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余新晓,张光辉,史志华,贾国栋等. 水土保持学导论. 科学出版社,北京,2019
Hao Wang, Guang-hui Zhang*, Jian Wang. Plantcommunity near-surface characteristics as drivers of soil erodibility variationalong a slope gradient in a typical semiarid region of China. Catena, 2022, 212, 106108
Lunjiang Wang, Guanghui Zhang*, Xue Wang. Undecomposed litter mixed in the soil can increase interrill erosion onhillslopes: A laboratory study. Soil & Tillage Research, 2022, 219, 105350
Pingzong Zhu, Guanghui Zhang*, Baojun Zhang. Soilsaturated hydraulic conductivity of typical revegetated plants on steep gullyslopes of Chinese Loess Plateau. Geoderma, 2022, 412, 115717
Chengshu Wang, Guanghui Zhang* Pingzong Zhu, Ziguan Wang, Shukun Xing. Sedimentconnectivity of small watershed affected by gully development and vegetationrestoration on the loess plateau. Geoderma, 2022, 410, 115663
Lili Wang, Guanghui Zhang*, Pingzong Zhu, Shukun Xing, Chengshu Wang. SoilC, N and P contents and their stoichiometry as affected by typical plant communities on steep gully slopes of theLoess Plateau, China. Catena, 2022, 208, 105740
Shiqi Chen, Guanghui Zhang*,Yifeng Luo, Hao Zhou, Kewen Wang, Chengshu Wang. Soil erodibility indicators as affected bywater level fluctuations in the Three Gorges Reservoir area, China. Catena, 2021, 207, 105692
Pingzong Zhu, GuanghuiZhang*, Hongxiao Wang, Hanyue Yang, Baojun Zhang, Lili Wang. Effectivenessof typical plant communities in controlling runoff and soil erosion on steepgully slopes on the Loess Plateau of China. Journal of Hydrology, 2021, 602, 126714
Pingzong Zhu, GuanghuiZhang*, Hongxiao Wang, Hanyue Yang, Baojun Zhang, Yingna Liu.Soil moisture variations in response to precipitation properties andplant communities on steep gully slope on the Loess Plateau. AgriculturalWater Management, 2021, 256,107086
Pingzong Zhu, GuanghuiZhang, Chengshu Wang, Lili Wang. Variation in land surface roughness under typical plant communities on steepgully slopes on the Loess Plateau of China. Catena, 2021, 206, 105549
Ziguan Wang, Guangcai Wang, Guanghui Zhang, Haibo Wang, TingyuRen. Effects of land use types and environmental factors on spatialdistribution of soil total nitrogen in a coalfield on the Loess Plateau. Soil& Tillage Research, 2021, 211, 105027
Ziguan Wang, Guangcai Wang, Tingyu Ren, Haibo Wang, Qingyu Xu, Guanghui Zhang. Assessmentof soil fertility degradation affected by mining disturbance and land use in acoalfield via machine learning. Ecological Indicators, 2021, 125,107608
Hao Wang, Jian Wang, Guanghui Zhang. Impact of landscape positions on soilerodibility indices in typical vegetation-restored slope-gully systems on theLoess Plateau of China. Catena, 2021, 201,105235
Hongli Mu, Suhua Fu, Bofu Yu, Guanghui Zhang. Predicting thesediment transport capacity from flow condition and particle size in thepresence of vegetation cover. Land Degradation and Development,2021, 32, 1237-1249
Ren Geng, Guanghui Zhang*, Dalin Hong, Qianhong Ma, Qiu Jin, Yuanzhi Shi.Response of soil detachment capacity to landscape positions in hilly and gullyregions of the Loess Plateau. Catena, 2021, 196,104852
Pingzong Zhu, GuanghuiZhang*, Hongxiao Wang, Shukun Xing. Soil infiltration propertiesaffected by typical plant communities on steep gully slopes on the LoessPlateau of China. Journal of Hydrology, 2020, 590,125535
Hao Wang, Guanghui Zhang*. Temporal variation in soil erodibility indicesfor five typical land use types on the Loess Plateau of China. Geoderma, 2021, 381,114965
Lin Ding, Suhua Fu, Baoyuan Liu, Bofu Yu, Guanghui Zhang, Hui Zhao. Effects ofPinus tabuleaformis litter cover on the sediment transport capacity of overlandflow. Soil & Tillage Research, 2020, 204, 104685
Lunjiang Wang, Guanghui Zhang*, Pingzong Zhu, Xue Wang. Comparisonof the effects of litter covering and incorporation on runoff and erosion undersimulated rainfall. Hydrological Processes, 2020, 34,2911-2922
Pingzong Zhu, Guanghui Zhang*, Hongxiao Wang, Bao-jun Zhang, Xue Wang. Land surface roughnessaffected by vegetation restoration age and types on the Loess Plateau of China. Geoderma,2020, 366, 114240
Pingzong Zhu, Guanghui Zhang*, Baojun Zhang, Hong-xiao Wang. Variation in soil surfaceroughness under different land uses in a small watershed on the Loess Plateau,China. Catena, 2020, 188, 104465
