1. Arif, I.#, Shang, Y.Y.#, Zhang, C.Q., Khan, F.U., Tan, K.A., Waiho, K., Wang, Y.J., Kwan, K.Y.*, Hu, M.H.* (2022) Combined effects of nanoplastics and heavy metal on antioxidant parameters of juvenile tri-spine horseshoe crabs. Frontiers in Marine Science 9: 1005820. (5-Yr IF=5.72) 5.247, 中科院生物3区, Top
2. Zhang, Y.#, Liu, C.H.#, Liu, J.H., Liu, X.M., Tu, Z.H., Zheng, Y.P., Xu, J.N., Fan, H.Y., Wang, Y.j., Hu, M.H.* (2022) Multi-omics reveals response mechanism of liver metabolism of hybrid sturgeon under ship noise stress. Science of the Total Environment 851: 158348. (5-Yr IF=10.237) 10.753, 中科院环境科学与生态学2区, Top
3. Miao, F.Z., Tai, Z.H., Wang, Y.J., Zhu Q.G., Fang, J.K.H., Hu, M.H.* (2022) Tachyplesin I Analogue Peptide as an Effective Antimicrobial Agent against Candida albicans–Staphylococcus aureus Poly-Biofilm Formation and Mixed Infection. ACS Infectious Diseases 8: 1839-1850. (5-Yr IF=5.829) 5.578, 中科院医学2区
4. Xiong, K., Miao, F.Z., Waiho, K., Liu, X.M., Fang, J.K.H., He, J.F., Hu M.H.*, Wang, Y.J. (2022) Effect of Probiotics on Juvenile Tachypleus tridentatus Gut Microbiota. Journal of ocean university of China 21, 564-572. (5-Yr IF=1.225) 1.179, 中科院地学2区
5. Zheng, Y.P.#, Zhang, Y.#, Xie, Z., Shin, P.K.S., Xu J.N., Fan H.Y., Zhuang, P.*, Hu, M.H.*, Wang, Y.J. (2022) Seasonal Changes of Growth, Immune Parameters and Liver Function in Wild Chinese Sturgeons Under Indoor Conditions: Implication for Artificial Rearing. Frontiers in physiology 13: 894729. (5-Yr IF=5.316) 4.755, 中科院医学3区
6. Liu, X.M., Liu, J.N., Xiong, K., Zhang, C.Q., Fang, J.K.H., Song, J., Tai, Z.G., Zhu, Q.G., Hu, M.H*, Wang, Y.J. (2022) Effects of ocean acidification on molting, oxidative stress, and gut microbiota in juvenile horseshoe crab Tachypleus tridentatus. Frontiers in Physiology 12, 813582. (5-Yr IF=5.316) 4.755,中科院医学2区
7. Miao, F.Z., Li, Y., Tai, Z.G., Zhang, Y., Gao, Y., Hu, M.H*., Zhu, Q.G*. (2021). Antimicrobial peptides: The promising therapeutics for cutaneous wound healing. Macromolecular Bioscience 21, 2100103. (5-Yr IF=5.859) 4.752, 中科院生物化学2区
8. Li, Z.Q.#, Chang, X.Q.#, Hu, M.H.*, Fang, J.K.H., Huang, W., Xu, E.G.B., Wang, Y.J.* (2022) Is microplastic an oxidative stressor? Evidence from a meta-analysis on bivalves. Journal of Hazardous Materials 423,127211. (5-Yr IF=12.984) 14.224, 中科院工程技术1区, Top
9. Liu, X.M.#, Xu, Z.#, Chang, X.Q, Fang, J., Song, J., He, J.F., Tai, Z.G., Zhu, Q.G., Hu, M.H.*(2021) Enhanced immunity and hemocytes proliferation by three immunostimulants in tri-spine horseshoe crab Tachypleus tridentatus. Fish and Shellfish Immunology 115, 112–123. (5-Yr IF=4.799) 4.622, 中科院农林科学1区, Top
