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陈晓武,博士,教授,硕士生导师。 教育背景 1996年毕业于安徽师范大学生命学院,生物教育专业。2003年毕业于南京农业大学动物医学院,动物医学专业,获硕士学位。2003至2004年于上海生命科学院从事微生物基因工程研究。2007年毕业于上海海洋大学,获水产养殖专业博士学位。2012年至2013年于新加坡国立大学生命学院参与鱼类生殖生物学及表观遗传学研究工作。已在生物和水生动物学专业期刊发表论文70余篇,专利1项,同时为多家SCI期刊审稿,曾获Gene和Fish & Shellfish Immunology期刊杰出审稿人荣誉证书。 教学工作情况 主讲本科生《组织胚胎学》和研究生《分子细胞生物学》等课程。 主持或参与的科研项目 参与或主持过上海市自然科学基金,国家特色淡水鱼产业技术体系,中国科学院海洋生物学重点实验室开放课题,水产动物遗传育种中心上海市协同创新中心专项,上海市教委创新项目,上海市优青专项基金,上海科委重点基金和国家自然科学基金等十余项。 专著: [1]《中国渔业执业兽医资格考试指南》(编写组织胚胎学部分),2015年; [2]《水产动物组织胚胎学》第二版(国家十三五规划教材)(参编),2018年; [3]《高级动物组织学》(副主编),2018年;




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[1]XW Chen, YD He, ZP Wang, Jun Li. Expression and DNA methylation analysis of cyp19a1a in Chinese sea Perch Lateolabrax maculatus. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part B: Biochemistry & Molecular Biology. 2018, 226: 85-90. [2]XW Chen, JP Chen, YW Shen, YH Bi, WJ Hou, GP Pan, XG Wu. Transcriptional responses to low-salinity stress in the gills of adult female Portunus trituberculatus. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part D: Genomics and Proteomics. 2018,29:86-94 [3]XW Chen, YW Shen, ML Wu, JL Zhao. irf3 from mandarin fish thymus initiates interferon transcription. Fish Physiology and Biochemistry. 2018. DOI: 10.1007/s10695-018-0543-8 [4]XW Chen, YH Zhao, YD He, JL Zhao. Methylation pattern polymorphism of cyp19a in Nile tilapia and hybrids. Open Life Sciences. 2018, 13(1), 327-334. doi.org/10.1515/biol-2018-0040 [5]Y Zhao, HT Zhou, Christian LA, Y Wang, J Wang, XW Chen, JL Zhao. Suppression of miR-26a attenuates physiological disturbances arising from exposure of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) to ammonia. Biology Open. 2018(16). doi: 10.1242/bio.033944 [6]YW Shen, D Wang, JL Zhao, XW Chen*. Fish red blood cells express immune genes and responses. Aquaculture and Fisheries. 2018. 3(1). 14-21 [7]XW Chen, YW Shen, YH Bi, XG Wu.Hemocytes transcriptome profile of the Chinese mitten crab (Eriocheir sinensis). Aquaculture and Fisheries. 2018, 3(5): 191-195 [8]Changwei Shao, Chang Li, Na Wang, Yating Qin, Wenteng Xu, Qun Liu, Qian Zhou, Yong Zhao, Xihong Li, Shanshan Liu, Xiaowu Chen, Shahid Mahboob, Xin Liu, Songlin Chen. Chromosome-level genome assembly of the spotted sea bass,Lateolabrax maculatus.GigaScience, 2018. https://doi.org/10.1093/gigascience /giy114 [9]ZP Wang, D Wang, CL Wang, WJ Xie, YF Zhu, XW Chen*. Transcriptome characterization of HPG axis from Chinese sea perch Lateolabrax maculatus. J Fish Biol. 2017. 91(5). 1407-1418 [10]R He, XY Xie, XW Chen*, L Zhang* et al. Comprehensive investigation of aberrant microRNAs expression in cells culture model of MnCl2-induced neurodegenerative disease. Bioscience Biotechnology Research Communications. 2017. 486(2). 342-348 [11]ML Wu, JQ Wang, ZP Wang, JL Zhao, YT Hu, XW Chen*. Sequence and functional analysis of intestinal alkaline phosphatase from Lateolabrax maculatus. Fish Physiology Biochemistry. 2017. 43(2). 1-14 [12]YF Gu, Q Wei, SJ Tang, XW Chen*, JL Zhao*. Molecular characterization and functional analysis of IRF3 in tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). Developmental & Comparative Immunology. 