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教育背景 2000 ― 2005 美国纽约州立大学,机械工程系,博士 1994 ― 1997 上海交通大学,内燃机专业,硕士 1990 ― 1994 上海交通大学,热能工程专业,学士 工作经历 2012 ― 现在 上海交通大学机动学院燃料电池研究所,教授,所长 2011 ―2012 上海交通大学机动学院燃料电池研究所,教授,副所长 2009 ―2011 美国通用汽车公司研发总部电化学能源研究中心,高级研究员,课题组长 2007 ―2009 美国通用汽车公司研发总部电化学能源研究中心,研究科学家 2005 ―2007 美国能源部Brookhaven国家实验室化学部电化学组,博士后副研究员 2002 ―2005 美国能源部Brookhaven国家实验室,化学部电化学组,助研 2000 ―2002 美国纽约州立大学,机械工程系,助教 1996 ―1997 日本群马大学,机械工程系,助研 科研项目 在研项目: 2016 - 2021 科技部十三五重点研发计划“新能源汽车”试点专项课题“新型低铂催化剂的研究与开发” ,负责人 2016 - 2020 国家自然科学基金重点项目“燃料电池超低铂阴极的结构设计及动力学和传质机理研究” ,负责人 2014 - 2017 国家自然科学基金面上项目“几何效应与电子效应对Pt-M/C催化剂氧还原比表面活性衰减的作用机理”,负责人 2017 - 2018 某跨国企业“具有高质量活性的Pd合金@Pt催化剂的开发”,负责人 2017 - 2018 某跨国企业“用于汽车电气化动力系统的创新型锂离子储能材料和电池”,负责人 2017 - 2019 某企业项目“大功率水冷燃料电池电堆关键技术开发”,负责人 2017 - 2018 某企业项目“大功率燃料电池电堆—膜电极开发”,负责人 已结题项目: 2015 - 2017 上海交大国际合作创新研究专项“基于介孔碳的聚阴离子型锂离子电池正极复合纳米材料研究”,负责人 2014 - 2017 上海市科委项目“车用燃料电池高效膜电极技术研究与开发”,负责人 2014 - 2016 教育部项目“Pt 核壳/合金单晶催化剂的制备及相关基础科学问题研究”,负责人 2013 - 2017 某跨国公司项目“车用动力电池关键材料研究”,负责人 2015 科技部项目“面向产业化的燃料电池动力系统”,负责人 2013 - 2016 某公司项目“新型催化剂的膜电极工艺开发”,负责人 2013 - 2015 国家863计划项目“低铂高性能车用燃料电池电堆技术”,负责人 2013 - 2014 某跨国公司项目“微型燃料电池研究”,负责人 2012 - 2014 上海市科委项目“电堆故障机理及保护技术研究”,负责人 教学工作 1. 硕士/博士生课程:Advanced Thermodynamics,48学时,3学分 2. 本科生课程:工程热力学(1),48学时,3学分 软件版权登记及专利 国内授权专利: 1. 章俊良,朱凤鹃,沈水云,夏国锋,吴若飞,一种碳载纳米铂合金催化剂的制备方法,2017/07, 中国发明专利,ZL201410820939.2。 2. 章俊良,张士林,王树华,蒋峰景,一种SiO2掺杂全氟磺酸质子交换膜的制备方法,2017/07, 中国发明专利,ZL201310537841.1。 3. 章俊良,朱凤鹃,夏国锋,沈水云,胡宸溢,一种碳载纳米铂合金催化剂的制备方法,2017/05, 中国发明专利,ZL201410820921.2。 4. 章俊良,夏国锋,蒋峰景,吴若飞,朱凤鹃,简易扣式锂空气电池测试装置,2016/09, 中国发明专利,ZL201310190283.6。 5. 蒋峰景,张士林,王树华,章俊良,一种有机/无机复合中高温质子导电膜,2016/09, 中国发明专利,ZL201310029986.0。 6. 章俊良,张士林,王树华,蒋峰景,一种高吸水性质子交换膜的制备方法,2016/05, 中国发明专利,ZL201410215865.X。 7. 章俊良,王超,蒋峰景,崔智,朱凤娟,优化燃料电池排水性能的质子膜燃料电池流道,2016/05, 中国发明专利,ZL201410012652.7。 8. 隋升,苏凯华,王曙中,章俊良,蒋峰景,一种焓轮增湿器的制造方法,2016/03, 中国发明专利,ZL201210559771.5。 9. 章俊良,吴若飞,蒋峰景,夏国锋,朱凤鹃,LiFexM1-xPO4/介孔碳复合材料及其制备方法,2015/12, 中国发明专利,ZL201310153728.3。 10. 隋升,苏凯华,王曙中,章俊良,蒋峰景,用于燃料电池的膜增湿器,2015/07, 中国发明专利,ZL201210559773.4。 11. 蒋峰景,吉喆,朱成玮,陈宣融,刘兴,黄子寅,章俊良,板式二氧化碳吸附装置,2015/04, 中国发明专利,ZL201420658882.6。 12. 蒋峰景,王希尧,刘力恒,尹逸轩,王垚俣,章俊良,高效二氧化碳膜分离装置,2015/04, 中国发明专利,ZL201420656858.9。 13. 蒋峰景,章俊良,于立强,宋星宇,刘启桐,顾习之,马鑫,复合型二氧化碳吸附剂,2014/12, 中国发明专利,ZL201310139754.0。 14. 蒋峰景,钟春燕,章俊良,余晴春,钟宇光,一种细菌纤维素多孔薄膜及其制备方法,2014/08, 中国发明专利,ZL201410416648.7。 15. 蒋峰景,章俊良,于立强,宋星宇,刘启桐,顾习之,马鑫,简易二氧化碳吸附装置,2013/11, 中国发明专利,ZL201320207019.4。 16. 蒋峰景,章俊良,于立强,宋星宇,刘启桐,顾习之,马鑫,高效二氧化碳吸附装置,2013/09, 中国发明专利,ZL201320207082.8。 