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魏玉利,博士,副研究员,硕士研究生导师,现工作于上海海洋大学海洋科学学院。2008年9月至2012年2月在同济大学海洋地质国家重点实验室攻读博士学位,师从赵美训和张传伦教授,获海洋生物学博士学位。2012年4月至2014年1月,在美国佐治亚大学从事博士后研究工作。目前已经在Microbiome, Genome Biology, Applied and Environmental Microbiology, Frontiers in Microbiology, IJSEM和Chemical Geology等期刊上共发表科研论文47篇,参编专著1部(2017年优秀科普作品奖金奖)和发明专利9项;主持国家自然科学基金和教育部等项目5项,作为骨干参与国家自然科学基金等项目11项;RG Score:29.0 (https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Yuli-Wei)。本人指导的多名本科生和研究生获得上海市优秀毕业生和上海海洋大学优秀毕业生,其中多名同学进入同济大学,山东大学,中山大学和华东师范大学等国内一流的科研院所攻读博士或者硕士学位,另有多名学生去东京海洋大学和马里兰大学等国外知名高校深造。 教育和工作经历 2014/02 – 至今,上海海洋大学,海洋科学学院,助理研究员,副研究员; 2012/04 – 2014/01,美国佐治亚大学,海洋科学系,博士后研究员; 2008年9月~2012年2月,同济大学海洋与地质国家重点室,获理学博士学位。 主持项目 1)国家自然科学基金面上项目,42073077,利用吡啶二羧酸和内生孢子的群落结构来估算马里亚纳海沟沉积物中内生孢子数目,2021/01–2024/12,60万元,在研,主持; 2)上海海洋大学骆肇荛科技创新基金重点项目,A1-2004-21-201302,表面增强拉曼光谱定量检测海水中微生物胞外酶活性的新方法,2021/01-2021/12, 0.5万,已结题,主持; 3)教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金,D-8002-15-8004,深渊古菌多样性和脂类的研究2015/06-2018/05,3万元,已结题,主持; 4)上海海洋大学专项基金项目,HAST-S-2014-01,深渊沉积物中古菌的宏基因组学研究,2014/07-2017/06,30万元,已结题,主持; 5)上海海洋大学博士科研启动基金,A2-0302-14-300066,马里亚纳海沟深渊生物多样性初步研究,2014.10.1-2016.9.30,2万元,已结题,主持。 参与项目 1)国家自然科学基金委员会,重大研究计划,91951210,微生物驱动的深海碳循环机制和生态过程研究,2020-01至2023-12,300万元,在研,参与; 2) 国家自然科学基金面上项目,41773069,深部生物圈革兰氏阳性产孢子细菌孢子化以及孢子活化的定量分析和碳同位素分馏研究,2018/01–2021/12,69万元,已结题,参与; 3)国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,41706146,深海嗜压细菌Pseudodesulfovibrio indicus J2通过谷氨酸代谢适应高压环境的机制,2018/01- 2020/12,24万元,已结题,参与; 4)国家自然科学基金委员会, 面上项目, 41776064, 浮游有孔虫δ18O和Mg/Ca比值示踪过去45万年以来西北大西洋混合层和温跃层的温度和密度梯度在千年尺度上的变化, 2018-01-01 至 2021-12-31, 74万元, 在研, 参与; 5)国家自然科学基金面上项目,41673085,深海和深部生物圈革兰氏阳性嗜高细菌在脂类化合物生物合成过程中的碳同位素分馏,2017/01-2020/12, 72万元,已结题,参与; 6)国家自然科学基金委员会, 青年科学基金项目, 41606091, 马里亚纳海沟沉积有机质的来源、分布及降解——基于生物标志物的研究, 2017-01-01 至 2019-12-31, 20万元, 已结题, 参与; 7)国家自然科学基金委员会, 国际(地区)合作与交流项目, 41761134050, 鱼类免疫在极端环境下的进化, 2017-01-01 至 2019-12-31, 251万元, 已结题, 参与;国家自然科学基金委员会, 面上项目, 41676058, 河口近海环境中陆源有机质的激发效应研究, 2017-01-01 至 2020-12-31, 70万元, 已结题, 参与;8)美国自然科学基金委项目,Toward a holistic and global understanding of hot spring ecosystems: A US-China based inter-national collaboration,2012/04-2014/01,14万美元,已结题,参与; 9)国家自然科学基金委重大研究项目,91028005,南海水体中古菌的分布及生物地球化学功能,2011/01-2014/12,350万元,已结题,参与; 10)国家重点基础研究发展规划973子项目,2007CB815904、微型生物在碳储库及气候变化中的作用的研究,2007/07-2011/08,450万元,已结题,参与; 11)国家自然科学基金重点项目,40730844、南海冷泉区甲烷通量及其对海底环境与生态系统影响的生物地球化学研究,2008/09-2011/12,198万元,已结题,参与。 获奖情况 l 2022年度获上海海洋大学新冠肺炎疫情防控工作“先进个人”; l 2020年度荣获 上海海洋大学海洋科学学院“优秀共产党员”; l 2020年度荣获上海海洋大学“科研育人示范团队”(排名第四)。 专利著作 1)许云平,葛黄敏,刘如龙,王丽,魏玉利. 深渊-探索海洋最深处的奥秘. 浙江:浙江科学技术出版社,2016,11 (2017年优秀科普作品奖金奖) 2)杨金龙、彭莉华、杨丽婷、魏玉利、方家松、梁箫. 一种海洋除烃海杆细菌及其在诱导厚壳贻贝稚贝附着中的应用. 授权国家专利号:201810316697.1 3)梁箫、彭莉华、张秀坤、魏玉利、方家松、杨金龙. 一种深海盐单胞菌及其在诱导厚壳贻贝稚贝附着中的应用. 授权国家专利号:201810315970.9 4)梁箫、彭莉华、陈珂、魏玉利、方家松、杨金龙. 