2016. 55. 130-137 [13]XW Chen, ZP Wang, SJ Tang, Z Zhao, JL Zhao. Genome-wide mapping of DNA methylation in Nile Tilapia. Hydrobiologia. 2016 , 791 (1) :247-257 [14]XW Chen, Q Wei, ZQ Wang, CL Wang, YH Bi, YF Gu. Identification and functional analysis of interferon regulatory factor 3 in Lateolabrax maculatus. Developmental & Comparative Immunology. 2016. 63. 1-9 [15]YF Zhu, CLWang, XW Chen, GJ Guan. Identification of gonadal soma-derived factor involvement in Monopterus albus (protogynous rice field eel) sex change. Molecular Biology Reports. 2016. 43(7). 629-637 [16]CL Wang, ZP Wang, JQ Wang, MY Li, XW Chen*. Identification of candidate piRNAs in the gonads of Paralichthys olivaceus (Japanese flounder). Zool Res. 2016. 37(5). 301-306 [17]L Wang, ZP Li, ZZ Chen, XJ Leng, YM Zhao, JZ Gao, XW Chen. The complete mitochondrial genome of Protomelas annectens (Regan, 1922) (Perciformes: Cichlidae). Mitochondrial DNA Part A. 2015. 27(5). 3739-3740 [18]ZP Li, ZZ Chen, JZ Gao, L Wang, XW Chen, YM Zhao. The complete mitochondrial genome of the Symphysodon haraldi (Schultz, 1960). Mitochondrial DNA Part A. 2015. 27(5). 3713-3714 [19]L Wang, ZZ Chen, JJ Gao, XW Chen, ZP Li, YL Yu, YM Zhao. The complete mitochondrial genome of the Parkinson's Rainbowfish, Melanotaenia parkinsoni(Atheriniformes: Melanotaeniidae). Mitochondrial DNA Part A. 2015. 27(4). 2621-2622 [20]LL Zhang, P Yang, XG Bian, Q Zhang, Ullah Shakeeb, Waqas Yasir, XW Chen, Y Liu, L Chen, Y Le, B Chen, S Wang, QS Chen. Modification of sperm morphology during long-term sperm storage in the reproductive tract of the Chinese soft-shelled turtle, Pelodiscus sinensis. Scientific Reports. 2015. 5(1). 16096 [21]XW Chen, QL Li, XJ Hu, YM Yuan, W Wen., LY Peng, SJ Liu, YH Hong*. Minifish shows high genetic variation in mtDNA size. Current molecular medicine. 2014. 14(10). 1308 [22]YF Gu, L Zhang, XW Chen*. Differential expression analysis of Paralichthys olivaceus microRNAs in adult ovary and testis by deep sequencing. General and Comparative Endocrinology. 2014. 204. 181-184 [23]XW Chen, S Jiang, YF Gu, ZY Shi. Molecular characterization and expression of cyp19a gene in Carassius auratus. Journal of Fish Biology. 2014. 85(2). 516-522 [24]YH Bi, XW Chen*. Mitochondrial genome of the Japanese sea bass Lateolabrax japonicus (Teleostei, Perciformes, and Moronidae). Mitochondrial DNA. 2012. 23(5). 371-372 [25]XW Chen, S Jiang, ZY Shi, Q Li, XR Xun, DQ Guo. Mitochondrial genome of the Siberian sturgeon Acipenser baerii. Mitochondrial DNA. 2012. 23(2). 120-122 [26]XW Chen, S Jiang, ZY Shi. Identification and expression analysis of fabp2 gene from common carp Cyprinus carpio. Journal of Fish Biology. 2012. 80(3). 679-691 [27]ZY Shi, XW Chen, YF Gu. Cloning and expression pattern of alkaline phosphatase during the development of Paralichthys olivaceus. Fish Physiology and Biochemistry. 2011. 37(3). 411-424 [28]YS Fu, ZY Shi, MLWu, JL Zhang, L Jia, XW Chen. Identification and Differential Expression of MicroRNAs during Metamorphosis of the Japanese Flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus). PLoS ONE. 2011. 