2013年8月至2014年9月美国芝加哥大学高级研究学者(合作者:Wilhelm Schlag教授)
Global solutions of the Klein-Gordon-Schrodinger system with rough data in $R^{2+1}$. (with C. Miao) J. Diff. Equat., 227(2006), 365-405.
Global well-posedness and scattering for the energy-critical, defocusing Hartree equation for radial data. (with C. Miao and L. Zhao) J. Funct. Anal. 253(2007), 605-627.
Global wellposedness and scattering for the focusing energy-critical nonlinear Schrodinger equations of fourth order in the radial case. (with C. Miao and L. Zhao) J. Diff. Equat., 246(2009), 3715-3749.
Global well-posedness and scattering for the mass-critical Hartree equation with radial data. (with C.Miao and L. Zhao) J. Math. Pures Appl., 91(2009), 49-79.
Global well-posedness and uniform bound for the defocusing $H^{1/2}$-subcritical Hartree equation in $R^d$. (with C. Miao and L. Zhao) Ann I. H. Poincare, AN., 26(2009), 1831-1852.
Global well-posedness for periodic mass-critical nonlinear Schrodinger equation. (with Y. Li, and Y. Wu) J. Diff. Equat.. 250:6, 15(2011), 2715-2736.
Low regularity global solutions for the focusing, mass-critical NLS equation in R. (with Y. Li and Y. Wu), SIAM J. Math. Anal. 43:1 (2011), 322-340.
Global well-posedness and scattering for the energy-critical, defocusing Hartree equation in $R^{1+n}$. (with C. Miao and L. Zhao) Comm. PDEs. 36(2011), 1-48.
Global well-posedness for Schrodinger equation with derivative in $H^{1/2}(R)$. (with C. Miao, and Y. Wu) J. Diff. Equat. 251(2011), 2164-2195.
Global wellposedness and scattering for the defocusing energy-critical nonlinear Schrodinger equations of fourth order in dimensions $d\geq9$, (with C. Miao and L. Zhao) J. Diff. Equat. 251 (2011), 3381-3402.
The dynamics of the 3d radial NLS with the combined terms, (with C. Miao and L. Zhao) Comm. Math. Phys., 318:3(2013), 767-808.
On the dispersive estimate for the Dirichlet Schrodinger propagator and applications to energy critical NLS, (with D. Li and X. Zhang), Canad. J. Math. 66(2014), 1110-1142.
Dynamics for the focusing, energy-critical nonlinear Hartree equation, (with C. Miao and Y. Wu), Forum Math., 27:1(2015), 373-447.
Long time dynamics of defocusing energy critical 3+1 dimensional wave equation with potential in the radial case, (with H. Jia and B. Liu), Comm. Math. Phys. 339(2015), 353-384.
Generic and non-generic behavior of solutions to defocusing energy critical wave equation with potential in the radial case, (with H. Jia, B. Liu and W. Schlag), Int. Math. Res. Not. IMRN 2017, no. 19, 5977–6035.
Stability of the solitary wave for the derivative Schrodinger equation in the energy space (with C. Miao and X. Tang) Calc. Var. Partial Differential Equations, 56(2)(2017), Paper No. 45, 48pp.
Solitary waves for nonlinear Schrodinger equation with derivative, (with C. Miao and X. Tang), Commun. Contemp. Math. 20 (2018), no. 4, 1750049, 27 pp.
Stability of the sum of two solitary waves for (gDNLS) in the energy space, (with X. Tang) , J. Diff. Equat., 264:6(2018), 4094-4135.