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钱婧,管理学博士,教授,博士研究生导师。北京师范大学经济与工商管理学院管理与组织心理学研究中心主任,教育部学位与研究生教育发展中心首席案例专家、中国社会心理学会管理心理学专业委员会理事,中国管理科学与工程学会神经管理与神经工程分会委员会委员。主要研究领域为组织与管理心理学、脑认知与组织行为、商业创新与战略决策。在权威期刊Journal of Organizational Behavior、Human Resource Management Journal等发表SSCI论文40余篇(含ABS 4* 四篇)。主持国家自然科学基金等6项基金项目。担任国家自然科学基金等机构的通讯评审专家。 现任SSCI期刊Chinese Management Studies 副主编,国家自然科学基金评审专家,全国百优案例评审专家,中国工商管理国际最佳案例奖评审专家,北大管理案例研究中心的专家团成员。带领团队长期关注本土企业发展并致力于大众科普工作,所著案例入选哈佛案例库、毅伟案例库、Sage案例库,多次荣获全国百优案例、中国工商管理案例中心“卓越开发者”案例大奖,并获得“阿里活水学者”、“腾讯2020年度最受欢迎杰出教授”"第九届当当影响力作家"等荣誉。 工作经历 2023年3月至今 北京师范大学经济与工商管理学院 教授 2016年9月至今 北京师范大学经济与工商管理学院 组织与管理心理学研究中心主任 2015年9月-2023年2月 北京师范大学经济与工商管理学院 副教授 2015年8月-2015年10月 加拿大阿尔伯塔大学 访问学者 2012年10月-2015年8月 北京师范大学经济与工商管理学院 讲师


积极心理与行为 脑认知与组织行为 组织中的正念 商业创新与战略决策 共益及企业社会责任CSR 老年人力资源 孤独症康复机构管理


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Wang, B., Liao Y., Chen, M., Zhang, L., Qian, J. Online. Work and affective outcomes of social media at work: A daily survey study. International Journal of Human Resource Management (ABS 3星期刊). Song, B., Wang, B., Qian, J., & Zhang, Y. (2022). Procrastinate at work, sleep badly at night: How job autonomy matters. Applied Psychology: An International Review (ABS 3星期刊), 71(4), 1407-1427. 王琼,蔡子君,钱婧. 主动性人格会影响组织越轨行为吗 — 基于社会交换理论的研究. 经济管理, 2021, (8): 124-140. Zhang, F. F., Wang, B., Qian, J., Parker, S. 2021. Job crafting towards strengths and job crafting towards interests in overqualified employees: Different outcomes and boundary effects. Journal of Organizational Behavior (ABS 4星期刊), 42(5): 587-603. Wang, B., Liu, Y. K., Qian, J., Parker, S. 2021. Achieving effective remote working during the COVID-19 pandemic: A work design perspective. Applied Psychology: an international review (ABS 3星期刊),70(1): 16-59. Zhang,X.Y., Qian, J., Wang, B., & Chen, M. 2020.The Role of Reward Omission in Empowering Leadership and Employee Outcomes: A Moderated Mediation Model. Human Resource Management Journal (ABS 4*星期刊),30:226–243. Xia, A., Wang, B., Song, B., Zhang, W., & Qian,J. (2019). How and when workplace ostracism influence taskperformance: Through the lens of conservation of resource theory. Human Resource Management Journal (ABS 4*星期刊), 29(3), 353-370. Qian, J., Yang, F., Wang, B., Huang, C., & Song,B. (2019). When work ostracism leads to burnout: the roles of jobself-determination and future time orientation. International Journal of Human Resource Management (ABS 3星期刊), 30(17), 2465-2481. Yang, F., Liu, J., Huang,X., Qian, J., Wang, T., Wang, Z., & Yu, H. (2018). How supervisory support for career development relates to subordinate workengagement and career outcomes: The moderating role of task proficiency. Human Resource Management Journal (ABS 4* 星期刊), 28(3), 496–509. Qian, J., Yang, F., Han, Z. R., Wang, H., & Wang, J. (2018).The presence of a feedback-seeking role model in promoting employee feedbackseeking: a moderated mediation model. International Journal of Human Resource Management (ABS 3星期刊), 29(18), 