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Wenming Hong and Ofer Zeitouni (2007) A quenched CLT for super-Brownian motion with random immigration, Journal of Theoretical Probability, Vol.20, No.4, 807-820.
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Wang Shidong and Hong Wenming(2010),Alternative Proof for the Recurrence and Transience of Random Walks in Random Environment with Bounded Jumps (in Chinese). Acta Mathematica Scientia, Vol 30A (2), 289-296.
Wenming Hong and Huaming Wang(2010), Quenched moderate deviations principle for random walk in random environment, Science in China Series A-Mathematics, Vol. 53 (8): 1947-1956
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Wenming Hong and Huaming Wang(2013), Intrinsic branching structure within (L-1) random walk in random environment and its applications, Infinite Dimensional Analysis,Quantum Probability and Related Topics, Vol. 16, No. 1,1350006 (14 pages).
Wenming Hong and Hongyan Sun(2013), Renewal Theorem for $(L,1)$-Random Walk in Random Environment, Acta Mathematica Scientia, English Series, 33B(6):1736–1748.
Wenming Hong and Huaming Wang(2014), Intrinsic branching structure within random walk on $\mathbb{Z}$ , Theory Probab. Appl. 58-4, pp. 640-659.
Wenming Hong, Ke Zhou and Yiqiang Q. Zhao(2014), Explicit stationary distribution of the $(L,1)$-reflecting random walk on the half line, Acta Mathematica Sinica, English Series, 2014, 30(3): 371-388.
Wenming Hong, Meijuan Zhang and Yiqiang Q. Zhao(2014), Light-tailed behavior of stationary distribution for state-dependent random walks on a strip, Frontiers of Mathematics in China, vol .9, no .4, 813-834.
Wenming Hong, Hui Yang and Ke Zhou(2015), Scaling limit of the local time of the Sinai's random walk , Frontiers of Mathematics in China, 10(6), pp 1313-1324. arXiv:1403.2045.
Wenming Hong and Meijuan Zhang(2016), Branching structure for the transient random walk on a strip in a random environment, Chinese Annals of Mathematics, 2016,37A(4):405-420. Chinese Journal of Contemporary Mathematics, 2016, Vol. 37, No. 4, pp. 347–362.
Wenming Hong and Huaming Wang (2016) ,Branching Structures Within Random Walks and Their Applications. Branching Processes and Their Applications pp 57-73 . Lecture Notes in Statistics book series (LNS, volume 219), Springer International Publishing.
Wenming Hong, Ke Zhou (2017), A note on the passage time of finite state Markov chains, Communications in Statistics – Theory and Methods, Volume 46 (1), 438-445
Wenming Hong, Hui Yang (2018), Scaling limit theorems for the $\kappa$-transient random walk in random and non-random environment, , arXiv:1412.4326,Front. Math. China 13 (2018), no. 5, 1033–1044.
Wenming Hong, Yao Ji, Vladimia Vatutin (2018),Reduced critical Bellman-Harris branching processes for small populations, Discrete Mathematics and Applications, (2018) Volume 28, Issue 5 319-330.( 30,No 3, 25–39 (in Russian))
Wenming Hong, Minzhi Liu, Vladimia Vatutin (2019), Limit theorems for supercritical MBPRE with linear fractional offspring distributions , Markov Processes and Related Fields, 2019, v.25, Issue 1, 1-31
Wenming Hong,, Xiaoyue Zhang(2019), Asymptotic behaviour of heavy-tailed branching processes in random environments. Electronic Journal of Probability 2019, Vol. 24, paper no. 56, 1-17.
Wenming Hong, Minzhi Liu (2019), On the transience and recurrence for the Lamperti's random walk on the Galton-Watson trees , SCIENCE CHINA Mathematics, 62 (2019), no. 9, 1813–1822.
Wenming Hong, Hui Yang (2019), Cutoff Phenomenon for Nearest Lamperti’s Random Walk, Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability, 21 (2019), no. 4, 1215–1228.
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Xiaoyue Zhang, Wanting Hou, Wenming Hong (2020), Limit theorems for the minimal position of a branching random walk in random environment. Markov Processes and Related Fields, 26, 839-860.
Wanting Hou, Wenming Hong(2020), Minimal of independent time-inhomogeneous random walks, Infinite Dimensional Analysis,Quantum Probability and Related Topics,Vol. 23, No. 3 (2020). 2050021 (13 pages).
杨慧, 周珂, 侯婉婷, 洪文明*(2020), 两类带渐近扰动的随机过程的若干性质, 中国科学: 数学, 2020 年,第50 卷,第1 期, 179_196.
Wanting Hou, Xiaoyue Zhang, Wenming Hong (2021), Extremum of a time-inhomogeneous branching random walk. Front. Math. China 16 (2021), no. 2, 459–478.
Xiaoyue Zhang, Wenming Hong (2021), Fixed points of the smoothing transformation in random environment, Front. Math. China, 2021, 16(4),1191-1210.
Wenming Hong, Shengli Liang, Xiaoyue Zhang (2022), Conditional $L^{1}$-Convergence for the martingale of a critical branching process in random environment, Proceedings of the Steklov Mathematical Institute, Vol. 316, pp. 184–194.
Xiaoyue Zhang, Wenming Hong(2022), Quenched convergence rates for a supercritical branching process in a random environment, Statist. Probab. Lett.181(2022),Paper No. 109279, 8 pp..
Lv, Y. and Hong, W. (2022+), Quenched small deviation for the trajectory of a random walk with time-inhomogeneous random environment. ArXiv e-prints, arXiv:1803.08772. Theory Probab. Appl., to appear.
Xiaoyue Zhang, Wenming Hong(2021), Minimal position of branching random walks in random environment: critical case. Preprint.
Lv, Y. and Hong, W. (2021) , On the barrier problem of branching random walk in time-inhomogeneous random environment, Preprint.
Wenming Hong, Shengli Liang (2022), Quenched invariance principles for random walks in random environment conditioned to stay positive. Preprint.