一种深海芽孢杆菌及其在诱导厚壳贻贝稚贝附着中的应用. 授权国家专利号:201810423184.0 5)Yong Wu, Hongge Zhang, Jiasong Fang, Yuli Wei, Junwei Cao, Sicong Li. Method for quantitatively detecting alkaline phosphatase in seawater based on surface enhanced raman spectroscopy. 授权国际专利号:2021104090. 6)魏玉利、方家松、王珂、曹军伟、程玉兰、杨金龙、梁箫. 深海嗜盐单胞菌及其在诱导厚壳贻贝附着中的应用. 申请国家专利号:202011472907.X 7)方家松、魏玉利、王珂、曹军伟、杨金龙、彭莉华、梁箫. 深海短波单胞菌及其在诱导厚壳贻贝附着中的应用. 申请国家专利号:202011469883.2 8) 梁箫、胡晓梦、彭莉华、竹攸汀、杨金龙、魏玉利、方家松. 一株深海亚硫酸杆菌在诱导厚壳贻贝稚贝附着中的应用. 申请国家专利号:202011469927.1 9)杨金龙、梁箫、冯丹丹、魏玉利、方家松. 一株深海中度嗜盐菌在诱导厚壳贻贝稚贝附着中的应用. 申请国家专利号:202011472899.9 10)杨金龙、彭莉华、梁箫、魏玉利、方家松. 深海玫瑰杆菌及其在诱导厚壳贻贝附着中的应用. 申请国家专利号:202011472906.5


1)深海海洋环境和极端环境(包括海沟,深海冷泉和海底深部生物圈以及陆地热泉等极端环境)微生物分子遗传多样性、进化演化以及对海洋极端环境的遗传适应机制; 2)深海微生物的分离培养以及极端微生物的适应机制等; 3)特征海洋微生物(氨氧化古菌、细菌以及甲烷菌等)的生物地理分布、生物地球化学作用及其与自然环境的相互关系; 4)古菌脂类生物标志物生物源、脂类生物标志物在海洋环境中的应用以及它们在古环境中的指示作用。



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英文学术论文:(注:#代表共同一作,*代表通讯作者) (43) Jiahua Wang, Yan Zhang, Ying Liu, Zhe Xie, Junwei Cao, Hongcai Zhang, Jie Liu, Tianqiang Bao, Congwen Sun, Bilin Liu, Yuli Wei*, Jiasong Fang. The phylogeny and metabolic potentials of an n-alkane-degrading Venatorbacter bacterium isolated from deep-sea sediment of the Mariana Trench. Frontiers in Microbiology (In Review) (42) Mengyuan Li, Di Wang, Yuxue Yang, Yuxin Gao, Bilin Liu, Weichao Wu, Yunping Xu, Yuli Wei*. Genome-based reclassification of Deinococcus saudiensis Hussain et al. 2016 as a later heterotypic synonym of Deinococcus soli Cha et al. 2014. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol (In Review) (41) Di Wang, Yong Wu, Yang Liu, Bilin Liu, Yuxin Gao, Yuxue Yang, Yan Zhang, Chen Liu, Yingzhe Huo, Aoyu Tang, Yunping Xu, Yuli Wei*. Muricauda abyssi sp. nov., a marine bacterium isolated from deep seawater of the Mariana Trench. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 2022, 72(5): 5615-5621. (SCI, IF2022=2.689, JCR Q4) (40) Dehui Qiao, Yasong Wang, Jianchun Yu, Bilin Liu, Jianqiang Wu, Huangmin Ge, Yuli Wei, Yunping Xu. Distinct differences in surface-water dissolved organic matter between the East China Sea and Okinawa Trough: Source and hydrological effects. Journal of Marine Systems 2023, 10.1016/j.jmarsys.2022.103827. (SCI, IF2022=3.01, JCR Q2) (39) Yuxue Yang, Yuxin Gao, Yang Liu, Bilin Liu, Di Wang, Yunping Xu, Yuli Wei*. Pseudomonas marianensis sp. nov., a marine bacterium isolated from deep‑sea sediments of the Mariana Trench. Archives of Microbiology 2022, 204: 638-644. (SCI, IF2022=2.667, JCR Q4) (38) Jiahua Wang, Zhe Xie, Ying Liu, Fangfang Yan, Junwei Cao, Rulong Liu, Li Wang, Yuli Wei, Jiasong Fang. Complete genome sequence of a multiple-stress-tolerant bacterium Halomonas piezotolerans NBT06E8T isolated from a deep-sea sediment sample of the New Britain Trench. 3 Biotech. 