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教育经历 1978.03-1982.02 内蒙古师范大学地理学专业学士 1982.02-1984.10 中国科学院兰州沙漠研究所自然地理学专业硕士 1986.09-1988.12 北京师范大学沉积学(含古地理)博士 1995.09-1997.09 美国伯克利加州大学自然资源学院自然资源生态学博士后 工作经历 2006.03-2018.03民政部—教育部减灾与应急管理研究院副院长 2016.12-至今 地表过程与资源生态国家重点实验室学术委员会副主任 2018.07-至今 青海师范大学党委副书记、校长 2018.11-至今 青海省人民政府-北京师范大学 高原科学与可持续发展研究院院长 2008.02 - 2018.08 北京师范大学常务副校长 2007.06-2016.12 地表过程与资源生态国家重点实验室主任 2006.03 –2018.08 北京师范大学研究生院院长 2003.09-2004.12 北京师范大学资源学院院长 2000.04-2006.12 北京师范大学环境演变与自然灾害教育部重点实验室学术委员会主任 1999.09-2008.02 北京师范大学副校长 1998.10-2009.10 瑞士再保险公司-北京师范大学灾害与保险技术研究中心主任 1997.02-2003.09 北京师范大学资源科学研究所所长 1993.10-2000.03 北京师范大学资源与环境学院副院长 1993.10-2000.04 教育部环境演变与自然灾害开放实验室主任 1993.10-1997.01 北京师范大学资源与环境科学系系主任 1991.10-1998.10 北京师范大学-中国人民保险公司农村灾害保险技术研究中心主任 1991.10-1993.10 北京师范大学地理系副主任 1989.10-1991.10 北京师范大学地理系自然灾害研究室副主任 奖励成果      2018. 综合自然灾害风险评估与重大自然灾害应对关键技术研究和应用. 2018年国家科技进步奖二等奖 2017. 综合自然灾害风险评估与农业保险关键技术研究与应用. 2017年北京市科学技术奖二等奖 2014. 半干旱区集雨保水与植被生态适应机制. 2014年度高等学校科学研究优秀成果二等奖 2013. 自然资源学科创新人才培养体系建设与实践. 2013年北京市教育教学成果一等奖 2012. 中国自然灾害风险地图集. 中国测绘学会优秀地图作品裴秀奖银奖 2010. 汶川地震灾害地图集. 中国测绘学会优秀地图作品裴秀奖金奖 2010. 汶川地震灾害专题制图工程研究与应用.中国地理信息系统协会地理信息科技进步奖二等奖 2009. 土地利用/覆盖变化及其生态响应机制.教育部自然科学奖二等奖 2009. 灾害风险科学学科建设与创新性人才培养模式. 国家级教学成果奖二等奖 2009. 灾害风险科学学科建设与创新性人才培养模式. 2008年北京市教育教学成果(高等教育)一等奖 2006. 近地表风沙活动规律研究. 北京市科学技术奖(基础类)二等奖 2004. 区域自然灾害系统研究. 教育部提名国家科学技术奖自然科学奖一等奖 2004. 中国自然灾害系统地图集. 中国测绘学会优秀地图作品一等奖 2003. 中国生态资产测量技术体系. 中国测绘学会测绘科技三等奖 2003. 中国区域地理教学与改革. 国家教学成果一等奖 1997. 中国北方草地草畜平衡动态监测系统试点试验研究. 国家科技进步二等奖 1997. 深圳市南山区环境管理信息系统. 深圳市科技进步二等奖 1997. 深圳市南山区环境管理信息系统. 国家环境保护局科技进步三等奖 1995. 内蒙古自治区土地利用总体规划及其专题研究. 国家土地管理局科技进步二等奖 1995. 黄河流域环境演变与水沙运行规律研究. 中国科学院自然科学一等奖 1994. 中国北方草地草畜平衡动态监测系统试点试验研究. 中华人民共和国农业部科技进步一等奖 1994. 黄河流域皇甫川流域水土保持与土地生产力开发信息系统研究. 中华人民共和国水利部科技进步三等奖 1993. 内蒙古自治区土地利用总体规划及其专题研究. 国家土地局优秀成果一等奖, 1993 1993. “中国自然灾害地图集”编制和农村灾害保险技术试验研究. 中国人民保险公司科技一等奖 1993. 晚更新世以来环境演变及其影响评价研究,中华人民共和国教育委员会. 科技进步二等奖 1992. 陕西省佳县经济发展系统研究,中华人民共和国教育委员会. 科技进步三等奖 1989. 应用遥感技术编制内蒙古自治区土壤地侵蚀图. 内蒙古自治区科技进步二等奖 1989. 遥感在内蒙古草场资源调查中的应用研究(地貌,土地利用). 国家科技进步二等奖 1987. 遥感在内蒙古草场资源调查中的应用研究(地貌,土地利用). 内蒙古自治区科技进步一等奖 奖励荣誉 2012年获国际综合灾害风险管理学会年会杰出贡献奖称号 2009年获第一届“全国优秀地理科技工作者”称号 2008年当选国际欧亚科学院院士 2004年国家杰出青年基金获得者 1998年获教育部跨世纪人才奖励 1992年获第二届中国青年科学技术奖(中国科协) 1992年获有突出贡献的中国博士奖励(国务院学位办,国家教委) 1991年获首届青年地理学奖(中国地理学会) 1989年获北京市“五四青年奖章”




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第一作者论文   Shi Peijun, Wang jing'ai, Xie Yun, et al. Climate Change, Natural Disasters of Agriculture and Grain Yields in China during the Past 15 Years. Journal of Agricultural Meteorology, 1997,52(5):923-934. Shi Peijun, Wang Jing'ai, Yang Mingchuan, et al. Understanding of Natural Disaster Database Design and Compilation of Digital Atlas of Natural Disasters in China, Geographic Information Science, 2000,6(2):153-158. Shi Peijun. LUCC Activities in China and LUCCD 2001 in Beijing. LUCC Newsletter, December,2001,(7):8-9. SHI Peijun, SONG Changqin, Palynological records of environmental changes in the middle part of Inner Mongolia, china, Chinese Science Bulletin, 