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教育经历 1998-2002年:中国科学院寒区旱区环境与工程研究所,获理学博士学位 1993-1996年:中国科学院兰州沙漠研究所,获理学硕士学位 1989-1993年:陕西师范大学地理系,获理学学士学位 工作经历 2017年-至今:北京师范大学地表过程与资源生态国家重点实验室、北京师范大学地理科学学部,教授 2009-2017年:北京师范大学地表过程与资源生态国家重点实验室、减灾与应急管理研究院,教授 2010-2011年:美国堪萨斯州立大学(Kansas State University)、美国农业部农业研究所工程与风蚀研究中心(USDA-ARS Engineering & Wind Erosion Research Unit)访问学者 2008年-至今:自然地理专业博士研究生导师 2004-2009年:北京师范大学资源学院,副教授 2002-2004年:北京师范大学资源科学研究所,博士后 1996-2002年:中国科学院(原)兰州沙漠研究所工作、寒区旱区环境与工程研究所,历任研究实习员、助理研究员、副研究员 承担课程 2023年-至今:本科生专业选修课《水土保持原理》(张春来) 2022年-至今:本科生基础课《自然地理学-地信》(张春来、殷水清、朱忠礼) 2018年-至今:研究生专业课《土壤风蚀与荒漠化防治》(张春来,程宏) 2021-2023年:本科生基础课《地貌学》(鲁瑞洁,张春来) 2018-2022年:研究生基础课《现代地理学A—自然地理》(殷水清,张春来) 2014-2017年:研究生专业课《土壤风蚀》(张春来) 2005-2010年:研究生专业课《荒漠化防治工程技术规范》(张春来) 科研项目 2023-2024年:国家林业和草原局荒漠化和沙化监测专题项目“京津风沙源治理工程效益评估”,20万元 2022-2026年:国家重点研发课题“退化草地生态功能与生产效益协同提升技术与绿色发展模式”(2022YFF1302805),270万元 2022-2025年:国家自然科学基金区域创新发展联合基金重点项目“河西走廊阻沙固沙带防护机理与调控”(U21A2001),260万元 2019-2024年:青藏高原第二次综合考察子子专题“青藏高原风蚀速率的Cs-137示踪测量”, 54万元 2021-2022年:中国科学院西北生态环境资源研究院课题“雅鲁藏布江流域风沙灾害过程与机理研究”(Dust20210526),18万元 2017-2021年:国家自然科学基金重点项目“土壤风蚀速率对影响因子动态变化的响应”(41630747),300万元 2019-2020年:国家林业和草原局荒漠化和沙化监测专题项目“中国北方沙区2010~2019年植被变化与土壤风蚀沙化监测评估”,90万元 2018-2019年:西藏自治区昌都市国土资源局委托项目“西藏自治区昌都市土地沙化防治规划”,60万元 2014-2015年:国家林业局荒漠化和沙化监测专题项目“东部沙区2009~2014年植被变化与土壤风蚀评估” ,40万元 2013-2017年:“973”项目专题“青藏高原现代沙漠化时空变化”(2013CB956001),100万元 重要奖项 2002年,入选北京市“科技新星计划(A类)” 2006年,“近地表风沙活动规律研究”获2006年度北京市科学技术奖(基础类)二等奖,第六获奖人 2009年,入选教育部“新世纪优秀人才支持计划” 2014年,西藏自治区科技进步奖一等奖,排名


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

Xuyang Liu, Chunlai Zhang*, Zhenting Wang, Xueyong Zou. 2023. Simplifying Raupach's model of shear stress partitioning by clarifying the relationship between β and σ and quantifying the shear stress probability density based on numerical simulation. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms. 10.1002/esp.5649. Xiaoyu ZHANG, Chunlai ZHANG*, Xiaofeng ZUO, Wenping LI, Jiaqi ZHAO. 2023. Dust emission efficiency of compacted soils as a function of amount of abrader and soil texture. Geoderma. 435: 116503. Guoru Wei, Chunlai Zhang*, Qing Li, Hongtao Wang, Rende Wang, Yajing Zhang, Yixiao Yuan. 2023. An evaluation of topsoil carbon storage in Chinese deserts. Science of the Total Environment. 872: 162284. Yixiao YUAN, Chunlai ZHANG*, Rende WANG, Xueyong ZOU, Xiaofeng ZUO, Xiaoyu ZHANG, Yajing ZHANG, Wenping LI. 2023. The fetch effect on sand transport above a farmland surface and conditions for saturation. Soil and Tillage Research. 229: 105674. Guoru Wei, Chunlai Zhang*, Qing Li, Hongtao Wang, Rende Wang, Yajing Zhang, Yixiao Yuan. 2023. Characterization of geochemical elements in surface sediments from Chinese deserts. Catena. 220: 106637. 亢力强, 张春来, 邹学勇,等. 2023.《风沙过程观测与模拟》. 北京: 科学出版社. 赵嘉琪, 张春来*, 魏国茹. 2023. 阿拉善右旗不同时间尺度的风速概率分布. 中国沙漠, 43(2): 37-42. Guoru Wei, Chunlai Zhang*, Qing Li, Rende Wang, Hongtao Wang, Yajing Zhang, Yixiao Yuan, Wenping Li. 2022. Grain-size composition of the surface sediments in Chinese deserts and the associated dust emission. Catena. 