Yu Peng, Wenxing Lv, Lei Dai, Tianqi Zhao, Kun Liang, Ru Yang, and Dejun Han,“A Square-Bordered Position-Sensitive Silicon Photomultiplier Toward Distortion-Free Performance With High Spatial Resolution”,IEEE ELECTRON DEVICE LETTERS, VOL. 41, NO. 12, DECEMBER 2020,pp.1802-1805.
LEI DAI,JIAN LIU,KUN LIANG,RU YANG,DEJUN HAN,AND BO LU,“Realization of a time-correlated photon counting technique for fluorescence analysis”,Biomedical Optics Express,Vol. 11, No. 4,2020,pp.2205-2212.
Tianqi Zhao, Lei Dai, Yu Peng, Baicheng Li, Jian Liu, Kun Liang, Ru Yang and Dejun Han, “Feasibility of High-Resolution PET Detector Readout by Two-Dimensional Tetra-Lateral Position-Sensitive Silicon Photomultiplier”, IEEE Transactions on Radiation and Plasma Medical Sciences, VOL. 3, NO. 6, 2019,pp.621-625
YU PENG,LEI DAI,TIANQI ZHAO,JIAN LIU,KUN LIANG,RU YANG,AND DEJUN HAN,“Single-photon image sensor at room temperature with only four anodes”,Vol. 27, No. 15 | 22 Jul 2019 | OPTICS EXPRESS 21194-21203.
JIAN LIU, LEI DAI, BAOZHOU ZHANG, KUN LIANG, RU YANG, AND DEJUN HAN,“Ultra-Low Level Light Detection Based on the Poisson Statistics Algorithm and a Double Time Windows Technique With Silicon Photomultiplier”,Journal of the Electron Devices Society, Vol.7, pp.722-727, 2019.
K. Liang, B. Li, L. Dai, H. Liu, R. Yang and D. Han, “Feasibility of PET detector readout by high-density Silicon Photomultipliers with epitaxial quenching resistors”, Journal of Instrumentation, 2019,14: C05009.
Tianqi Zhao ; Yu Peng; Baicheng Li; Ran He; Kun Liang; Ru Yang; Dejun Han ,“High Time Resolved Two-Dimensional Tetra-lateral Position-Sensitive Silicon Photomultiplier”, IEEE Electron Device Letters, 2018, 39(2): 232-235.
Tianqi Zhao, Baicheng Li, Chenhui Li, Ruiheng Wang, Quanlong Miao, Kun Liang, Ru Yang, Dejun Han,“New Distortion Correction Algorithm for Two-Dimensional Tetra-Lateral Position-Sensitive Silicon Photomultiplier”, IEEE Electron Device Letters, Volume 38, Issue 2, 2017: 228 ?C 231.
Tianqi Zhao, Rhys Preston, Jiali Jiang, Jianquan Jia, Yi Liu, Kun Liang, Ru Yang,“Dejun Han, “Progresses of silicon photomultiplier technologies with epitaxial quenching resistors”,Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, A 912 (2018) 252?C254
TIANQI ZHAO, YU PENG, QUANLONG MIAO, BAICHENG LI, KUN LIANG, RU YANG, AND DEJUN HAN, “One-dimensional single-photon position sensitive silicon photomultiplier and its application in Raman spectroscopy”, OPTICS EXPRESS, Vol. 25, No. 19, Sep 2017: 22820-22828.
Baicheng Li, Shenyuan Wang, Chenhui Li, Tianqi Zhao, Quanlong Miao, Ruiheng Wang, Jianquan Jia, Kun Liang, Ru Yang, and Dejun Han “Time-Resolving Characteristics of Pixel- and Charge-Division-Type Position-Sensitive SiPMs With Epitaxial Quenching Resistors”, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, May 2017, 64(5):2239.
Jiali Jiang, Jianquan Jia, Tianqi Zhao, Kun Liang, Ru Yang, Dejun Han, “Recovery Time of Silicon Photomultiplier with Epitaxial Quenching Resistors”, Instruments (Special Issue: Advances in Particle Detectors and Electronics for Fast Timing), 1, 5, 2017.
Tianqi Zhao ; Rhys Preston; Jiali Jiang; Jianquan Jia; Yi Liu; Kun Liang; Ru Yang; Dejun Han ,“Progresses of silicon photomultiplier technologies with epitaxial quenching resistors, Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research A, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nima.2017.11.069.
Yu Peng ; Ruiheng Wang; Jianquan Jia; Tianqi Zhao; Kun Liang ; Ru Yang; Dejun Han, “An interdigital SiPM with coincidence measurement for rejection of dark noise”, Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research A, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nima.2017.11.058.
Baicheng Li, Quanlong Miao, Shenyuan Wang, Debin Hui, Tianqi Zhao, Kun Liang, Ru Yang, and Dejun Han "Time-Correlated Photon Counting (TCPC) technique based on a photon-number-resolving photodetector", Proc. SPIE 9858, Advanced Photon Counting Techniques X, 98580L (5 May 2016); https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2222962
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