6(7). e22957 [29]JL Zhang, ZY Shi, Q Cheng, XW Chen. Expression of insulin-like growth factor I receptors at mRNA and protein levels during metamorphosis of Japanese flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus). General and Comparative Endocrinology. 2011. 173(1). 78-85 [30]YH Bi, XW Chen*. Mitochondrial genome of the American shad Alosa sapidissima. Mitochondrial DNA. 2011. 22(1-2). 9-11 [31]XW Chen, ZY Shi. Sequence Analysis of the Full-length cDNA and Protein Structure Homology Modeling of FABP2 from Paralichthys Olivaceus. Bioinformatics and Biology Insights. 2009. 3. 29-35 [32]XW Chen, ZY Shi, QQ Cheng. Full-length cDNA Cloning and Tissues Expression Analysis of Ferritin Gene from Acipenser sinensis. Zoological Research. 2009. 30(02). 144-150 [33]XW Chen, ZY Shi. Full- length cDNA and Protein Structure Analysis of Elastase from Paralichthys Olivaceus. China Journal of Bioinformatics. 2009. (04). 300-303 [34]陈晓武,申亚伟,吴明林,赵金良. 鳜胚胎细胞系建立与应用. 水产学报. 2018, 42(10): 1626-1634 [35]郝月月,赵金良,张瑞琪,陈晓武,曹晓颍. 鳜早期味蕾发育的组织学特征.动物学杂志. 2018,53(5):752-759 [36]谢先中,陈晓武,冉光鑫,杨斌,王永树.谷氨酰胺对施氏鲟胚胎发育及其生化指标的影响. 贵州农业科学. 2018.46(7): 100-102 [37]曹晓颖,赵金良,陈晓武,周昊天,郝月月,赵岩.鳜仔稚鱼骨骼系统骨化发育.中国水产科学. 2018,10 [38]谢先中,陈晓武,冉光鑫,杨斌,王永树.添加谷氨酰胺对施氏鲟胚胎发育及各发育期抗氧化生化指标的影响. 水产学杂志. 2018.05. 10-13 [39]解文杰, 吴赟, **, 陈晓武, 李名友. 青鳉干扰素的克隆与表达分析. 基因组学与应用生物学. 2017. (01). 158-165 [40]赵永华, 赵金良, 陈晓武, 王燕, 魏继海, 伞桂宝, 简伟业. 尼奥罗非鱼杂种性别类型与性腺发育初步研究. 水产科学. 2017. (04). 467-471 [41]**, 解文杰, 朱叶飞, 赵金良, 陈晓武. 尼罗罗非鱼干扰素调节因子1的表达与细胞定位. 华北农学报. 2016. (04). 31-38 [42]陈晓武, 刘仪, 毕燕会, 包慧君, 陈秋生. 中华鳖脑垂体的显微与超微结构观察. 水产学报. 2010. (08). 1210-1218 [43]陈晓武, 施志仪. 牙鲆碱性磷酸酶cDNA序列分析与蛋白质高级结构预测. 中国生物化学与分子生物学报. 2007. (06). 442-449 [44]陈秋生, 苏泽红, 陈晓武. 雌性双峰驼生殖道粘膜免疫组织和细胞的结构与分布. 南京农业大学学报. 2001. 24(04). 79-83 [45]张俊玲, 施志仪, 程琦, 陈晓武, 王晓竹. 牙鲆IGF-IR基因5′调控区的克隆及功能初步分析. 水生生物学报. 2013. (03). 572-576 [46]陈晓武, 施志仪, 江山, 李倩. 牙鲆生长抑素基因的表达及细胞定位. 水产学报. 2012. 36(04). 497-502 [47]江山, 陈晓武, 施志仪, 李倩. 金鱼Dmrt2基因表达分析. 上海海洋大学学报. 2012. (05). 701-708 [48]程千千, 施志仪, 陈晓武, 宋佳坤, 轩兴荣. 西伯利亚鲟侧线神经丘发育过程的观察. 水生生物学报. 2011. 35(01). 115-121 [49]何秀娟, 施志仪, 陈晓武, 程千千. 内脏团插核术**对三角帆蚌血细胞的影响. 水生生物学报. 2010. 34(02). 410-417 [50]曾宣, 施志仪, 陈晓武, 程千千. 褐牙鲆变态期间骨骼发育及其相关基因Sox9,Bmp4和Bmp2的表达分析. 海洋渔业. 2009. (04). 337-346 [51]施志仪, 顾一峰, 陈晓武, 胡燕林. 牙鲆碱性磷酸酶基因5'调控区的克隆及其功能检测. 生物技术通报. 2008. (02). 207-213 [52]施志仪, 杨显祥, 陈晓武, 李勇. 三角帆蚌alpha-2巨球蛋白cDNA全长的克隆及表达特征. 水产学报. 2008. (04). 526-532 [53]陈晓武, 施志仪. 中华鲟YY肽基因电子克隆表达与生物信息学分析. 生物技术通报. 2008. (05). 166-170 [54]陈晓武, 施志仪, 顾一峰. 牙鲆消化道发育的组织学观察. 水产学报. 2007. 31(03). 400-404 [55]陈晓武, 施志仪, 顾一峰. 牙鲆发育中ALP基因表达图式及功能分析. 中国海洋大学学报(自然科学版). 2007. (06). 894-898 [56]施志仪, 陈晓武, 顾一峰. 牙鲆消化道组织学观察及内分泌细胞分布. 中国水产科学. 2006. (05). 851-855 [57]苏泽红, 陈晓武, 柳金雄, 陈秋生. 中华鳖胃肠道5-羟色胺和胃泌素内分泌细胞的免疫细胞化学研究. 南京农业大学学报. 2006. (01). 89-93 [58]苏泽红, 陈晓武, 陈秋生. 中华鳖肠道黏膜上皮细胞的超微结构. 中国兽医学报. 2006. (01). 82-85 [59]陈秋生, 张莉, 陈晓武, 韩向琨. 中华鳖**的超微结构. 动物学报. 2006. (02). 415-423 [60]陈秋生, 苏泽红, 陈晓武. 中华鳖肠道黏膜免疫相关细胞的形态学研究. 水生生物学报. 2005. 29(06). 56-62 [61]苏泽红, 陈晓武, 陈秋生. 中华鳖胃黏膜和胃腺上皮细胞的超微结构. 南京农业大学学报. 2004. (03). 139-141 [62]陈秋生,苏泽红,陈晓武. 雌性双峰驼生殖道粘膜免疫组织和细胞的结构与分布.南京农业大学学报.2001.(04).79-83


