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[11] Manman Zhu, Kehai Liu*, Qing Zhu, Shunsheng Chen, Hui Lv, Wenfang Zhao , Yuan Mao, Jing Hu. Intracellular disassembly and localization of a new P123-PEI-R13/DNA complex. Bio-Medical Materials and Engineering. 2014,24:1925-1931.
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[16] Yaguang Zhang, Hongmei Shu, Jing Hu, Min Zhang, Junweng Wu, Kehai Liu*, Qing Zhu. Binding affinity, cellular uptake and subsequent intracellular trafficking of the nano-gene vector P123-PEI-R13. Journal of Nanomaterials, 2016.
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[19]Min Zhang, Jing Hu, YingZou, Junwen Wu, YunYao, Hua Fan, Kehai Liu*, Jun,Wang,Shen Gao. Modification of degradable nonviral delivery vehicle with a novel bifunctional peptide to enhance transfection in vivo. Nanomedicine. 2018,13(1):9-24.
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