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王亚浩,男,1990年生,博士,副教授, 浙江师范大学(2019.10-至今) 已发表学术论文41篇,其中以第一作者或通讯作者身份在 Nat. Commun.、Angew. Chem. Int. Ed (3篇)、 J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 、Anal. Chem.、 ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces、 J. Mater. Chem. C、 Electrochim. Acta、 Electrochem. Commun.等国际期刊上发表论文22篇;获第三届校思政微课一等奖(2022);指导本科生获第十三届浙江省大学生化学竞赛一等奖(2022)。 教育经历 2015.09-2019.09, Ph.D., Department of Chemistry, Xiamen University ( 厦门大学 博士导师:李剑锋教授(杰青、万人、优青、青千) Prof. Jian-Feng Li, https://jfli.xmu.edu.cn/ ) 2018.09 – 2019.03 visiting at American University (American University交流) 2012.09-2015.06, M.S., Zhejiang Normal University (浙江师范大学 硕士导师:周小顺研究员) 2008.09-2012.06, B.S., Anhui Normal University (安徽师范大学 材料化学 / 学士)


表面增强拉曼光谱、电化学、电催化等。 STM裂结技术进行单分子电子学研究,探索单分子尺度的催化反应、分子组装行为、传感等。


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

Tong, L.; Yu, Z.; Gao, Y.-J.; Li, X.-C.; Zheng, J.-F.; Shao, Y.; Wang, Y.-H.*(通讯); Zhou, X.-S.*, Local cation-tuned reversible single-molecule switch in electric double layer. Nature Communications, 2023, 14 (1), 3397. Wang, Y.-H.; Li, X.-C.; Yu, Z.; Zheng, J.-F.; Zhou, X.-S.*, Break junction measurements at electrochemical interface: From electron transport to molecular adsorption and reaction process. Current Opinion in Electrochemistry 2023, 101279. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.coelec.2023.101279 Yan, L.; Xie, B.; Yang, C.; Wang, Y.-H.; Ning, J.; Zhong, Y.; Hu, Y. *, Engineering Self‐Supported Hydrophobic–Aerophilic Air Cathode with CoS/Fe3 S4 Nanoparticles Embedded in S, N Co‐Doped Carbon Plate Arrays for Long‐Life Rechargeable Zn–Air Batteries. Advanced Energy Materials 2023, https://doi.org/10.1002/aenm.202204245 Zhou, Y.-H.; Jiang, C.-C.; Yu, Z.; Wang, Y.-H. *(通讯); Zheng, J.*; Zhou, X.-S.*, In situ Raman monitoring of electroreductive dehalogenation of aryl halide at Ag/aqueous solution interface. Analytical Methods 2023, https://doi.org/10.1039/D2AY02060B Wang, Y.-H.; Yu, Z.; Lv, S.-L.; Zheng, J.-F.; Zhou, X.-S., Probing solid/liquid interfaces at a single-molecule level by in-situ break junction techniques. In Reference Module in Chemistry, Molecular Sciences and Chemical Engineering, Elsevier: 2023, https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-323-85669-0.00023-4 (书章节) Fan, X.*; Zhong, R.; Huang, Y.; Zhou, X.; Zhu, X.; Zhan, L.; Zhou, X.*; Wang, Y.-H.*(通讯); Wang, X., Oxygen defect-rich MnOOH nanorod as an effective modulator to boost polysulfide reaction kinetic for high-performance lithium sulfur battery. Applied Surface Science 2023, 614, 155869. Lv, S. L.; Zeng, C.; Yu, Z.; Zheng, J. F.; Wang, Y. H.*(通讯); Shao, Y.; Zhou, X. S.*, Recent Advances in Single-Molecule Sensors Based on STM Break Junction Measurements. Biosensors 2022, 12(8), 565; https://doi.org/10.3390/bios12080565 Fu, J.-Y.(本科生一作); Li, X.-C.; Yu, Z.; Huang-Fu, X.-N.; Fan, J.-A.; Zhang, Z.-Q.; Huang, S.; Zheng, J.-F.; Wang, Y.-H.*(通讯); Zhou, X.