2022;12(9):236-244. (SCI, IF2022=2.893, JCR Q3) (37) Rulong Liu, Xing Wei, Weizhi Song, Li Wang, Junwei Cao, Jiaxin Wu, Torsten Thomas, Tao Jin, Zixuan Wang, Wenxia Wei, Yuli Wei, Haofeng Zhai, Cheng Yao, Ziyi Shen, Jiangtao Du, Jiasong Fang. Novel Chloroflexi genomes from the deepest ocean reveal metabolic strategies for the adaptation to deep-sea habitats. Microbiome. 2022;10(1):75-91. (SCI, IF2022=16.837, JCR Q1) (36) Yuxin Gao, Yuli Wei, Peng Wang. Marinomonas lutimaris sp. nov. isolated from a tidal flat sediment of the East China Sea. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 2021, 72(5): 5368-5374. (SCI, IF2021=2.75, JCR Q3) (35) Yong Wu, Yuxin Gao, Jiasong Fang, Yuli Wei*. Cellulomonas aurantiaca Kim et al. 2020 is a later heterotypic synonym of Cellulomonas algicola Yamamura et al. 2019. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 2021, doi.org/ 10.1099/ijsem.0.005089. (SCI, IF2020=2.75, JCR Q3) (34) Jiahao Pei, Yong Wu, Yuxin Gao, Sicong Li, Jiasong Fang, Yuli Wei*. Hanstruepera crassostreae He et al. 2018 is a later heterotypic synonym of Pseudobizionia ponticola Park et al. 2018. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 2021, doi.org/10.1099/ijsem.0.005074. (SCI, IF2020=2.75, JCR Q3) (33) Yong Wu, Miaomiao Peng, Yuxin Gao, Jiahao Pei, Yan Zhang, Sicong Li, Jiasong Fang, Yuli Wei*. Nonomuraea nitratireducens Qu et al. 2020 is a later heterotypic synonym of Nonomuraea phyllanthi Klykleung et al. 2020. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 2021, doi.org/10.1099/ijsem.0.005013. (SCI, IF2020=2.75, JCR Q3) (32) Zixuan Wang, Li Wang, Rulong Liu, Zhenzhen Li, Jiaxin Wu, Xing Wei, Wenxia Wei, Jiasong Fang, Junwei Cao, Yuli Wei, Zhe Xie. Community structure and activity potentials of archaeal communities in hadal sediments of the Mariana and Mussau trenches. Marine Life Science & Technology 2021, doi.org/ 10.1007/s42995-021-00105-y. (SCI, IF2022=5.0, JCR Q1) (31) Ping Chen, Hui Zhou, Yanyan Huang, Zhe Xie, Mengjie Zhang, Yuli Wei, Jia Li, Yuewei Ma, Ming Luo, Wenmian Ding, Junwei Cao, Tao Jiang, Peng Nan, Jiasong Fang, Xuan Li. Revealing the full biosphere structure and versatile metabolic functions in the deepest ocean sediment of the Challenger Deep. Genome Biology 2021, 22(1):207. (SCI, IF2020=13.58, JCR Q1) (30) Ruiheng Chang, Liting Yang, Ming Luo, Yihan Fang, Lihua Peng, Yuli Wei, Jiasong Fang, Jinlong Yang, Xiao Liang. Deep-sea bacteria trigger settlement and metamorphosis of the mussel Mytilus coruscus larvae. Scientific Reports 2021, 11(1):919. (SCI, IF2020=4.38, JCR Q3) (29) Li Wang, Rulong Liu, Xing Wei, Zixuan Wang, Ziyi Shen, Junwei Cao, Yuli Wei, Zhe Xie, Liangbiao Chen, Jiasong Fang. Transitions in microbial communities along two sediment cores collected from the landward walls of the New Britain trench. Marine Biology 2020; 167(11):172. (SCI, IF2019=2.57, JCR Q2) (28) Haiyan Mao, Yuli Wei*, Yuxin Gao, Jiahao Pei, Yan Zhang, Jiasong Fang*. Metabacillus sediminilitoris sp. nov., a marine bacterium isolated from a tidal sediment. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 2020; DOI: 10.1099/ijsem.0.004392. (SCI, IF2019=2.405, JCR Q3) (27) Junyi Xue, Jiasong Fang*, Hongge Zhang, Yuli Wei, Li Wang, Rulong Liu, Junwei Cao*. Complete genome sequence of a piezophilic bacterium Salinimonas sediminis N102T, isolated from deep-sea sediment of the New Britain Trench. Marine Genomics, 2020, DOI: 10.1016/j.margen.2020.100807. (SCI, IF2019=1.672, JCR Q4) (26) Rulong Liu*, Zixuan Wang, Li Wang, Zhenzhen Li, Jiasong Fang*, Xing Wei, Wenxia Wei, Junwei Cao, Yuli Wei, Zhe Xie. Bulk and Active Sediment Prokaryotic Communities in the Mariana and Mussau Trenches. Front microbiol, 2020, 11, 1521. DOI: 10.3389/fmicb.2020.01521. (SCI, IF2019=4.235, JCR Q2) (25) Yan Zhang, Yuxin Gao, Jiahao Pei, Junwei Cao, Zhe Xie, Rulong Liu, Li Wang, Yuli Wei*, Jiasong Fang. Muricauda hadalis sp. nov., a novel piezophile isolated from hadopelagic water of the Mariana Trench and reclassification of Muricauda antarctica as a later heterotypic synonym of Muricauda teanensis. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 2020,70:4315-4320. (SCI, IF2019=2.405, JCR Q3) (24) Yunping Xu, Weichao Wu, Wenjie Xiao, Huangmin Ge, Yuli Wei, Xiuran Yin, Huimin Yao, Julius Sebastian Lipp, Binbin Pan, Kai-Uwe Hinrichs. Intact ether lipids in trench sediments related to archaeal community and environmental conditions in the deepest ocean, Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 2020, 125, e2019JG005431. (SCI, IF2019=3.62, JCR Q1) (23) Fangfang Yan, Jiasong Fang, Junwei Cao, Yuli Wei, Rulong Liu, Li Wang, Zhe Xie*, Halomonas piezotolerans sp. nov., a multiple-stress-tolerant bacterium isolated from a deep-sea sediment sample of the New Britain Trench, Int J Syst Evol Microbiol, 2020, 70: DOI: 10.1099/ijsem.0.004069. (SCI, IF2019=2.405, JCR Q3) (22) Ping Liu; Wanzhen Ding; Qiliang Lai; Rulong Liu; Yuli Wei; Li Wang; Zhe Xie; Junwei Cao*; Jiasong Fang*; Physiological and genomic features of Paraoceanicella profunda gen. nov., sp. nov., a novel piezophile isolated from deep seawater of the Mariana Trench. MicrobiologyOpen, 2020, 9(2): e966. (SCI, IF2019=3.142, JCR Q2) (21) Junwei Cao#; Yuli Wei#; Qiliang Lai; Yunjie Wu; Junhao Deng; Jianyang Li; Rulong Liu; Li Wang; Jiasong Fang; Georhizobium profundi gen. nov., sp. nov., a piezotolerant bacterium isolated from a deep-sea sediment sample of the New Britain Trench. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol, 2020, 70:373-379. (SCI, IF2019=2.405, JCR Q3) (20) Yuli Wei*; Ke Wang; Jiahao Pei; Yan Zhang; Jiasong Fang; Confluentibacter sediminis sp. nov., isolated from the junction between the ocean and a freshwater lake and emended description of the genus Confluentibacter, Int J Syst Evol Microbiol, 2019, 69(11): 3581-3585. (SCI, IF2018=1.932, JCR Q3) (19) Yuli Wei*; Haiyan Mao; Ke Wang; Huimin Yao; Yan Zhang; Junwei Cao; Zhe Xie; Jiasong Fang; Algoriphagus litoralis sp. nov., isolated from the junction between the ocean and a freshwater lake, Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, 2019, 112: 1545-1552. (SCI, IF2018=1.934, JCR Q3) (18) Yuli Wei*; Junwei Cao; Huimin Yao; Haiyan Mao; Kelei Zhu; Meng Li; Rulong Liu; Jiasong Fang, Paracoccus sediminilitoris sp. nov., isolated from a tidal flat sediment on the East China Sea, Int J Syst Evol Microbiol, 2019, 69(4) :1035-1040. (SCI, IF2018=1.932, JCR Q3) (17) Junwei Cao; Wanzhen Ding; Qiliang Lai; Yuli Wei; Rulong Liu; Li Wang; Jiasong Fang; Alteromonas indica Lin et al. 2018 is a later heterotypic synonym of Salinimonas sediminis Cao et al. 2018. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 2019; 69:1423-1425. (SCI, IF2018=1.932, JCR Q3) (16) Yuli Wei*; Junwei Cao; Haiyan Mao; Jiahao Pei; Rulong Liu; Jiasong Fang*, Marinomonas shanghaiensis sp. nov., isolated from the junction between an ocean and a freshwater lake, Int J Syst Evol Microbiol, 2019, 69(3): 805-810. (SCI, IF2018=1.932, JCR Q3) (15) Junwei Cao; Qiliang Lai; Ping Liu; Yuli Wei; Li Wang; Rulong Liu; Jiasong Fang*. Salinimonas sediminis sp. nov., a piezophilic bacterium isolated from a deep-sea sediment sample from the New Britain Trench, Int J Syst Evol Microbiol, 2018, 68(12): 3766-3771. (SCI, IF2018=1.932, JCR Q3) (14) Yuli Wei; Haiyan Mao; Yunping Xu; Wencai Zou; Jiasong Fang*; Jochen Blom, Pseudomonas abyssi sp. nov., isolated from the abyssopelagic water of the Mariana Trench, Int J Syst Evol Microbiol, 2018. 68(8): 2462-2467. (SCI, IF2018=1.932, JCR Q3) (13) Rulong Liu; Li Wang; Yuli Wei; Jiasong Fang. The hadal biosphere: Recent insights and new directions, Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 2018, 155:11-18. (12) Yuli Wei; Jiasong Fang*; Yunping Xu; Weiqiang Zhao; Junwei Cao, Corynebacterium hadale sp nov., isolated from hadopelagic water of the New Britain Trench, Int J Syst Evol Microbiol, 2018, 68(5): 1474-1478. (SCI, IF2018=1.932, JCR Q3) (11) Yuli Wei; Junwei Cao; Jiasong Fang; Chiaki Kato; Weicheng Cui. First complete genome Sequence of Marinilactibacillus piezotolerans Strain 15R, a Marine Lactobacilli isolated from Coal-Bearing Sediment 2.0 km below the Seafloor, Determined by PacBio single-molecule real-time technology. Genome Announc, 2017,5(7): e01625-16. (10) Yuli Wei; Junwei Cao; Jiasong Fang; Chiaki Kato; Weicheng Cui. Complete Genome sequence of Bacillus subtilis strain 29R7-12, a piezophilic bacterium