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迄今,足迹已遍及全球七大洲五大洋,包括4次南大洋(含南极)和1次北冰洋调查航次 2003年6月至12月,以科学观察员身份前往东太平洋开展金枪鱼渔业探捕工作 2009年12月至2010年2月,以海上副总指挥及首席观察员身份前往南极执行中国首次南极海洋生物资源开发利用项目 2012年8月,以访问科学家身份登临美国极地考察船“Healy”号前往北极(白令海和楚科奇海)开展科学考察 2016年1月至3月,受澳大利亚南极局(AAD)邀请,以研究科学家身份登临澳大利亚极地科考船“Aurora Australis”号前往南极印度洋扇区开展大型海洋生态系统综合调查 2018年1月至2月,受法国巴黎第六大学(UMPC)邀请,以研究科学家身份登临法国科考船“Marion Dufresne”号前往南极凯尔盖朗海域开展海洋生态系统综合调查 2018年12月至2019年2月,参加中国第35次南极科学考察,登临“雪龙”号前往阿蒙森海开展海洋生态系统调查 2019年,领导团队完成全球首次南极磷虾资源环南极夏季并行调查 长期从事海洋生物资源的生态学和生物学、生物海洋学等领域的研究工作。目前的研究领域涵盖极地生物学、极地渔业生态学及中上层鱼类生态学等,研究水域由热带一直延伸至极地海域(重点研究区域),主攻南极磷虾与极地鱼类生物与生态学。与美国、澳大利亚、日本、法国、新西兰、南非、乌克兰、波兰、韩国、阿根廷、德国等国的10余个研究机构、大学及国际组织有着密切的国际合作和人才交流。近5年来,主持国家重点研发计划项目、国家自然基金面上项目、科技部“一带一路”创新人才交流外国专家项目、国家科技支撑计划、教育部高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金新教师基金等国家级项目以及公益性行业专项、教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金及上海市青年科技启明星计划项目等40余项,参与国家“863”项目、国家科技支撑计划重大项目、国家自然科学基金、国家社科基金和上海市科委重点攻关项目等近40项。共获得包括上海市科技进步奖一等奖、海洋科学技术奖一等奖、海洋局海洋科技创新成果二等奖、中国水产科学研究院大渔创新奖等在内的奖项十余项,学术论文奖11项。获全国优秀科普作品奖、上海市优秀图书、上海市科普作家协会优秀图书奖各1项。共在Limnology and Oceanography,Journal of Hazardous Materials,Marine Pollution Bulletin,Ecological Indicators,Marine Environmental Research,Fisheries Research,Deep-Sea Research II等国内外学术期刊上发表论文200余篇;作为主编和副主编出版著作各1部,参编著作4部。 欢迎海洋生物学、物理海洋学、计算机技术、渔业资源学(联合培养)、生物化学、分子生物学、水生(海洋)生态学、统计学、信息技术及地理信息系统(需深厚的编程能力)和渔业发展(专业硕士)等方向的学生报考本实验室。


I’m study polar biology, biological oceanography, fisheries ecology, fisheries biology, fisheries oceanography, fisheries management, quantitative fish dynamics, and fish life history, with a strong focus on pelagic (such as polar fishes, tunas, and mackerels) and Euphausiids species’ biology and ecology, the impact of environmental variables and climate change on pelagic species, and marine ecosystem topics involved in those species. Primary field tools I use include wildlife capture, population abundance surveys, radiotelemetry, and vegetation sampling. In the analytical laboratory, I work with GIS (Marine Explorer), multivariate statistics, and a variety of software programs useful for analyzing demographic and space-use data. I also frequently collaborate with marine biologist, marine biogeochemists, ecologists, and geneticists who add a greater dimension to my work.