2682–2700. Lin, X. S., Chen, Z. X., Ashford,S. J., Lee, C., & Qian, J. (2018). A self-consistency motivationanalysis of employee reactions to job insecurity: The roles oforganization-based self-esteem and proactive personality. Journal of Business Research (ABS 3星期刊), 92, 168-178. Yang, F., Qian, J.,Liu, J., Huang, X., Chau, R., & Wang, T. (2018). Bridging the Gap: HowSupervisors’ Perceptions of Guanxi HRM Practices Influence Subordinates’ Work Engagement. Applied Psychology: an international review (ABS 3星期刊), 67(4), 589–616. Lin, X. S., Qian, J.,Li, M., & Chen, Z. X. (2018). How does growth need strength influenceemployee outcomes? The roles of hope, leadership, and cultural value. International Journal of Human Resource Management (ABS 3 星期刊), 29(17), 2524–2551. Yang, F., Qian, J., & Liu, J. (2018).Priming employees’ promotion focus: How and when servant leadership enhancescustomer service behaviors. Management Decision, 56(11), 2308–2324. Qian, J., Li, X., Song, B., Wang, B.,Wang, M., Chang, S., & Xiong, Y. (2018). Leaders’ Expressed Humility andFollowers’ Feedback Seeking: The Mediating Effects of Perceived Image Cost andModerating Effects of Power Distance Orientation. Frontiers in Psychology(SSCI), 9(APR), 1–10. Huang, C., Qian, J.,Jin, Z., & Wang, B. (2018). Unlocking the Mask: a Close Look at how ServantLeaders Influence People. Current Psychology, 37(4), 958–965. Qian, J., Wang, B., Han, Z., & Song, B. (2017). Ethical Leadership, Leader-Member Exchange and FeedbackSeeking: A Double-Moderated Mediation Model of Emotional Intelligence andWork-Unit Structure. Frontiers in Psychology, 8(JUL), 1–11. Qian, J., Han, Z. R., Guo, Z., Yang,F., Wang, H., & Wang, Q. (2016). The relation of feedback-seeking motivesand emotion regulation strategies to front-line managers’ feedback sourceprofiles: A person-centered approach. Journal of Management &Organization (SSCI), 22(01), 68–79. Han, Z. R., Lei, X., Qian,J., Li, P., Wang, H., & Zhang, X. (2016). Parent and childpsychopathological symptoms: the mediating role of parental emotiondysregulation. Child and Adolescent Mental Health, 21(3), 161–168. Yang, F., Qian, J.,Tang, L., & Zhang, L. (2016). No longer take a tree for the forest: Across-level learning-related perspective on individual innovativebehavior. Journal of Management and Organization, 22(3), 291–310. Qian, J., Lin, X., Han, Z. R., Tian,B., Chen, G. Z., & Wang, H. (2015). The impact of future time orientationon employees’ feedback-seeking behavior from supervisors and co-workers: Themediating role of psychological ownership. Journal of Management& Organization, 21(03), 336–349. Han, Z. R., Qian, J.,Gao, M., & Dong, J. (2015). Emotion Socialization Mechanisms LinkingChinese Fathers’, Mothers’, and Children’s Emotion Regulation: A ModeratedMediation Model. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 24(12), 3570–3579. Qian, J., Han, Z., Wang, H., Li, X.,& Wang, Q. (2014). Power distance and mentor-protégé relationship qualityas moderators of the relationship between informal mentoring and burnout:evidence from China. International Journal of Mental Health Systems,8(1), 51. Qian, J., Lin, X., Han, Z. R., Chen,Z. X., & Hays, J. M. (2014). What matters in the relationship betweenmentoring and job-related stress? The moderating effects of protégés’traditionality and trust in mentor. Journal of Management &Organization, 20(05), 608–623. Qian, J., Wang, H., Han, Z. R., Wang,J., & Wang, H. (2015). Mental health risks among nurses under abusivesupervision: The moderating roles of job role ambiguity and patients’ lack ofreciprocity. International Journal of Mental Health Systems,9(1), 22. Qian, J., Lin, X., & Chen, G.Z.-X. (2012). Authentic leadership and feedback-seeking behaviour: Anexamination of the cultural context of mediating processes in China. Journalof Management & Organization, 18(3), 286–299. 主要研究成果(商业案例输出) 教学案例(共有40余个案例收录核心案例库) 钱婧, 李茜, 于松玉, 李天贶, 屈逸, 徐逸凡, 张伟, 杨付. 2023. 相聚云端,共襄盛宴:保利“云剧院”的战略性社会责任探索. 中国管理案例共享中心案例库. 钱婧,Yifan Xu, Yi Qu, Xiaohui Li, Zeng Wang. 2022. Bosai Minerals: A Journey of Going Global Guided by Neo-Confucianism. Ivey Publishing (毅伟案例库)。 钱婧,屈逸,徐逸凡,孙宇彤,王斌. 2021. 农产品的价值创新:快乐的蛋的产品价值传播之路。入选第十二届“全国百篇优秀管理案例”。中国管理案例共享中心案例库。 钱婧,孙宇彤,闻艺,姚雨霏,徐逸凡,屈逸. 2021. 社会企业、价值创造:孤独症康复机构星星雨的可持续发展之路。第四届卓越开发者案例大奖赛一等奖,中国工商管理案例库。 钱婧,屈逸,孙宇彤,徐逸凡. 2021. 因地制宜,价值共创:后疫情时期的蚂蚁集团出海战略。第四届卓越开发者案例大奖赛二等奖,中国工商管理案例库。 钱婧,屈逸,王为凤,李晓燕. 2021. 全球视野,本地行动:前海像样如何“玩转”出海营销?第一届中国特色社会主义理论与中国管理实践相结合的案例评选三等奖。中山大学管理学院陈瑞球亚太案例开发与研究中心案例库。 钱婧,徐逸凡,王为凤,张伟. 2021. 福建天华:疫情下国企如何平衡企业发展与社会责任。中国管理案例共享中心案例库。 钱婧,屈逸,滕小菲,李晓燕. 2021. 科技战“疫”,化危为机——猎豹移动的战略性社会责任实践。中国管理案例共享中心案例库。 钱婧,王为凤,刘露遥,陈凯毅,孙宇彤. 2021. 共创共享,成己达人:东华软件人才激励的困境与破局。中国工商管理国际案例库。 钱婧,孙浪,屈逸. 2020. 从创意到实现:琢磨琢磨的战略转型之路。第三届卓越开发者案例大奖赛二等奖,中国工商管理案例库。 钱婧,屈逸,孙宇彤,陈凯毅. 2020. 谋势而动,协同创新:东华软件的战略领先之道。第三届卓越开发者案例大奖赛三等奖,中国工商管理案例库。 钱婧,Hao Chen, Ziqian Zhao, Yi Qu.2019. Cheetah Mobile: Cross-Cultural Clashes Within a Technology Company BornGlobal. Harward Business Publishing (哈佛案例库,年度高下载量案例). 钱婧,屈逸,夏爱静,杨茜茹。2019. 高深智图:自动驾驶赛道的领航员. 第二届卓越开发者案例大奖赛三等奖,中国工商管理案例库。 钱婧,孙宇彤,屈逸,滕小菲,曾庆. 2019. 惠泽智信:智“惠”医疗新时代的探路者. 第二届卓越开发者案例大奖赛三等奖,中国工商管理案例库。 钱婧,徐逸凡,屈逸,王曾. 2019. 博赛矿业:新儒道企业的“出海”之旅. 第二届卓越开发者案例大奖赛二等奖,中国工商管理案例库。 钱婧,杜佳忆,赵星,王曾,夏爱静,徐逸凡,孙宇彤,张伟. 2019. 德源集团:下沉市场里的转型黑马. 中国管理案例共享中心案例库。 钱婧,徐逸凡,屈逸,张伟,夏爱静,陈萌. 2019. 精于设计:游戏化管理如何“打怪升级”. 中国管理案例共享中心案例库。 钱婧,屈逸,张伟. 2018. 碰撞、融合和本地化:猎豹移动的跨文化管理实践. 第一届卓越开发者案例大奖赛二等奖,中国工商管理案例库。 钱婧,孙宇彤,屈逸,徐沛翔,张惠茜,张伟,陈萌. 2018. 蜗牛睡眠:打开睡眠世界的创业之旅。第一届卓越开发者案例大奖赛三等奖,中国工商管理案例库。 钱婧,屈逸,王斌,陈萌. 2018. 跳出思维盒子,颠覆英语课堂 ——盒子鱼的品牌定位之道.中国管理案例共享中心案例库。 钱婧,屈逸,孙宇彤,徐逸凡,张伟,陈萌,杨付. 2018. 猿圈测评:基于效果的创业之路. 中国管理案例共享中心案例库。 钱婧,王斌,宋百合,夏铭,王梦含,方一云. 2017. 回归本心,不畏浮云——高德地图的竞争战略。中国管理案例共享中心案例库。 钱婧,宋百合,王斌,黄楚英,杨梓蔚. 2017. 大朴网——家居行业的破局者。中国管理案例共享中心案例库。 钱婧,屈逸,王斌,肖可可. 2017. 切中痛点,无往不“氪”——企业服务平台氪空间的突围。中国管理案例共享中心案例库。 钱婧,王斌,方一云,金宇珂,宋百合. 2017. 住范儿:家装行业的突围者。中国工商管理国际案例库(The GlobalPlatform of China Cases)。 钱婧,王梦含,宋百合,王斌. 2017. 起始于图,通达智略——捷泰的地理之道。中国管理案例共享中心案例库。 钱婧,王斌,杨付,宋百合,欧芮利. 2016. “700Bike,一种生活”——700Bike社群营销策略。中国管理案例共享中心案例库。入选第七届“全国百篇优秀管理案例”。 钱婧,王斌,高天茹,杨付. 2016. 挥手自兹去,三年创业情——锐派科技沉浮记。中国管理案例共享中心案例库。 钱婧,王斌,高天茹. 2016. “多栖”IP养成记——《秦时明月》的得与失(编号:15041).