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教育经历 2005/09 - 2009/06,英国普利茅斯大学,环境科学系,博士,导师:Paul Worsfold 2002/09 - 2005/06,英国普利茅斯大学,环境科学系,学士,导师:Paul Worsfold 工作经历 2011/09 - 至 今,北京师范大学,环境学院,实验师 2009/09 - 2011/07,清华大学,环境学院,博士后 合作导师:清华大学环境学院 刘雪华副教授


环境监测与模拟 污染物迁移转化


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

JinboZhao*, Xuehua Liu. Organic and inorganic phosphorusuptake by bacteria in a plug-flow microcosm. Frontiers of Environmental Science& Engineering 2013, 7:173-184. Junfeng Niu, Lilan Zhang, Yang Li, Jinbo Zhao, Sidan Lv, Keqing Xiao. Effectsof environmental factors of sulfamethoxazole photodegradation under stimulatedsunlight irradiation: Kinetics and mechanism. Journal of Environmental Sciences2013, 25:1-9. Junfeng Niu, Shiyuan Ding, Liwen Zhang, JinboZhao, Chenghong Feng. Visible-light-mediated Sr-Bi2O3photocatalysis of tetracycline: Kinetics, mechanisms and toxicity assessment.Chemosphere, 2013, 10:1016-1021. Leilei Bai, Changhui Wang, Yuansheng Pei & Jinbo Zhao. Reuse of drinking watertreatment residuals in a continuous stirred tank reactor for phosphate removalfrom urban wastewater. Environmental Technology 2014, 35:2752-2759. Yujuan Wang, Hui Lin, Fangyuan Jin,Junfeng Niu, JinboZhao, Ying Bi, Ying Li. Electrocoagulation mechanism of perfluorooctanoate(PFOA) on a zinc anode: Influence of cathodes and anions. Science of the totalenvironment, 2016, Vol 557-558: 542-550. Ouyang, Wei, Xiaojun Geng, Wejia Huang, Fanghua Hao,and Jinbo Zhao. Soil respiration characteristics in different land usesand response of soil organic carbon to biochar addition in high-latitudeagricultural area. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2016, 23(3):2279-2287. Jiao, J;Zhao, JB; Pei, YS.Adsorption of Co(II) from aqueoussolutions by water treatment residuals.Journal of Environmental Science,2017, 52:232-239. Guannan Liu, Juan Wang, Wei Xue, Jinbo Zhao, Jing Wang, Xinhui Liu.Effect of the size of variable charge soil particles on cadmium accumulationand adsorption. Journal of Soils and Sediments. 2017, Vol 17 (12):2810-2821. Zhen zhen zhao,Shikui Dong, Xiaoman Jiang, jinbo Zhao, shiliang Liu, Mingyue Yang,Yuhui Han, Wei sha. Are land use and short time climate change effective onsoil carbon compositions and their relationships with soil properties in alpinegrassland ecosystems on Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau? Science of the totalEnvironment, 2018, vol 625:539-546. Jinbo Zhao, Yingjun Xu, Li Xu, Qian Li. Do Water Matrix and Particulate BufferingCapacity Affect the Rate and Extent of P Release? Journal of water resource andprotection, 2018, 10:59-72. Jinbo Zhao, Mengyuan Liu,Ming Chen. Analytical Errors in the Determination ofInorganic and Organic Phosphorus in Waters Based on Laboratory Experiences. Journalof Water Resource and Protection. 2019,11:53-67. Quan, XC ; Wang, XR; Sun, Y ; Li, WL ; Chen, L ;Zhao, JB Degradation of diclofenac using palladized anaerobic granularsludge: Effects of electron donor, reaction medium and deactivation factors.JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS. 2019,365: 155-163 Han Yuhui, Dong Shikui, Zhao Zhenzhen, Sha Wei, Li Shuai, Shen Hao, Xiao,Jiannan, Zhang Jing, WuXiaoyu, Jiang Xiaoman, Zhao Jinbo, Liu Shiliang, Dong Quanmin, ZhouHuakun, Jane C. Yeomans. Response of soil nutrients and stoichiometry toelevated nitrogen deposition in alpine grassland on the Qinghai-TibetanPlateau. Journal of Geoderma, 343, 2019:263-268. 朱洪辉,刘雪化,赵金博。 “典型污染行业及其土壤重金属污染评价”。《中国环境科学学会学术年会论文集》 2011, 1825-1831. 秦朝阳, 刘雪华,赵金博。 “不同磷浓度培养条件下铜绿微囊藻高光谱特征研究”。《光谱学与光谱分析》2013,2:494-497。 姜晓满,俞盈,赵金博,马彦琪。“环境领域国家重点实验室资源共享管理办法探讨”。《实验室技术与管理》,2017,34 (10):230-232 赵金博,李蕾芳,王雪琪。“用过硫酸铵消解测定天然水体中总磷的方法研究”《中国资源综合利用》,2017,vol 35 (12): 16-20 赵金博, 赵晰悦,胡俊梅。“关于大一化学实验课程内容设置的一些想法”。《山东工业技术》。2018,1:211-212 赵金博,胡俊梅,赵晰悦。“基于文献计量分析的世界环境学科院校科研现状分析”《环境与发展》。2018,138:124-128。 赵金博, 刘梦媛。“环境微生物实验课虚拟仿真实验教学探讨”《课程教育研究》。2019,10:169-170. 赵金博,肖依林 王柳依,杨梦。“EDTA处理土壤残留液对微生物群落的影响”。 2019,2:85-87. 赵金博,赵倩,邬夏钦,黄庆,赵思蜀,刘宏伟。《由“美丽中国”暑期社会实践活动探讨环境实践课程》 第十三届大学环境类课程报告论文集,2019.


