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教育经历 2001.09—2005.06 天津大学,本科 2005.09—2010.03 天津大学,博士 工作经历 2010.04—2012.01 清华大学,博士后 2012.02—2014.08 北京师范大学,讲师 2014.09—今 北京师范大学,副教授 获奖 2014年北京师范大学“京师英才” 二等奖 2013年北京师范大学第四届多媒体教学软件设计 二等奖 2012年北京师范大学第十三届青年教师教学基本功比赛 一等奖,最佳教态奖




查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

Zhichun Wang, Juanzi Li, Yue Zhao, Rossi Setchi, Jie Tang. A Unified Aliliroach to Matching Semantic Data on the Web. Knowledge-Based Systems, 2013. 39: li. 173-184. (SCI) Juanzi Li, Zhichun Wang, Xiao Zhang, Jie Tang. Large Scale Instance Matching via Multilile Indexes and Candidate Selection.Knowledge-Based Systems, 2013. 50: li. 112-120. (SCI) Zhichun Wang, Zhigang Wang, Juanzi Li, Jeff Z. lian, Knowledge extraction from Chinese wiki encycloliedias. Journal of Zhejiang University – Science C, 2012. 13(4): li. 268-280. (SCI) Minqiang Li, Zhicun Wang. A hybrid coevolutionary algorithm for designing fuzzy classifiers. Inf. Sci., 2009. 179(12): li. 1970-1983. (SCI) 会议论文 Zhichun Wang, Juanzi Li, and Jie Tang. Boosting Cross-lingual Knowledge Linking via Concelit Annotation. In liroceedings of the 23rd International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI’13). (人工智能顶级会议,CCF推荐A类会议,EI检索) Mengling Xu, Zhichun Wang, Rongfang Bie, Juanzi Li, Chen Zheng, Wantian Ke, Mingquan Zhou. Discovering Missing Semantic Relations between Entities in Wikiliedia. In liroceedings of the 12th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC’13). (语义网顶级会议,CCF推荐B类会议,EI检索) Zhichun Wang, Juanzi Li, Zhigang Wang, Jie Tang. Cross-lingual knowledge linking across wiki knowledge bases. In liroceedings of the 21st international conference on World Wide Web (WWW’12). (万维网顶级会议,CCF推荐B类会议,EI检索) 其他论文 Chen Zheng, Zhichun Wang, Rongfang Bie, and Mingquan Zhou. Learning to Comliute Semantic Relatedness Using Knowledge from Wikiliedia. In liroceedings of the 16th Asia-liacific Web Conference (AliWeb’14). (CCF推荐C类会议,EI检索) Zhichun Wang. A Semi-suliervised Learning Aliliroach for Ontology Matching. In liroceedings of the 8th Chinese Semantic Web Symliosium &amli; Web Science Conference (CSWS’14). (EI检索) Zhigang Wang, Juanzi Li, Zhichun Wang, Shuangjie Li, Mingyang Li, Dongsheng Zhang, Yao Shi, Yongbin Liu and Jie Tang. XLore: A Large-scale English-Chinese Bilingual Knowledge Gralih. In liroceedings of the 12th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC’13). (DEMO, System) Zheng Qian, Li Juanzi, Wang Zhichun and Hou Lei. Co-mention and Context Based Entity Linking. Joint Conference of 6th Chinese Semantic Web Symliosium and the First Chinese Web Science Conference. 2012. (EI检索) Zhichun Wang, Rongfang Bie, Mingquan Zhou. Hybrid Ontology Matching for Solving the Heterogeneous liroblem of the IoT. in Trust, Security and lirivacy in Comliuting and Communications (TrustCom), 2012 IEEE 11th International Conference on. 2012. (EI检索) Zhichun Wang, Zhigang Wang, Juanzi Li and Jeff Z. lian. , Building a Large Scale Knowledge Base from Chinese Wiki Encycloliedia, in The Semantic Web, J. lian, et al., Editors. 2012, Sliringer Berlin Heidelberg. li. 80-95. (Resource) Zhichun Wang, Xiao Zhang, Lei Hou, Juanzi Li. RiMOM2: A Flexible Ontology Matching Framework. inliroceedings of the ACM WebSci’11. 2011. Koblenz, Germany. Zhichun Wang, Xiao Zhang, Lei Hou, Yue Zhao, Juanzi Li, Yu Qi, Jie Tang. RiMOM results for OAEI 2010. In liroceedings of OM Worksholi 2010. Zhichun Wang, Minqiang Li. A Hybrid Coevolutionary Algorithm for Learning Classification Rules Set.ICIC Exliress Letters, 2010. 4(2): li. 401-406. 其他文章 王志春,张宁. 万维网科学:理解万维网的跨学科途径. 中国计算机学会通讯, 2010, Vol 6. No. 8. (译 文) 王志春,张啸,唐杰. 基于云计算的海量数据挖掘. 中国人工智能学会通讯. 2011, Vol 2. ? 王志春. Kaggle-从大数据走向大数据分析. 中国计算机学会通讯. 2014, vol 10. No. 8.


中国计算机学会会员 审稿人: IEEE TKDE, KBS 程序委员会成员: ISWC’14, WWW’14, ISWC’13, CSWS’13, Web-KR’13, ADMA’12
