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教育背景 2003年-2008年, 清华大学物理系 理学博士学位 1999年-2003年, 山东大学物理系 理学学士学位 研究概况 本人主要从事量子计算和量子信息方面的研究工作,研究点集中在腔光力学、量子存储、量子中继等方面。至今在PHYSICAL REVIEW A, OPTICS EXPRESS, PHOTONICS RESEARCH, NANOPHOTONICS等国内外学术期刊上发表SCI论文120余篇(第一作者及通讯作者论文80篇),论文被SCI引用3000余次。申请\授权发明专利6项 研究课题 国家自然科学基金优秀青年基金(2017-2019,主持) 国家自然科学基金面上项目(2015-2019,主持) 霍英东青年教师基金(2017-2019,主持) 国家自然科学基金理论物理专项基金(2009,主持) 中国博士后科研基金(2009-2011,主持) 教育部博士点新教师基金(2009-2011,主持) 国家自然科学基金青年基金(2013-2015,主持) 北京市青年英才计划(2013-2015,主持) 科技部量子调控重大研究计划项目课题(参与) 奖励与荣誉 2016年,获得国家自然科学基金委优秀青年基金项目 2015年,北京高校青年物理教师教学基本功比赛二等奖 2013年,研究成果获国家自然科学二等奖 2011年,研究成果教育部高校优秀科研成果自然科学一等奖