国际授权专利: 1. J. L. Zhang, Z. Y. Liu, Z. Q. Yu, Graphite particle-supported Pt-shell/Ni-core nanoparticle electrocatalyst for oxygen reduction reaction, 2016/10, International patent (US, German, China), US9472811. 2. R. C. Jiang, Z. Q. Yu, J. L. Zhang, Nanofiber supported catalysts as membrane additives for improved fuel cell durability, 2015/09, International patent (US, German, China), US9123932. 3. R. R. Adzic, J. L. Zhang, Y. B. Mo, M. B. Vukmirovic, Platinum-coated non-noble metal-noble metal core-shell electrocatalysts, 2015/04, International patent (US, German, China), US9005331. 4. J. L. Zhang, M. Dioguardi, F. T. Wagner, Method for membrane electrode assembly fabrication and membrane electrode assembly, 2015/01, US, US8940461. 5. T. J. Fuller, M. R. Schoeneweiss, J. L. Zhang, Cobalt(II) tetramethoxyphenylporphyrin (CoTMPP) ionomer stabilization to prevent electrode degradation, 2014/05, International patent (US, German, China), US8735021. 6. R. R. Adzic, J. L. Zhang, M. B. Vukmirovic, Electrocatalyst for oxygen reduction with reduced platinum oxidation and dissolution rates, 2012/11, US, US8308989. 7. J. L. Zhang, S. S. Yan, F. T. Wagner, Method of treating nanoparticles using an intermittently processing electrochemical cell, 2012/07, International patent (US, German, China), US8231773. 8. R. R. Adzic, J. L. Zhang, K. Sasaki, Method and electrochemical cell for synthesis and treatment of metal monolayer electrocatalysts metal, carbon, and oxide nanoparticles in batch, or in continuous fashion, 2012/03, US, US9017530. 9. R. R. Adzic, J. L. Zhang, K. Sasaki, Y. B. Mo, M. B. Vukmirovic, Electrocatalyst for oxygen reduction with reduced platinum oxidation and dissolution rates, 2011/11, International patent (US, Canada, Europe, Japan, Russia, China), US8062552. 10. J. L. Zhang, F. T. Wagner, Z. Y. Liu, M. K. Carpenter, Method for generating a shell of noble metal overlaid on a core of non-noble metal, and catalysts made thereby, 2011/11, International patent (US, German, China), US8058204. 11. R. R. Adzic, J. L. Zhang, Electrocatalysts having gold monolayers on platinum nanoparticle cores, and uses thereof, 2010/04, International patent (US, Canada, Europe, Japan, Russia, China), US7704919. 12. R. R. Adzic, J. L. Zhang, K. Sasaki, Y. B. Mo, M. B. Vukmirovic, Platinum- and platinum alloy-coated palladium and palladium alloy particles and uses thereof, 2010/04, International patent (US, Canada, Europe, Japan, Russia), US7691780.