Hao Wang, Guanghui Zhang*, Ningning Li, Pingzong Zhu.Variationin soil erosion resistance of slips deposition zone with progressive vegetationsuccession on the Loess Plateau, China. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 2020,20:234-248
Suhua Fu, Hongli Mu, Baoyuan Liu, Xianju Yu, Guanghui Zhang, Ying-na Liu. Effectson the plant stem arrangement on sediment transport capacity of croplands.Land Degradation and Development,2020, 31, 1325-1334
Baojun Zhang, Guanghui Zhang*, Pingzong Zhu, Hanyue Yang. Temporal variations in soil erodibility indicators of vegetation-restored steep gully slopes on the Loess Plateau of China. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 2019, 286, 106661
Baojun Zhang, Guanghui Zhang*, Hanyue Yang, Pingzong Zhu. Temporal variation in soil erosion resistance of steep slopes restored with different vegetation communities on the Chinese Loess Plateau. Catena, 2019, 182, 104170
Lunjiang Wang, Guanghui Zhang*, Xue Wang, Pingzong Zhu. Soil loss response to plant litter corporation rate under simulated rainfall conditions. Land Degradation and Development, 2019, 30, 1293-1302
Guanghui Zhang*, Zhefang Xie. Soil surface roughness decay under different topographic conditions. Soil & Tillage Research, 2019, 187,92-101
Lunjiang Wang, Guanghui Zhang*, Xue Wang, Xiaoyan Li. Hydraulicsof overland flow influenced by litter incorporation under extreme rainfall. Hydrological Processes, 2019, 33,737-747
Hao Wang, Guanghui Zhang*, Ningning Li, Baojun Zhang, Hanyue Yang. Variation in soil erodibility under five typical land uses in a small watershed on the Loess Plateau, China. Catena, 2019, 174,24-35
Baojun Zhang, Guanghui Zhang*, Hanyue Yang, Hao Wang. Soil resistance to flowing water erosion of seven typical plant communities on steep gully slopes on the Loess Plateau of China. Catena, 2019, 173, 375-383
Hao Wang, Guanghui Zhang*, Ningning Li, Baojun Zhang, Hanyue Yang. Soil erodibility as impacted by vegetation restoration strategies on the Loess Plateau of China. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 2019, 44, 796-807
Baojun Zhang, Guanghui Zhang*, Hanyue Yang, Hao Wang, Ningning Li. Soil erodibility affected by vegetation restoration on steep gully slopes on the Loess Plateau of China. Soil Research, 2018, 56,712-723
Bing Wang, Guanghui Zhang, Yanfen Yang, Panpan Li, Jiaxin Liu. Response of soil detachment capacity to plant root and soil properties in typical grasslands on the Loess Plateau. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 2018, 266, 68-75
Bing Wang, Guanghui Zhang, Yanfen Yang, Panpan Li, Jiaxin Liu. The effects of soil properties induced by natural grassland succession on the process of soil detachment. Catena, 2018, 166, 192-199
Hao, Wang, Guanghui Zhang*, Ningning Li, Baojun Zhang, Hanyue Yang. Soil erodibility influenced by natural restoration time of abandoned farmland on the Loess Plateau of China. Geoderma, 2018, 325, 18-27
Bing Wang, Guanghui Zhang. Quantifying the binding and bonding effects of plant root on soil detachment by overland flow in ten typical grasslands on the Loess Plateau. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 2017, 81, 1567-1576
Hao Wang, Guanghui Zhang*, Fa Liu, Ren Geng, Lunjiang Wang. Temporal variations in infiltration properties of biological crusts covered soils on the Loess Plateauof China. Catena, 2017, 159,115-125
Fa Liu, Guanghui Zhang*, Fubao Sun, Hao Wang, Long Sun. Quantifying the surface covering, binding and bonding effects of biological soil crusts on soil detachment by overland flow. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 2017, 42(15), 2640-2648
Lunjiang Wang, Guanghui Zhang*, Liangjun Zhu, Hao Wang. Biocrust wetting induced change in soil surface roughness as influenced by biocrust type, coverage and wetting patterns. Geoderma, 2017, 306, 1-9
Hao Wang, Guanghui Zhang*, Fa Liu, Ren Geng, Lunjiang Wang. Effects of biological crust coverage on soil hydraulic properties for the Loess Plateau of China. Hydrological Processes, 2017, 31, 3396-3406
Ren Geng, Guanghui Zhang*, Qianhong Ma, Hao Wang. Effects of landscape positions on soil resistance to rill erosion in a small catchment on the Loess Plateau. Biosystems Engineering, 2017, 160,95-108
Ren Geng, Guanghui Zhang*, Qian-hong Ma, Long-jiang Wang. Soil resistance to runoff on steep croplands in Eastern China. Catena, 2017, 152, 18-28