10. Wang, S.X.#, Zhong, Z.#, Li, Z.Q., Wang, X.H., Gu, H.X., Huang, W., Fang, J.K.H., Shi, H.H., Hu, M.H.*, Wang, Y.J.* (2021) Physiological effects of plastic particles on mussels are mediated by food presence. Journal of Hazardous Materials 404, 124136. (5-Yr IF=12.984) 14.224,中科院工程技术1区, Top
11. Wang, T.#, Hu, M.H.#, Xu, G.G., Shi, H.H., Leung, J.Y.S.*, Wang, Y.J.* (2021) Microplastic accumulation via trophic transfer: Can a predatory crab counter the adverse effects of microplastics by body defence? Science of the Total Environment 754, 142099. (5-Yr IF=10.237) 10.753,中科院环境科学1区,Top
12. Wang, S.X.#, Hu, M.H.#, Zheng, J.H., Huang, W., Shang, Y.Y., Fang, J.K.H., Shi, H.H., Wang, Y.J.* (2021) Ingestion of nano/micro plastic particles by the mussel Mytilus coruscus is size dependent. Chemosphere 263, 127957. (5-Yr IF=8.52) 8.943,中科院环境科学与生态学2区, Top
13. Xie, Z#, Yan, M.Y.#, Wang, Y.J., Fang, J.K.H., Song, J., Hu, M.H.* (2020) Spirulina platensis powder is an applicable feed additive for Chinese horseshoe crab Tachypleus tridentatus. Aquaculture Research 52, 2121–2129. (5-Yr IF=2.447) 2.184,中科院农林科学3区
14. Khan, F.U.#, Chen, H.#, Gu, H.X., Wang, T., Dupont, S., Kong, H., Shang, Y.Y., Wang, X.H., Lu, W.Q., Hu, M.H.*, Wang, Y.J.* (2020) Antioxidant responses of the mussel Mytilus coruscus co-exposed to ocean acidification, hypoxia and warming. Marine Pollution Bulletin 162, 111869. (5-Yr IF=7.301) 7.001,中科院环境科学与生态学2区
15. Wang, X.H.#, Hu, M.H.#, Gu, H.X., Shang, Y.Y., Wang, T.Y., Ma, L.K., Wei Huang, W.*, Wang, Y.J. (2020) Short-term exposure to norfloxacin induces oxidative stress, neurotoxicity and microbiota alteration in juvenile large yellow croaker Pseudosciaena crocea. Environmental Pollution 267, 115397. (5-Yr IF=10.366) 9.988,中科院环境科学1区, Top
16. Luo, Z.#, Li, Z.Q.#, Xie, Z.#, Sokolova, I.M., Song, L., Peijnenburg, W.J.G.M., Hu, M.H.*, Wang, Y.J.* (2020) Re-thinking nano-TiO2 safety: Overview of toxic effects in humans and aquatic animals. Small 16, 2002019. (5-Yr IF=14.257) 15.153,中科院工程技术1区, Top
17. Wang, T.#, Hu, M.H.#, Song, L.L., Yu, J., Liu, R.J., Wang, S.X., Wang, Z.F., Sokolova, I., Huang, W.*, Wang, Y.J. (2020) Coastal zone use influences the spatial distribution of microplastics in Hangzhou Bay, China. Environmental Pollution 266, 115137. (5-Yr IF=10.366) 9.988,中科院环境科学1区, Top
18. Miao, F.Z. #, Zhao, Z.H. #, Li, Q.Z., Song, J., Wang, Y.J., Hu, M.H.* (2020) Impact of initial feeding and molting on Tachypleus tridentatus gut microbiota. Current Microbiology 77, 2847–2858. (5-Yr IF=2.408) 2.343,中科院微生物学4区