查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

A. Selected Recent Peer-reviewed Publications (*Corresponding author; # Students in my lab): 2021: [1] Xue Mei#, Zhu Guoping*. 2021. Variation in fatty acids of Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) preserved under constant dry conditions: Does storage time and ontogeny matter? Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, e15357. 10.1111/jfpp.15357. [2] Li Yingying#, Ma Yuxin, Zhu Guoping*. 2021. Persistent organic pollution in Antarctic marine biota: level, transport and risk assessment. Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology, 32(2): 750-762. [3] Zhu Guoping*, Dong Jiaqi. 2021. Diversity and ecology of gregarine, nematode, and ciliate parasites in Euphausiids in the Antarctic-A review. Journal of Fishery Sciences of China, 28(3): 1-. DOI: 10.12264/JFSC2020-0225 [4] Wei Beibei#, Huang Kai, Zhu Guoping*. 2021. Ovary development of walleye pollock (Gadus chalcogrammus) in the western Bering Sea during summer. Journal of Shanghai Ocean University, 30(2): 315-322. [5] Qian Hurui#, Zhu Guoping*. 2021. Comparative analysis on otolith shape of mackerel fish (Champsocephalus gunnari) and long-fingered icefish (Cryodraco antarcticus) based on four morphological techniques. Marine Fisheries, accepted. [6] Hu Guangzhao#, Liu Zijun, Zhu Guoping*. 2021. The effect of in-situ simulated light level on respiration rate of Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) during winter. Marine Fisheries, accepted. [7] Wang Shujie#, Zhu Guoping*. 2021. Multi-scale analysis of the spatial heterogeneity of abundance of Antarctica krill in the South Orkney Islands during summer 2018. Journal of Fisheries of China, accepted. [8] Liu Hui#, Zhu Guoping*. 2021. Spatial and Temporal Distribution pattern and scale of Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) density distribution in the Antarctic Peninsula. Journal of Fisheries of China, accepted. [9] Wei Xiangyun#, Zhu Guoping*. 2021. Bibliometric analysis of Antarctic marine protected area research. Journal of Polar Research, accepted. 2020: [10] Zhu Guoping*, Duan Mi, Wei Lian, Trebilco Rowan, Bestley Sophie, Walters Andrea. 2020. Determination and precision of otolith growth zone estimates of Electrona antarctica in the Southern Kerguelen Plateau region in the Indian sector of the Southern Ocean. Deep-Sea Research II, 174: 104778. [11] Duan Mi#, Ashford R. Julian, Bestley Sophie, Wei Xiaoying, Walters Andrea, Zhu Guoping*. 2020. Otolith chemistry of Electrona antarctica suggests a potential population marker distinguishing the southern Kerguelen Plateau from the eastward-flowing Antarctic Circumpolar Current. Limnology and Oceanography, 9999: 1-17. doi: 10.1002/lno.11612. [12] Hua Chuangxiang, Li Fei, Zhu Qingcheng, Zhu Guoping, Meng Lingwen. 2020. Habitat suitability of Pacific saury (Cololabis saira) based on a yield-density model and weighted analysis. Fisheries Research, 221: 105408. [13] Xiangqian Zhou, Guoping Zhu, Song Hu. 2020. Influence of tides on mass transport in the Bransfield Strait and the adjacent areas, Antarctic. Polar Science, 23: 100506. [14] Bettina Meyer, Angus Atkinson, Kim S. Bernard, Andrew S. Brierley, Ryan Driscoll, Simeon L. Hill, Enrique Marschoff, Dale Maschette, Frances A. Perry, Christian S. Reiss, Emilce Rombolá, Geraint A. Tarling, Sally E. Thorpe, Philip N. Trathan, Guoping Zhu, So Kawaguchi. Successful ecosystem-based management of Antarctic krill should address uncertainties in krill recruitment, behaviour and ecological adaptation. Communications Earth & Environment, 2020; 1(1): 28. https://doi.org/10.1038/s43247-020-00026-1. [15] Ning Jing#, Huang Kai, Wei Beibei, Zheng Zhihong, Jia Mingxiu, Zhu Guoping*. 2020. Parasitic characteristics of Anisakis sp. in the liver of Gadus chalcogrammus in the Western Bering Sea during summer. Marine Fisheries, 42(3): 296-303. [16] Liu Hui#, Zhu Guoping*. 2020. Effect of spatial scale on hotspot analysis of Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) distribution. Journal of Fisheries of China, 44(11): 1851-1861. [16]Wei Xiaoying, Zhu Guoping. 2020. Otolith microchemistry in Antarctic fish species: A review. Chinese Journal of Ecology 2020,39( 10) : 3471-3481 [17] Zhu Guoping*, Li Huiting, Li Ye, Yang Yang. 2020. Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) aggregation types and affecting factors around the South Shetland Islands, Antarctic during austral summer-autumn 2018. Chinese Journal of Ecology 2020,39(4) : 1265-1272. [This paper received the First-place Award in the Biennial Best Papers of Fisheries Society of Shanghai in 2019/2020] [18] Yang Qingyuan#, Zhu Guoping*. The distribution of fatty acids in tissues of rock cod (Patagonotothen ramsayi) in the Argentina Patagonian Shelf and their implications to feeding habit. Haiyang Xuebao, 2020, 42(4): 20–28. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0253−4193.2020.04.003. [This paper received the First-place Award in the Biennial Best Papers of Fisheries Society of Shanghai in 2019/2020] [19] Liu Hui#, Zhu Guoping*. 2020. Spatial-temporal variation in hotspot and coldspot of Antarctic krill distribution in recent 100 years. Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology, 2020, 31(3): 1015-1022. [20] Huang Kai#, Wei Beibei, Zhu Guoping*. 2020. Evaluation of factors affecting energy density of gonad of Alaska pollock Gadus chalcogrammus in the Western Bering Sea during summer. Journal of Dalian Ocean University, 35(4): 564-569. [21] Wei Xiaoying#, Duan Mi, Zhu Guoping*. 2020. Otolith morphological feature of Bald notothen (Pagothenia borchgrevinki) and its predication for change in fish length. Journal of Polar Research, 32(2): 227-236. [22] Zhu Guoping*, Zhou Mengxiao. 2020. Progress of numerical ocean model and its application in dispersal modelling of marine organisms: A review. Marine Fisheries, 42(2): 245-256. [23] Zhou Mengxiao#, Zhu Guoping*. 2020. Water mass structure in the euphotic zone around South Shetland Islands, Antarctic during summer 2013. Chinese Journal of Polar Research, 32(1): 90-100. [24] Wu Ruijie#, Yang Qingyuan, Zhu Guoping*. 2020. Fatty acid composition of spiny icefish (Chaenodraco wilsoni) in the Bransfield Strait, Antarctic during summer-autumn 2016 and its implication to diet. Chinese Journal of Polar Research, 32(1): 82-89. [This paper received the Third-place Award in the Biennial Best Papers of Fisheries Society of Shanghai in 2019/2020] [25] Yang Chen, Zhou Pei, Yuan Junting, Zhu Guoping*, Han Minglei. 2020. Design and application of ecological simulated temporary cultivation system of Antarctic krill. Fishery Modernization, 46(6): 48-55. [26] Wang Shujie#, Huang Kai, Yang Yang, Liu Hui, Zhu Guoping*. 2021. Aggregation characteristics of Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) in the South Orkney Islands during summer 2018. Journal of Fisheries of China. DOI: 10.11964/jfc.20190711876. [27] Gao Chunmei, Han Naixu, Zhu Guoping*, Ding Guodong, Zhou Mengxiao, Cao Zhang, Fang Han, Yang Hang. Distribution of trace elements in seawater from the Prydz Bay in the summer 2018. Journal of Shanghai Ocean University, http://kns.cnki.net/kcms/detail/31.2024.S.20200222.1114.002.html [28] Yang Yang#, Zhu Guoping, Chen Xinjun. 2020. A review and prospect of fisheries acoustic research based on bibliometric analysis. Marine Fisheries, 42(4): 476-489. 2019: [29] ZHU Guoping*, Deng Bo, ZHANG Haiting, YANG Qingyuan. 2019. Ontogenetic and temporal diet variation in adult Antarctic krill Euphausia superba at South Georgia during austral winter revealed by stable isotope analysis. Fisheries Research, 215: 1-8. [30] WANG Rui#, ZHU Guoping*. 2019. Inferring behavior of Chinese krill fishing vessel using a simple walk model. Journal of Ocean University of China (Oceanic and Coastal Sea Research), 18 (4): 939-94.https://doi.org/10.1007/s11802-019-3976-5 .ZHU Guoping*, LIU Zijun, YANG Yang, WANG Zhen, YANG Wenjie, XU Liuxiong. 2019. Thermal and saline tolerance of Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) under controlled in-situ aquarium conditions. Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology. [31] Dongming Lin, Andrea Walters, Guoping Zhu, Xinjun Chen, Sophie Bestley, Rowan Trebilco. 2019. Distribution of larval and juvenile pelagic squids in the K-axis region: oceanographic influence on size structure and evidence of spawning locations. Deep-Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dsr2.2019.07.003. [32] Chuanxiang Hua, Fei Li, Qingcheng Zhu, Guoping Zhu, Lingwen Meng. 2020. Habitat suitability of Pacific saury (Coloabis saira) based on a yield-density model and weighted analysis. Fisheries Research, 22: 105408. [33] Bixue WANG, Haiting ZHANG, Guoping ZHU*. 2019. Variation in population structure of Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) in Scotia Sea in winter 2017. Journal of Shanghai Ocean University, 28(6): 953-960. [34] Qianqian LIN, Guoping ZHU*. 2019. Ecological characteristics and importance evaluation of fish species in the Arctic Alaska. Journal of fisheries of china, 43(7): 1581-1592. doi: 10.11964/jfc.20171111042. [This paper received the Second-place Award in the Biennial Best Papers of Fisheries Society of Shanghai in 2019/2020] [35] Qingyuan Yang#, Guoping Zhu*. 