Isolated from Coal-Bearing Sediment 2.4 km below the Seafloor. Genome A., 2017, 5(8): e01621-16. (9) Jinxiang Wang; Yuli Wei*; Peng Wang; Yiguo Hong; Chuanlun Zhang. Unusually low TEX86 values in the transitional zone between Pearl River estuary and coastal South China Sea: Impact of changing archaeal community. Chemical Geology, 2015, 402: 18-29. (SCI, IF2018=4.41, JCR Q1) (8) Yuli Wei; Peng Wang; Meixun Zhao, Xuejie Li, Hongfeng Lu, Chuanlun Zhang. Lipid and DNA evidence of dominance of planktonic archaea preserved in sediments of the South China Sea: insight for application of the TEX86 proxy in an unstable marine sediment environment. Geomicrobiology Journal, 2014, 31(4):360-369. (SCI, IF2014: 2.27, JCR Q4) (7) Peng Wang; Yuli Wei; Tao Li; Fuyan Li; Jun Meng; Chuanlun Zhang. Archaeal diversity and spatial distribution in the surface sediment of the South China Sea. Geomicrobiology Journal, 2014, 31(3):1-11. (SCI, IF2014: 2.27, JCR Q4) (6) Julienne J. Paraiso; Amanda J. Williams; Qiuyuan Huang; Yuli Wei; Paul Dijkstra; Bruce A. Hungate; Hailiang Dong; Brian P. Hedlund;* Chuanlun L. Zhang. The distribution and abundance of archaeal tetraether lipids in U.S. Great Basin hot springs. Frontiers in Microbiology, doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2013.00247. (SCI, IF2019=4.235, JCR Q2) (5) Brian P. Hedlund*; Julienne J. Paraiso; Amanda J. Williams; Qiuyuan Huang; Yuli Wei; Paul Dijkstra; Bruce A. Hungate; Hailiang Dong; Chuanlun L. Zhang. Wide distribution of autochthonous branched glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers (bGDGTs) in U.S. Great Basin hot springs. Frontiers in Microbiology, doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2013.00222. (SCI, IF2019=4.235, JCR Q2) (4) Shang Wang; Raymond M. Dong; Christina Z. Dong; Liuqin Huang; Hongchen Jiang; Yuli Wei; Feng Liang; Deng Liu; Guifang Yang; Chuanlun Zhang; Hailiang Dong. Diversity of microbial plankton across the Three Gorge Dam of the Yangtze River, China. Geoscience of Frontiers, 2012, 1-15. (SCI, IF2019=4.202, JCR Q1) (3) Chuanlun Zhang; Jinxiang Wang; Yuli Wei; Chun Zhu; Liuqin Huang, Hailiang Dong. Production of branched tetraether lipids in the lower Pearl River and estuary: effects of extraction methods and impaction on bGDGT proxies. Frontiers in Microbiology, 2012, 2:1-18. (SCI, IF2019=4.235, JCR Q2) (2) Yuli Wei; Jinxiang Wang; Jie Liu; Liang Dong; Peng Wang; Meixun Zhao; Li Li; Chunlun Zhang. Spatial Variation in archaeal lipids of surface water and core-top sediments in the South China Sea: implications for paleoclimate studies. Appl Environ Microbiol, 2011, 77(21):7479-7489. (SCI, IF2011: 4.41, JCR Q2) (1) Peng Wang; Tao Li; Anyi Hu, Yuli Wei, Wenting Guo; Nianzhi Jiao; Chuanlun Zhang. 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