106615. Chunlai Zhang, Xuesong Wang*, Songbo Cen, Zhongquan Charlie Zheng, Zhenting Wang. 2022. Separating emitted dust from the total suspension in airflow—by studying the characteristics of PM10 vertical concentration profiles on a gobi desert surface. Journal of Arid Land. 14(6): 589-603. Yaping Shen, Chunlai Zhang*, Xinyu Liu, Hui Zhang, Yajing Zhang. 2022. The effect of wind speed averaging time on the study of soil wind erosion on typical land surfaces. Aeolian Research. 54: 100763. Zhang Chunlai*, Yuan Yixiao*, Xueyong Zou, Hongtao Wang; Qing Li, Zhenting Wang, Rende Wang. 2022. A comparison of the aerodynamic characteristics of four kinds of land surface in wind erosion areas of northern China. Catena. 212: 106112. Zhang Chunlai, Wei Guoru*, Zou Xueyong, Wang Zhenting, Li Qing, Wang Xuesong. 2022. The varying fetch effect of aeolian sand transport above a gobi surface and its implication for gobi development process. International Soil and Water Conservation Research. 10: 623-634. Chunlai ZHANG, Xuesong WANG*, Xueyong ZOU, Yaping SHEN, Rende WANG, Hongtao WANG. 2022. Field investigation of the fetch effect and essential conditions for saturated sand flow. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms. 47(9): 2299-2309. 张亚静, 张春来*, 魏国茹, 伍永秋, 李文平. 2022. 藏北青南高原表层沉积物风蚀粗化特征, 地理研究. 41 (10): 2793-2807. Na Zhou, Qing Li, Chun-Lai Zhang*, Huang Chi-Hua, Yanbing Wu, Bingqi Zhu, Songbo Cen, Xiaoqi Huang. 2021. Grain size characteristics of aeolian sands and their implications for the aeolian dynamics of dunefields within a river valley on the southern Tibet Plateau: A case study from the Yarlung Zangbo river valley. Catena. 196: 104794. Xuesong WANG, Chunlai ZHANG*, Xueyong ZOU. 2021. A model of the sand transport rate that accounts for the effect of averaging time. Geomorphology. 378: 107616. Xuesong WANG, Chunlai ZHANG*. 2021. Field observations of sand flux and dust emission above a gobi desert surface. Journal of Soils and Sediments. 21(4): 1815-1825. Huiru Li, Xueyong Zou*, Chunlai Zhang, Liqiang Kang, Hong Cheng, Bo Liu, Wei Liu, Yi Fang, Dongliang Yang, Xiaoxu Wu. 2021. Effects of gravel cover on the near-surface airflow field and soil wind erosion. Soil and Tillage Research. 214: 105133. Ren-De WANG, Qing LI*, Chun-Lai ZHANG, Zhen-Ting WANG, Zhong-Ling GUO, Chun-Ping CHANG, Ji-Feng LI. 2021. Comparison of dust emission ability of sand desert, gravel desert (Gobi), and farmland in northern China. Catena. 201(D16):105215. Wenru JIA, Chunlai ZHANG*, Xueyong ZOU, Liqiang KANG. 2020. Effect of transverse ridge microtopography on the surface shear stress distribution and soil wind erosion. Soil & Tillage Research. 198: 104548. Yaping Shen, Chunlai Zhang*, Rende Wang, Xuesong Wang, Songbo Cen, Qing Li. 2020. Spatial heterogeneity of surface sediment grain size and aeolian activity in the gobi desert region of northwest China. Catena. 188: 104469. Xuesong Wang, Chunlai Zhang*, Songbo Cen, Yujie Dai, Xueyong Zou. 2020. Studying the spatial and temporal changes in aeolian sand transport in a wind tunnel using 3D terrestrial laser scanning. European Journal of Soil Science. 