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刘强,男,副教授,博导。2006年获中国科学院研究生院理学博士学位,主要从事生态水文学,湿地水文,蒸发理论与模型,水-能-碳耦合循环,流域水文模拟等方面研究工作。参与多项国家“973计划”课题、国家自然科学基金项目的研究工作,国家创新群体项目“流域水环境、水生态与综合管理”团队成员。曾获教育部科技进步一等奖(2012)和吉林省科技进步三等奖(2015),2013年入选北京市科技英才项目。近年来发表学术论文70余篇,其中SCI/EI收录50余篇,参与编纂专著2部,担任Journal of Hydrology, Water Resources Research等多个刊物审稿人。 教育经历 2001.9-2006.7 中国科学院东北地理与农业生态研究所 环境科学博士(硕博连读) 1999.9-2001.7 鲁东大学 地理科学 学士学位 工作经历 2013.9- 北京师范大学 副教授,博士生导师 2015.11-2016.10 CSIRO Land and Water, Australia, Visting Scholars 2009.6- 2013.8 北京师范大学 讲师,岗位副教授,硕士生导师 2006.7-2009.5 北京师范大学 博士后


生态水文学 湿地水文 蒸发理论与模型 水-能-碳耦合循环


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Liu, Q.*, Yang, Y.T., Liang, L.Q*., Yan, D.,Wang, X., Sun, T., Li, C.H., (2023). Water balance shifts induced by multiyeardrought within the Budyko framework. Journalof Geophysical Research – Atmospheres, Doi:10.1029/2022JD036758. Liu, Q *., Yang., Liang, L.Q*., He, J., Yan,D.H., Wang, X., Li, C.H., Sun, T., 2023. Thresholds for triggering thepropagation of meteorological drought to hydrological drought in water-limitedregions of China. Science of the TotalEnvironment., https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.162771 Liu, Q., Yang, Y.T., Liang, L.Q*., Yan,D.H., Wang, X., Li, C.H., Sun, T., 2023. Shift in precipitation-streamflowrelationship induced by multi-year drought across global catchments. Science of the Total Environment.,857,159560, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.159560 Li, S.Z., Zhou, J.L., Liu, Q*.,Liang, L.Q., Sun, T., Xu, X.F., Li, M., Wang, X., Yuan, X.M., 2023. Warminginfluences CO2 emission from China’s coastal saltmarsh wetlands more thanchanges in precipitation. Science of the TotalEnvironment., https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.163551 Yuan, X., Liu, Q*., Cui, B.S., Yang, W., Sun, T.,Wang, X., Li, C.H., Cai, Y.P., 2023. The carbon budget induced by water-levelfluctuation in a typical shallow lake. Ecohydrology& Hydrobiology. doi.10.1016/j.ecohyd.2023.03.009. Liu, Q*., Yang, Y., Liang, L., Yan, D.,Wang, X., Li, C., & Sun, T., 2022. Hydrological effects of the snowfraction and its ecohydrologicalexplication within the Budyko framework. Journalof Hydrology, 610. doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2022.127813 Zhou, J., Liu,Q*., Liang, L., He, J., Yan,D., Wang, X., . . . Li, S., 2022. Moreportion of precipitation into soil waterstorage to maintain higherevapotranspiration induced by revegetation on China’sLoess Plateau. Journalof Hydrology. doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2022.128707 Yuan, X., Liu, Q*., Li, S., Cui, B.,Yang, W., Sun, T., Wang, X., Li, C., Cai, Y., Li, M., Zhou, J., 2022, Water levelfluctuation controls carbon emission fluxes in a shallow lake in China. Front.Earth Sci. 10:1086072. doi: 10.3389/feart.2022.1086072 Li, M., Yan, S.R., Liu, Q*.,Yang, W., Kang, Y.H., Liang, L.Q., Zhang, J.L., 2022. Assessment thehydrological response to multi-year drought: insight from lag characteristicsand magnitude of shift aspects. Hydrological Processes, 36(7), doi:10.1002/hyp.14636. Liang L.Q.*,Cuo L., Liu Q*. 2022. The role of snow ratio in long-termglacier mass balance change underwarming climate in the Dongkemadi Glacier, Tibetan Plateau. Journal of climate. 35(12), 3833-3844. https://doi.org/10.1175/JCLI-D-21-0762.1 Liu, Q*., Liang, L.Q*., Yuan, X.M., Yan, S.R., Li, M., Li, S.Z., Wang, X.,Li, C.H., 2021. Regulation of vegetation and evapotranspiration by water levelfluctuation in shallow lakes. Water, 13, 2651. https://doi.org/10.3390/w13192651. Liu, Q., Yan S.R., Li, M*., Ma, X.J., Liang, L.Q*., Zhang,J.L., Pan,J.H., 2021. Baseflow Separation and Its Response to Meteorological Drought in a Temperate Water–Limited Basin, North China. Chin. Geogra. Sci.,(5),867-876. doi:https://doi.org/10.1007/s11769-021-1231-7 Yan, S.R., Li, M., Tao, S., Liu, Q*.,Liang, L.Q.,Wang, X., Li, C.H., 2021. The complex drought effects associated with the regulation of water-use efficiency in a temperate water-limited basin. Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies.https://doi.org.10.1016/j.ejrh.2021.100864. Yuan, X.M., Liu, Q*., Cui,B.S., Xu, X.F., Liang, L.Q., et al. 2021.Effect of water-level fluctuations onmethane and carbon dioxide dynamics in ashallow lake of Northern China:Implications for wetland restoration. Journal of Hydrology. 597, 126169.