19. Khan, F.U.#, Hu, M.H.#, Kong, H., Shang, Y.Y., Wang, T., Wang, X.H., Xu, R., Lu, W.Q.*, Wang, Y.J.* (2020) Ocean acidification, hypoxia and warming impair digestive parameters of marine mussels. Chemosphere 256, 127096. (5-Yr IF=8.52) 8.943,中科院环境科学与生态学2区, Top
20. Gu, H.X.#, Wei, S.S. #, Hu, M.H.*, Huang, W., Wang, X.H., Shang, Y.Y., Li, L.A., Shi, H.H., Wang, Y.J.* (2020) Microplastics aggravate the adverse effects of BDE-47 on physiological and defense performance in mussels. Journal of Hazardous Materials 398, 122909. (5-Yr IF=12.984) 14.224,中科院工程技术1区, Top
21. Shang, Y.Y.#, Wang, X.H.#, Deng, Y.W., Wang, S.X., Gu, H.X., Wang, T., Xu, G.G., Kong, H., Feng, Y.X., Hu, M.H.*, Wang, Y.J.* (2020) Diel-cycling seawater acidification and hypoxia impair the physiological and growth performance of marine mussels. Science of the Total Environment 722, 138001. (5-Yr IF=10.237) 10.753,中科院环境科学1区,Top
22. Xu, Z., Wang, Y.J., Gul, Y., Li, Q.Z., Song, J., Hu, M.H.* (2020) Effects of copper supplement on the immune function and blood-chemistry in adult Chinese horseshoe crab Tachypleus tridentatus. Aquaculture 515, 734576. (5-Yr IF=5.125) 5.135,中科院农林科学2区,Top
23. Yan, M.Y.#, Miao, F.Z.#, Zhang, X.Z., Guo, H.S., Gul, Y., Li, Q.Z., Song, J., Wang, Y.J., Hu, M.H.* (2019) ‘Delayed’ interference effects of air exposure on adult Chinese horseshoe crab Tachypleus tridentatus. Aquaculture Research 50, 3633–3642. (5-Yr IF=2.447) 2.184,中科院农林科学3区
24. Gu, H.X.#, Hu, M.H.#, Wang, T., Kong, H., Huang, X.Z., Bao, Y.B.*, Wang, Y.J.* (2019) Combined effects of toxic Microcystis aeruginosa and hypoxia on the digestive enzyme activities of the triangle sail mussel Hyriopsis cumingii. Aquatic Toxicology 212, 241–246. (5-Yr IF=5.202) 5.578,中科院海洋与淡水生物学1区, Top
25. Wang, Y.J., Hu, M.H.*, Wu, F.L, Storch, D., Pörtner, H.O. (2018) Elevated pCO2 affects feeding behaviour and acute physiological response of the brown crab Cancer pagurus. Frontiers in Physiology 9,1164. (5-Yr IF=4.755) 5.316,中科院医学2区
26. Hu, M.H., O, S.Y., Cheung, S.G., Shin, P.K.S., Yan, M.Y., Wang, Y.J.* (2018) Growth performance and feed utilization of low-cost artificial feeds for juvenile Asian horseshoe crab culture. Journal of Shellfish Research 37, 581–589. (5-Yr IF=1.218) 1.67,中科院农林科学3区
1. 赵忠浩, 常雪晴, 王有基, 何锦锋, 台宗光, 朱全刚, 胡梦红*. 中国鲎血蓝蛋白提纯及其纯化物的液相色谱串联质谱分析.水产学报:1-9[2022-03-11]. http://kns.cnki.net/kcms/detail/31.1283.S.20210526.1621.008.html
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4. 颜明艳, 李琼珍, 宋洁, 王振华, 王有基,胡梦红*. 基于MAXENT模型评估北部湾潮间带中国鲎和圆尾鲎稚鲎的潜在地理分布及种群保育对策. 生态学报, 2019, 39(09): 3100-3109.
5. 颜明艳, 王月, 顾华鑫, 王有基, 李琼珍, 范志锋, 孙彬, 胡梦红*. 鲎试剂产业在中国的发展现状及相关建议. 生物学杂志, 2018 (2):88-91.