71(5): 898-908. Dai Yujie, Zhang Chunlai*, Cen Songbo, Wang Xuesong, Liu Xinyu, Zhang Hui. 2020. Abrasion of soil clods with different textures and moisture contents in sand flow environment. Aeolian Research. 46: 100614. 岑松勃, 张春来*, 代豫杰, 张慧, 刘欣宇, 李庆, 黄玉虎. 2020. 风蚀事件中农田土壤 PM10释放特征. 中国沙漠. 40(3): 145-150. 张慧, 张春来*, 刘欣宇, 代豫杰, 岑松勃, 沈亚萍. 2020. 裸露农田近地表风速脉动特征. 中国沙漠. 40(5): 57-64. 刘欣宇, 张春来*, 张慧, 代豫杰, 岑松勃, 沈亚萍. 2020. 草地近地表风速脉动及其与平均风速、摩阻风速的关系. 水土保持通报. 40(5): 60-63,78. Wenru JIA, Chunlai ZHANG*, Xueyong ZOU, Hong CHEN, Liqiang KANG, Bo LIU, Jifeng Li, Yaping SHEN, Wei LIU, Yi FANG, Huiru LI. 2019. Effects of ridge height and spacing on near-surface airflow field and wind erosion of a sandy soil: results of a wind tunnel study. Soil & Tillage Research. 186: 94-104. Xuesong Wang, Chunlai Zhang*, Xiaoqi Huang, Yaping Shen, Xueyong Zou, Jiao Li, Songbo Ceng. 2019. Wind tunnel tests of the dynamic processes that control wind erosion of a sand bed. Earth surface Processes and Landforms. 44: 614–623. Jiaqiong Zhang, Chunlai ZHANG*, Qing LI, Xinghui PAN. 2019. Grain-size distribution of surface sediments of climbing and falling dunes in the Zedang valley of the Yarlung Zangbo River, southern Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Earth System Science. 128: 11. Yaping SHEN, Chunlai ZHANG*, Xiaoqi HUANG, Xuesong WANG, Songbo CEN. 2019. The effect of wind speed averaging time on sand transport estimates. Catena. 175: 286-293. 张春来, 杨焱*, 黄晓琪, 沈亚萍, 亢力强. 2019. 栅栏沙丘表面流场的数值模拟研究. 应用基础与工程科学学报. 27(1): 15-23. Chun-Lai ZHANG, Qing LI*, Ya-Ping SHEN, Na ZHOU, Xue-Song WANG, Jiao LI, Wen-Ru JIA. 2018. Monitoring of aeolian desertification on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau from the 1970s to 2015 using Landsat images. Science of the Total Environment. 619–620: 1648-1659. Chunlai ZHANG, Xuesong WANG*, Xueyong ZOU, Jinlu TIAN, Bo LIU, Jifeng LI, Liqiang KANG, Hong CHEN, Yongqiu WU. 2018. Estimation of surface shear strength of undisturbed soils in the eastern part of northern China’s wind erosion area. Soil & Tillage Research. 178: 1-10. Chunlai ZHANG, Yaping SHEN*, Qing LI, Wenru JIA, Jiao LI, Xuesong WANG. 2018. Sediment grain–size characteristics and relevant correlations to the aeolian environment in China’s eastern desert region. Science of the Total Environment. 627: 586-599. Yaping SHEN, Chunlai ZHANG*, Xuesong WANG, Xueyong ZOU, Liqiang KANG. 2018. Statistical Characteristics of Wind Erosion Events in the Erosion Area of Northern China. Catena. 167: 399-410. Zhen-Ting Wang*, Chun-Lai Zhang, Song-Bo Cen. 2018. Unsteady saltation. European Physical Journal E. 41:121. 张春来(主编), 伍永秋(副主编), 李庆(副主编), 沈亚萍, 李姣, 杜世松, 董治宝. 2018. 青藏高原沙漠化图(1:2500000). 西安: 西安地图出版社. 邹学勇, 张春来, 程宏, 吴晓旭, 石莎. 2018.《城镇防沙理论与工程》. 北京: 科学出版社. 张春来, 宋长青, 王振亭, 邹学勇, 王雪松. 2018. 土壤风蚀过程研究回顾与展望. 地球科学进展. 33(1): 27-41. 李庆, 张春来, 周娜, 沈亚萍, 伍永秋, 邹学勇, 李姣, 贾文茹, 王雪松. 2018. 青藏高原沙漠化土地空间分布及区划. 中国沙漠. 38(4): 690-700. 李庆,张春来,王仁德,周娜. 2018. 1965-2016年青藏高原关键气象因子变化特征及其对土地沙漠化的影响. 北京师范大学学报(自然科学版). 54(5): 659-665.
