1983.9-1987.6 沈阳建筑工程学院,供热通风与空调专业,学士学位
1987.9-1990.1 哈尔滨建筑工程学院,水力学与河流动力学专业,硕士学位
2000.3-2003.9 东北大学,热能工程专业(产业生态学研究方向),博士学位
2006.4-至今 北京师范大学环境学院,岗位教授,博士生导师
2005.6-2006.2 耶鲁大学森林与环境学院,产业生态学研究中心博士后
Henry Luce Foundation “Industrial Ecology in Asia”获得者
2003.12-2006.3 北京师范大学环境学院,环境科学与工程专业博士后
1995.4-2000.2 沈阳东宇企业集团,产品开发部经理,高级工程师
1990.1-1995.3 沈阳建筑工程学院,城市建设系,讲师
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YuY.X., Song Y. Mao J.S. Quantitativeanalysis of the coupling coefficients between energy flow, value flow, andmaterial flow in a Chinese lead-acid battery system. Environmentalscience and pollution research. 2018-Oct-10 (Epub) 10.1007/s11356-018-3245-y
Sun M.Y., Mao J.S. Quantitative analysisof the anthropogenic spatial transfer of lead in China. Journal of industrialecology.2018. 22(1): 155-165. (corresponding author) DOI:10.1111/jiec.12556
Liang J., Mao JS*. Risk assessment of leademission from anthropogenic cycle. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China. 2016. 26(1):248-255.
Liang J., Mao JS*. Source analysis ofglobal anthropogenic lead emissions: their quantities and species.Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2015. 22(9): 7129-7138.
Mao JS. Xu LY., Tian SH., Sun MY. Industrywater resource efficiency and cost: Dalian, China. International Journal ofEarth Sciences and Engineering. 2015.8(1): 106-116.
Liang J., Mao JS. Lead anthropogenictransfer and transformation in China. Transaction of Nonferrous Metals Societyof China. 2015. 25(4): 1262-1270.
Mao JS., Liang J. Ma L. Changes in thefunctions, species and locations of lead during its anthropogenic flows toprovide services. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China. 2014.24(1):233-242.
Liang J., Mao JS. A dynamic analysis of environmental losses from anthropogeniclead flow and their accumulation in China . Transactions of Nonferrous MetalsSociety of China. 2014. 24(4):1125-1133(corresponding author).
Mao JS., Ma L., Zhang JX. EnergyConsumption Characteristics of the Industrial Sectors of Chinese Cities.International journal of Earth Sciences and Engineering. 2013, 6(4): 582-595.
Mao JS., Jiang P., Ma L., Li CH. Resourceefficiency of industry sectors - A case study in Baoding. International journalof Earth Sciences and Engineering. 2012,5,(4):652-658
Mao JS., Ma L., Niu JP. AnthropogenicTransfer & Transformation of Heavy Metals in Anthrosphere: Concepts,connotations and Contents. International journal of Earth Sciences andEngineering. 2012, 5(5): 1129-1137.
Mao JS., Ma L. Analysis of current policieson lead usage in China. International Journal of Biological Sciences andEngineering. 2012, 3(4):234-245
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Mao JS., Du YC., Cai H., Jiang P. Energyefficiencies of industrial sectors for China’ s major cities. ProcediaEnvironmental Sciences. 2010(2), 781-791.
Mao JS., Cao J., Graedel TE. Losses to theenvironment from the multilevel cycle of anthropogenic lead. EnvironmentalPollution. 2009(157), 2670-2677.
Mao JS., Graedel TE. Lead In-Use Stock: ADynamic Analysis. Journal of Industrial Ecology. 2009, 13(1): 112-126.
Mao JS., Dong J., Graedel TE. TheMultilevel Cycle of Anthropogenic Lead .Ⅰ. Methodology. Resource Conservation & Recycling. 2008(52),1058-1064.
