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教育经历 09/2005-09/2009 香港大学土木工程系,环境工程专业,博士 09/2002-07/2005 北京师范大学环境学院,环境工程专业,硕士 09/1998-07/2002 河海大学水文水资源及环境学院,给水排水专业,本科 工作经历 09/2013-现在 北京师范大学环境学院,副教授,博士生导师 09/2018-08/2019 美国哥伦比亚大学, 访问学者 09/2011-08/2013 北京师范大学环境学院,副教授,硕士生导师 06/2010-08/2011 北京师范大学环境学院,讲师 10/2009-06/2010 香港大学土木工程系,博士后 09/2005-09/2009 香港大学土木工程系,教学助理 获奖情况 2019年 北京师范大学励耘优秀青年教师 2014年 北京师范大学青年教师基本功大赛三等奖 2013年 北京师范大学985骨干人才 2011年 北京师范大学多媒体教学软件设计比赛优秀奖 2010年 北京师范大学青年教师基本功大赛三等奖 2009年 获香港大学杰出研究“李嘉诚奖”提名


废水生物处理新技术及新工艺 生物能源及剩余污泥资源化 小流域污染治理及微生物修复技术 水环境微生物过程


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期刊论文 Sludge granulation: Danyang Wang, Anjie Li* (2021) Effect of zero-valent iron and granular activated carbon on nutrient removal and community assembly of photogranules treating low-strength wastewater. Science of The Total Environment, in press. Lili Wang, Lingjuan Wu, Anjie Li*, Baolian Hou, Xiaoman Jiang (2018) Synergy of N-(3-oxohexanoyl)-L-homoserine lactone and tryptophan-like outer extracellular substances in granular sludge dominated by aerobic ammonia-oxidizing bacteria. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 102(24): 10779-10789. Anjie Li*, Xiaoyan Li, Jidong Gu (2016) Characteristics of free cells and aggregated flocs for the flocculation and sedimentation of activated sludge. International Journal of Environmental Science & Technology 13:581-588. Anjie Li, Xiaoyan Li, Hanqing Yu (2011) Effect of the food-to-microorganism (F/M) ratio on the formation and size of aerobic sludge granules. Process Biochemistry 46:2269-2276. Anjie Li, Xiaoyan Li, Hanqing Yu (2011) Granular activated carbon for aerobic sludge granulation in a bioreactor with a low-strength wastewater influent. Separation & Purification Technology 80:276-283. Anjie Li, Tong Zhang, Xiaoyan Li (2010) Fate of the aerobic bacterial granules with fungal contamination under different organic loading conditions. Chemosphere 78:500-509. Anjie Li, Tong Zhang, Xiaoyan Li (2010) Modeling and verification of selective sludge discharge as the determining factor for aerobic granulation. Water Science & Technology 62(10):2442-2449. Guoping Sheng, Anjie Li, Xiaoyan Li, Hanqing Yu (2010) Effects of seed sludge properties and selective biomass discharge on aerobic sludge granulation. Chemical Engineering Journal 160:108-114. Anjie Li, Xiaoyan Li (2009) Selective Sludge Discharge as the determining factor in SBR aerobic granulation: numerical modeling and experimental verification. Water Research 43:3387-3396. Anjie Li, Shufang Yang, Xiaoyan Li, Jidong Gu (2008) Microbial population dynamics during aerobic sludge granulation at different organic loading rates. Water Research 42:3552-3560. Nitrogen removal biotechnology: Lili Wang, Zhifang Liu, Xiaoman Jiang, Anjie Li* (2021) Aerobic granulation of nitrifying activated sludge enhanced removal of 17α-ethinylestradiol. Science of the Total Environment 801:149546. Shuhan Chen, Anjie Li*, Yuexing Wang, Lingjuan Wu (2017) Identification and influence of quorum sensing on anaerobic ammonium oxidation (anammox) process. Environmental Science 3:1137-1143. Lingjuan Wu, Anjie Li*, Baolian Hou, Meixi Li (2017) Exogenous addition of cellular extract N-acyl-homoserine-lactones accelerated the granulation of autotrophic nitrifying sludge. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 118:119-125. Anjie Li*, Baolian Hou, Meixi Li (2015) Cell adhesion, ammonia removal and granulation of autotrophic nitrifying sludge facilitated by N-acyl-homoserine lactones. Bioresource Technology 196:550-558. Anjie Li, Xiaoyan Li, Hanqing Yu (2013) Aerobic sludge granulation facilitated by activated carbon for partial nitrification treatment of ammonia-rich wastewater. Chemical Engineering Journal 218:253-259. Anjie Li, Xiaoyan Li, Xiangchun Quan, Zhifeng Yang (2013) Aerobic sludge granulation for partial nitrification of ammonia-rich inorganic wastewater. Environmental Engineering & Management Journal 12:1375-1380. Energy and resource recovery from wastewater: Xiaolei Liu, Danyang Wang, Anjie Li* (2021) Biodiesel production of Rhodosporidium toruloides using different carbon sources of sugar-containing wastewater: Experimental analysis and model verification. Journal of Cleaner Production 323:129112. Qian Li, Danyang Wang, Xiaolei Liu, Anjie Li*, Kartik Chandran (2021) Enhanced lipid