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牛东红,女,博士,教授,博士生导师。2001年毕业于河北大学生物学专业,理学学士;2004年毕业于河北大学水生生物学专业,理学硕士;2009年毕业于上海海洋大学水产养殖学专业,博士学位。于2010-2011年和2017-2018年在美国Auburn University农学院水产系遗传学实验室进行留学访问。主持国家自然科学基金项目2项,国家重点研发计划蓝色粮仓专项任务2项;培育国家水产新品种1个(缢蛏-申浙1号),以第一完成人获得上海海洋科学技术奖一等奖以及全国高校教师教学创新大赛上海市二等奖。 教学工作情况 本科生课程《遗传学》、《遗传学实验》、《神奇的海洋贝类》 研究生课程《论文写作与学术规范》、《贝类生物学及养殖》、《水产动物遗传育种》 主要承担的省部级和国家级科研项目 [1] 2021.1-2025.12 上海市水产动物良种创制与绿色养殖协同创新中心项目 [2] 2019.11-2022.12国家重点研发计划“海水池塘和盐碱水域生态工程化养殖技术与模式”项目 [3] 2019.11-2022.12国家重点研发计划“滩涂增养殖技术与生态农牧化新模式”项目 [4] 2018.01-2020.12 水产双一流学科建设项目“水产种质资源研究与支撑平台能力提升” [5] 2015.01-2018.12 国家自然科学基金面上项目 “缢蛏幼虫变态过程IGFBPs基因调控的分子基础研究” [6] 2012.01-2014.12 国家自然科学青年基金 “缢蛏生长相关基因SNPs和CNPs与生长性状的关联分析” [7] 2012.01-2015.12 国家“863”计划项目“主要养殖双壳贝类良种培育” 授权专利 [1] 牛东红,杜蕴超,李家乐,彭茂潇,卫侃韵,谢淑媚,蓝天一。一种高效的双壳贝类血淋巴的提取方法。发明专利。专利号: ZL201610006424.8 [2] 李家乐,彭茂潇,牛东红,谢淑媚,黄文吉,王飞,王泽,卫侃韵,杜蕴超.一种防毒凝胶切割器的割胶方法。发明专利。专利号ZL201510300790.X [3] 李家乐,白玉麒,牛东红,白玉麟,李燕,彭茂潇,蓝天一,卫侃韵,杜蕴超,谢淑媚,何圣耀,阮海灯。一种实验用贝类繁育器。实用新型。专利号ZL201720070595 [4] 牛东红,杜蕴超,李家乐,谢淑媚。一种方便双壳贝类暂养换水和代谢废物排放的暂养箱。实用新型。专利号ZL 201720022932.5 [5] 李家乐,彭茂潇,牛东红,杜蕴超,卫侃韵,王飞,王泽。一种提取双壳贝类血淋巴的操作装置。实用新型。专利号:ZL 201620009773.0 [6] 李家乐,彭茂潇,牛东红,谢淑媚,王泽,王飞,卫侃韵。一种贝类体态快速批量数据测量仪。实用新型。专利号:ZL 201520378894.8 [7] 李家乐,彭茂潇,牛东红,谢淑媚,王飞,王泽,杜蕴超,黄文吉。一种实验用移液枪枪头快速摆放器. 实用新型。专利号:ZL 201520378241.X [8] 牛东红, 李家乐, 沈和定,王劦,谢淑媚,李多,郑培,王飞,曾仕梅。 一种缢蛏家系的建立和良种选育的方法。发明专利。专利号:ZL201310503970.9 [9] 李家乐,王劦,牛东红,赵弘刚,谢淑媚,金凯。一种用于缢蛏的育苗桶。实用新型。专利号:ZL2012207239325.5。 [10] 刘达博, 李家乐, 牛东红, 冯冰冰。 一种贝类育苗简易报警装置。实用新型。专利号2010206952157.0 获奖情况 [1] 2022.08 上海海洋科学技术奖 一等奖 [2] 2021.11 神农中华农业科技奖 优秀创新团队 [3] 2022.08 全国高校教师教学创新大赛 上海市二等奖 [4] 2021.12 校级高校教师教学创新大赛 一等奖 [5] 2021.07 上海海洋大学优秀研究生指导教师 [6] 2019.12 汉宝奖学金优秀青年教师奖 [7] 2019.12 上海海洋大学教学成果特等奖 [8] 2014.12 上海海洋大学微课教学比赛 二等奖 [9] 2013.10 首届全国微课教学比赛上海市三等奖 [10] 2012.05 上海海洋大学科技成果二等奖





查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

[1] Yihua Chen, Xinin Du, Zhiguo Dong, Yifeng Li, Donghong Niu*. Heritability estimation of high salt tolerance in razor clam (Sinonovacula constricta) Aquaculture 2022: 738423 [2] Yihua Chen, Yukuan Chen, Liang Tao, Xinxin Du, Zhiguo Dong*, Donghong Niu*, Jiale Li*. Genetic parameters and genotype by environment interaction for growth traits of razor clam Sinonovacula constricta, from outdoor pond and semi-natural environment. Aquaculture Reports,2022,24:101173 [3] Yizhen Wang, Yuting Han, Yanhui Wang, Min Lv, Yifeng Li, Donghong Niu *. Expression of p38MAPK and its regulation of apoptosis under high temperature stress in the razor clam Sinonovacula constricta. Fish and Shellfish Immunology, 2022,12: 288-297 [4] 陈义华,牛东红*,董志国,李家乐. 缢蛏耐高盐性能及其与生长性状的相关性分析[J].海洋科学,2022,46(10):51-58. [5] 丁红兵,李浩宇,陈义华,陈丽芝,刘琦,牛东红*.高盐对缢蛏生长存活、Na~(+)/K~(+)-ATPase活性及能量代谢相关指标的影响[J/OL].