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白军红,男,博士,北京师范大学教授,博士生导师;教育部青年长江学者、中组部青年拔尖人才支持计划和教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划入选者。长期从事湿地水土过程和调控、湿地生态水文过程与模拟、湿地退化与生态恢复、湿地土壤污染风险评价等方面的研究工作。主持或参与国家重点基础研发计划项目、课题、国家自然科学基金重点和面上项目等项目。发表SCI论文100余篇。曾获得Doug Wilcox Award、梁希林业科技进步二等奖、教育部自然科学奖二等奖、吉林省自然科学一等奖、教育部科技进步一等奖和二等奖、大禹水利科学技术奖特等奖等奖励。担任多个国际杂志的编委。 教育经历 1998-2003 中国科学院东北地理与农业生态研究所 博士学位 1994-1998 河北师范大学地理系 学士学位 工作经历 2012-2013 美国佛罗里达大学 土壤水科学系 访问学者 2005-至今 北京师范大学环境学院 讲师、副教授、教授 博士生导师 2003-2005 中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所 ,国家中长期科技发展规划生态环境组秘书


湿地水土过程与调控 湿地生态水文过程及模拟 湿地退化与生态恢复 湿地土壤污染风险评价


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

Huang LB, Bai JH,Wang JJ, Zhang GL, Wang W, Wang X, Wang YQ, Liu XH, Cui BS. Different stochastic processes regulate bacterial and fungal community assembly inestuarine wetland soils. Soil Biology & Biochemistry.2022, 167(2):108586. Ren JL, Chen JS, XuCL, van de Koppel J, Thomsen MS, Qiu SY, Cheng FY, Song WJ, Liu QX, Xu C, BaiJH, Zhang YH, Cui BS, Bertness MD, Silliman BR, Li B, He Q. An invasive species erodes the performance of coastal wetland protected areas. Science Advances. 2021,7(42) :eabi8943 Zhang LH, YuanFH, Bai JH, Duan HT, Gu XY, Hou LY, Huang Y,Yang MA, He JS, Zhnag ZH, YuLJ, Song CC,Lipson DA, Zona D, Oechel W.,JanssensI.A., Xu XF. Phosphorus alleviation of nitrogen-suppressed methane sink in global grasslands. Ecology Letters.2020, 23,821-830 Huang LB, Bai JH, WenXJ, ZhangGL, Zhang CD, Cui BS, Liu XH. Microbial resistance and resilience in response to environmental changes under the higher intensity of human activities than global average level. Global Change Biology. 2020, 26:2377–2389. Zhang GL,Bai JH, Tebbe CC,ZhaoQQ,Jia J, Wang W, Wang X, Yu L. Salinity controls soil microbial community structure and function in coastal estuarine wetlands. Environmental Microbiology. 2020.23(2):1020-1037. Zhi LH, Li XW, BaiJH, & Guan YN. Integrating ecological and socioeconomic networks using nitrogen metabolism in the Yellow River Delta, China. Resources Conservation and Recycling. 2020,162:105012. ZhangGL, Bai JH, ZhaoQQ, Jia J, Wang W, Wang X. Bacterial succession in saltmarsh soils along a short-term invasion chronosequence of Spartina alterniflora in Yellow River Estuary, China. Microbial Ecology. 2020, 79(3),644-661. Lu QQ, Bai JH, YanDH, Cui BS & Wu JJ. Sulfur forms in wetland soils with different flooding periods before and after flow-sediment regulation in the Yellow River Delta, China. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2020, 276, 122969. Yin S, BaiJH, Wang W, Zhang GL, Jia J, Cui BS, Liu XH. Effects of soil moisture on carbon mineralization in floodplain wetlands with different flooding frequencies. Journal of Hydrology. 2019,574:1074-1084. Ma TT, LiXW, Bai JH, Cui BS. Tracking three decades of land use and land cover transformation trajectories in China's large river deltas. Land Degradation &Development.2019;30:799–810. Zhang GL, Bai JH, Jia J,Wang W, Wang X, Zhao QQ, Lu QQ. Shifts of soil microbial community composition along a short-term invasion chronosequence of Spartina alterniflora in a Chinese estuary. Science of the Total Environment. 2019, 657:222-233. Ma TT, LiXW, Bai JH, Ding SY, Zhou FW, Cui BS. Four decades' dynamics of coastal blue carbon storage driven by land use/land cover transformation under naturaland anthropogenic processes in the Yellow River Delta, China. Science of the Total Environment.2019,655:741-750. Zhao QQ, Bai JH,Zhang GL, JiaJ, Wang W, Wang X. Effects of water and salinity regulation measures on soil carbon sequestration in coastal wetlands of the Yellow RiverDelta. Geoderma.2018,319:219-229. Wang JF, SongXS, WangYH, Bai JH, Bai H, Yan DM, Cao Y, LiYH, Yu ZL, Dong GQ.Bioelectricity generation, contaminant removal and bacterial community distribution as affected by substrate material size and aquatic macrophyte in constructed wetland-microbial fuel cell. Bioresource Technology. 2017,245:372-378. Bai JH, Ye XF, JiaJ, Zhang GL,Zhao QQ, Cui BS, Liu XH. Phosphorus sorption-desorption and effects of temperature, pH and salinity on phosphorus sorption in marsh soils from coastal wetlands with different flooding conditions. Chemosphere, 2017, 2017(188):677-688. Zhang GL, Bai JH,Xiao R., ZhaoQQ, Jia J, Cui BS, Liu XH. Heavy metal fractions and ecological risk assessment in sediments from urban, rural and reclamation-affected rivers of the Pearl River Estuary, China. Chemosphere,2017,184:278-288. 专著及教材 白军红,石建斌,张妍. 环境科学专业实习指导教程. 北京师范大学出版社,2017 白军红著. 内陆盐沼湿地氮素生物地球化学过程. 北京师范大学出版社,2016 白军红编著 中国高原湿地. 中国林业出版社, 2008 崔保山,白军红,谢湉等. 受损滨海湿地生态修复机理与调控. 科学出版社,2022 邓伟、白军红等著 典型湿地系统格局演变与水生态过程-以黄淮海地区为例. 科学出版社, 2012 崔保山,杨志峰,董世魁,刘世梁,白军红等. 纵向岭谷区重大工程建设与区域生态系统变化交互作用. 北京: 科学出版社,2009. 徐惠风,金研铭,白军红等. 城市园林生态学. 中国林业出版社, 2010. 崔保山,韩帧,李夏,蓝艳,白军红,蔡燕子等著. 白洋淀沼泽化驱动机制与调控模式. 科学出版社,2017.


中国生态学会湿地生态专业委员会副主任 中国自然资源学会湿地资源保护专业委员会副主任 国家林业与草原局湿地保护修复科技创新联盟秘书处副秘书长 中国海洋湖沼学会湖泊分会常务理事 中国青藏高原研究会会员 国际环境信息学会会员 美国湿地科学家协会会员 Geoderma共同主编(2016-2019) WETLANDS 副主编 Journal of Mountain Science Academic Editor 湿地科学 编委 湖泊科学 编委 湖南生态科学学报 编委 Hydrobiologia Guest Editor Science of the Total Environment Guest Editor Ecohydrology & Hydrobiology Guest Editor Journal of Environmental Informatics Guest Editor Frontiers in Marine Science Guest Editor International Journal of Plant and Soil Science Academic Editor
