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吴峰,博士,高级工程师,中国远洋渔业数据中心副主任。远洋渔业国际履约研究中心、中国远洋渔业协会金枪鱼技术组等核心成员,负责远洋渔业数据、远洋渔业国家观察员、金枪鱼远洋渔业国际履约等工作,从事渔业生物学、渔业管理方面研究,作为中国代表团参加美洲间热带金枪鱼委员会(IATTC)等区域渔业管理组织的科学会议。主持农业农村部、海洋局等项目10项,发表论文15篇,获上海市科技进步奖等奖项3项。 教育经历: (1) 2016-09 至 2022-05, 上海海洋大学, 渔业资源, 博士 (2) 2010-09 至 2013-07, 上海海洋大学, 渔业资源, 硕士 (3) 2006-09 至 2010-07, 安徽师范大学, 生物科学, 学士 主要科研项目: (1)农业农村部 电子渔捞日志推广应用项目,50万元(主持) (2)自然资源部 东印度洋游泳动物调查,20万元(主持) (3)农业农村部 重要鱼种资源监测子项目,50万元(主持) (4)浙江省远洋渔业资源探捕项目,38万元,(主持) (5)国家自然基金面上项目 热带东太平洋中上层鲨鱼的生态角色及对系统结构和功能的调控机制, 59万元(参与) 软件著作权: (1)远洋渔业金枪鱼电子渔捞日志系统 V1.0,2022SR0978924 (2)远洋渔业公海围网电子渔捞日志系统 V1.0,2022SR0978928


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

(1)Wu F, Kindong R, Tian S, Dai XJ. The development of length–weight relationships for four pelagic fish species in the tropical Northwest Pacific Ocean.Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 2018,34(3):717-719. (2)WU F, KINDONG R, DAI X J, et al. Aspects of the reproductive biology of two pelagic sharks in the eastern Atlantic Ocean. Journal of Fish Biology, 2020, 97(6):1651-1661. (3)杨军勇,吴峰*,杜若谦. 2012—2018年中西太平洋延绳钓渔业大青鲨兼捕量影响因素分析. 上海海洋大学学报,2022(31)3:691-699. (4)Li ZZ, Heidi R.,Wu F*,Li YK*.Mercury bioaccumulation in thresher sharks from the eastern tropical Pacific: Influences of body size, maturation stage, and feeding habitat. Science of the Total Environment,2023,16228. (5)Xia M,Tom C, Richard K, Dai Lb,Geng Z,Dai XJ,Wu F*. Quantifying bycatch risk factors for the Chinese distant water fishery[J]. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 2021. (6)Shen YF,Gong Y,Wu F*,Li YK. Retrospective stable isotopes of vertebrae reveal ontogenetic patterns and trophic ecology in oceanic whitetip shark, Carcharhinus longimanus. Ecology and Evolution, 2021 12(1): e8452 (7)Kindong R, Wu F*,Tian SQ*,Sarr O. How Well Do 'Catch-Only' Assessment Models Capture Catch Time Series Start Years and Default Life History Prior Values? A Preliminary Stock Assessment of the South Atlantic Ocean Blue Shark Using a Catch-Based Model. Animals,2022. (8)Guo Y, Wang X., Li, X, Wu F*,Zhu, J. Analysis of At-Haulback Mortality and Influencing Factors of Indian Ocean Swordfish (Xiphias gladius). Fishes 2022, 7, 256. https://doi.org/10.3390/fishes7050256 (9)Wang Q, Lu D. ,Xiong Y.,Peng F ,Li J., Wu F*,etc. Occurrence of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in the seafood from an important fishing area in the East China Sea and a comparison between seafood from different origins. Environment Monitoring and Assessment,2022(194)8.