上海海洋大学学报:2022,31(4):917-924 [6] Yihua Chen, Haoyu Li, Hongbing Ding, Zhiguo Dong, Donghong Niu*, Jiale Li*. Heritability estimation and path analysis for growth traits of the razor clam Sinonovacula constricta under high salinity. Aquaculture, 2021(545):737175 [7] Yinghan Wu, Yi Zheng, Yan Li, Yifeng Li, Donghong Niu*. Two fibrinogen-related proteins (freps) in the razor clam (Sinonovacula constricta ) with a broad recognition spectrum and bacteria agglutination activity. Developmental & Comparative Immunology, 2021,121.104075 [8] Yan Li, Donghong Niu*, Yinghan Wu, Zhiguo Dong, Jiale Li*. Integrated analysis of transcriptomic and metabolomic data to evaluate responses to hypersalinity stress in the gill of the razor clam (Sinonovacula constricta). Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part D: Genomics and Proteomics, 2021, 38(4):100793. 3 [9] Yihua Chen#, Bo Ye#, Donghong Niu*, Jiale Li. Changes in metabolism and immunity in response to acute salinity stress in Chinese razor clams from different regions, Aquaculture Reports, 2021(19),100624 [10] Zhi Li#, Maoxiao Peng#, Deborah Mary Power, Donghong Niu*, Zhiguo Dong, Jiale Li*. RNAi-mediated knock-down of the dopamine beta-hydroxylase gene changes growth of razor clams. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part B: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 2021, (252):110534. [11] Maoxiao Peng#, Zhi Li#, Xiaojun Liu, Donghong Niu*, Jiale Li*. Inland alkaline brackish water aquaculture of juvenile razor clam: Survival, growth, physiology and immune responses. Aquaculture Reports, 2020(18):100463. [12] Donghong Niu, Beibei Li, Shumei Xie, Zhiguo Dong, Jiale Li*. Integrated mRNA and Small RNA Sequencing Reveals Regulatory Expression of Larval Metamorphosis of the Razor Clam. Marine Biotechnology, 2020(22): 696–705. [13] Dang Hai Nguyen, Donghong Niu, Zhiyi Chen, Maoxiao Peng, Nga Thi Tran, Jiale Li*. Classification and morphology of circulating haemocytes in the razor clam Sinonovacula constricta. Aquaculture and Fisheries, 2020. doi:10.1016/J.AAF.2020.06.007. [14] 熊娅,牛东红*,李智,彭茂潇,李蓓蓓,吴应晗,李家乐.缢蛏IGFALS基因的表达特征及IGF系统对生长的调控作用.上海海洋大学学报,2021,30(01):1-10. [15] Zhi Li, Donghong Niu*, Maoxiao Peng, Ya Xiong, Jie Ji, Zhiguo Dong, Jiale Li*. Dopamine beta-hydroxylase and its role in regulating the growth and larval metamorphosis in Sinonovacula constricta. Gene, 2020(737):144418. [16] Donghong Niu, Zhi Li, Yunchao Du, Shengyao He, Zhiguo Dong, Jiale Li*. Identification of a dopamine receptor in Sinonovacula constricta and its antioxidant responses. Developmental and Comparative Immunology. 2020(103): 1-7. [17] 叶博, 程之扬, 彭茂潇, 牛东红*, 刘晓军, 蓝天一. 急性pH和碳酸盐碱度对缢蛏存活率、Na+_K+-ATPase活性及血淋巴吞噬能力的影响. 