界面电化学,电催化,纳米材料 燃料电池,动力与储能电池,超级电容器 电化学能源系统中的传热传质


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

1. M.T. Anwar, X.H. Yan, M.R. Asghar, N. Husnain, S.Y. Shen, L.X. Luo, J.L. Zhang, Recent Advances in Hybrid Support Material for Pt-based Electrocatalysts of Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells, International Journal of Energy Research, 2018, in press. 2. S.Y. Shen, Y. Zhang, G.H. Wei, W.S. Zhang, X.H. Yan, G.F. Xia, A.M. Wu, C.C. Ke, J.L. Zhang, Li2FeSiO4/C hollow nanospheres as cathode materials for lithium-ion Batteries, Nano Research, 2018, in press. 3. S.Y. Shen, A.M. Wu, G.F. Xia, G.H. Wei, X.H. Yan, Y. Zhang, F.J. Zhu, J.W. Yin, J.L. Zhang, Facile preparation of unique three-dimensional (3D) α-MnO 2/MWCNTs macroporous hybrid as the high-performance cathode of rechargeable Li-O 2 batteries, Nano Research, 2018, in press. 4. S.Y. Shen, F. Li, L.T. Zhao, C.H. Fu, G.H. Wei, L.J. Yang, J.L. Zhang, An Organic Solvent System-Assisted Electrodeposition of Highly Active Pt for the Oxygen Reduction Reaction, Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 2018, 165(15), J3392-J3394. 5. A.M. Wu, S.Y. Shen, X.H. Yan, G.F. Xia, Y. Zhang, F.J. Zhu, J.L. Zhang, CxNy particles@ N-doped porous graphene: a novel cathode catalyst with a remarkable cyclability for Li-O2 batteries. Nanoscale, 2018, 10, 12763-12770. 6. S.Y. Shen, Y.G. Guo, G. H. Wei, L.X. Luo, F. Li, L. Li, G.F. Xia, J.L. Zhang, An exploration of Au submonolayer decorated Pd7Ir nanoparticles as highly active electrocatalyst for ethanol oxidation reaction in alkaline media, Catalysis Science & Technology, 2018, 8, 3465-3468. 7. S.Y. Shen, G.Y. Guo, G.H. Wei, L.X. Luo, F. Li, J.L. Zhang, A perspective on the promoting effect of Ir and Au on Pd toward the ethanol oxidation reaction in alkaline media. Frontiers in Energy, 2018, 12(4): 501-508. 8. R.X. Tian, S.Y. Shen, F.J. Zhu, L.X. Luo, X.H. Yan, G.H. Wei, J.L. Zhang, Sandwich-structured Icosahedral PtNi Alloy Nanocrystalline Electrocatalyst: from the Growth Mechanism to its Oxygen Reduction Activity, ChemSusChem, 2018, 11(6), 1015-1019. 9. Y.Zhang, W.S. Zhang, S.Y. Shen, X.H. Yan, A.M. Wu, J.L. Zhang, Hollow porous bowl-shaped lithium-rich cathode materials for lithium-ion batteries with exceptional rate capability and stability, Journal of Power Sources, 2018, 380, 164-173. 10. M.R. Asghar, Y. Zhang, A.M. Wu, X.H. Yan, S.Y. Shen, J.L. Zhang, Preparation of microporous Cellulose/PVDF-HFP membrane for lithium ion batteries by phase inversion method. Journal of Power Sources, 2018, 379, 197-205. 11. S.Y. Shen, F. Li, L.X. Luo, Y.G. Guo, X.H. Yan, C.C. Ke, J.L. Zhang, DMF-Coordination Assisted Electrodeposition of Highly Active PtCo Alloy Catalysts for the Oxygen Reduction Reaction, Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 2018, 165(2), D43-D49. 12. S.Y. Shen, Y.G. Guo, L.X. Luo, F.Li, L.Li, G.H. Wei, J.W. Yin, C.C. Ke, J.L. Zhang, Comprehensive Analysis on the Highly Active and Stable PdAu/C Electrocatalyst for Ethanol Oxidation Reaction in Alkaline Media, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2018, 122 (3), 1604–1611. 