毕红燕,女,博士,硕士生导师,分别于2006年和2010年毕业于复旦大学和瑞士洛桑联邦理工学院(EPFL),分获理学硕士和博士学位。之后在EPFL、瑞士西部应用科技大学、国际伊比利亚纳米技术实验室(INL)从事科研工作。毕红燕博士加入上海海洋大学食品学院以来,从水产品涉及的问题出发,基于质谱、光谱和微流控芯片等技术开发了一系列检测方案用于水产品的鉴定以及质量和安全分析,相关工作发表于Food Chemistry, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, Food Control等杂志。获2016年度上海市高校青年东方学者人才计划项目支持,被授予上海高校特聘教授荣誉称号;2017年被上海市科学技术委员会认定为上海市科学技术专家库成员;2018年和2021年两度获上海海洋大学科学技术奖三等奖(第一完成人);2019年入选为上海市科技专家库专家;2020年入选为英国皇家学会(RSC)审稿人数据库成员;2020年获得上海海洋大学爱普奖教金二等奖;2020年和2021年两度获上海海洋大学优秀硕士生导师称号;课题组2人次获国家奖学金资助。
Dr. Hongyan Bi is an Associate Research Fellow (equivalent to associate professor withoutmandatory teaching tasks) at Shanghai Ocean University (SHOU, Shanghai, China) with an expertise in Chemistry and Chemical Engineering studies. She received her PhD degree from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL) in 2010.Hongyan’s research focuses on applying mass spectrometry (MS), microfluidics and other analytical strategies for bio-analysis and (sea)food analysis. Her present interests include developing rapid and facile strategies for food quality and safety control, recognition of target molecules, and other bio-reaction analysis by chemical strategies.
Z Chai, WC Soko, J Xie*, H Bi*, Microchip coupled with MALDI-TOF MS for the investigation of bacterial contamination of fish muscle products, Food Chemistry, 2022, 396, 133658
X Zhao, H Bi*, Evaluation of Allergic Cross-Reactivity Among Fishes by Microfluidic Chips and MALDI-TOF MS, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2022, 70, 24, 7525-7534
C Wang, X Li, X Zhao, H Bi*, J Xie*,The investigation of storage situation of fish muscle via the analysis of its exudate by MALDI-TOF MS, Food Chemistry, 2021, 373, 131450
X Zhao, J Lu, S Long, WC Soko, Q Qin, L Qiao, H Bi*, MALDI-TOF MS and Magnetic Beads for Rapid Seafood Allergen Tests (Cover),Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2021, 69 (43), 12909-12918
C Wang, H Bi*, J Xie,Visualization of the Distance Among Fishes by MALDI MS for Rapid Determination of the Taxonomic Status of Fish Fillets, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2020, 68 (31), 8438-8446
H Bi*, D Cai, R Zhang, Y Zhu, D Zhang, L Qiao, Y Liu*, Mass spectrometry-based metabolomics approach to reveal differential compounds in pufferfish soups: Flavor, Nutrition, and Safety. Food Chemistry 2019, 301, 12526
2021年起担任Molecules杂志客座编辑;2021年起成为Frontiers in Analytical Science编委成员;2016年起陆续担任Food Chemistry, Food Control, Foods, ACS Nano, Biosensors and Bioelectronics和《上海交通大学学报》等十多份杂志审稿人