2003,48(14):1433-1438. Peijun Shi, Ping Yan, Yi Yuan, Mark A. Nearing. Wind erosion research in China: past, present and future. Progress in Physical Geography, 2004,28(3):366-386. Shi Peijun, Yuan Yi, He Chunyang, Li Xiaobing, Chen Yunhao. Land Use Pattern Adjustment under Ecological Security: Look for Secure Land Use Pattern in China. Geographical Review of Japan, 2004,77(12):866-882. Shi PJ, Ge Y, Yuan Y, Guo WP. Integrated risk management of flood disasters in metropolitan areas of China. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF WATER RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT, 2005,21(4):613-627. Shi PJ, Shimizu H, Wang JA, Liu LY, Li XY, Fan YD, Yu YJ, Jia HK, Zhao YZ, Wang L, Song Y. Land degradation and blown-sand disaster in China. PLANT RESPONSES TO AIR POLLUTION AND GLOBAL CHANGE, 2005:261-269. Peijun Shi,Yi Yuan,Jing Zheng et al. The effect of land use/cover change on surface runoff in Shenzhen region,China. CATENA, 2007(69)31-35. Peijun Shi, Weihua Fang, Jing Liu, Meiqin Zhou, Fei He et al. Research on Earth-Surface Interaction Mechanism. Process and Dynamics of Human-Earth System: Case Study on the Geographic Belt Transect from Shenzhen in Guangdong Province to Bayanhaote in Inner Mongolia Province of China. Geographic Information Science, 2008,1(14):1-11. Peijun Shi, Ning Li, Qian Ye, Wenjie Dong, Guoyi Han, and Weihua Fang. Research on Integrated Disaster Risk Governance in the Context of Global Environmental Change. International Journal of Disaster Risk Science, 2010,1(1): 17-23. Peijun Shi, Jiabing Shuai, Wenfang Chen, Lili Lu. Study on Large-Scale Disaster Risk Assessment and Risk Transfer Models. International Journal of Disaster Risk Science, 2010,1(2): 1-8. Peijun Shi, Wei Xu, Tao Ye, Chunyang He, Ning Li. Developing Disaster Risk Science——Discussion on the Disaster Reduction Implementation Science. Journal of Natural Disaster Science, 2011,32(2): 79-88. Peijun Shi. On the role of government in integrated disaster risk governance— Based on practices in China. International Journal of Disaster Risk Science, 3(3)(2012):139-146. Pjun Shi, Qian Ye, Guoyi Han et al. Living with global climate diversity— suggestions on international governance for coping with climate change risk. International Journal of Disaster Risk Science, 3(4)(2012):177-183. Peijun Shi, Yu DY.Assessing urban environmental resources and services of Shenzhen, China: A landscape-based approach for urban planning and sustainability..Landscape and Urban Planning, 2014, 125: 290-297. Shi Peijun,Sun Shao,Wang Ming,Li Ning,Wang Jing'ai,Jin YunYun,Gu XiaoTian,Yin WeiXia.Climate change regionalization in China (1961–2010)..Science China:Earth Sciences, 2014 57(11):2676–2689. Shi Peijun,Wang,Ming,Ye, Qian.Achievements, Experiences and Lessons, Challenges and Opportunities for China’s 25-year Comprehensive Disaster Reduction..GRF Davos Planet@Risk Special Issue for the Post-2015 Framework for DRR,August Shi Peijun , Zhang Gangfeng, Kong Feng, et al. Wind speed change regionalization in China (1961–2012) . Advances in Climate Change Research, 2015, 6(2): 151-158. Shi Peijun, Yang Xu, Xu Wei. Mapping Global Mortality and Affected Population Risks for Multiple Natural Hazards International Journal of Disaster Risk Science, 2016, 7(1): 54-62. Shi Peijun, Yang Xu, Fang Jiayi, et al. Mapping and ranking global mortality, affected population and GDP loss risks for multiple climatic hazards. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2016, 26(7): 878-888.2014,353-358. Peijun Shi, Shao Sun, Daoyi Gong, et al. World Regionalization of Climate Change (1961–2010). Int J Disaster Risk Sci, 2016, 7:216–226. Peijun Shi, Saini Yang,Qian Ye , et al. Green Development and Integrated Risk Governance. International Journal of Disaster Risk Science, 2017,8:231–233. 2014,353-358. Peijun Shi, Xuemei Bai, Feng Kong, et al. Urbanization and air quality as major drivers of altered spatiotemporal patterns of heavy rainfall in China. Landscape Ecoli, 2017, 32(22): 1-16. Shi P, Shaw R, Ardalan A, et al. Fourteen Actions and Six Proposals for Science and Technology-Based Disaster Risk Reduction in Asia: Second Asian Science and Technology Conference for Disaster Risk Reduction: Science-Policy Dialogue for Implementation of the Sendai Framework, April 2018. International Journal of Disaster Risk Science, 2018, 9(2), 275-279. Shi P, Zhang G, Kong F, et al. Variability of winter haze over the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region tied to wind speed in the lower troposphere and particulate sources. Atmospheric Research, 2019, 215: 1-11. Peijun Shi, Carlo Jaeger. Editorial Note on the 10-Year Anniversary of the International Journal of Disaster Risk Science: A Thank You Letter. International Journal of Disaster Risk Science, 2020, 11(4): 411-413. Peijun Shi, Tao Ye, Ying Wang, et al. Disaster Risk Science: A Geographical Perspective and a Research Framework. International Journal of Disaster Risk Science, 2020, 11(4): 426-440. 合作论文   Huang Chongfu,Shi Peijun,Zhang Yuanming, Fuzzy Mathematical Model of Urban Natural and Risk Assessment, ETE,1994(59) Huang Chongfu,Shi Peijun,Liu Xinli, Fuzzy Risk Assessment of Earthquake Hazard on City, BUSE FAL, ISSN 0296-3698 AUTOMNE,1995(64) Zhang Lansheng,Shi Peijun,Wang Jing'ai,Zhu Li, Regionalization of Natural Disasters in China, Journal of Beijing Normal University (Science Version),1995(3) Liu BY, Nearing MA, Shi PJ, Jia ZW, Slope length effect on soil loss for steep slopes, Soil Science Society of America Journal, 2000, Vol.64, No.5, 1759-1763. Chen Yunhao, Li Xiaobin, Shi Peijun, Estimation of Regional Evapotraspiration over Northwest China Using Remote Sensing, Journal of Geographical Science, ACTA, Geographica Sinica.Vol.11,No.2,140-148,2001 Chen Yunhao, Li Xiaobing, Shi Peijun. NDVI changes in China between 1989 and 1999 Using Change Vector Analysis Based on Time Series Data,Journal of Geographical Sciences,2001,11(4):383~392. Qiuguo Yu, Shi Peijun, Shimizu