2019. Feeding ecology of Antarctic icefishes (Family Channichthyidae): a review. Chinese Journal of Polar Research, 31(2): 220-227. [36] Lian Wei#, Guoping Zhu*, Mi Duan. 2019. Using ring width on sagittal plane of otolith to reveal the growth of Antarctica fish species: a case study of Electrona antarctica. Chinese Journal of Polar Research, 31(2): 134-143. [37] HU Shiguo, XU Liuxiong, WANG Teng, TANG Hao, ZHOU Cheng, ZHU Guoping. 2019. Vertical distribution of Euphausia superba in sea areas around the South Orkney Islands in autumn 2017 and its relations with illumination, vertical temperature and salinity. Marine Fisheries, 41(2): 160-168. [38] WEI Lei, SHI Wenzheng, WANG Zhihe, ZHU Guoping, FANG Bing, XU Nan. 2019. Variation in volatile compounds of Antarctic krill throughout fishing seasons. Science and Technology of Food Industry, http://kns.cnki.net/kcms/detail/11.1759.ts.20190731.1036.009.html 2018: [39] ZHU Guoping*, DUAN Mi, Ashofrd Julian, WEI Lian, Bestley Sophie. 2018. Otolith nucleus chemistry distinguishes Electrona antarctica in the westward-flowing Antarctic Slope Front Current and eastward-flowing Antarctic Circumpolar Current off East Antarctica.Marine Environmental Research, 142: 7-20. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marenvres.2018.09.010. [40] ZHU Guoping*, YANG Yang, LIU Zijun, WANG Zhen, YANG Wenjie, XU Liuxiong. 2018.Thermal and saline tolerance of Antarctic krill Euphausia superba under controlled in-situ aquarium conditions. Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 36(3): 717-725. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00343-019-8002-7. [41] ZHU Guoping*, ZHANG Haiting, SONG Qi, YANG Yang, WANG Shaoqin, YANG Qingyuan. 2018. Inferring trophic variation for Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) in the Antarctic Peninsula from the austral fall to early winter using stable isotope analysis. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 37(6): 90-95. (SCI, IF=0.73) [42] ZHU Guoping*, YANG Yang, SONG Qi, ZHANG Haiting. 2018. Precision of growth band determination from eyestalk sections of Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) preserved in formalin. Fisheries Research, 197: 1-6. [43] ZHU Guoping*, ZHANG Haiting, YANG Yang, WANG Shaoqin, WEI Lian, YANG Qingyuan. 2018. Upper trophic structure in the Atlantic Patagonian shelf break as inferred from stable isotope analysis. Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 36(3): 717-725. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00343-018-6340-5. [44] ZHU Guoping*, YANG Yang, WANG Rui, TONG Jianfeng#. Diel vertical migration of Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) swarm in the Bransfield Strait during austral autumn 2016 inferred from acoustic data and its relations to environmental factors. Journal of Fisheries of China, 42(10): 1541-1549. [45] CHEN Lvfen#, ZHU Guoping*. 2018. Influencing factors on spatial distribution of fishing ground for Antarctic krill fishery in the northern South Shetland Islands based on GWR model. Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology, 29(3): 938-944. [46] YANG Yang#, ZHU Guoping*. 2018. Assessment on marine living resources based on acoustic technology and its application in Antarctic krill abundance estimation. Marine Fisheries, 40(3): 368-376. [47] YANG Xiaoming, ZHU Guoping*. 2018. Spatial-temporal variation on Euphausia superba fishing ground in the northern Antarctic Peninsula based on point pattern model. Journal of Fisheries of China, 42(3): 356-365. [48] DING Bo#, ZHU Guoping*, ZHANG Haiting. 2018. Spatial-temporal variability in population structure of Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) in the Scotia Sea, Antarctic in 2016. Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology, online. [49] DUAN Mi#, WEI Lian, ZHU Guoping*. 2018. Morphometric features of sagittal otolith for Alaska pollock Gadus chalcogrammus in the western Bering Sea. Journal of Dalian Ocean University, 33(4): 492-498. [50] WANG Shaoqin, YANG Qingyuan, ZHU Guoping*, SONG Qi. 2018. Spatial and temporal variation of fatty acid composition in Argentine hake (Merluccius hubbsi) in the Southwestern Atlantic Ocean during austral spring and summer. Chinese Journal of Ecology, online. [51] XU Liuxiong, WANG Teng, ZHU Guoping, TONG Jianfeng. 2018. Swam characteristicsof Euphausia superba in the South Orkney Islands by the echogram of acoustic survey. Journal of Fishery Sciences of China, 25(5): 1131-1138. [52] XU Liuxiong, WANG Teng, ZHU Guoping, TONG Jianfeng. 2018. Methods for biomass estimation of Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba): a review. Journal of Fisheries of China, 42(5): 808-816. [53] FANG Bin, SHI Wenzheng, WANG Zihe, ZHU Guoping, WEI Lei, LIU Jieqiong. 2018. Effects of fishing months on nutrients of Antarctic krill. Science and Technology of Food Industry, online. [54] JIANG Jianjun, XU Liuxiong, ZHU Guoping, GUO Zhixun, ZHU Weijun. 