-S., In Situ Raman Monitoring of Potential-Dependent Adlayer Structures on the Au(111)/Ionic Liquid Interface. Langmuir 2022,https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.langmuir.2c00703 Tong, L.; Bao, S.-Y.; Jiang, C.-C.; Li, X.-C.; Li, J.-J.; Huang-Fu, X.-N.; Zheng, J.; Shao, Y.; Wang, Y.-H.*(通讯); Gao, Y.*; Zhou, X.-S.*, Tuning the binding configurations of single-molecule junctions by molecular co-assembly. Chemical Communications 2022, 58, 4962–4965。 Zhang, L.; Su, L.-Z.; Yu, Z.; Su, L.-Y.; Zheng, Y.; Song, P.; Wang, Y.-H.*(通讯); Pan, Y.-B.*; Zheng, B.*, Quantitative Detection of Creatinine in Human Serum by SERS with Evaporation-Induced Optimal Hotspots on Au Nanocubes. ACS Applied Nano Materials 2022, 5, 4841−4847 Jiang, C.-C.; Li, X.-C.; Fan, J.-A.; Fu, J.-Y.; Huang-Fu, X.-N.; Li, J.-J.; Zheng, J.-F.; Zhou, X.-S.*; Wang, Y.-H.*(通讯), Electrochemically activated carbon–halogen bond cleavage and C–C coupling monitored by in situ shell-isolated nanoparticle-enhanced Raman spectroscopy. The Analyst 2022,147,1341-1347. Yu, Z.; Li, J. Q.; Wang, Y.-H.*(通讯); Su, J. Q.; Fu, J. Y.; Zou, J. W.; Zheng, J. F.; Shao, Y.; Zhou, X. S.*, Visualizing an Electrochemically Induced Radical Cation of Bipyridine at Au(111)/Ionic Liquid Interfaces toward a Single-Molecule Switch. Analytical Chemistry 2022, 94 (3), 1823-1830. Seng, J.-W.; Tong, L.; Peng, X.-Q.; Chang, W.-Y.; Xie, W.; Wang, Y.-H.; Zheng, J.-F.; Shao, Y.; Chen, J.-Z.; Jin, S.; Zhou, X.-S.*, Influence of a Coordinated Metal Center on Charge Transport through a Series of Porphyrin Molecular Junctions. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2022, 126 (2), 1168-1175. Xu, Y.; Li, B.; Zhang, J.; Bai, G.; Zhang, X.; Hao, Q.; Wang, Y.-H.; Zhou, X.; Teng, B.; Liu, X., Exploration of Metal-Molecule interaction of subnanometric heterogeneous catalysts via simulated Raman spectrum. Applied Surface Science 2022, 579, 152194. Zhou, Y. F.; Chang, W. Y.; Chen, J. Z.; Huang, J. R.; Fu, J. Y.; Zhang, J. N.; Pei, L. Q.; Wang, Y. H.; Jin, S.; Zhou, X. S., Substituent-mediated quantum interference toward a giant single-molecule conductance variation. Nanotechnology 2022, 33 (9) 095201. Qiu, J. P.; Xie, H. Q.; Wang, Y. H.; Yu, L.; Wang, F. Y.; Chen, H. S.; Fei, Z. X.; Bian, C. Q.; Mao, H.; Lian, J. B., Facile Synthesis of Uniform Mesoporous Nb2O5 Micro-Flowers for Enhancing Photodegradation of Methyl Orange. Materials 2021, 14 (14). Wang, Y. H.; Zhou, Y. F.; Tong, L.; Huang, H.; Zheng, J. F.; Xie, W.; Chen, J. Z.; Shao, Y.; Zhou, X. S., Revealing Supramolecular Interactions and Electron Transport in Single Molecular Junctions of Cucurbit[ n ]uril. Advanced Electronic Materials 2021, 7 (9), 2100399. Li, J.-J.; Chen, Z.-B.; Wang, Y.-H.; Zhou, X.-S.; Xie, L.-Q.; Shi, Z.; Liu, J.-X.; Yan, J.-W.; Mao, B.-W., Single-molecule anisotropic magnetoresistance at room temperature: Influence of molecular structure. Electrochimica Acta 2021, 389, 138760. Yu, Z.; Xu, Y.-X.; Su, J.-Q.; Radjenovic, P. M.; Wang, Y.-H.*(通讯); Zheng, J.-F.; Teng, B.; Shao, Y.; Zhou, X.-S.; Li, J.-F., Probing Interfacial Electronic Effects on Single-Molecule Adsorption Geometry and Electron Transport at Atomically Flat Surfaces. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2021, 60 (28), 15452-15458. Jun-Qing Su, Y.-F. Z., Ling Tong, Ya-Hao Wang, Ju-Fang Zheng, Jing-Zhe Chen, Xiao-Shun Zhou, Electrochemical Gating Single-Molecule Circuits with Parallel Paths. Journal of Electrochemistry 2021, 27 (2), 195-201. Li, X. M. #; Wang, Y.-H.# (共一); Seng, J. W.; Zheng, J. F.; Cao, R.; Shao, Y.; Chen, J. Z.; Li, J. F.; Zhou, X. S.; Mao, B. W., z-Piezo Pulse-Modulated STM Break Junction: Toward Single-Molecule Rectifiers with Dissimilar Metal Electrodes. ACS Appl Mater Interfaces 2021, 13 (7), 8656-8663. Wang, Y. H.; Yan, F.; Li, D. F.; Xi, Y. F.; Cao, R.; Zheng, J. F.; Shao, Y.; Jin, S.; Chen, J. Z.; Zhou, X. S., Enhanced Gating Performance of Single-Molecule Conductance by Heterocyclic Molecules. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 2021, 12 (2), 758-763. Tao, C. P.; Jiang, C. C.; Wang, Y.-H.*(通讯); Zheng, J. F.; Shao, Y.; Zhou, X. S., Single-Molecule Sensing of Interfacial Acid-Base Chemistry. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 2020, 11 (23), 10023-10028. Wang, Y.-H.; Huang, H.; Yu, Z.; Zheng, J.-F.; Shao, Y.; Zhou, X.-S.; Chen, J.-Z.; Li, J.-F., Modulating electron transport through single-molecule junctions by heteroatom substitution. Journal of Materials Chemistry C 2020, 8 (20), 6826-6831. Zhang, F.; Wu, X. H.; Zhou, Y. F.; Wang, Y. H.; Zhou, X. S.; Shao, Y.; Li, J. F.; Jin, S.; Zheng, J. F., Improving Gating Efficiency of Electron Transport through Redox‐Active Molecular Junctions with Conjugated Chains. ChemElectroChem 2020, 7 (6), 1337-1341. Wang, Y. H.; Le, J. B.; Li, W. Q.; Wei, J.; Radjenovic, P. M.; Zhang, H.; Zhou, X. S.; Cheng, J.; Tian, Z. Q.; Li, J. F., In situ Spectroscopic Insight into the Origin of the Enhanced Performance of Bimetallic Nanocatalysts towards the Oxygen Reduction Reaction (ORR). Angewandte Chemie 2019, 58 (45), 16062-16066. Wang, Y.-H.; Liang, M.-M.; Zhang, Y.-J.; Chen, S.; Radjenovic, P.; Zhang, H.; Yang, Z.-L.; Zhou, X.-S.; Tian, Z.-Q.; Li, J.-F., Probing Interfacial Electronic and Catalytic Properties on Well-Defined Surfaces by Using In Situ Raman Spectroscopy. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2018, 57 (35), 11257-11261. Liang, M.-M. #; ; Wang, Y.-H.# (共一); Shao, R.; Yang, W.-M.; Zhang, H.; Zhang, H.; Yang, Z.-L.; Li, J.-F.; Tian, Z.-Q., In situ electrochemical surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy study of CO electrooxidation on PtFe nanocatalysts. Electrochemistry Communications 2017, 81, 38-42. Zhang, H.; Zhang, X. G.; Wei, J.; Wang, C.; Chen, S.; Sun, H. L.; Wang, Y. H.; Chen, B. H.; Yang, Z. L.; Wu, D. Y.; Li, J. F.; Tian, Z. Q., Revealing the Role of Interfacial Properties on Catalytic Behaviors by in Situ Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy. J Am Chem Soc 2017, 139 (30), 10339-10346. Wen, B. Y.; Jin, X.; Li, Y.; Wang, Y. H.; Li, C. Y.; Liang, M. M.; Panneerselvam, R.; Xu, Q. C.; Wu, D. Y.; Yang, Z. L.; Li, J. F.; Tian, Z. Q., Shell-isolated nanoparticle-enhanced Raman spectroscopy study of the adsorption behaviour of DNA bases on Au(111) electrode surfaces. Analyst 2016, 141 (12), 3731-6. Wen, B.