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丁献文,博士,讲师,硕士生导师。研究方向为卫星海洋学、微波遥感、雷达图像海上目标探测和信息提取、渔业遥感。近5年来,主持国家自然科学基金委、国家海洋局、上海市科委、上海市教委等国家级、省部级项目5项,共同主持国际合作项目2项;发表论文20余篇,其中SCI收录论文7篇,EI收录论文8篇。 学习与工作经历 2011.8至今 上海海洋大学海洋科学学院海洋科学与技术系,讲师 2009.8–2011.8 上海海洋大学信息学院空间信息与数字技术系,讲师 2007.8–2009.8 卫星海洋环境动力学国家重点实验室(国家海洋局第二海洋研究所),海洋遥感方向,博士后 2002.9–2007.6 浙江大学地球科学系,地质学专业,博士 1999.9–2002.1 浙江大学信息与电子工程学系,通讯工程专业,辅修 1998.9–2002.6 浙江大学地球科学系,地质学专业,学士 专利 发明专利,一种基于卫星微波遥感图像的海岸线提取方法,排名第一(实审中) 发明专利,一种海洋内波波速监测的方法,排名第三(已提交) 科研项目 1. “多极化星载合成孔径雷达海岸线提取与分类机制研究”,国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目(No.41306184),2014.1–2016.12,26万,主持人 2. “基于卫星雷达图像的海岸线动态监测研究”,上海市科委地方院校能力建设项目(No.12510501900),2012.9–2014.9,60万,主持人 3. “遥感SAR影像溢油半自动检测方法研究”,上海市科委科技创新行动计划项目子项目(No.13dz1204000-02),2013.7–2015.6,20万,主持人 4. “Microwave Remote Sensing of China Seas and Coastal Zones and Application in Ocean Renewable Resource Evaluation”,中欧科技合作“龙计划”三期项目(No.10412),2012.6–2016.6,共同主持人 5. “INSAR detection of residual settlement of land reclaimed from the sea in newly developed Lingang New City, Shanghai, China”,中欧科技合作“龙计划”三期项目(No.10644),2012.6–2016.6,共同主持人 6. “多极化SAR 海岸线检测技术研究”,卫星海洋环境动力学国家重点实验室开放课题(No.SOED1206),2012.1–2013.12,3万,主持人 学术会议报告 1. Xianwen Ding and X. Li. Detection of oil spill and look-alike spots from MODIS imagery using 2P-CFAR. International Oil Spill Response Technical Seminar 2014. Yantai, Shangdong, China. Sept. 1–3, 2014. 2. Xianwen Ding and X. Li. Coastline detection in SAR images using multiscale normalized cut segmentation. The 2014 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS 2014). Québec, Canada. July 13–18, 2014. 3. Xianwen Ding, X. Li, and F. Nunziata. Coastline extraction from multi-polarization SAR images using multiscale normalized cut segmentation. 2014 Dragon 3 Mid-term Results Symposium. Chengdu, Sichuan, China. May 26–29, 2014. 4. Xianwen Ding, F. Nunziata, X. Li, and M. Migliaccio. Waterline extraction using single- and dual-polarimetric SAR data. The 2013 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS 2013). Melbourne, Australia. July 21–26, 2013.




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[1] Xianwen Ding*, and X. Li. Shoreline movement monitoring based on SAR images in Shanghai, China. International Journal of Remote Sensing, Vol. 35, Nos. 11–12, 3994–4008. 2014. (SCI) [2] Xianwen Ding*, F. Nunziata, X. Li, and M. Migliaccio. Performance analysis and validation of waterline extraction approaches using single- and dual-polarimetric SAR data. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing. 2014. (Accepted, SCI) [3] Liu, B., H. Yang, Xianwen Ding, and X. Li. Tracking the internal waves in the South China Sea with environmental satellite sun glint images, Remote Sensing Letters, Vol. 5, No.7, 609-618. 2014. (SCI) [4] F. Nunziata, M. Migliaccio, X. Li, and Xianwen Ding. Coastline extraction using dual-polarimetric COSMO-SkyMed PingPong mode SAR data. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, Vol. 11, No. 1, 104–108. 2014. (SCI) [5] Y. Cheng, B. Liu, X. Li, F. Nunziata, Q. Xu, Xianwen Ding, M. Migliaccio, and W.G. Pichel. Monitoring of Oil Spill Trajectories with COSMO-SkyMed X-Band SAR Images and Model Simulation. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, Vol. 7, No. 7, 2895–2901. 2014. (SCI) [6] Xianwen Ding*, X. Li, and F. Nunziata. Coastline extraction from multi-polarization SAR images using multiscale normalized cut segmentation. ESP-24. 2014. (Accepted, EI) [7] Xianwen Ding*, and X. Li. SAR monitoring of coastline changes of Nanhui New City, Shanghai, China. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, Vol. 17, No. 1, 012113. 2014. (EI) [8] Xianwen Ding, X. Li, P. Liu, Y. Wei, S. Huang, and J. Zhong. Oil Spill detection in SAR images using multiscale normalized cut segmentation. Proc. IGARSS 2014, 1828–1831. 2014. (EI) [9] Xianwen Ding*, and X. Li. Coastline detection in SAR images using multiscale normalized cut segmentation. Proc. IGARSS 2014, 4447–4449. 2014. (EI) [10]X. Li, F. Xu, X. Yang, W. Zheng, Xianwen Ding, and W.G. Pichel. Rain cell on the ocean surface imaged by SAR. Proc. IGARSS 2014. (EI) [11]Q. Xu, H. Zhang, Y. Cheng, X. Li, and Xianwen Ding. Observation and simulation of 2010 ulva prolifera bloom in the Yellow Sea. Proc. IGARSS 2014, 4362–4365. 2014. (EI) [12]G. Zeni, A. Pepe, Q. Zhao, M. Bonano, W. Gao, X. Li, and Xianwen Ding. A differential SAR interferometry (DINSAR) investigation of the deformation affecting the coastal reclaimed areas of the Shanghai Megacity. Proc. IGARSS 2014, 482–485. 2014. (EI) [13]B. Liu, H. Yang, Xianwen Ding*, Z. Zhao, and X. Li. Fusion of SAR and Modis images for oceanic internal waves tracking in the South China Sea. Proc. SPIE, Vol. 8921, 89210L1-8. 2013. (EI) [14]Xianwen Ding, and X. Li. Monitoring of the water-area variations of Lake Dongting in China with ENVISAT ASAR images. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, Vol. 13, No.6, 894–901, 2011. (SCI) [15]Xianwen Ding*, and W. Huang. D-InSAR monitoring of crustal deformation in the eastern segment of the Altyn Tagh Fault. International Journal of Remote Sensing, Vol.32, No.7, 1797–1806, 2011. (SCI) [16]丁献文*,万荣胜,王建,郑小罗. 航海雷达图像噪声抑制方法研究, 海洋技术, 第30 卷, 第3 期, 13–16 页, 2011. [17]丁献文*,黄冬梅,邹国良,熊中敏. 面向船载雷达图像的船只检测方法, 计算机工程, 第37 卷, 第3 期, 161–162 页, 2011.