2018. Age and growth of albacore tuna (Thunnus alalunga) in the north Pacific based on sectioned fin ray. Journal of Fisheries of China, online. 2017: [55] WEI Lian#, ZHU Guoping*, YANG Qingyuan. 2017. Length–weight relationships of five fish species associated with krill fishery in the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean. Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 33:1303-1305, DOI: 10.1111/jai.13478 [56] ZHU Guoping*, WEI Lian. 2017. Age and growth of Antarctic fish species: a review. Journal of Fisheries of China, 41(10): 1638-1647. [57] YANG Qingyuan#, WANG Shaoqin, ZHU Guoping*, SONG Qi. 2017. Fatty acid composition and feeding habit of rock cod Patagonotothen ramsayi in southwestern Atlantic Ocean. Journal of Dalian Ocean University, 32(1): 86-92. [58] WEI Lian#, LIU Zijun, ZHU Guoping*. 2017. Morphological features of sagittal otolith for Patagonotothen ramsayi from the waters off Argentina. Marine Fisheries, 39(3): 256-266. [59] CHEN Guangwei#, CHEN Lvfen, ZHU Guoping*, XU Yucheng, TIAN Jinhuan, DING Bo. 2017. Spatial-temporal distribution of fishing ground for Antarctic krill fishery in the South Georgia Island during the austral winter and its drivers. Chinese Journal of Ecology, 36(10): 2803-2810. [60] WEI Lian#, ZHU Guoping*, LIU Zijun. 2017. Otolith shape of two icefish species based on morphology and Fourier analysis. Chinese Journal of Polar Research, 29(2): 218-227. [61] LIU Zijun#, WEI Lian, ZHU Guoping*, ZHANG Haiting. 2017. Validation of ageing Electrona carlsbergi in the South Shetland Islands. Chinese Journal of Polar Research, 29(4): 477-485. [62] YE Shengjie#, ZHU Guoping*. 2017. Effect of fish aggregation devices on biology and ecology of yellowfin tuna Thunnus albacares: research progress. Journal of Dalian Ocean University, 32(3): 373-380. [63] WANG Zhen, ZHU Guoping, XU Liuixong, SU Zhipeng, HU Guisen, LIU Zijun. 2017. Saline tolerance of Antarctic krill Euphausia superba based an in-situ water tank trail. Journal of Dalian Ocean University, 32(2): 211-216. [64] LIN Dongming, ZHU Guoping, CHEN Xinjun, WEI Guangen, CHEN Yangyang. 2017. Reproductive characteristics of Patagonian longfin squid (Doryteuthis gahi) in the southwest Atlantic Ocean. Journal of Fisheries of China. [65] SU Zhipeng, XU Liuxiong, ZHU Guoping, WANG Zhen, HU Guisen, YU Yongjun. 2017. Effects of towing speed and warp length on the net position of Antarctic krill mid-trawl. Journal of Fishery Science of China, 24(4): 884-892. [66] Tang Hao, Xu Liuxiong, Zhou Cheng, Wang Xuefang, Zhu Guoping, Hu Fuxiang. 2017. The effect of environmental variables, gear design and operational parameters on sinking performance of tuna purse seine setting on free-swimming schools. Fisheries Research, 196, 151–159. doi:10.1016/j.fishres.2017.08.006 2016: [67] ZHU Guoping*, SONG Qi. 2016. Aging crustacean based on the lipofuscinanalysis: A review. Chinese Journal of Ecology, 35(8): 2225-2233. [68] ZHU Guoping*, WANG Rui. 2016. Catch per unit effort of Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) fishery and its suitability to abundance estimation. Journal of Fisheries of China, 40(7): 1072-1079. [69] YANG Xiaoming, LI Yixin, ZHU Guoping*. 2016. Spatial point patterns of Antarctic krill fishery in the northern Antarctic Peninsula. Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology, 27(12): 4052-4058. [70] GAO Chunmei, ZHU Guoping*, XU Pengxiang, XU Liuxiong. 2016. Distribution of typical trace elements in the surface water around the Southern Islands in austral summer 2012. Journal of Shanghai Ocean University, 25(4): 628-673. [71] JIANG Jianjun, XU Liuixong, ZHU Guoping, ZHU Weijun. 2016. Preliminary study on age and growth of north Pacific albacore Thunnus alalunga. Marine Fisheries, 38(1): 1-8. 2015: [72] ZHU Guoping*, WANG Rui, MENG Tao, XU Yiying, HUANG Hongliang, XU Guodong, ZHANG Jichang, XU Liuxiong. 2015. Diel vertical migration of Antarctic krill aggregation in South Georgia Island in the austral winter season of 2013. Journal of Fisheries of China, 39(8): 1242-1249. [73] LIU Zijun#, ZHU Guoping*. 2015. Age and growth of Antarctic icefish species: a review. Chinese Journal of Ecology, 34(6): 1755-1761. (In Chinese with English abstract) [74] LI Shimin#, ZHU Guoping*. 