-Y.; Yi, J.; Wang, Y.-H.; Madasamy, K.; Zhang, H.; Kathiresan, M.; Li, J.-F.; Tian, Z.-Q., In-situ monitoring of redox processes of viologen at Au(hkl) single-crystal electrodes using electrochemical shell-isolated nanoparticle-enhanced Raman spectroscopy. Electrochemistry Communications 2016, 72, 131-134. Chen, Z. B.; Hong, Z. W.; Li, D. F.; Wang, Y. H.; Zhou, X. S., The conductance of pyridine-based molecules measured in ambient air and electrolyte solution: Effect of surrounding. International Journal of Electrochemical Science 2015, 10 (4), 2931-2938. Han, D.; Hong, Z. W.; Li, D. F.; Zheng, J. F.; Wang, Y. H.; Zhou, X. S., Single-Molecule Junction Conductance of Terephthalic Acid Contacting Ag and Cu Electrodes Measured by an Electrochemical Method. ACTA PHYSICO-CHIMICA SINICA 2015, 31 (1), 105-110. Hong, Z.-W.; Chen, F.; Wang, Y.-H.; Mao, J.-C.; Li, D.-F.; Tang, Y.; Shao, Y.; Niu, Z.-J.; Zhou, X.-S., The binding sites of carboxylic acid group contacting to Cu electrode. Electrochemistry Communications 2015, 59, 48-51. Li, D.-F.; Mao, J.-C.; Chen, D.-L.; Chen, F.; Ze-Wen, H.; Zhou, X.-Y.; Wang, Y.-H.; Zhou, X.-S.; Niu, Z.-J.; Maisonhaute, E., Single-molecule conductance with nitrile and amino contacts with Ag or Cu electrodes. Electrochimica Acta 2015, 174, 340-344. Chen, L.; Wang, Y. H.; He, B.; Nie, H.; Hu, R.; Huang, F.; Qin, A.; Zhou, X. S.; Zhao, Z.; Tang, B. Z., Multichannel conductance of folded single-molecule wires aided by through-space conjugation. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2015, 54 (14), 4231-5. Wang, Y.-H.; Hong, Z.-W.; Sun, Y.-Y.; Li, D.-F.; Han, D.; Zheng, J.-F.; Niu, Z.-J.; Zhou, X.-S., Tunneling Decay Constant of Alkanedicarboxylic Acids: Different Dependence on the Metal Electrodes between Air and Electrochemistry. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2014, 118 (32), 18756-18761. Wang, Y.-H.; Li, D.-F.; Hong, Z.-W.; Liang, J.-H.; Han, D.; Zheng, J.-F.; Niu, Z.-J.; Mao, B.-W.; Zhou, X.-S., Conductance of alkyl-based molecules with one, two and three chains measured by electrochemical STM break junction. Electrochemistry Communications 2014, 45, 83-86. Wang, Y.-H.; Zhou, X.-Y.; Sun, Y.-Y.; Han, D.; Zheng, J.-F.; Niu, Z.-J.; Zhou, X.-S., Conductance measurement of carboxylic acids binding to palladium nanoclusters by electrochemical jump-to-contact STM break junction. Electrochimica Acta 2014, 123, 205-210. Zhou, X. Y.; Wang, Y. H.; Qi, H. M.; Zheng, J. F.; Niu, Z. J.; Zhou, X. S., Single-molecule conductance of dipyridines binding to Ag electrodes measured by electrochemical scanning tunneling microscopy break junction. Nanoscale Research Letters 2014, 9 (1), 77. Peng, Z. L.; Sun, Y. Y.; Zhou, X. Y.; Wang, Y. H.; Zhou, X. S., The Influence of Conjugated Bond on Single Molecule Conductance of Carboxylic Acids Measured by Electrochemical Jump-To-Contact Scanning Tunneling Microscopy Break Junction. International Journal of Electrochemical Science 2013, 8 (5), 6544-6552.
