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冯东,1980年生,教授,博士生导师。2003年毕业于中国地质大学(武汉)获石油工程专业学士学位,2008年毕业于中国科学院广州地球化学研究所获地球化学专业博士学业。2008-2012年在美国路易斯安那州立大学开展博士后研究,现为上海海洋大学教授。迄今共发表SCI论文80余篇,其中以第一/通讯作者身份在Geology、EPSL等地学主流刊物上发表论文50余篇。主持国家杰出青年科学基金,国家优秀青年科学基金,中国科学院人才项目并获终期评估优秀。荣获中国矿物岩石地球化学学会“侯德封奖”、自然资源部国土资源科学技术奖一等奖。目前担任Geology、《沉积学报》《海洋地质与第四纪地质》等学术刊物的编委。 学习经历: 2003.9-2008.7 中国科学院广州地球化学研究所,地球化学,博士 2007.8-2008.6 美国路易斯安那州立大学海洋学院,海洋地质,联合培养博士 1999.9-2003.6 中国地质大学(武汉),石油工程,学士 工作经历: 2019.9-至今上海海洋大学,教授 2012.7-2019.8 中国科学院南海海洋研究所,研究员(2017.12起为三级) 2008.7-2012.6 美国路易斯安那州立大学海洋学院,博士后研究助理 主持科研项目情况: 国家自然科学基金杰出青年科学基金:海底冷泉沉积地球化学,2023.1-2027.12 国家自然科学基金面上项目:海底低甲烷通量和高有机质环境孔隙水硫酸根多硫同位素组成及其对海洋硫循环的启示,2022.1-2025.12 国家自然科学基金面上项目:现代冷泉区沉积物孔隙水硫酸根硫氧同位素研究及其对古冷泉系统硫酸根的消耗途径和甲烷通量的指示意义,2018.1-2021.12 国家自然科学基金国际合作与交流项目:现今文石海时期冷泉系统低镁方解石和伴生重晶石的成因机制研究,2018.1-2020.12 国家重点研发计划课题:ROV生物地球化学探查技术应用及南海冷泉区生态环境研究,2017.7-2020.12 国家自然科学基金优秀青年科学基金项目:冷泉沉积及其地球化学,2015.1-2017.12 国家自然科学基金面上项目:冷泉系统微生物硫酸盐还原作用在碳酸盐岩中的记录,2014.1-2017.12 国家自然科学基金重大研究计划培育项目:南海冷泉碳酸盐岩U系定年:天然气水合物分解释放甲烷的时间及其与古海平面变化之间的关系,2011.1-2013.12 国家自然科学基金青年项目:冷泉生物生命效应的地球化学记录及其对沉积特征的改造:贻贝和管状蠕虫环境沉淀的冷泉碳酸盐岩的对比研究,2010.1-2012.12 获奖及荣誉: 2020年,获自然资源部国土资源科学技术奖一等奖(排名第15) 2018年,获第17届侯德封矿物岩石地球化学青年科学家奖 2017年,中国科学院人才项目终期评估优秀 2013年,中国科学院人才项目 2010年,中国科学院优秀博士学位论文提名奖




查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

1. 1. Hu Y, Zhang X, Feng D*, Peckmann J, Feng J, Wang H, Yang S, Chen D, 2022. Enhanced sulfate consumption fueled by deep-sourced methane in a hydrate-bearing area. Science Bulletin 67, 122-124. 2. Peng YB, Bao HM, Jiang GQ, Crockford P, Feng D, Xiao SH, Kaufman AJ, Wang JS, 2022. A transient peak in marine sulfate after the 635-Ma Snowball Earth. PNAS, 119 (19) e2117341119. 3. Wang, M., Chen, T., Feng, D., Zhang, X, Li, T., Robinson, L.F., Liang, Q., Bialik, O.M., Liu, Y., Makovsky, Y., 2022. Uranium-thorium isotope systematics of cold-seep carbonate and their constraints on geological methane leakage activities. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 320, 105-121. 4. Feng D*, Pohlman JW, Peckmann J, Sun Y, Hu Y, Roberts H, Chen D, 2021. Contribution of deep-sourced carbon from hydrocarbon seeps to sedimentary organic carbon: Evidence from radiocarbon and stable isotope geochemistry. Chemical Geology 585, 120572. 5. Sun Y, Feng D*, Smrzka D, Peckmann J, Huang H, Roberts H, Chen D, 2021. Uptake of trace elements into authigenic carbonate at a brine seep in the northern Gulf of Mexico. Chemical Geology 582, 120442. 6. Gong S, Feng D*, Peng Y, Peckmann J, Wang X, Hu Y, Liang Q, Feng J, Chen D, 2021. Deciphering the sulfur and oxygen isotope patterns of sulfate-driven anaerobic oxidation of methane. Chemical Geology 581, 120394. 7. Jin M, Feng D*, Huang K*, Peckmann J, Li, N, Huang H, Liang Q, Chen D, 2021. Behavior of Mg isotopes during precipitation of methane-derived carbonate: Evidence from tubular seep carbonates from the South China Sea. Chemical Geology 567, 120101. 8. Hu Y*, Feng D*, Peng Y, Peckmann J, Kasten S, Wang X, Liang Q, Wang H, Chen D. A prominent isotopic fingerprint of nitrogen uptake by anaerobic methanotrophic archaea. Chemical Geology 2020, 119972. 9. Smrzka, D., Feng, D., Himmler, T., Zwicker, J., Hu, Y., Monien, P., Tribovillard, N., Chen, D., Peckmann, J., 2020. Trace elements in methane-seep carbonates: Potentials, limitations, and perspectives. Earth-Science Reviews 208, 103263. 10. Wang X, Barrat J-A, Bayon G, Chauvaud L, Feng D, 2020. Lanthanum anomalies as fingerprints of methanotrophy. Geochemical Perspectives Letters 14, 26-30. 