13. M.T. Anwar, X.H. Yan, S.Y. Shen, N.Husnain, F.J. Zhu, L.X. Luo, J.L. Zhang, Enhanced durability of Pt electrocatalyst with tantalum doped titania as catalyst support, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2017, 42(52), 30750-30759. 14. C. Wang, X.J. Cheng, J.B. Lu, S.Y. Shen, X.H. Yan, J.W. Yin, G.H. Wei and J.L. Zhang, The experimental measurement of local and bulk oxygen transport resistances in the catalyst layer of proton exchange membrane fuel cells, The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 2017, 8(23), 5848–5852. 15. Y. Zhang, W.S. Zhang; S.Y. Shen, X.H. Yan, A.M. Wu, R.F. Wu and J.L. Zhang, An ingenious design of lamellar Li1.2Mn0.54Ni0.13Co0.13O2 hollow nanosphere cathode for advanced lithium-ion batteries, Electrochimica Acta, 2017, 256, 316-324. 16. C. Wang, Q.L. Zhang, S.Y. Shen, X.H. Yan, F.J. Zhu, X.J. Cheng and J.L. Zhang, The respective effect of under-rib convection and pressure drop of flow fields on the performance of PEM fuel cells, Scientific Reports, 2017, 7, 43447. 17. C. Wang, Q.L. Zhang, J.B. Lu, S.Y. Shen, X.H. Yan, F.J. Zhu, X.J. Cheng, and J.L. Zhang, Effect of height/width-tapered flow fields on the cell performance of polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2017, 42(36), 23107-23117. 18. S.Y. Shen, X.J. Cheng, C. Wang, X.H. Yan, C.C. Ke, J.W. Yin and J.L. Zhang, Exploration of significant influences of the operating conditions on the local O2 transport in proton exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFCs), Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2017, 19(38), 26221-26229. 19. L.X. Luo, F.J. Zhu, R.X. Tian, L. Li, S.Y. Shen, X.H. Yan and J.L. Zhang, Composition-graded PdxNi1-x nanospheres with Pt monolayer shells as high-performance electrocatalysts for oxygen reduction reaction, ACS Catalysis, 2017, 7 (8), 5420-5430. 20. W.K. Li.; Q.L. Zhang, C. Wang, X.H. Yan, S.Y. Shen, G.F. Xia, F.J. Zhu and J.L. Zhang, Experimental and numerical analysis of a three-dimensional flow field for PEMFCs, Applied Energy, 2017, 195, 278-288. 21. A.M. Wu, G.F. Xia, S.Y. Shen, J.W. Yin, Y.Mao, Q.Y. Bai, J.Y. Xie and J.L. Zhang, Recent progress in non-aqueous lithium-air batteries, Acta Physico-Chimica Sinica, 2016, 32 (8), 1866-1879. 22. Y. Zhang, W.S. Zhang, S.Y. Shen, X.H. Yan, R.F. Wu, A.M. Wu, J.L. Zhang, A sacrificial template strategy toward hollow LiNi1/3Co1/3Mn1/3O2 nanospheres cathode for advanced lithium-ion batteries. ACS Omega, 2017, 2, 7593-7599 23. R.F. Wu, S.Y. Shen, G.F. Xia, F.J. Zhu, C. Lastoskie and J.L. Zhang, Soft-templated self-assembly of mesoporous anatase TiO2/Carbon composite nanospheres for high-performance lithium ion batteries, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2016, 8 (31), 19968-19978. 24. L.X. Luo, S.Y. Shen, F.J. Zhu and J.L. Zhang, Formic acid oxidation by pd monolayers on Pt3Ni nanocubes, Acta Physico-Chimica Sinica, 2016, 32(1),337-342. 25. Y.Q. Meng, C. Wang, Q.L. Zhang, S.Y. Shen, F.J. Zhu, H. Yang and J.L. Zhang, The effects of cathode platinum loading and operating backpressure on PEMFC performance, Acta Physico-Chimica Sinica, 2016, 32 (6), 1460-1466. 