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理学博士,博士生导师。北京师范大学数学科学学院应用数学教研室主任,北京师范大学“复杂系统智能控制”重点实验室主任。 1982-1989年在北京师范大学数学系学习,获学士和硕士学位。1989年至今在北京师范大学工作。1994-1998年在北京师范大学数学系获博士学位,导师为汪培庄教授。2003-2004年在加拿大University of Alberta做访问研究,合作者为Witold Pedrycz院士。 曾主持或作为主要成员参与国家自然科学基金重大项目、国家自然科学基金面上项目、国家科技支撑计划项目、博士点基金项目、省部级项目10多项;在国内外学术期刊上发表科研论文140多篇,著译书3部。(曾)担任多个国际国内刊物副主编、编委、审稿专家和客座编辑;曾担任多个国际会议的程序委员会委员,区域组织委员会主席;国家自然科学基金、博士后基金等基金评审专家。 现担任中国运筹学会模糊信息与工程分会专业委员会副理事长,中国逻辑学会理事,中国逻辑学会非经典逻辑与计算专委会委员,野生动物生物安全管控国家创新联盟常务理事,中国灾害防御协会风险分析专业委员会理事。




查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

Linear fuzzy information-granule-based fuzzy c-means algorithm for clustering time series, IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 2022, doi: 10.1109/TCYB.2022.3184999. (With Zonglin Yang, et al) The trend-fuzzy-granulation-based adaptive fuzzy cognitive map for long-term time series forecasting, IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, doi: 10.1109/TFUZZ.2022.3169624 (With Yihan Wang, et al) Linear dynamic fuzzy granule based long-term forecasting model of interval-valued time series, Information Sciences, Vol. 586, 2022, 563-595(With Yadong Hao, et al) A fast algorithm for mining temporal association rules in a multi-attributed graph sequence, Expert Systems with Applications, Vol.192, 2022, doi:10.1016/j.eswa.2021.116390 (With Xubo Du) Training novel adaptive fuzzy cognitive map by knowledge-guidance learning mechanism for large-scale time-series forecasting, IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, doi: 10.1109/TCYB.2021.3132704 (With Yihan Wang, et al) Multilinear-trend fuzzy information granule based short-term forecasting for time series, IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, doi: 10.1109/TFUZZ.2021.3113762 (With Fang Li,et al) Building trend fuzzy granulation based LSTM recurrent neural network for long-term time series forecasting, IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, doi: 10.1109/TFUZZ.2021.3062723(With Yuqing Tang,et al) Typical Characteristics-based Type-2 Fuzzy C-Means Algorithm, IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, doi: 10.1109/TFUZZ.2020.2969907.(With Xiyang Yang, et al) Multi-factor one-order cross-association fuzzy logical relationships based forecasting models of time series, Information Sciences, 2020, Vol.508, 309-328. (With Fang Li) A novel alleviating fuzzy control algorithm for a class of nonlinear stochastic systems in pure-feedback form, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 2019, doi:10.1016/j.fss.2020.08.009 (With Rui Wang, et al) Clustering of interval-valued time series of unequal length based on improved dynamic time warping, Expert Systems with Applications, 2019, Vol.125, 293-304. (With Xiao Wang, et al) Time-series clustering based on linear fuzzy information granules, Applied Soft Computing, 2018, Vol.73, 1053-1067. (With Lingzi Duan,et al) Hierarchical clustering of unequal-length time series with area-based shape distance, Soft Computing,2018,doi:10.1007/s00500-018-3287-6.(With Xiao Wang,et al) Long-term forecasting of time series based on linear fuzzy information granules and fuzzy inference system, International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, 2017, Vol.81, 1–27.(With Xiyang Yang,et al) The design of fuzzy information granules: tradeoff between specificity and experimental evidence, Applied Soft Computing, 2009, vol.9, 264-273. (With W.Pedrycz) An area-based shape distance measure of time series, Applied Soft Computing, 2016, Vol.48, 650-659. (With Xiao Wang,et al) Granularity approach for multi-criteria decision making about hybrid evaluation information, International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence,2018, Vol.32(11). (With Shihu Liu,et al) Large-scale time series clustering based on fuzzy granulation and collaboration,International Journal of Intelligent Systems, 2015, vol.30, 763-780. (With Xiao Wang,et al) Adaptive non-backstepping fuzzy control for a class of uncertain nonlinear systems with unknown dead-zone input,Asian Journal of Control, 2015, vol.17(5), 1–9. (With Rui Wang,et al) A novel alleviating computation algorithm for a class of large-scale nonlinear systems with unknown dead-zones,Nonlinear Dynamics, 2014, vol.76, 915–930. (With Rui Wang,et al) Enhanced detection of burned area using cross- and autocorrelation, Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, 2015, Vol.9(1). (With Tauqir Ahmed Moughal, et al) Adaptive non-backstepping fuzzy tracking control for a class of multiple-input–multiple-output pure-feedback systems with unknown dead-zones,IET Control Theory and Applications, 2014,Vol.8(14), 1293–1302. (With Rui Wang,et al)


(曾)担任多个国际国内刊物副主编、编委、审稿专家和客座编辑;曾担任多个国际会议的程序委员会委员,区域组织委员会主席;国家自然科学基金、博士后基金等基金评审专家。 现担任中国运筹学会模糊信息与工程分会专业委员会副理事长,中国逻辑学会理事,中国逻辑学会非经典逻辑与计算专委会委员,野生动物生物安全管控国家创新联盟常务理事,中国灾害防御协会风险分析专业委员会理事。
