主持国家重大研发计划课题、国家自然科学基金重大研究计划项目等。在Environmental Science & Technology、Environment International、Water Research、Bioresource Technology、Journal of Hazardous Materials等国内外主流期刊上发表论文150余篇,其中SCI收录100篇;出版学术专著3部,获11项发明专利授权,Science of the Total Environment副主编、农业环境科学学报编委、北京师范大学理科学报编委。
2011年 荷兰屯特大学(University of Twente - ITC Faculty)
2008年 北京师范大学
2005年 北京师范大学
2002年 中国农业大学
2022/03-至今: 北京师范大学环境与生态前沿交叉研究院 副院长
2016/07-至今: 北京师范大学环境学院 教授、博士生导师
2014/10-至今: 北京师范大学环境学院 系主任
2011/07-2016/07: 北京师范大学环境学院 副教授、博士生导师
2019年 教育部自然科学一等奖,东北特定环境下典型水系污染过程及环境效应,排名第3
2018年 北京市科学技术三等奖,复杂气象条件下北京大气颗粒物环境气水归趋过程研究及应用,排名第1;
2018年 甘肃省科学技术二等奖 北方高原山地区氮磷化肥投入阈值及面源污染防控技术研究与示范,排名第7
2015年 环境部环境保护科技二等奖,国家尺度面源污染业务化遥感监测技术体系与应用,排名第7
Yidi wang, Wei Ouyang*, Chunye Lin, Weihong Zhu, Andrea Critto, Mats Tysklind, Xuelei Wang, Mengchang He, Baodong Wang, Haotian wu. Higher fine particle fraction in sediment increased phosphorus flux to estuary in restored Yellow River Basin. Environmental Science & Technology. 2021, 55, 10, 6783-6790.
Wei Ouyang; Zeshan Wu; Pengtao Wang; Xintong Cui; Xin Hao; Weihong Zhu; Ri Jin. Diffuse nutrient export dynamics from accumulated litterfall in forested watersheds with remote sensing data coupled model.Water Research. 2022, 209, 117948
Roberto Xavier Supe Tulcan, Wei Ouyang, Chunye Lin, Mengchang He, Baodong Wang. Vanadium pollution and health risks in marine ecosystems: anthropogenic sources over natural contributions Water Research. 2021, 11, 117838
Roberto Xavier Supe Tulcan, Wei Ouyang*, Xiang Gu, Chunye Lin, Mats Tysklind, Baodong Wang . Typical herbicide residues, trophic transfer, bioconcentration, and health risk of marine organisms.Environment International, 2021, 152, 106500.
Wei Ouyang*, Yu Zhang, Chunye Lin, Aihua Wang, Mats Tysklind, Baodong Wang. Metabolic process and spatial partition dynamics of Atrazine in an estuary-to-bay system, Jiaozhou bay. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2021, 414: 125530.
Wei Ouyang*, Yu Zhang, Xiang Gu, Mats Tysklind, Chunye Lin, Baodong Wang, Ming Xin. Occurrence, transportation, and distribution difference of typical herbicides from estuary to bay. Environment International, 2019. 130: 104858.
Wei Ouyang,Fanghua Hao,Yandan Shi,Xiang Gao,Xiang Gu,Zhongmin Lian. Predictive ability of climate change with the automated statistical downscaling method in a freeze–thaw agricultural area. Climate Dynamics. 2019, 52(11):7013-7028.
W Ouyang, W Yang, M Tysklind, Y Xu, C Lin, X Gao, Z Hao. Using river sediments to analyze the driving force difference for non-point source pollution dynamics between two scales of watersheds. Water research, 2018, 139: 311-320.
W Ouyang, Y Wu, Z Hao, Q Zhang, Q Bu, X Gao. Combined impacts of land use and soil property changes on soil erosion in a mollisol area under long-term agricultural development. Science of The Total Environment, 2018, 613, 798-809.
W Ouyang, W Huang, X Hao, M Tysklind, P Haglund, F Hao. Watershed soil Cd loss after long-term agricultural practice and biochar amendment under four rainfall levels. Water Research, 2017, 122, 692-700.
Wei Ouyang*, Xiang Gao, Farmland shift due to climate warming and impacts on temporal-spatial distributions of water resources in a middle-high latitude agricultural watershed. Journal of Hydrology, 547C (2017): 156-167.
Wei Ouyang*, Xueting Xu, Zengchao Hao,Xiang Gao. Effects of soil moisture content on upland nitrogen loss. Journal of Hydrology, 2017, 546(3):71–80.
Wei Ouyang*, Xuchen Zhao, Fanghua Hao, MatsTysklind. Typical agricultural diffuse herbicide sorption with agricultural waste-derived biochars amended soil of high organic matter content. Water Research. 2016, 92(1): 156-163.
Wei Ouyang*, Bing Liu, Yuyang Wu.Satellite-based estimation of watershed groundwater storage dynamics in a freeze-thaw area under intensive agricultural development. Journal of Hydrology, 2016, 537:96–105
Wei Ouyang*, Guanqing Cai, Weijia Huang, Fanghua Hao. Temporal-spatial loss of diffuse pesticide and potential risks for water quality in China. Science of the Total Environment, 2016,541(15):551-558.
Wei Ouyang*, Weijia Huang, Peng Wei, Fanghua Hao. Optimization of typical diffuse herbicide pollution control by soil amendment configurations under four levels of rainfall intensities. Journal of Environmental Management, 2016, 175C: 1-8.
Peng Wei, Wei Ouyang*, FanghuaHao, Xiang Gao. Combined impacts of precipitation and temperature on diffuse phosphorus pollution loading and critical source area identification in a freeze-thaw area. Science of the Total Environment, 2016, 553(3): 607-616.
郝芳华, 欧阳威. 冻融区规模化农业开发生态环境效应. 北京: 科学出版社, 2013.ISBN:9787030379474.
郝芳华, 欧阳威等. 北方平原农业非点源污染研究. 北京: 科学出版社, 2010.ISBN:9787030279088.
Ouyang Wei. Interaction between landscape and pollution along a dam cascade. University of Twente, Faculty of ITC. ISBN:9789061643005.
Science of the Total Environment副主编
International Soil and Water Conservation Research 编委