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蔡春尔,男,浙江海盐人。博士,硕士生导师。1999.9开始在上海海洋大学完成本科生物技术专业、硕士海洋生物学专业和博士水生生物学专业学习,2014.12-2017.10年在海军军医大学生物学博士后流动站生物化学与分子生物学专业开展研究,2018.12-2020.11在德国Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena访学。曾荣获中国轻工业联合会科技进步二等奖,国家海洋局创新成果二等奖,浙江省科技进步三等奖,宁波市科技进步二等奖,上海海洋大学教学成果一等奖,科学成果三等奖,青年教师汉宝奖。 教学工作 目前承担分子生物学,生物分离技术,基础生物学,环境科学化学,分子生态学(研究生)等相关课程理论或实验教学。 主要科研项目 1) 2023.1-2025.12,国家“十四五”重点研发计划“外来水生生物对水域生态系统的影响及入侵风险评估和防控”,参与 2) 2018.6-2021.6,上海市自然科学基金“南黄海绿潮藻优势种浒苔对温度与光强响应的分子模型”,主持 3) 2016.9-2020.12,国家“十三五”重点研发计划“浒苔绿潮形成机理与综合防控技术研究及应用”,子任务主持 4) 2015.6-2017.5,国家博士后科学基金面上项目“一株拮抗嗜水气单胞菌的南极真菌及其次级代谢产物研究”,主持 5) 2012.1-2015.12,国家“十二五”海洋公益性行业科研专项“黄海绿潮业务化预测预警关键技术研究与应用”,参与 6) 2012.1-2015.12,国家“十二五”科技支撑计划课题“海岸带生态修复与资源利用技术与示范”,参与 7) 2007.1-2010.12,国家“十一五”863计划课题“藻胆蛋白抑制与治疗 肿 瘤及大规模高纯度制备工艺研究”,主要完成人 8) 2004.1-2006.12,国家自然科学基金项目“藻类蛋白核光合功能和CCM机制研究”,参与 主要授权专利 1) 一种浒苔粗多糖护肤霜及其制备方法,专利号:ZL201410069099.0,第一发明人 2) 一种海藻色素染发剂及使用方法,专利号:ZL201410742345.4,第一发明人 3) 一种便携式物质吸湿性测定装置,专利号:ZL 201420436410.6,第一发明人 4) 湿度可控的物质保湿能力连续测定装置,专利号:ZL 201420436408.9,第一发明人 5) 一种提取浒苔色素的方法,专利号:ZL 201310724512.8,第一发明人 6) 一种浒苔藻粉面膜及其制备方法,专利号:ZL201310724654.4,第一发明人 7) 太阳能温室日晒天然海藻碘低钠盐生产方法,专利号:ZL201310242689,第二发明人 8) 一种浒苔多糖及其提取方法和应用,专利号:ZL201310354661.X,第二发明人 9) 快速检测微囊藻毒素的方法和试纸,专利号:ZL201110425407.5,第三发明人 10) 检测条斑紫菜多糖PY-D2抗肿瘤及增强免疫力作用的方法,专利号:ZL200710040591.5,第三发明人 11) 从鲨鱼皮分离纯化生物医药用胶原蛋白的方法,专利号:ZL200710040590.0,第五发明人 12) 一种从紫菜中分离纯化高纯度藻胆蛋白的方法,专利号:ZL200410099037.0,第二发明人 专著 1) 何培民,张建恒,霍元子,蔡春尔,主编,《中国绿潮》,北京,科学出版社,2019年11月第一版 2) 何培民,主编,《海藻生物技术及其应用》,北京,化学工业出版社,2007年1月第一版,编委




查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

1) Hui Zhao, Xuanhong Liu, Ting Jiang, Chuner Cai, Kai Gu, Yuling Liu, Peimin He. Activated abscisic acid pathway and C4 pathway, inhibited cell cycle progression, responses of Ulva prolifera to short term high temperature elucidated by multi-omics. Marine Environmental Research. 2023.183:105796 (Corresponding author) 2) Kai Gu, Yuling Liu, Ting Jiang, Chuner Cai, Hui Zhao, Xuanhong Liu, Peimin He. Molecular Response of Ulva prolifera to Short-Term High Light Stress Revealed by a Multi-Omics Approach. Biology. 2022.11(11), 1563 (Corresponding author) 3) 刘宣宏,周玲洁,蔡春尔,洪彦杰,邵慧婷,何培民. 温度和光对缘管浒苔(Ulva linza)光合作用的短期交互影响. 大连海洋大学学报. 2022. 37(6):1-8. (通讯) 4) 查敏俊,周玲洁,董傲,蔡春尔,何培民. 光强和温度变化对曲浒苔光合作用的调节机制. 水生生物学报. 2022.46(9):1357-1363. (通讯) 5) Chuner Cai, Kai Gu, Hui Zhao, Sophie Steinhagen, Peimin He, Thomas Wichard. Screening and verification of extranuclear genetic markers in green tide algae from the Yellow Sea. Plos One, 2021, 16(6):e0250968. 