Mao JS., Dong J., Graedel TE. TheMultilevel Cycle of Anthropogenic Lead. II. Results and Discussion.Methodology. Resource Conservation & Recycling. 2008(52), 1050-1057.
Wang T., Mao JS., Johnson J., Reck BK.,Graedel TE. Anthropogenic metal cycles in China. Journal of Material Cycles andWaste Management. 2008, 10(2):188-197.
Mao JS., Yang ZF., Lu ZW. Industrial flowof lead in China. Transaction of Nonferrous Metals Society of China. 2007,17(2):400-411.
Mao JS., Yang ZF., LU ZW., Liu RM. AnEconomic Model for Environmental Management and Planning and its Application.Acta Scientiarm Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis (nature science). 2007,43(4): 509-516.
Mao JS., Yang ZF., Lu ZW., Liu RM. TheRelationship between Industrial Development and Environmental Impacts in China,Acta Scientiarm Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis (nature science). 2007,43(6):744-751.
Mao, J.S, Lu, Z.W. 2006. Eco-efficiency ofLead in China’s Lead-acid Battery System. Journal of Industrial Ecology.10(1/2): 185-197. (SCI)
T.E.Graedel, J.Dong, Mao Jiansu. 2006.Technological use histories for solder metals. IEEE International Symposium onElectronics and the Environment.2006.6:201-205. (EI, ISTP)
Mao, J.S, Lu, Z.W, Yang, Z.F. 2006. TheLead Flow Analysis for Lead-Acid Battery Systems. Science of Environment. 27(3): 43-48. (in Chinese, with English abstract).
张江雪, 蔡宁, 毛建素, 杨陈. 自主创新、技术引进与中国工业绿色增长——基于行业异质性的实证研究.科学学研究, 2015, 33(2). 185-271.(通讯作者)
梁静, 毛建素. 铅元素人为循环环境释放物形态分析. 环境科学, 2014, 35(3): 1191-1197. (通讯作者)
马兰, 毛建素. 中国铅流变化的定量分析. 环境科学, 2014, 35(7). 2829-2833. (通讯作者)
马兰, 毛建素. 中国铅流变化原因分析. 环境科学, 2014, 35(8). 3219-3224. (通讯作者)
毛建素, 马兰. 城市工业行业能源消费强势等级划分方法及应用. 环境科学. 2013, 34(4): 1628-1635.
毛建素, 梁静, 徐琳瑜. 矿物资源服务归趋:概念、内涵与议题. 环境科学与技术. 2013, 36(12):195-201.
杜艳春, 姜畔, 毛建素, 徐琳瑜. 焦作市工业行业的生态效率.环境科学, 2011, 32(5): 1529-1536.(通讯作者)
杜艳春, 毛建素, 徐琳瑜. 基于SPR的焦作生态安全评价指标体系构建. 环境科学与技术, 2011, 34(12H): 332-337. (通讯作者)
杜艳春, 姜畔, 毛建素. 基于P-S-R模型的焦作市生态安全评价. 环境科学与技术, 2011, 31: 280-285. (通讯作者)
毛建素, 曾润, 杜艳春, 姜畔. 中国工业行业的生态效率. 环境科学. 2010, 31(12): 269-275.
曾润, 毛建素. 2005年北京市铅的使用蓄积研究. 环境科学与技术. 2010, 33(8): 49-52.(通讯作者)
曾润, 毛建素. 我国耗散型铅使用的变化及趋势分析. 环境科学与技术. 2010, 33(2): 192-195.(通讯作者)
吴笛,毛建素. 中国重点城市产业与能源消费基本特征研究, 环境科学与技术, 2010. 33(2): 184-191
吴笛,毛建素. 对固体废物减量化的思考,中国资源综合利用. 2007.8:34-37 .
毛建素,陆钟武,杨志峰. 铅酸电池系统的铅流分析. 环境科学.2006. 27 (3): 43-48.
毛建素,陆钟武. 论工业中的废金属资源,再生资源研究,2006.4:1-6
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