中国工商管理国际案例库(TheGlobal Platform of China Cases)。 钱婧,王斌,高天茹,赵嘉辰. 2015. 跌落神坛的PM. 中国应用心理学案例中心案例库。 韩卓,钱婧,王斌. 2015. 罗杰的故事. 中国应用心理学案例中心案例库。 商业期刊 钱婧, 孙宇彤, 徐逸凡, 屈逸. 2022. 星星雨——社会企业的价值创造.《清华管理评论》(Tsinghua Business Review), (Z1), 131-140. 钱婧, 屈逸, 孙宇彤, 陈凯毅. 2021. 谋事而动,协同创新:东华软件的战略领先之道. 《清华管理评论》(Tsinghua Business Review), (Z1), 141-147. 钱婧, 孙宇彤, 屈逸, 滕小菲, 曾庆. 2020. 惠泽智信:智“惠”医疗新时代的探路者. 《清华管理评论》(Tsinghua Business Review), 6, 122-130. 钱婧, 屈逸, 夏爱静, 杨茜茹. 2020. 高深智图:自动驾驶赛道的领航员. 《清华管理评论》(Tsinghua Business Review), 3, 112-120. 钱婧, 徐逸凡, 屈逸, 陈萌, 赵星. 2019. 精于: 游戏改变设计.《中欧商业评论》(CEIBS Business Review), 2, 85-91. 钱婧, 常书萌, 王斌, 屈逸. 2019. 氪空间:让办公更简单. 《清华管理评论》(Tsinghua Business Review), 1-2合刊, 162-168. 钱婧, 屈逸, 王斌. 2018. 盒子鱼:科技翻转英语课堂. 《清华管理评论》(Tsinghua Business Review), 5, 106-112. 王斌, 钱婧. 2018. 方太, 何以因爱伟大. 《清华管理评论》(Tsinghua Business Review), 4, 96-102. 钱婧, 王斌. 2017. 住范儿: 年轻的家装“搅局者”. 《中欧商业评论》(CEIBS Business Review), 2, 97-103. 钱婧, 王斌. 2017. 亲子猫: 徒步教育从心出发.《清华管理评论》(Tsinghua Business Review), 3, 107-112. 钱婧, 王斌. 2016. 700Bike: 撬动传统行业.《清华管理评论》(Tsinghua Business Review), 5, 100-106. 钱婧, 王斌. 2016. 垂衣: 掘金直男经济.《清华管理评论》(Tsinghua Business Review),7-8,124-128. 钱婧,王斌.2016. 智图GeoQ:“看见”商业的可能.《清华管理评论》(Tsinghua Business Review),10,100-104. 主要研究成果(国际会议) Zhang, F. F., Wang, B., Liao, Y. J., Qian, J., Parker, Sharon. 2022. Different effects of job crafting towards strengths and job crafting towards development. Academy of Management Annual Conference. Online, August 4-10, 2022. Song, B. H., Ma, J. J., Wang, B., Qian, J. 2022. Why and when overqualified employees do (not) help coworkers? A resource-based perspective. Academy of Management Annual Conference. Online, August 4-10, 2022. Tseng, S. T., Zhang, X. Y., Levy, P. E., & Qian, J. 2020. Daily Impact of Supervisor Performance Management Behaviors on Employee NeedSatisfaction, Well-Being, and Job Attitudes: An experience samplingstudy. The Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology's(SIOP) Annual Conference. Austin, Texas, USA, April 23-25. Zhang, X. Y., Levy, P. E., & Qian, J. 2020. Learning from Negative Feedback: Testing Feedback Intervention Theory. TheSociety for Industrial and Organizational Psychology's (SIOP) Annual Conference. Austin, Texas, USA, April 23-25. Liu, Y. K. Wang, B. Qian, J. & Parker, S. 2020. Reflecting on Work Design for Improving Quality of Work: An Experiential Learning-Based Field Study. Academy of Management Annual Conference. Online, August 7-11, 2020. Zhang, X. Y., Qian, J., & Wang, B.,2018. Empowering Leadership and Employee Outcomes: Moderation and mediationeffects. The Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology's(SIOP) Annual Conference. Chicago, USA, 19-21 April. Qian, J., Song, B.H.,Wang, B. 2018. You ask, I may tell: Leaders’ feedback seeking as a mediator ofthe relationship between authentic leadership and employees’ voice behavior.International Association for Chinese Management Research (IACMR) Conference,Wuhan, China, 13-17 June. Chen, Z. J., &Qian, J. 2017. How Does CoworkerPolitical