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[2] Liu Wenchang, Lv Xinyu, Ye Jiliang, Tan Hongxin *, Luo Guozhi, Wan Yumei. Effects of different biofloc sizes on the short‐term stress of Japanese seabass, Lateolabrax japonicus (Cuvier), juveniles reared in biofloc aquaculture systems[J]. Aquaculture Research, 2022, 53(5): 1995-2003.
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[13] Tan Chenxi, Sun Dachuan, Tan Hongxin*, Liu Wenchang, Luo Guozhi, Wei Xiaoling. Effects of stocking density on growth, body composition, digestive enzyme levels and blood biochemical parameters of Anguilla marmorata in a recirculating aquaculture system[J]. Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 2018, 18(1): 9-16.
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