6) Chuner Cai, Xuanhong Liu, Hui Zhao, Ting Jiang, Rui Jia, Peimin He. Weakened growth, cell division, and energy metabolism; but enhanced resistance, signaling, and anabolism: responses of Ulva prolifera to copper elucidated by omics. Journal of Applied Phycology. 2021. 33:3449-3465. 7) Chuner Cai, Haobing Yu, Huibin Zhao, Xiaoyu Liu, Binghua Jiao and Bo Chen. Identification and tracking activity of fungus from the antarctic pole on antagonistic of aquatic pathogenic bacteria, International Journal of Agriculture and Biology, 2019, 22(6):1311-1319. 8) Ting Jiang, Kai Gu, Lingke Wang, Qiao Liu, Jinting Shi, Mengmeng Liu, Chunyu Tang, Yongzheng Su, Shengcai Zhong, Chuner Cai and Peimin He. Complete chloroplast genome of Ulva prolifera, the dominant species of green macroalgal blooms in Yellow Sea, China. Mitochondrial DNA Part B: Resources. 2019, 4(1): 1930-1931. (Corresponding author) 9) Ran Chen, Chuner Cai, Ting Jiang, Yan Huang and Peimin He. Growth and metagenomics analysis of Ulva prolifera after antibiotic treatment. International Journal of Agriculture and Biology, 2019, 21(5):1031-1035. (Corresponding author) 10) Chuner Cai, Feng Liu, Ting Jiang, Lingke Wang, Rui Jia, Lingjie Zhou, Kai Gu, Jianfeng Ren and Peimin He. Comparative study on mitogenomes of green tide algae. Genetica, 2018,146(6):529-540. 11) Chuner Cai, Lan Fei, Fei Shao, Rui Jia and Peimin He. An improved process for bioethanol production from Ulva prolifera. Journal of Biobased Materials and Bioenergy, 2018,12:109-114. 12) Chuner Cai,Ziye Guo, Yayun Yang, Ran Chen, Ting Jiang, Rui Jia and Peimin He. Application of green tide algae Ulva prolifera from South Yellow Sea of China. Pakistan Journal of Botany, 2018. 50(2):727-734. 13) Chuner Cai, Yayun Yang, Rundong Cao, Rui Jia and Peimin He. Derivatives from two algae: moisture absorption-retention ability, antioxidative and uvioresistant activity, Journal of Biobased Materials and Bioenergy. 2018,12:1-6. 14) Huibin Zhao, Chuner Cai, Xiaoyu Liu, Binghua Jiao, Bo Chen, Menghao Cai and Peimin He. Secondary metabolites of antarctic fungi antagonistic to aquatic pathogenic bacteria, Open Life Sciences, 2018. 13: 11-21. (Co-first author) 15) Chuner Cai, Lingke Wang, Ting Jiang, Lingjie Zhou, Peimin He and Binghua Jiao. Complete mitochondrial genomes of Ulva flexuosa with comparative analysis on evolution, Conservation Genetics Resources, 2017,(1):1-4 16) Chuner Cai, Lingke Wang, Lingjie Zhou, Peimin He and Binghua Jiao. Complete chloroplast genome of green tide algae Ulva flexuosa (Ulvophyceae, Chlorophyta) with comparative analysis, Plos One, 2017, 12(9):e0184196. 