Hideyuki, Tobe Kazuo, Gao Yong, and Omasa Kenji, Vegetation Indicators of Desertification in the Mu Us Desert and their Applicability to Remote Sensing, Journal of Arid Land Studies (日本沙漠学会杂志《沙漠研究》) , Vol.11, No.2, 2001, 111-117 Ping Yan, Peijun Shi, Shangy Gao, Ling Chen, Xingbao Zhang, Lixin Bai, 137Cs Dating of Lacustrine Sediments and Human Impacts on Dalian Lake, Qinghai Province, China. CATENA (47), 2002, 91-99 Guoyu Qiu, Koichi Miyamoto, Sadanori Sase, Yong gao, Peijun Shi and Tomohisa Yano. Comparison of the Three-Temperature Model and Conventional Models for Estimenings Transpiration. JARQ(Japan Agriculture Research Quarterly) , Vol.36, No.2, 2002, 73-82 R.Lee, F. Yu, K.D.Price, J.Ellis, and Peijun Shi. Evaluating Vegetation Phonological Patterns in Inner Mongolia Using NDVI time-series Analysis. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2002, Vol.23, No.12, 2505-2512 Meiyu, Qiong Gao, Yinghui Liu, Hongmei Xu, and Peijun Shi, Responses of Vegetation Structure and Primary Production of a Forest Transect in Eastern China to Global Change, Global Ecology Biogeography, 2002, 11(3), 223-231. Jin Chen, Peng Gong, Chunyang He, Wei Luo, Masazuki Tamura, and Peijun Shi. Assessment of the Urban Development Plan of Beijing by Using a CA-based Urban Growth Model. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, Vol.68, No.10, 2002, 1063-1071 Q.Zhang, J.Wang, X.Peng, P.Gong, P.Shi, Urban built-up land change detection with road density and spectral information from multi-temporal Landsast TM data, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2002, 23(15), 3057-3078 DAO-YI GONG and PEI-JUN SHI,Northern hemispheric NDVI variations associated with large-scale climate indicates in spring,International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2003, Vol.24, No.12, pp2559-2566. Y. PAN, X. LI, P. GONG, C. HE, P.SHI and R. PU,An integrative classification of vegetation in China based on NOAA AVHRR and vegetation-climate indices of the Holdridge life zone,International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2003, Vol.24, No.5, pp1009-1027. Jin Chen, Peng Gong, Chunyang He, Ruiliang Pu, and Peijun Shi,Land-Use/Land-Cover Change Detection Using Improved Change-Vector Analysis,Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing, 2003, 69(4): 369-379 Guo Yu QIU, Sadanori SASE, Peijun SHI and Guodong DING,Theoretical analysis and experimental verification of a remotely measurable plant transpiration transfer coefficient,Japan Agricultural Research Quarterly, 2003, Vol.37, No.3, pp141-149. Chen Yunhao, Li Xiaobing, Jing Guifei and Shi Peijun,An Estimation Model for Daily Regional Evapotranspiration,International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2003,Vol. 24, No.1, pp199-205 Zhijun Chen, Jin Chen, Peijun Shi, Masayuki Tamura,An HIS-based Changed Detection Approach for Assessment of Urban Expansion Impact on Arable Land Loss in China,International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2003, Vol.,24, No.6, pp1353-1360 