11. Hu Y*, Feng D*, Peckmann J, Gong S, Liang Q, Wang H, Chen D, 2020. The impact of diffusive transport of methane on pore-water and sediment geochemistry constrained by authigenic enrichments of carbon, sulfur, and trace elements: A case study from the Shenhu area of the South China Sea. Chemical Geology 553, 119805. 12. Chen F, Wang X, Li N, Cao J, Bayon G, Peckmann J, Hu Y, Gong S, Cheng H, Edwards RL, Ning Y, Jin M, Huang H, Wu C, Sun Y, Chen H, Zhou Y, Chen D, Feng D*, 2019. Gas hydrate dissociation during highstand inferred from U/Th dating of seep carbonate from the South China Sea. Geophysical Research Letters, 46, 13928-13938. 13. Wang X, Bayon G*, Kim J-H, Lee D-H, Kim D, Guéguen B, Rouget M-L, Barrat J-A, Toffin L, Feng D*, 2019. Trace element systematics in cold seep carbonates and associated lipid compounds. Chemical Geology, 528, 119277. 14. Tong H, Feng D*, Peckmann J, Roberts HH, Chen L, Bian Y, Chen D*, 2019. Environments favoring dolomite formation at cold seeps: A case study from the Gulf of Mexico. Chemical Geology 518, 9-18. 15. Guan H, Feng D*, Birgel D*, Peckmann J, Roberts HH, Wu N, Chen D, 2019. Lipid biomarker patterns reflect different formation environments of mussel- and tubeworm-dominated seep carbonates from the Gulf of Mexico (Atwater Valley and Green Canyon). Chemical Geology 505, 36-47. 16. Gong S, Peng Y, Bao H, Feng D, Cao X, Crockford P, Chen D, 2018. Triple sulfur isotope relationships during sulfate driven anaerobic oxidation of methane. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 504, 13-20. 17. Feng D*, Qiu J-W, Hu Y, Peckmann J, Guan H, Tong H, Chen C, Chen J, Gong S, Li N, Chen D, 2018. Cold seep systems in the South China Sea: An overview, Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 168, 3-16. 18. Feng D*, Peckmann J, Li N, Kiel S, Qiu J-W, Liang Q, Carney RS, Peng Y, Tao J, Chen D, 2018. The stable isotope fingerprint of chemosymbiosis in the shell organic matrix of seep-dwelling bivalves. Chemical Geology 479, 241-250. 19. Liang Q, Hu Y, Feng D*, Peckmann J, Chen L, Yang S, Liang J, Tao J, Chen D, 2017. Authigenic carbonates from two newly discovered active cold seeps on the northwestern slope of the South China Sea: Constraints on fluids sources, formation environments and seepage dynamics. Deep Sea Research I 124, 31-41. 20. Feng D*, Peng Y*, Bao H, Peckmann J, Roberts HH, Chen D, 2016. A carbonate-based proxy for sulfate-driven anaerobic oxidation of methane. Geology 44, 999-1002. 21. Chen F, Hu Y, Feng D*, Zhang X, Cheng S, Cao J, Lu H, Chen D, 2016. Evidence of intense methane seepages from molybdenum enrichments in gas hydrate-bearing sediments of the northern South China Sea. Chemical Geology 443, 173-181. 22. Feng D, Chen D, 2015. Authigenic carbonates from an active cold seep of the northern South China Sea: New insights into fluid sources and past seepage activity. Deep-Sea Research II 122, 74-83. 23. Feng D, Cheng M, Kiel S, Qiu J-W, Yang Q, Zhou H, Peng Y, Chen D, 2015. Using Bathymodiolus tissue stable carbon, nitrogen and sulfur isotopes to infer biogeochemical process at a cold seep in the South China Sea. Deep-Sea Research I 104, 52-59. 24. Feng D*, Birgel D*, Peckmann J, Roberts HH, Joye SB, Sassen R, Liu X-L, Hinrichs H-U, Chen D, 2014. Time integrated variation of sources of fluids and seepage dynamics archived in authigenic carbonates from Gulf of Mexico Gas Hydrate Seafloor Observatory. Chemical Geology 385, 129-139. 