2015. Otolith morphology of Antarctic lanternfish Electrona antarctica in the South Shetland Islands, Antarctic. Journal of Dalian Ocean University, 30(6): 674-680. [75] LIN Dong-ming, XU Liu-xiong, YE Xu-chang, Wang Xue-fang, ZHU Guo-ping*. The otolith morphological analysis of ruby snapper (Etelis coruscans) in the northwestern Indian Ocean. (In Chinese with English abstract) [76] YANG Wenjie, ZHU Guoping, HU Guisen, LIU Zijun, XU Liuxiong. Experimental study on adaptability of Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) to changing water temperature. Jiangsu Agricultural Sciences, 2015, 43(2): 235-238. (In Chinese with English abstract) [77] TANG Hao, XU Liuxiong, WANG Xuefang, XU Guoqiang, ZHOU Cheng, ZHU Guoping. Differences of gear performance of tuna purse seinebetween the two kinds of typical fishing method. Journal of Fisheries of China, 2015, 39(2): 275-283. (In Chinese with English abstract) [78] WANG Shaoqin, XU Liuxiong, WANG Xuefang, TANG Hao, ZHOU Cheng, ZHU Guoping, ZHU Jiangfeng. The preliminary analysis of carbon and nitrogen stable isotope composition of skipjack (Katsuwonus pelamis) gathering around fish aggregation devices in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean. Journal of Shanghai Ocean University, 24(5): 765-772. [79] TANG Hao, XU Liuxiong, WANG Xuefang, ZHOU Cheng, ZHU Guoping. 2015. Performance analysis of a tuna purse seine model. Journal of Fisheries Sciences of China, 22(3): 563-573. [80] WANG Xuehui, HUANG Shuolin, LI Jun, ZHANG Yazhi, ZHU Guoping, CHEN Xinjun. 2015. Length–weight relationships of 45 fish species in the Min River Estuary, East China Sea. Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 32: 131-133. 2014: [81] ZHU Guoping*, ZHANG Min, ASHFORD Julian, ZOU Xiaorong, CHEN Xinjun, and ZHOU Yingqi. 2014. Does life history connectivity explain distributions of Chilean jack mackerel Trachurus murphyi caught in international waters prior to the decline of the fishery in the southeastern Pacific Ocean? Fisheries Research, 151: 20-25. [82] ZHU Guo-ping*, ZHU Xiao-yan. 2014. A review on population biology of Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba). III - feeding ecology. Acta Hydrobiologica Sinica, 38(6): 1152-1160. (In Chinese with English abstract) [83] Zhu Guoping*, Liu Zijun, Xu Guodong, Zhang Jichang, Meng Tao, Huang Hongliang, Xu Yiying, Zhu Xiaoyan, Xu Liuxiong. 2014. The spatial-temporal and environmental effects of fishing rate on Antarctic krill fishery in the South Georgia Island in the austral winter season based on the fine scale data. Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology, 25(8):2397-2404. (In Chinese with English abstract) [84] ZHU Guoping*. 2014. Long-term changes in the mean trophic level of the finfish fishery in the Southern Ocean. Chinese Journal of Ecology, 33(6):1573-1579. (In Chinese with English abstract) [85] Zhu Guoping*, Zhu Xiaoyan, Xu Yiying, Xia Hui, Li Yingchun, Xu Pengxiang, Xu Liuxiong. 2014. Spatial-temporal variation on fishery population composition of Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) around the South Orkney Islands in austral summer during 2009/10 to 2011/12. Chinese Journal of Polar Research, 26(3): 306-313. (In Chinese with English abstract) [86] Wang Chunlei, Fu Kuipeng, Zhu Guoping*, Wang Xuefang. The structure of marine fishery duty crew in Jiangsu province, China. China Fisheries Economy, 2014, 32(5): 107-112 [87] Yang Xiaoming, Zhu Guoping*. The mutation characteristics and its causations of Antarctic krill fishery’s catch rate in the Atlantic Sector of Antarctic Ocean. Journal of Fishery Sciences of China, 21(5): 1056-1064. (In Chinese with English abstract) [88] LI Feng-ying#, XU Liu-xiong, ZHU Guo-ping*. 2014. Morphologic features of statolith for rockcod (Patagonotothen ramsayi) in the Southwestern Atlantic Ocean. Ecological Science, 33(1): 7-11. (In Chinese with English abstract) [89] WANG Xue-Fang, ZHOU Cheng, ZHU Guo-Ping, TANG Hao, XU Liu-Xiong. 2014. Analysis on the mechanism of drifting floating objects aggregating rainbow runner (Elagatis bipinnulata) based on fishery biology. Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology, 25(1): 251-256. (In Chinese with English abstract) [90] Wang Shaoqin, Xu Liuxiong, Zhu Guoping, Tang Hao. 2014. The spatial-temporal distribution of CPUE for yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacores) from purse-seine fishery in Western and Central Pacific Ocean and its relations to environmental factors. Journal of Dalian Ocean University, 29(3): 303-308. (In Chinese with English abstract) [91] WANG Shaoqin, XU Liuxiong, WANG Xuefang, ZHU Guoping. 2014. A review of impacts of Fish Aggregation Devices (FADs) on Feeding Patterns for tropical tunas. Acta Ecologica Sinica, 34(13):3490-3498. (In Chinese with English abstract) [92] YANG Xiaoming, DAI Xiaojie, TIAN Siquan, ZHU Guoping. Hot spot analysis and spatial heterogeneity of skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis) purse seine resources in the western and central Pacific Ocean. Acta Ecologica Sinic. DOI: 10.5846/stxb201211101579. (In Chinese with English abstract) [93] WANG Xuefang, XU Liuxiong, TANG Hao, ZHOU Cheng, ZHU Guoping.2014. Biological characteristics of dolphinfish Coryphaena hippurus associated with drifting fish aggregation devices. Journal of Shanghai Ocean University, 23(3): 429-434.