水产学报. 2019, 43(08):1723-1732. [18] Maoxiao Peng#, Zhi Li#, Xiaojun Liu, Donghong Niu, Tianyi Lan, Bo Ye, Zhiguo Dong and Jiale Li*. Tolerance, Growth, and Physiological Responses of the Juvenile Razor Clam (Sinonovacula constricta) to Environmental Ca2+ and Mg2+ Concentrations. Front. Physiol. 2019,10:911. [19] 卫侃韵,谢淑媚,王沈同,陈宇宽, 牛东红*,李家乐.缢蛏EGFR基因内含子1内SNP位点多态性与生长性状相关性[J].水产学报,2019,43(02):483-491 [20] Yan Li, Donghong Niu*, Yuqi Bai, Tianyi Lan, Maoxiao Peng, Zhiguo Dong, Jiale Li*. Characterization of the ScghC1q-1 gene in Sinonovacula constricta and its role in innate immune responses. Developmental & Comparative Immunology, 2019, 94:16-21 [21] Yan Li, Donghong Niu*, Yuqi Bai, Tianyi Lan, Maoxiao Peng, Zhiguo Dong, Jiale Li* ,Identification of a novel C1q complement component in razor clam Sinonovacula constricta and its role in antibacterial activity. Fish & Shellfish Immunology, 2019, 87: 193-201. [22] Yuqi Bai, Donghong Niu*, Yan Li, Yulin Bai, Tianyi Lan, Maoxiao Peng, Zhiguo Dong, Fanyue Sun, Jiale Li*. Identification and characterisation of a novel small galectin in razor clam (Sinonovacula constricta) with multiple innate immune functions. Developmental & Comparative Immunology, 2019, 93:11-17. [23] Maoxiao Peng#, Xiaojun Liu#, Donghong Niu, Bo Ye, Tianyi Lan, Zhiguo Dong, Jiale Li *. Survival, growth and physiology of marine bivalve (Sinonovacula constricta) in long-term low-salt culture. Scientific Reports, 2019, 9: 2819 [24] Yuqi Bai, Donghong Niu*, Yulin Bai, Yan Li, Tianyi Lan, Maoxiao Peng, Zhiguo Dong, Jiale Li*. Identification of a novel galectin in Sinonovacula constricta, and its role in recognition of gram-negative bacteria. Fish & Shellfish Immunology, 2018, 80:1-9 [25] Maoxiao Peng#, Bo Ye#, Xiaojun Liu, Donghong Niu, Tianyi Lan, Zhiguo Dong and Jiale Li* (2018) Effects of Alkalinity and pH on Survival, Growth, and Enzyme Activities in Juveniles of the Razor Clam, Sinonovacula constricta. Front. Physiol, 2018, 9:552. [26] Shumei XieS, Donghong Niu, Kanyun Wei, Zhiguo Dong, Jiale Li*, Polymorphisms in the FOXO gene are associated with growth traits in the anmen breeding population of the razor clam Sinonovacula constricta, Aquaculture and Fisheries, 2018,3(5): 177-183 [27] 杜蕴超,谢淑媚,何圣耀,牛东红*, 李家乐. 缢蛏多巴胺受体基因及其在损伤修复中的作用[J].热带海洋学 报,2018,37(03):45-54. [28] Kanyun Wei, Donghong Niu*, Maoxiao Peng, Shumei Xie, Shentong Wang, Jiale Li. Characterization of two splice variants of EGFR and their effects on the growth of the razor clam [J]. Aquaculture and Fisheries, 2018,3(2): 62-31. [29] Donghong Niu, Ya Xiong, Maoxiao Peng, Xue Meng,Tianyi Lan, Jiale Li*. Hemolytic reactions in the hemolymph of bivalve Sinonovacula constricta show complement-like activity. Fish & Shellfish Immunology,2018,79, 11-17.