accumulation in Metschnikowia pulcherrima using volatile fatty acids under non-sterile repeated batch cultivation. International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation163: 105256. Xiaolei Liu, Anjie Li*, Lisha Ma, Zaitao Jing, Jing Yang, Yi Tang, Bin Hu (2020) A comparison on phosphorus release and struvite recovery from waste activated sludge by different treatment methods. International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation 148: 1-8. Xia Chi, Anjie Li*, Meixi Li, Lisha Ma, Yi Tang, Bin Hu, Jing Yang (2018) Influent characteristics affect biodiesel production from waste sludge in biological wastewater treatment systems. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 132: 226-235. Anjie Li*, Meixi Li, Xiaoman Jiang (2017) Biodiesel production from granular sludge fed with sugar-containing wastewater. Desalination & Water Treatment 91: 235-239. Meixi Li, Anjie Li*, Qu Sun, Xiaoman Jiang, Shuhan Chen (2016) Enhancement of biodiesel production by cultivating Dipodascaceae moderated-filamentous granular sludge with sugar-containing wastewater. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 110:38-45. Qu Sun, Anjie Li*, Meixi Li, Baolian Hou (2015) Effect of pH on biodiesel production and the microbial structure of glucose-fed activated sludge. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 104:224-230. Conferences: Anjie Li, Lili Wang (2017) Cooperation of quorum sensing and extracellular polymeric substance in granular sludge dominated by aerobic ammonia-oxidizing bacteria. The 9th National Conference on Environmental Chemistry, Hangzhou, China. Anjie Li, Xia Chi (2017) Optimization of biodiesel production based on microbial lipid for alternative reutilization of excessive sludge. The 3rd International Conference on Epidemiology and Public Health, Guangzhou, China. Anjie Li, Meixi Li (2016)Biodiesel production from granular sludge fed with sugar-containing wastewater. The 13th IWA Specialized Conference on Small Water and Wastewater Systems, Athens, Greece. Anjie Li, Baolian Hou (2015) OHHL mediated quorum-sensing improve adhesion, microbial activity and ammonia degradation of nitrifying sludge. The 6th IWA-ASPIRE Conference & Exhibition, Beijing, China. Anjie Li, Meixi Li, Baolian Hou (2015) Production of biodiesel from activated sludge with glucose feeding by different cell-disruption and transesterification techniques. WEF/IWA Residuals and Biosolids Conference, Washington, USA. Anjie Li (2012) Aerobic sludge granulation for partial nitrification in a treating ammonia-rich inorganic wastewater bioreactor. International Symposium on Recent Advances in Water Resources Management & Pollution Control - with Special Focus on China, Galway city, Ireland. Anjie Li, Tong Zhang, Xiaoyan Li (2009) Modeling and verification of selective sludge discharge as the determining factor for aerobic granulation. The 3rd IWA-ASPIRE Conference and Exhibition, Taiwan. Anjie Li, Shufang Yang, Xiaoyan Li (2008) Microbial population dynamics during aerobic sludge granulation under different loading conditions. The IWA World Water Congress and Exhibition, Vienna, Austria. 中文核心 张飞宇,李安婕*,王丽丽,李倩,顾继东(2021)废水生物脱氮工艺对典型PPCPs去除转化的影响. 中国给水排水,已接收。 李倩,王丹阳,李安婕*,顾继东(2020)基于废物资源化的美极梅奇酵母产油研究现状及应用潜力分析. 生物工程学报 8:2753-2764. 王丽丽,姜晓满,李安婕* (2020)AOB去除炔雌醇的共代谢与硝基化协同作用. 中国环境科学 12:5246-5252. 刘晓蕾,李安婕*(2020)基于AHP-PROMETHEE II法的鸟粪石磷回收污泥预处理. 环境科学 8:3725-3730. 迟夏,李安婕*,李美茜(2018)曝气量对颗粒污泥制备生物柴油的影响. 环境科学 38:651-657. 陈舒涵,李安婕*,王越兴,吴玲娟 (2017)厌氧氨氧化污泥群体感应信号分子检测及影响研究. 环境科学 3: 1137-1143. 侯保连,李安婕*,孙趣 (2015) AHLs 群体感应信号分子对硝化污泥附着生长及硝化效果的影响. 环境科学学报 35:2773-2779 孙趣,李安婕*,李美茜,侯保连,时文晓 (2015) 含糖废水活性污泥制备生物柴油的方法探究. 环境科学学报 35:819-825。 李安婕,全向春,王龑,陶锟,辜凌云(2012)基于PROMETHEEⅡ法的污染场地土壤修复技术筛选及应用,环境工程学报 6(10):3767-3773. 李安婕,刘红,王文燕等 (2006). 生物活性炭流化床净化采油废水的效能及特性,环境科学,27卷5期。 刘红,李安婕,全向春,孔祥辉,云影 (2004) 生物活性炭降解2,4-二氯酚的特性,环境科学,25卷6期。 李安婕,刘红,王文燕,张丹,祝威 (2005) 生物活性炭对正十六烷的吸附降解过程,化工环保,25卷4期。 教材 Anjie Li, Haifei Liu (2017 1st, 2021 2nd) Professional English for Environmental Science and Engineering: Reading and Writing. 科学出版社. 专著 全向春,李安婕等著。《突发性场地污染事故处理处置方法及技术体系》,科学出版社,2013. 刘红, 谢倍珍, 李安婕等著.《生物活性炭水质净化理论和技术》, 环境科学出版社, 2007.


国际水协会(IWA)会员 国家自然科学基金委基金评审专家 国际重要期刊Water Research, Journal of Hazardous Materials, Energy, Journal of environmental science, International Journal of Environmental Science & Technology, Ecological Engineering 等期刊的审稿人