Zhang Xin-shi, Shi Pei-jun,Theory and Practical of Marginal Ecosystem Management — Establishment of Optimized Eco-productive Paradigm of Grassland and Farming-Pastoral Zone of North China,Acta Botanica Sinica, 2003, Vol.45, No.10, pp 1135-1138 Chen Yun-hao, Li Xiao-bing, Shi Pei-jun, Dou Wen, Li Xia ,Intra-Annual Vegetation Change Characteristics in the NDVI-Ts Space: Application to Farming-Pastoral Zone in North China,Acta Botanica Sinica, 2003, Vol.45, No.10, pp1139-1145 Li Xiao-bing, Chen Yun-hao, Shi Pei-jun, Chen Jin,Detecting Vegetation Fractional Coverage of Typical Steppe in Northern China Based on Multi-Scale Remotely Sensed Data,Acta Botanica Sinica, 2003, Vol.45, No.10, pp 1146-1156 L.Y. Liu, P. J. Shi, X.Y. Zhou, S.Y. Gao, J. H. Wang, W. Q. Ta,Short-term Dynamics of Wind Erosion of Three Newly-Cultivated Grassland Soil in Northern China,Geoderma, 2003, Vol.115, No.1-2, pp55-64. Liu Lian-You, Gao Shang-Yu, Shi Pei-Jun, Li Xiao-yan, Dong Zhi-Bao,Wind Turned measurements of adobe abrasion by blown sand: Profile characteristics in relation to wind velocity and sand flux,Journal of Arid Environments, 2003, Vol.53, No.3, pp351-363 Fang Fang Yu, Kevin D. Price, James Ellis and Peijun Shi,Response of Seasonal Vegetation Development to Climatic Variations in Eastern Central Asia,Remote Sensing of Environment, September 2003, Vol.87, Issue 1, pp42-45 Gong D Y, Shi PJ, and Wang J A. Daily precipitation changes in semiarid region over northern China. Journal of Arid Environments, 2004, 59, 771-784. Gong DY, Shi PJ. Inter-annual Changes in Eurasian Continent NDVI and Its Sensitivity to the Large-scale Climate Variations in the Last 20 Years. Acta Botanica Sinica, 2004, 46(2), 186-193. L. Y. Liu, P. J. Shi, S. Y. Gao, X. Y. Zou, H. Erdon, P. Yan, X. Y. Li, W. Q. Ta, J. H. Wang, C. L. Zhang. 2004. Dustfall in China's western loess plateau as influenced by dust storm and haze events. Atmospheric Environment, 38:1699-1703. Yan Ping, Shi Peijun. Using the 137Cs technique to estimate wind erosion in Gonghe Basin, Qinghai Province, China. Soil Science, 2004, 169(4): 295-305. Kang Mu-yi, Liu Shuo, Huang Xiao-xia, Dong Shi-kui, Shi Pei-jun, Evaluation of an Ecological Security Model in Zhalute Banner, Inner Mongolia, Mountain Research and Development, 2005, Vol.25, No.1, PP60-67. Fang WH, Chen J, Shi PJ, Imura H. Variability of the phenological stages of winter wheat in North China Plain with NOAA/AVHRR NDVI data (1982-2000). IGARSS 2005: IEEE INTERNATIONAL GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING SYMPOSIUM, VOLS 1-8, PROCEEDINGS :3124-3127, 2005 Shi, PJ; Ge, Y; Yuan, Y; Guo, WP Integrated risk management of flood disasters in metropolitan areas of China. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF WATER RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT, 21 (4): 613-627 DEC 2005 Li, XY; Liu, LY; Gao, SY; Shi, PJ; Zou, XY; Hasi, E; Yan, P. Aeolian dust accumulation by rock fragment substrata: influence of number and textural composition of pebble layers on dust accumulation. SOIL & TILLAGE RESEARCH, 84 (2): 139-144 DEC 2005 Li, XY; Liu, LY; Gao, SY; Shi, PJ; Zou, XY; Zhang, CL. Microcatchment water harvesting for growing Tamarix ramosissima in the semiarid loess region of China. FOREST ECOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT, 214 (1-3): 111-117 AUG 3 2005 Pan, YZ; Shi, PJ; Zhu, WQ; Gu, XH; Fan, YD; Li, J. Measurement of ecological capital of Chinese terrestrial ecosystem based on remote sensing. SCIENCE IN CHINA SERIES D-EARTH SCIENCES, 48 (6): 786-796 JUN 2005 Li, Y; Xu, M; Zou, XM; Shi, PJ; Zhang, YQ. Comparing soil organic carbon dynamics in plantation and secondary forest in wet tropics in Puerto Rico. GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY, 11 (2): 239-248 FEB 2005 Gu, XH; He, CY; Yang, MC; Pan, YZ; Li, XB; Shi, PJ. Regional optimizing management on degraded grassland based on ecological risk assessment. IGARSS 2005: IEEE INTERNATIONAL GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING SYMPOSIUM, VOLS 1-8, PROCEEDINGS 3113-3116, 2005 Li, Xiao-Yan,Pei-Jun Shi,Liu, Lian-You, Gao, Shang-Yu, Wang, Xiong-Shi, Cheng, Liu-San. 2005. Influence of pebble size and cover on rainfall interception by gravel mulch. Journal of Hydrology, 312(1-4), 70-78 Chen Yunhao,Shi Peijun,Li Xiaobing,Chen Jin and Li Jing. A combined approach for estimating vegetation cover in urban/suburban environments from remotely sensed data.Computers&Geosciences ,Volume32,Issue 9,November 2006,Pages 1299-1309 Chunyang He,Norio Okada,Qiaofeng Zhang,Peijun Shi and Jingshui Zhang. Modeling urban expansion scenarios by coupling cellular automata model and system dynamic model in Beijing,China.Applied Geography,Volume 26,Issues 3-4,October 2006,Pages 323-345 Guo Yu Qiu,Peijun Shi and Liming Wang.Theoretical analysis of a remotely measurable soil evaporation transfer coefficient.Remote Sensing of Environment,Volume 101,Issue3,15 April 2006,Pages 390-398 Xuemei Bai,Peijun Shi.POLLUTION CONTROL IN CHINA 'S HUAI RIVER BASIN: WHAT LESSONS FOR SUSTAINABILITY?Environment.Washington:Sep 2006.Vol.48,Iss.7;p.23(16 pages). He Chunyang,Shi Peijun,Li,Jinggang,et al.Restoring urbanization process in China in the 1990s by using non-radiance-calibrated DMSP/OLS nighttime light imagery and statistical data.CHINESE SCIENCE BULLETIN 51 (13):1614-1620 JUL 2006. Chen, Yunhao, Li, Xiaobing, Shi, Peijun, et al. Land cover pattern optimization for local ecological security using remotely sensed data.International Journal of Remote Sensing 27 (9-10): 2003-2010 MAY 2006. Li XY, Shi PJ, Sun YL, Tang J, Yang ZP. Influence of various in situ rainwater harvesting methods on soil moisture and growth of Tamarix ramosissima in the semiarid loess region of China. FOREST ECOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT 233 (1): 143-148 SEP 1 2006 Chen YH, Deng L, Li J, Li XB, Shi PJ. A new wavelet-based image fusion method for remotely sensed data. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSING 27 (7): 1465-1476 APR 10 2006 L.-Y. Liu, X.-Y. Li, P.-J. Shi, S.-Y. Gao, J.-H. Wang, W.-Q. Ta, Y. Song, M.-X. Liu, Z. Wang and B.-L. Xiao. Wind of major soils in the farming-pastoral ecotone of China. Journal of Arid Environments, Volume 68, Issue 4, March 2007, Pages 611-623. CHEN Yunhao, Yangbo, Li jing, Shi Peijun; Zhang Songmei, Detection of Coal Fire Location and Change Based on Multi-temporal Thermal Remotely Sensed Data and Field Measurements, International Journal of Remote Sensing. 2007. CHEN Yunhao, Lijing, Denglei, Shi Peijun, DEM Accuracy Comparison between Different Models from Different Stereo Pairs, International Journal of Remote Sensing. 2007. CHEN Yunhao*, WEN DOU, JING LI and PEIJUN SHI, Shadow information recovery;in urban areas from very high resolution (VHR) satellite imagery, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2007. C. YUNHAO, S. PEIJUN, F. TUNG, J. WANG and L. XIAOBING. Object-oriented classification for urban land cover mapping with ASTER imagery. International Journal of Remote Sensing. 2007. J. L.Bayer, A. Amendola, N. Okada, Peijun Shi. Disaster risk management: Pro-active financing to reduce vulnerability. Environmental Hazards, 2007,1(7):1-6. Jing-ai Wang, Pei-jun Shi, Xiang-sheng Yi, Hui-cong Jia, Lai-yin Zhu. The Regionalization of Urban Natural Disasters in China. Natural Hazards,2008,44:169-179. Amendola Aniello, Linnerooth-Bayer Joanne, Okada Norio, Shi Peijun. Towards integrated disaster risk management: case studies and trends from Asia. NATURAL HAZARDS, 2008,44 (2):163-168. Zhao Zhang,Takehiko Fukushima,Peijun Shi,et.al.. Seasonal Changes of nitrate concentration in baseflow headwaters of Japanese coniferous forests: A significant indicator for N saturation . Catena, 2008, (76):63-69. Zhao Zhang, Takehiko Fukushima, Peijun Shi,et.al..Baseflow concentrations of nitrogen and phosphorus in forested headwaters in Japan . Science of the Total Environment,2008,402: 113-122. Zhou,T.,P.Shi,J.Luo,Z.Shao. Estimation of Soil Organic Carbon Based on Remote Sensing and Process Model.Frontiers of Forestry in China, 2008,3(2):139-147 Tao Zhou, Peijun Shi, Dafeng Hui, and Yiqi Luo. Global pattern of temperature sensitivity of soil heterotrophic respiration (Q10) and its implications for carbon-climate feedback. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH, 2009(114), G02016(1-9). Deyong Yu, Hongbo Shao, Peijun Shi, Wenquan Zhu and Yaozhong Pan. How does the conversion of land cover to urban use affect net primary productivity——A case study in Shenzhen city, China. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 149(11)(2009): 2054-2060. Zhao Zhang, Fulu Tao, Juan Du, Peijun Shi, Deyong Yu, Yaobin Meng, Yu Sun. Surface water quality and its control in a river with intensive human impacts--a case study of the Xiangjiang River, China. Journal of Environmental Management, 91(12)(2010): 2483-2490. Xuemei Bai, Jing Chen, Peijun Shi. 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