17) Chuner Cai, Yayun Yang, Minglin Zhao, Rui Jia and Peimin He. Extraction and antioxidation of polysaccharide from Porphyra haitanensis using response surface method, Pakistan Journal of Botany, 2017, 49(3):1137-1141. 18) Chuner Cai, Jiawen Gu, Luxi Zhang, Tingting Guo and Peimin He. Structural Identification of Principal Polysaccharide Component in Water Extract of Porphyra yezoensis Ueda, Bangladesh Journal of Botany,2017, 46(3): 1177-1182. 19) Lingke Wang, Chuner Cai, Lingjie Zhou, Peimin He and Binghua Jiao.The complete chloroplast genome sequence of Ulva linza. Conservation Genetics Resources. 2017, 9(3) 463-466. (Co-first author) 20) Chuner Cai, Ziye Guo, Yayun Yang, Zhonglei Geng, Langlang Tang, Minglin Zhao, Yuyan Qiu, Yifan Chen and Peimin He. Inhibition of Hydrogen Peroxide induced Injuring on Human Skin Fibroblast by Ulva prolifera Polysaccharide, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 2016, 91:241-247. 21) Chuner Cai, Yuan Wang, Chunxia Li, Ziye Guo, Rui Jia, Weining Wu, Yan Hu and Peimin He. Purification and photodynamic bioactivity of phycoerythrin and phycocyanin from Porphyra yezoensis Ueda, Journal of Ocean University of China,2014. 13(3):479-484. 22) 蔡春尔,耿中雷,杨亚云,郭子叶,郑钰琦,贾睿,胡燕,何培民. 浒苔粗多糖提取工艺参数研究,食品工业科技,2014,14,330-332,342. 23) 蔡春尔,柳俊秀,胡乐琴,贾睿,汪卿,李春霞,何培民. 软海绵酸胶体金免疫快速检测卡制备与应用,国际检验医学杂志,2012,33(18):2181-2182,2184. 24) 蔡春尔,李春霞,滕一悦,林子龙,顾碧莹,何培民. 条斑紫菜藻红蛋白粗提方法比较,上海海洋大学学报,2012,21(3):368-373. 25) Chuner Cai, Lian Wu, Chunxia Li, Peimin He, Jie Li and Jiahai Zhou. Purification, crystallization and preliminary X-ray analysis of phycocyanin and phycoerythrin from Porphyra yezoensis Ueda. Acta Crystallographica Section F: Structural Biology and Crystallization Communications, 2011, F67:579-583. 26) 蔡春尔,贾睿,李春霞,陆秀芬,张璐,何培民. 条斑紫菜藻红、藻蓝蛋白α和β亚基基因序列测定及分析,中国生物化学与分子生物学报.2011.27(1):62-68. 27) Chuner Cai, Shunji Yin, Qing Wang, Junxiu Liu, Chunxia Li and Peimin He. Effect of light regimes on Rubisco concentrating in pyrenoids from Enteromorpha clathrata. Journal of Life Sciences, 2009, 3(7): 1-9. 28) 蔡春尔,姚彬,沈伟荣,何培民. 条浒苔营养成分测定与分析.上海海洋大学学报.2009.18(2):155-159. 29) 蔡春尔,尹顺吉,孙诤,山梅,汪卿,霍元子,何培民. CO2浓度对条浒苔Rubisco酶聚集蛋白核的影响. 生物技术通报.2009(S):271-276. 30) 蔡春尔,柳俊秀,周铭,李晨,马召腾,何培民. 极大螺旋藻藻胆蛋白提纯工艺初试. 生物技术通报.2008(S):451-455. 31) 蔡春尔,何培民. 高速离心对藻胆蛋白提取纯化的影响.中华医药杂志,2006.6(8):844-847. 32) 蔡春尔,何培民. 硫酸铵三步盐析对藻胆蛋白纯化的影响.生物技术通报.2006.4:121-125. 33) 蔡春尔,吴庆磊,何培民. 条斑紫菜R-藻红蛋白提纯工艺研究.生物技术通讯. 2005.16(5):518-521. 34) 蔡春尔,吴庆磊,徐春和,何培民. 藻红蛋白光敏剂研究进展.生物技术通讯. 2004. 15(6):629-632.