26. Z. Cui, C. Wang, S.Y. Shen, F.J. Jiang and J.L. Zhang, Pt/C modified proton exchange membrane for improved fuel cell performance, Journal of Electrochemistry, 2015, (3), 273-278. 27. F.J. Zhu, J.Kim, K.C. Tsao, J.L. Zhang and H. Yang, Recent development in the preparation of nanoparticles as fuel cell catalysts, Current Opinion in Chemical Engineering, 2015, 8, 89-97. 28. G.F. Xia, S.Y. Shen, F.J. Zhu, J.Y. Xie, Y.F. Hu, K. Zhu and J.L. Zhang, Effect of oxygen-containing functional groups of carbon materials on the performance of Li–O2 batteries, Electrochemistry Communications, 2015, 60, 26-29. 29. R.F. Wu, G.F. Xia, S.Y. Shen, F.J. Zhu, F.J. Jiang and J.L. Zhang, In-situ growth of LiFePO4 nanocrystals on interconnected carbon nanotubes/mesoporous carbon nanosheets for high-performance lithium ion batteries, Electrochimica Acta, 2015, 153, 334-342. 30. F.J. Jiang, L. Yin, Q.C. Yu, C.Y. Zhong and J.L Zhang, Bacterial cellulose nanofibrous membrane as thermal stable separator for lithium-ion batteries, Journal of Power Sources, 2015, 279, 21-27. 31. F.J. Jiang, L. Yin, Q.C. Yu, C.Y. Zhong, J.L Zhang, Bacterial cellulose nanofibrous membrane as thermal stable separator for lithium-ion batteries, Journal of Power Sources, 2015, 279,21-27. 32. Q.C. Yu, Y. Nie, J.L Zhang, F.J. Jiang, Single-ion polyelectrolyte/ mesoporous hollow-silica spheres, composite electrolyte membranes for lithium-ion batteries, Electrochimica Acta, 2015, 182, 97-304. 33. K.H. Su, X.Y. Yao, S. Sui, W.Z. Wei, F.J. Jiang, S.F. Du, Matrix material study for in situ grown Pt nanowire electrocatalyst layer in proton exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFCs), Fuel Cells, 2015,15,449-455. 34. R.F. Wu, G.F. Xia, S.Y. Shen, F.J. Zhu, F.J. Jiang and J.L. Zhang, Soft-templated LiFePO4/mesoporous carbon nanosheets (LFP/meso-CNSs) nanocomposite as the cathode material of lithium ion batteries, RSC Advances, 2014, 4 (41), 21325-21331. 35. F.J. Jiang, A.Kaltbeitzel, J.L. Zhang and W.H. Meyer, Nano-spheres stabilized poly(vinyl phosphonic acid) as proton conducting membranes for PEMFCs, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2014, 39 (21), 11157-11164. 36. C.Y. Hu, D.P. Yang, F.J. Zhu, F.J. Jiang, S.Y. Shen and J.L. Zhang, Enzyme-labeled Pt@BSA nanocomposite as a facile electrochemical biosensing interface for sensitive glucose determination, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2014, 6 (6), 4170-4178. 37. G.F. Xia, N. Li, D.Y. Li, R.Q. Liu, C. Wang, Q. Li, X.J. Lü, J.S. Spendelow, J.L. Zhang and G. Wu, Graphene/Fe2O3/SnO2 ternary nanocomposites as a high-performance anode for lithium ion batteries, ACS Appl Mater Interfaces, 2013, 5 (17), 8607-8614. 38. A.G. Kong, B.Dong, X.F. Zhu, Y.Y. Kong, J.L. Zhang and Y.K. Shan, Ordered mesoporous Fe-porphyrin-like architectures as excellent cathode materials for the oxygen reduction reaction in both alkaline and acidic media, Chemistry -A European Journal, 2013, 19 (48), 16170-16175. 39. F.J. Jiang, H.B. Li, Z.G. Di, S. Sui, Q.C. Yu and J.L. Zhang, Silica ultrafiltration membrane with tunable pore size for macromolecule separation, Journal of Membrane Science, 2013, 441 (441), 25-30. 