(In Chinese with English abstract) [94] FENG Yongjiu, CHEN Xinjun, YANG Mingxia, HUO Dan, ZHU Guo-ping. An exploratory spatial data analysis-based investigation of the hot spots and variability of Ommastrephes bartramii fishery resources in the Northwestern Pacific Ocean. Acta Ecologica Sinica. (In Chinese with English abstract) 2013: [95] ZHU Guoping*. 2013. The temporal trend of Patagonian toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides) fishery in the Southern Ocean and its response to the global climate change. Marine Environmental Science, 32(5): 663-668. (In Chinese with English abstract) [96] ZHU Guoping*, ZHU Xiaoyan, MENG Tao, XU Yiying, XU Liuxiong. 2013. The variation on fishing indicators for Antarctic krill fishery in the southwestern LivingstonIslandin the austral fall-winter 2012 and its relation to the impacting factors. Journal of Dalian Ocean University, 28(4): 399-405. (In Chinese with English abstract) [97] ZHU Guoping*. 2013. Population biology of Antarctic krill Euphausia superba. II– reproduction: a review. Acta Hydrobiologica Sinica, 37(4): 751-758. (In Chinese with English abstract) [98] ZHU Guoping*, XU Yiying, ZHU Xiaoyan, XIA Hui, LI Yingchun, XU Pengxiang, MENG Tao, XU Liuxiong. 2013. Spatial-temporal variation on fishing ground of Chinese Antarctic krill fishery in 2009/10 to 2011/12 fishing season. Journal of ShanghaiOceanUniversity, 22(3):425-431. (In Chinese with English abstract) [99] ZHU Guo-ping*, ZHU Xiao-yan, MENG Tao, XU Yi-ying, XU Liu-xiong. 2013. The temporal-spatial distribution of standard length for Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) in the southwestern Livingston Island in the austral fall-winter 2012 based on the fishery survey. Marine Fisheries, 35(1): 34-40. (In Chinese with English abstract) [100] Zhu Guoping*, Zhu Xiaoyan, Xia Hui, Li Yingchun, Xu Liuxiong.2013. Spatiotemporal distribution of Antarctic krill aggregations around the South Orkney Islands in austral summer-autumn 2011. Chinese Journal of Ecology, 32(4):912-919. (In Chinese with English abstract) [101] Zhu Guoping*, Xu Yiying, Xia Hui, Li Yingchun, Zhu Xiaoyan, Xu Pengxiang, Xu Liuxiong.2013. Population composition of Antarctic krill (E. superba) in the northern ShetlandIsland areas during the austral summer of 2010/11 season. Journal of Fisheries of China, 37(9): 1431-1440. (In Chinese with English abstract) [102] ZHU Guo-ping*. 2013.Bibliometric study on Antarctic fish otolith in the Southern Ocean. Marine Fisheries, 35(3): 289-295. (In Chinese with English abstract) [103] YANG Xiao-ming, ZHU Guo-ping*. 2013. The oscillation mode analysis on the time series of the catch rate for Antarctic krill fishery in the Atlantic Sector of Antarctic Ocean. Journal of Fishery Sciences of China, 20(6): 1271−1280. (In Chinese with English abstract) [104] LI Yang-dong, ZHU Guo-ping, HAN Zhen. 2013. Design and Implementation of Marine Fishery Data Acquisition System Supported by ArcGIS Mobile. International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Management Science (ICIEMS), pp 837-842. (ISTP) [105] LI Yang-dong, CHEN Xin-jun, ZHU Guo-ping, HAN Zhen. 2013. Marine fishery survey data collection based on Pocket PC. Marine Sciences, 37(4): 65-69. (In Chinese with English abstract) [106] WANG Xue-fang, XU Liu-xiong, ZHOU Cheng, ZHU Guo-ping, TANG Hao. 2013. The relationship between the thermocline features and the rate of fishing success ford free school caught by the tuna purse seiner in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean. Journal of Shanghai Ocean University, 28(5): 763-769. (In Chinese with English abstract) [107] WANG Xue-Fang, XU Liu-Xiong, ZHOU Cheng, ZHU Guo-Ping, TANG Hao. 2013. The relationship between the rate of fishing success of skipjack tuna Katsuwonus pelamis and their feeding status in tuna purse seine fishery. Journal of Dalian Ocean University, 28(6):622-626. (In Chinese with English abstract) [108] TANG Hao, XU Liu-xiong, CHEN Xin-jun, ZHU Guo-ping, ZHOU Cheng, WANG Xue-fang. 2013. Effects of spatiotemporal and environmental factors on the fishing ground of skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis) in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean based on generalized additive model. Marine Environmental Science, 32(4): 518-522. (In Chinese with English abstract) [109] TANG Hao, XU Liu-xiong, ZHOU Cheng, ZHU Gou-ping, Wang Xue-fang. 2013. Impact factors of sinking performance for tuna purse seine based on the generalized additive model. Journal of Fisheries of China, 37(6): 944-950. (In Chinese with English abstract) [110] Wu Ji-kui, Shi Wen-zheng, Zhao Yong, Xu Qiang-hua, Zhu