25. Hu Y, Feng D*, Peckmann J, Roberts HH, Chen D*, 2014. New insights into cerium anomalies and mechanisms of trace metal enrichment in authigenic carbonate from hydrocarbon seeps. Chemical Geology 381, 55-66. 26. Feng D, Roberts HH, Joye SB, Heydari E, 2014. Formation of low-magnesium calcite at cold seeps in an aragonite sea. Terra Nova 26, 150-156. 27. Tong H, Feng D*, Cheng H, Yang S, Wang H, Angela G. Min, Edwards RL, Chen Z, Chen D*, 2013. Authigenic carbonates from seeps of the northern continental slope of the South China Sea: New insights into fluid sources and geochronology. Marine and Petroleum Geology 43, 260-271. 28. Feng D, Cordes EE, Roberts HH, Fisher CR, 2013. A comparative study of authigenic carbonates from tubeworm environments: Implications for discriminating the effects of tubeworms. Deep-Sea Research I 75, 110-118. 29. Feng D*, Roberts HH*, 2011. Geochemical characteristics of the barite deposits at cold seeps from the northern Gulf of Mexico continental slope. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 309, 89-99. 30. Birgel D, Feng D*, Roberts HH, Peckmann J, 2011. Changing redox conditions at cold seeps as revealed by authigenic carbonates from Alaminos Canyon, northern Gulf of Mexico. Chemical Geology 285, 82-96. 31. Feng D, Roberts HH, Cheng H, Peckmann J, Bohrmann G, Edwards RL, Chen D, 2010. U/Th dating of cold-seep carbonates: An initial comparison. Deep-Sea Research II 57, 2055-2060. 32. Feng D, Roberts HH, 2010. Initial results of comparing cold seep carbonates from mussel- and tubeworm-associated environments at Atwater Valley lease block 340, northern Gulf of Mexico. Deep-Sea Research II 57, 2030-2039. 33. Feng D, Chen D, Peckmann J, Bohrmann G, 2010. Authigenic carbonates from methane seeps of the northern Congo Fan: Microbial formation mechanism. Marine and Petroleum Geology 27, 748-756. 34. Feng D, Chen D, Peckmann J, 2009. Rare earth elements in seep carbonates as tracers of variable redox conditions of ancient hydrocarbon seeps. Terra Nova 21, 49-56. 35. Feng D, Chen D, Roberts HH, 2009. Petrographic and geochemical characterization of seep carbonate from Bush Hill (GC185) gas vent and hydrate site of the Gulf of Mexico. Marine and Petroleum Geology 26, 1190-1198. 36. Feng D, Chen D, Qi L, Roberts HH, 2008. Petrographic and geochemical characterization of seep carbonate from Alaminos Canyon, Gulf of Mexico. Chinese Science Bulletin 53, 1716-1724. 37. 冯东*; 宫尚桂, 海底冷泉系统硫的生物地球化学过程及其沉积记录研究进展. 矿物岩石地球化学通报, 2019, 38(6): 1047~1056. 38. 冯东; 陈 忠; 陈多福, 海底冷泉及其生态系统. 10000个科学难题-地球科学卷, 科学出版社. 2010, 462~465. 39. 冯东; 陈多福; 漆亮; H.H. Roberts. 墨西哥湾Alaminos Canyon冷泉碳酸盐岩地质地球化学特征, 科学通报, 2008, (08): 966~974. 40. 冯东; 陈多福, 黑海西北部冷泉碳酸盐岩的沉积岩石学特征及氧化还原条件的稀土元素地球化学示踪, 现代地质, 2008, (03): 390~396. 41. 冯东; 陈多福, 海底沉积物孔隙水钡循环对天然气渗漏的指示, 地球科学进展, 2007, (01): 49~57. 42. 冯东; 陈多福; 苏正; 刘芊, 海底甲烷缺氧氧化与冷泉碳酸盐岩沉淀动力学研究进展, 海洋地质与第四纪地质, 2006, (03): 125~131. 43. 冯东; 陈多福; 刘芊, 新元古代晚期盖帽碳酸盐岩的成因与“雪球地球”的终结机制, 沉积学报, 2006, (02): 235~241. 44. 陈多福; 冯东; 陈光谦; 陈先沛; LM Cathles, 海底天然气渗漏系统演化特征及对形成水合物的影响, 沉积学报, 2005, (02): 323~328. 45. 冯东; 陈多福; 苏正; 刘芊, 海底天然气渗漏系统微生物作用及冷泉碳酸盐岩的特征, 现代地质, 2005, (01): 26~32.


中国矿物岩石地球化学学会气体地球化学专业委员会委员(2018–) 中国地质学会沉积地质学专业委员会第十届委员(2017–) 中国矿物岩石地球化学学会第八届、第九届理事会理事(2013–2021) 任地学领域顶级刊物Geology编委(2020.1–) 任Frontiers in Marine Science副编辑(2019.11–) 《沉积学报》第六届编委(2020-2024) 《海洋地质与第四纪地质》《海洋地质前沿》第六届编委(2019-2023) 任Journal of Asian Earth Sciences(South China Sea Seep专辑)的特约编辑(2018)