40. F. Jiang, W.H. Meyer, J.L. Zhang, Dense poly(4-vinyl pyridine) brushes grafting from silica nanoparticles via atom transfer radical polymerization, Colloids and Surfaces A, 2013, 436,302-308. 41. C.Y. Hu, D.P. Yang, Z.Y. Wang, L.L. Yu, J.L. Zhang and N.Q. Jia, Improved EIS performance of an electrochemical cytosensor using three-dimensional architecture Au@BSA as sensing layer. Analytical Chemistry, 2013, 85 (10), 5200-5206. 42. Z.Q. Yu, J.L. Zhang, Z.Y. Liu, J.M. Ziegelbauer, H.L. Xin, I. Dutta, D.A. Muller, F. T. Wagner, Comparison between dealloyed PtCo3 and PtCu3 cathode catalysts for proton exchange membrane fuel cells, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2012, 116 (37), 19877-19885. 43. J.B. Wu, J.L. Zhang, Z.M. Peng, S.C. Yang, F.T. Wagner and H. Yang, Truncated octahedral Pt(3)Ni oxygen reduction reaction electrocatalysts, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2010, 132 (14), 4984-4985. 44. Z.Y. Liu, J.L. Zhang, P.T. Yu, J.X. Zhang, R. Makharia, K.L. More and E.A. Stach, Transmission electron microscopy observation of corrosion behaviors of platinized carbon blacks under thermal and electrochemical conditions, Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 2010, 157 (6), B906-B913. 45. P.A. Ferrin, S.K. Kandoi, J.L. Zhang, R.R. Adzic and M. Mavrikakis, Molecular and atomic hydrogen interactions with Au−Ir near-surface alloys, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2009, 113 (4), 1411-1417. 46. J.L. Zhang, K. Sasaki, E. Sutter and R.R. Adzic, Stabilization of platinum oxygen-reduction electrocatalysts using gold clusters, Science, 2007, 315 (5809), 220-222. 47. J.X. Wang, J.L. Zhang and R.R. Adzic, Double-trap kinetic equation for the oxygen reduction reaction on Pt(111) in acidic media, Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 2007, 111 (49), 12702-12710. 48. F.H. B. Lima, J.L. Zhang, M.H. Shao, K. Sasaki, M.B. Vukmirovic, E.A. Ticianelli and R.R. Adzic, Catalytic activity−d-band center correlation for the O2 reduction reaction on platinum in alkaline solutions, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2007, 111 (1), 404-410. 49. J.L. Zhang, M.B. Vukmirovic, Y.Xu, M. Mavrikakis and R.R. Adzic, Controlling the catalytic activity of platinum-monolayer electrocatalysts for oxygen reduction with different substrates. Angewandte Chemie, 2005, 44 (14), 2132-2135. 50. J.L. Zhang, M.B. Vukmirovic, K. Sasaki, A.U. Nilekar, M. Mavrikakis and R.R. Adzic, Mixed-metal pt monolayer electrocatalysts for enhanced oxygen reduction kinetics, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2005, 127 (36), 12480-12481. 51. J.L. Zhang, F.H. B. Lima, M.H. Shao, K. Sasaki, J.X. Wang, J. Hanson, R.R. Adzic, Platinum monolayer on nonnoble metal-noble metal core-shell nanoparticle electrocatalysts for O2 reduction, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2005, 109 (48), 22701-22704. 52. J.L. Zhang, Y.Mo, M.B. Vukmirovic, R.Klie, K. Sasaki and R.R. Adzic, Platinum monolayer electrocatalysts for O2 reduction:  Pt monolayer on Pd(111) and on carbon-supported Pd nanoparticles, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2004, 108 (30), 10955-10964.


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