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教育经历 2010-2015,城市设计与区域规划,博士,昆士兰大学(澳大利亚) 2005-2010,城市规划与设计,天津大学 工作经历 2020至今,讲师,地理科学学部 2016-2020,博士后研究员,香港中文大学 承担课程 城市规划原理 规划设计与制图 科研项目 国家自然科学青年基金(42201217),综合时空间和社会视角探究公共交通的公平性,效应和机制,主持 北京师范大学青年基金项目(310421101),公共交通可达性与出行行为研究,主持 香港中文大学直接资助项目,Acomparative study of new towns in three Asian cities: access to activityopportunities, travel patterns and well-being,参与 香港研究资助局政策研究资助项目(SR2020.A4.005),A Study of the Public’s Attitude Towards Violence and Vandalism in Transport Systems and Contingency Planning for Travel Mobility Demand in Hong Kong,参与 香港中文大学直接资助项目(SS17999),Public transport development and spatial justice: Investigating relationship between MTR expansion and socio-spatial marginalization in Hong Kong,参与 香港研究资助局优配研究金项目(14602017),An assessment of Hong Kong’s spatial planning in new towns from the perspectives of job accessibility, transport mobility patterns, and work-life balance,参与 重要奖项 2021 IACP Rising Scholar Award (2021国际中国规划学会青年学者奖) 2018-2019 Research Fellowship Scheme, CUHK (2018-2019香港中文大学研究员资助) 2018 Outstanding reviewer for Applied Geography




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Tao,S., He, Y., Ettema, D., & Luo, S. 2022. Therole of transit accessibility in influencing the activity space and non-workactivity participation of different income groups. Journal of Transport and Land Use, 15(1), 375-398. (SSCI) Yang, Y., Sasaki, K.,Cheng, L., & Tao, S. 2022. Doesthe built environment matter for active travel among older adults: insightsfrom Chiba City, Japan. Journal ofTransport Geography. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2022.103338 (SSCI) 陶遂. 2022. 书评:21世纪的新城--一本全球社区规划指南, 上海城市规划, , 162-164. Tao, S., Zhang, M., & Wu, J. (2021). Big data applications in urban transport research in Chinese cities: an overview. In (Birkin, M., Clarke, G., Corcoran,J., & Stimson, R. Eds.), Big Data Applications in Geography and Planning (pp. 200-244). Edward Elgar. He, Y., Tao, S., Cheung, Y., Puczkowskyj, N., & Lin, Z. 2021. Transit-oriented development, neighbourhood gentrification and sense of community: a case study of Hong Kong. Case Studies on Transport Policy. Case Studies on Transport Policy, 9(2), 555-566. Tao S., & He S.Y. 2021. Job accessibility and joint household travel: A study of Hong Kong with a particular focus on new town residents. Transportation,48(3), 1379-1407. (SCI/SSCI) Tao,S., He, Y., & Luo, S. 2020. The influence of job accessibility on the local residential segregation of ethnic minorities: a study of Hong Kong. Population, Space and Place, 26(8), e2353. (SSCI) He, Y., Tao, S., Ng, M.K., & Tieben, H. 2020. Evaluating Hong Kong’s spatial planning in new towns from the perspectives of job accessibility, travel mobility and work-life balance. Journal of the American Planning Association, 86(3), 324-338. (SSCI) Tao, S., He, Y., Kwan, M. P., & Luo, S. 2020. Does low income translate into lower mobility?An investigation of activity space in Hong Kong between 2002 and 2011. Journal of Transport Geography, 82, 102583. (SSCI) Tao, S.,He, Y., & Th?gersen, J. 2019. The role of car ownership in attitudes towards public transport: a comparative study of Guangzhou and Brisbane. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 60, 685-699. (SSCI) He, Y., Cheung, Y., & Tao, S. 2018. An aging city of marginalized mobility: economic activity and travel pattern among the elderly in Hong Kong. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 118, 608-626. (SCI/SSCI) He, Y., Tao, S., Hou, Y., & Jiang, W. 2018. Mass Transit Railway, transit oriented development, and spatial justice: a competition for prime residential locations in Hong Kong since 1980s. Town Planning Review, 89(5), 467-493. Tao, S. 2018. Book Review: Public Transport Planning with Smart Card Data, F. Kurauchi, JD. Schm?cker (Eds.),Boca Raton: CRC Press, £114.00 (Hardback) £44.79 (eBook) ISBN 9781498726580. Journal of Transport Geography, 68, 247. (SSCI) Tao, S., Corcoran, J., Rowe, F., & Hickman, M. 2018. To travel or not to travel: ‘weather’ is the question: modelling the effect of local weather conditions on bus ridership. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 86,147-167. (SCI) Tao, S., Corcoran, J., & Mateo-Babiano, I. 2017. Modelling loyalty and behavioural change intentions of busway passengers: a case study of Brisbane, Australia. IATSS Research, 41(3), 113-122. Corcoran, J., & Tao, S. 2017. Mapping spatial patterns of bus usage under varying local weather conditions. Journal of Maps, 13(1), 74-81. (SSCI) Tao, S., Corcoran, J., Hickman, M., & Stimson, R. 2016. The influence of weather on local geographical patterns of bus usage. Journal of Transport Geography, 54, 66-80. (SSCI) Tao, S., Rohde, D., & Corcoran, J. 2014. Examining the spatial-temporal dynamics of bus passenger travel behaviour using smart card data and the flow-comap. Journal of Transport Geography, 41,21-36. (SSCI) Tao, S., Corcoran, J., Mateo-Babiano, I., & Rohde, D. 2014. Exploring Bus Rapid Transit passenger travel behaviour using big data. Applied Geography, 53, 90-104. (SSCI) 陶遂. 2017. 基于智能公交卡数据的出行行为的时空间分析及规划启示——以布里斯班为例, 上海城市规划, 134,94-99. 龙瀛, 孙立君, & 陶遂,2015. 基于公共交通智能卡数据的城市研究综述. 城市规划学刊, 223,70-77.


国际中国规划学会(International Association for China Planning)会员 下列国际和国内期刊审稿人:Applied Geography, Case Studies on Transport Policy, Cities, Environment and Planning B, Frontiers in Public Health, IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Transactions, International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, Journal of Advanced Transportation, Journal of Transport Geography, Journal of Urban Management, Transport Policy, Transportation, Transportation Research Part C, Transportation Research Part D, Transportation Research Record, Travel Behaviour and Society, Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 地理科学