查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

Wang Tie-Jun*, Yang Guan-qun, Wang Chuan*, Control power of high-dimensional controlled teleportation. Physical Review A 101, 012323 (2020) Gao Yong-Pan, Liu Xiao-Fei, Wang Tie-Jun*, Cao Cong, Wang Chuan*. Photon excitation and photon blockade effects in optomagnonic microcavities. Physical Review A 100, 043831 (2019) Gao Yong-Pan, Cao Cong*, Duan Yuwen*, Liu Xiao-Fei, Wang Tie-Jun, Wang Chuan* Magnons scattering induced photonic chaos in the optomagnonic resonators. NanoPhotonics 9, 1953 (2019) Liu Xiao-Fei, Gao Yong-Pan, Cong Cao, Wang Tie-Jun, Wang Chuan*. Chiral microresonator assisted by Rydberg-atom ensembles. Physical Review A 98, 033824 (2018). Liu Xiao-Fei, Wang Tie-Jun, Long Guilu*, Wang Chuan*. Optothermal control of gains in erbium-doped whispering-gallery microresonators. NanoPhotonics 8, 127 (2018). Liu Xiao-Fei, Wang Tie-Jun, Wang Chuan*. Optothermal control of gains in erbium-doped whispering-gallery microresonators. Optics Letters, 43(2), 326-329(2018). Gao Yong-Pan, Wang Tie-Jun, Cong Cao, Wang Chuan*. Gap induced mode evolution under the asymmetric structure in a plasmonic resonator system. Photonics Research. 5, 113-118 (2017). Wang Tie-Jun, Mi Sichen, Wang Chuan*. Hyperentanglement purification using imperfect spatial entanglement. Opt. Express 25(3), 2969-2982 (2017) Gao Yong-Pan, Cao Cong, Wang Tie-Jun*, Zhang Yong, Wang Chuan* Cavity-mediated coupling of phonon and magnon. Physical Review A 96 (2), 023826 (2017) Cao Cong*, Duan Yuwen, Chen Xi, Wang Tie Jun, Zhang Ru*, Wang Chuan*. Implementation of single-photon quantum routing and decoupling using a nitrogen-vacancy center and a whispering-gallery-mode resonator-waveguide system Opt. Express, 25, 16931-16946 (2017) Wang Zhong-Xiao, Gao Yong-Pan, Wang Tie-Jun, and Wang Chuan*. The conversion of Gaussian steering using linear optics. Annalen der Physik. 1700328 (2017) Gao Yong-Pan, Wang Zhong-Xiao, Wang Tie-Jun, Wang Chuan* Optomechanically engineered phononic mode resonance. Optics Express 25, 26638-26650 (2017) He Ling-yan, Wang Tie-Jun*, Wang Chuan*. Construction of high-dimensional universal quantum logic gates using L system coupled with a whispering-gallery-mode microresonator. Optics Express, 24, 15429 (2016). Cao Cong, Wang Tie Jun, Zhang Ru, Wang Chuan*. Hyperconcentration of nonlocal entanglement of photons using photonic module. Annals of Physics, 369,128(2016). Wang Tie Jun, Wang Chuan*. High-efficient entanglement distillation from photon loss and decoherence. Optics Express. 23(24), 31550-31563(2015). Wang Tie-Jun, Liu Lei-Lei, Cao Cong, Zhang Ru, Wang Chuan*.One-step hyperentanglement purification and hyperdistillation with linear optics. Optics Express, 23,9284(2015) He Ling-yan, Wang Tie-Jun, Gao Yong-Pan, Cao Cong, Wang Chuan*. Discerning electromagnetically induced transparency from Autler-Townes splitting in plasmonic waveguide and coupled resonators system. Optics Express, 23(18), 23817 (2015). Wang Tie Jun, Wang Chuan*. Parallel quantum computing teleportation for spin qubits in spin-cavity coupled system. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics. 21(3),1-7(2015) Qin Wei, Wang Chuan, Zhang Xiang-Dong, Protected quantum-state transfer in decoherence -free subspaces. Physical Review A 91, 042303 (2015). Wang Tie Jun, Wang Chuan*. Universal hybrid three-qubit quantum gates assisted by nitrogen-vacancy center coupled with whispering-gallery-mode microresonator Physical Review A 90, 052310 (2014) Wang Chuan*, Tie-jun Wang, Zhang Yong, Jiao Rong-zhen, Jin Guang-sheng, Concentration of entangled nitrogen-vacancy centers in decoherence free subspace. Optics Express 22, 1551-1559 (2014) Wang Chuan ,Shen Wei-Wei, Mi Si-Chen, Zhang Yong, Wang Tie-Jun*, Concentration and distribution of entanglement based on valley qubit system in Graphene. Science Bulletin. 60(23):2016 (2015) Cao Cong, Wang Chuan*, He Ling-yan, Zhang Ru. Atomic entanglement purification and concentration using coherent state input-output process in low-Q cavity QED regime. Optics Express 21, 4093 (2013). Wang Tie Jun, Cao Cong, Wang Chuan*. Linear-optical implementation of hyper-distillation from photon loss. Physical Review A 89, 052303 (2014) Qin Wei, Wang Chuan, Cao Ye, Long Guilu, Multiphoton quantum communication in quantum networks. Physical Review A 89, 062314(2014) Qin Wei, Wang Chuan, Long Guilu. High-dimensional quantum state transfer through a quantum spin chain. Physical Review A 87, 012339 (2013) Wang Chuan*, Zhang Yong, Jiao Rong-zhen, Jin Guang-sheng, Universal quantum controlled phase gate on photonic qubits based on nitrogen vacancy centers and microcavity resonators Optics Express 21, 19252-19260 (2013) . Wang Chuan*, Efficient entanglement concentration for partially entangled electrons using a quantum-dot and microcavity coupled system. Physical Review A 86, 012323 (2012) Wang Chuan*, Zhang Yong, Jin Guang Sheng. Entanglement purification and concentration of electron-spin entangled states using quantum dot spinsin optical microcavities. Physical Review A 84,032307 (2011) Wang Chuan*, Zhang Yong, Zhang Ru. Hybrid entanglement purification using quantum-dot and microcavity system. Optics Express 19, 256857 (2011). Xiao Li, Wang Chuan, Zhang Wei, Peng Jiangde, Huang Yidong, Long Guilu. Efficient strategy for sharing entanglement via noisy channels with doubly entangled photon pairs, Physical Review A 77, 042315 (2008) Wang Chuan, Deng Fu Guo, Li Yan Song, Liu Xiao Shu, Long Gui Lu. Quantum secure direct communication with high-dimension quantum superdense coding. Physical Review A 71 (4), 044305 (2005)


现任中国通信学会青工委委员,中国物理学会咨询工作委员会委员;担任EI期刊《科学通报》、SCI期刊《FRONTIERS OF PHYSICS》编委。