Guo-ping, Chen Liang-biao. 2013. Review on the fluoride-accumulating mechanism of the Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba Dana). Journal of Shanghai Ocean University, 22(6): 944-948. [111] TANG Hao, XU Liu-xiong, WANG Xue-fang, ZHOU Chen, LAN Guang-cha, WANG Min-fa, YE Xu-chang, ZHU Guo-ping. 2013.Evaluation of tuna purse seine performance between from model test and at-sea measurements. Journal of Fishery Sciences of China, 20(4): 884-892. (In Chinese with English abstract) [112] ZHOU Cheng, XU Liu-xiong, ZHANG Xin-feng, ZHU Guo-ping, TANG Hao, WANG Xue-fang. 2013. Multiple regression analysis of the factors affecting the sinking performanceof large-scale tuna purse seine. Journal of Fishery Sciences of China, 20(3): 672-681. (In Chinese with English abstract) [113] CHEN Dan, ZUO Tao, ZHAO Xianyong, WU Qiang, ZHU Guoping, FENG Chunlei, HUANG Hongliang, LI Xiansen. 2013. Distribution and development of Thysanoessa macrura in waters adjacent to the Antarctic Peninsula. Progress in Fishery Sciences, 34(3): 29-37. (In Chinese with English abstract) 2012: [114] Zhu Guoping*, Li Fengying, Feng Chunlei, Wu Qiang, Xu Pengxiang, Xu Liuxiong. 2012. The biology of Electron antarctic (Electrona antarctica) in the western South Orkney Islands, Antarctic. Chinese Journal of Polar Research, 24(4): 343-351. (In Chinese with English abstract) [115] ZHU Guo-ping*, LI Feng-ying, CHEN Jintao, XU Liu-xiong. 2012. Spawning habitat suitability for albacore (Thunnus alalunga) in the South-central Indian Ocean. Marine Environmental Science, 31(5): 697-500. (In Chinese with English abstract) [116] Zhu Guoping*, Zhu Xiaoyan, Xu Yiying, Xia Hui, Li Yingchun, Xu Pengxiang, Xu Liuxiong. 2012. The spatial-temporal characteristics of length distribution for Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) in the northern South Shetlands Islands in the austral summer during 2010-2011 season. Journal of Shanghai Ocean University, 21(5): 864-871. (In Chinese with English abstract) (an invited paper for the Centenary Celebration of Shanghai Ocean University) [117] ZHU Guo-ping*. 2012. Effects of temporal and environmental factors on the fishing ground of Antarctic krill in the northern Antarctic Peninsula based on generalized additive model. Journal of Fisheries of China, 36(10): 1863-1871. (In Chinese with English abstract) [118] Zhu Guoping*, Zhu Xiaoyan, Xu Yiying, Xia Hui, Li Yingchun, Xu Pengxiang, Xu Liuxiong. 2012. The spatial-temporal distribution of fishing ground for Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) around the South Orkney Islandsin austral summer-autumnant its relations to environmental factors based on generalized additive model. Chinese Journal of Polar Research, 24(3): 62-69. (In Chinese with English abstract) [This paper received the First-place Award in the Biennial Best Papers of Fisheries Society of Shanghai in 2011/2012] [119] ZHU Guo-ping*, FENG Chunlei, WU Qiang, XU Liu-xiong, CHEN Xinjun, HUANG Hongliang, XIA Hui, CHEN Xuezhong, ZHAO Xianyong. 2012. Spatial variation on biology of Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) in gravid stage in the northern Antarctic Peninsula: a preliminary study.Journal of ShanghaiOceanUniversity, 21(1): 110-115. (In Chinese with English abstract) [120] LI Yang-dong, HAN Zhen, ZHU Guo-ping, TIAN Si-quan. 2012. Application of pocket PC in marine fishery survey. 2nd International Conference on Future Control and Automation, ICFCA 2012,2012/7/1-2012/7/2, pp 555-560. [121] ZHOU Cheng, XU Liu-xiong, ZHANG Xin-feng, ZHU Guo-ping. 2012. Dynamical simulation of a knotless netting based on explicit method. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 235, 210-215. [122] WANG Xuefang, XU Liuxiong, CHEN Yong, ZHU Guoping, TIAN Siquan, ZHU Jiangfeng. 2012. Impacts of fish aggregation devices on size structuresof skipjack tuna Katsuwonus pelamis. Aquatic Ecology, 46(3):343–352. [123] Li Yinchun, ZHU Guoping, Meng Tao, Xia Hui, Xu Pengxiang, Xu Liuxiong. 2012. The observation on temperature tolerability for Antarctic krill (Euphausua superba) in the artificial condition. Jiangsu Agricultural Sciences, 40(9): 204-206. (In Chinese with English abstract) [124] ZHOU Cheng, ZHU Guoping, CHEN Jintao, XU Liuxiong. 2012. Relationship between age and growth of bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus) in the southern Indian Ocean. Journal of Fishery Sciences of China, 19(3): 536-544. (In Chinese with English abstract) [125] WANG Xue-fang, ZHU Guo-ping, SUN Man-chang, XU Liu-xiong. 2012. Impact of fish aggregation devices on tropical tuna’s behavioral pattern: a review. Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology, 23(1): 278-284. (In Chinese with


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