Behavior Thwart Individual Taking Charge? Academy ofManagement Conference. Atlanta, USA, 4-7 August. Qian, J., Jin, Z. Y.,Wang, B., & Wang, H. W. 2016. When workplace ostracism leads to burnout:role of job self-determination and future time orientation. InternationalAssociation for Chinese Management Research Conference, Hangzhou,China, 15-19 June. Lin, X. S., Qian, J., & Chen, Z. X.2014.Why will leaders choose transformational leadership to leadfollowers: an investigation from followers' perspective. InternationalAssociation for Chinese Management Research Conference, Beijing,China, 18-22 June. Qian, J., Lin, X. S., Chen, Z. X., Yuanyuan Yang, & Bowen Tian. 2014. Whatmatters in the relationship between mentoring and job-related stress? Themoderating effects of protégés’ traditionality and trust in mentor. InternationalAssociation for Chinese Management Research Conference, Beijing,China, 18-22 June. Qian, J., Lin, X.S., & Han, Z. R. 2013. The role of future time orientation in promotingemployees' feedback-seeking behavior. Academy of ManagementConference, Lake Buena Vista (Orlando), Florida, USA, 9-13 August. Lin, X. S., &Qian, J.2013. Followers'influences on the emergence of transformational leadership: a dual-levelstudy. Academy of Management Conference, Lake Buena Vista(Orlando), Florida, USA, 9-13 August. Lin, X. S., Qian, J., Li, M. & Chen, Z.X. 2011. How Does Growth Need Strength Influence Employee Outcomes? Roles ofHope, Leadership, and Culture. Academy of Management Conference,San Antonio, Texas, USA, 12-16 August. Qian, J., Lin, X.S., & Chen, Z. X. 2010. Authentic Leadership and Feedback-Seeking Behavior:An examination of the cultural context of mediating processes in China. Australianand New Zealand Academy of Management Conference, Adelaide, Australia,7-10 December. Qian, J., Lin, X.S., & Chen, Z. X. 2010. The Influencing Mechanisms of Authentic Leadershipon Feedback Seeking: A Cognitive/Emotive Model. Academy ofManagement Conference, Montreal, Canada, 6-10 August. Lin, X. S., Qian, J., Li, M., & Chen, Z.X. 2010. Hopeful Followers Achieve More: The Role of Hope in Relationshipsbetween Transformational Leadership and Follower Outcomes. InternationalAssociation for Chinese Management Research Conference, Shanghai,China, 16-20 June. Qian, J., Hays, J., Chen, Z. X., &Lin, X. S. 2009. Mentoring and Employee Job-induced Stress: An Examination ofthe Cultural Context on Mentoring Effects in China. Australian andNew Zealand Academy of Management Conference, Melbourne, Australia, 2-4December. 国内会议及研讨会 钱婧, 屈逸,滕小菲,“老年的意义——百岁时代老年人的价值与赋能”,人的发展经济学研究中心2019年度课题中期研讨会,北京,2019年10月。 钱婧,陈萌,“职场排斥对员工反馈寻求行为的影响机制——基于情感事件理论的视角”,第十三届中国管理学年会,杭州,2018年11月。 钱婧,“案例写作与教学分享”,北京师范大学心理学部案例作者研讨会,北京,2017年5月。 钱婧,“真我领导与中层领导寻求反馈行为:一个调节的中介模型”,第十届中国管理学年会,合肥,2015年11月。 钱婧,王海湾,“领导的榜样作用对员工寻求反馈行为的促进——一个调节的中介模型”,北京师范大学宏观经济管理与企业行为研讨会,北京,2015年6月。 钱婧,林晓松,陈镇雄,“畅想未来,脚踏实地——基于津巴多时间维度理论与实践性希望理论对90后员工的激励机制与绩效管理的研究”,中国劳动学会劳动科学教育分会年会,西安,2012年10月(该论文被评为会议优秀论文)。


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