tian, H.Z.*, Zhao, D., Cheng, K., Lu, L., He M.C., Hao, J.M. Anthropogenic atmospheric emissions of antimony and its spatial distribution characteristics in China. Environmental Science & Technology (ES&T), 2012, 46, 3973?3980 (SCI TOP, IF=5.257) Tian, H.Z.*, Cheng, K., Wang, Y., Zhao, D., Lu, L., Jia, W.X., Hao, J.M. Temporal and spatial variation characteristics of atmospheric emissions of Cd, Cr, and Pb from coal in China. 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