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2021.126169. Liang, L.Q*., Lan, C., Liu, Q*.,2020. Long-termtemporal-scale-dependent warming effects on the mass balance inthe Dongkemadi Glacier, Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Geophysical Research:Atmospheres,125,e2020JD033105. https://doi.org/10.1029/2020JD033105 Liu, Q*., Ma, X.J., Yan, S.R.,Liang, L.Q., Pan, J.H., Zhang,J.L., 2020. Lag in Hydrologic Recovery FollowingExtreme Meteorological Drought Events: Implications for EcologicalWaterRequirements. Water 12, 837, Doi:10.3390/w12030837. Liu, Q*., Liu, J.L., Liu, H.F.,Liang, L.Q., Cai, Y.P., Wang,X., Li, C.H., 2019. Vegetation dynamics underwater-level fluctuations:Implications for wetland restoration. Journal of Hydrology. Doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2019.124418. Liu, Q*., Liang, L.Q., Yuan,X.M., Mou, X., Su, L.Y., 2019.Effects of groundwater level changes associatedwith coastline changes incoastal wetlands. Wetlands. Doi:10.1007/s13157-019-01253-9. Liang, L.Q., Lan, C., Liu, Q*., 2019. Mass balance variation andassociativeclimate drivers for the Dongkemadi Glacier in the Central TibetanPlateau. 124,10,814 10,825. Journal Geophysical Research: Atmospheres,Doi:10.1029/2019JD03615. Zhao, F., Li, H., Li, C.H.,Cai, Y.P., Wang, X., Liu, Q., 2019.Analyzing the influence of landscape pattern change on ecological waterrequirementsin an arid/semiarid region of China. Journal of Hydrology 578,124098. 0022-1694。 Liu,Q., Liang, L.Q.,Cai, Y.P., Wang, X., Li, C.H., 2018.Assessing climate and land-use change impactson streamflow in a mountainouscatchment. Journal of Water and Climate Change Doi: 10.2166/wcc.2018.234 Yang, Y., Yang, Z.F., Yin, X.A., Liu,Q., 2018. A framework for assessing flow regime alterations resulting fromtheeffects of climate change and human disturbance. Hydrological Sciences Journal 63(3),441-456. Liang, L.Q., Lan, C., Liu, Q., 2018.The energy and mass balance of acontinental glacier: Dongkemadi Glacier incentral Tibetan Plateau. Scientific Reports 8:12788 | DOI:10.1038/s41598-018-31228-5. Liu, Q., Mou, X., Cui,B.,Ping, F., 2017. Regulation of drainage canals on the groundwater level inatypical coastal wetlands. Journal of Hydrology 555,463-478,10.1016/j.jhydrol.2017.10.035. Liu, Q., Yu, H.G., Liang, L.Q., Ping, F., Xia, X.H.,Mou, X.,Liang, J., 2017. Assessment of ecological instream flow requirementsunderclimate change using Pseudorasboraparva. International Journalof Environmental Science and Technology. 14:509-520. Doi:10.1007/s13762-016-1166-1. Liu, Q., McVicar,T.R., Yang,Z.F., Donohue, R.J., Liang, L.Q., Yang, Y.T., 2016. The hydrologicaleffects ofvarying vegetation characteristics in a temperate water-limitedbasin:Development of the dynamic Budyko-Choudhury-Porporato (dBCP) model. Journalof Hydrology 543Part (B), 595-611, Doi: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2016.10.035 Liu, Q., Mou, X., 2016.Interactions between surface water andgroundwater: Key processes in ecologicalrestoration of degraded coastalwetlands caused by reclamation. Wetlands 36(Suppl 1):S95–S102, Doi: DOI 10.1007/s13157-014-0582-6. 参会信息 Sun Y.S., Liu,Q*, Yuan, X.M.,, Yan, S.R., 2019. Assessment of Flow Regime Alterations inTang River, China. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (EES),E3S Web of Conferences, 136, 04003. Liu. Q., 2019. Wetlandrestoration: Implication from the response of vegetation to fluctuation ofwater level, EGU General Assembly April 7-12. Vienna, Austria Liu. Q., 2018. Impactof coastline changes on the groundwater level of coastal wetland in the YellowRiver delta, China, WC Climate Change 2018, Sep 13-15, Rome, Italy; Liu, Q., 2018. Response of streamflow toclimate changes within a mountainous catchment. International Conference onCivil, offshore & Environmental Engineering (ICCOEE2018). August, 13-15,2018, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Liu, Q., 2017. Thehydrological effects of varying vegetation characteristics in a temperatewater-limited basin. The 3rd International Conference on Water Resource andEnvironment (WRE 2017), 26-29 June, 2017, QingDao, China. 著作 刘强, 杨志峰. 2012.依赖地下水的湿地生态需水机理与模型 (第五章). 杨志峰, 崔保山, 孙涛,等著,湿地生态需水机理、模型与配置, 科学出报社, 北京, p180-220. 刘强, 牟夏. 2022. 滨海湿地地下水水文过程及生境适宜性 (第五章). 崔保山,白军红,谢湉,等著. 受损滨海湿地生态修复机理与调整. 科学出版社, 北京, p311-365.


国家自然科学基金委评审专家(2009-) 2020- Hydro Science & Marine Engineering 编委 2019- 中国生态学会会员 2019- 欧洲地理学会会员 2013- IAHR Member 2013-Member of the International Water Association (IWA) 2009- 中国地理学会会员 Journal of Hydrology, Water Resources Research, Journal of Climate, Ecohydrology, Journal of Hydrometeorology, International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, Water Resources Management, 地理科学以及湿地科学等国内外期刊审稿人。
