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鞠冬,北京师范大学经济与工商管理学院副教授,北京大学管理学博士,英国利兹大学人力资源管理硕士,入选北京师范大学经济与工商管理学院青年拔尖人才计划。 目前已在Academy of Management Journal(AMJ; 工商管理领域顶刊、UTD 24期刊)、Journal of Applied Psychology(JAP;应用心理学领域顶刊、FT 50期刊)、Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes(组织行为学领域顶刊、FT 50期刊)、Journal of Business Ethics(商业伦理领域顶刊、FT 50期刊)、Human Relations(工商管理领域顶刊、FT 50期刊)、《管理世界》等国内外学术期刊发表近20篇。研究成果共获得3个省部级奖励。 担任Managementand Organization Review编委会委员。 长期为《管理世界》、《心理学报》、《Journal of Experimental Social Psychology》、《Journalof Management Studies》等国内外重要学术期刊审稿。 学术奖励与荣誉 2021年广东省第九届哲学社会科学优秀成果奖,广东省人民政府,论文获奖,省部一等奖 2020年第六届广东省卓越人力资源成果奖一等奖, 广东省人力资源研究会, 期刊论文获奖, 省部一等奖 2019年第五届广东省卓越人力资源成果奖一等奖, 广东省人力资源研究会, 期刊论文获奖, 省部一等奖 2015年北京大学优秀毕业生 2014年国家奖学金(博士生) 2014年北京大学光华管理学院三好学生 2013年中国管理研究国际学会(IACMR)上海工作坊组织行为学最佳论文研究方案 2013年 Emerald研究生论文展第一名 2013年北京大学光华管理学院院长科研基金




查看导师最新文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

Ju, D., Huang, M. P., Liu, D., Qin, X., Hu, Q.,& Chen, C. (2019). Supervisory consequences of abusive supervision: Aninvestigation of sense of power, managerial self-efficacy, and task-orientedleadership behavior. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes,154, 80-95.(组织行为学领域顶刊、FT 50期刊) Qin, X., Huang, M. P., Johnson, R., Hu, Q. J., Ju, D.* (2018). Theshort-lived benefits of abusive supervisory behavior for actors: aninvestigation of recovery and work engagement. Academy of Management Journal,61(5), 1951-1975.【*通讯作者】(工商管理领域顶刊、UTD 24期刊) 论文已经被评为“高引”论文、受到国际媒体和网站的关注(如,Science daily、英国经济时报和今日印度)。 Huang, M., Ju, D.*, Yam, K. C., Liu, S., Qin, X.,& Tian, G. (forthcoming). Employee humor can shield them from abusivesupervision. Journal of Business Ethics, 1-18.【*通讯作者】(商业伦理领域顶刊、FT 50期刊) Ju, D., Yao, J., & Ma, L. (2021). Person–jobfit and job involvement: the curvilinear effect and the moderating role of goalorientation. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 36(5), 433-446. (ABS3期刊) Ren, R., Ma, L., Chen, G., Wang, H., & Ju, D.* (2022). Implicit voice delivery:Its antecedent, Consequence, and boundary conditions. Management andOrganization Review, 18(1), 43-72.【*通讯作者】(ABS3期刊) 获得2014年中国管理研究国际学会(IACMR)双年会的最佳论文提名 Qin, X., Chen, C.,Yam, K. C., Huang, M., & Ju, D. (2020). The double-edged sword of leaderhumility: Investigating when and why leader humility promotes versus inhibitssubordinate deviance. Journal of Applied Psychology, 105(7),693-712.(心理学领域顶刊、FT 50期刊) Ju, D., Qin, X., Xu,M., & DiRenzo, M. S. (2016). Boundary conditions of the emotionalexhaustion-unsafe behavior link: The dark side of group norms and personalcontrol. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 33(1),113-140.(ABS3期刊) Ju, D., Xu, M., Qin,X., & Spector, P. (2019). A multilevel study of abusive supervision, norms,and personal control on counterproductive work behavior: A theory of plannedbehavior approach. Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies, 26(2),163-178. Qin, X., Huang, M.,Hu, Q., Schminke, M., & Ju, D. (2018). Ethical leadership, but toward whom?How moral identity congruence shapes the ethical treatment of employees. HumanRelations, 71(8), 1120-1149. (工商管理领域顶刊、FT 50期刊) Qin, X., Hom, P.,Xu, M., & Ju, D. (2014). Applying the job demands–resources model tomigrant workers: Exploring how and when geographical distance increases quitpropensity. Journal of occupational and organizational psychology, 87(2),303-328.(ABS4期刊) Ju, D., Ma, L., Ren, R.,& Zhang, Y. (2019). Empowered to breakthe silence: Applying self-determination theory to employee silence. Frontiers in Psychology, 10, 1-10. 姚晶晶,鞠冬,张建君.企业是否会近墨者黑:企业规模、政府重要性与企业政治行为[J]. 管理世界,2015(07):98-108. 张志学,鞠冬,马力.组织行为学研究的现状:意义与建议[J].心理学报,2014,46(02):265-284. 鞠冬,马力.润物细无声:思想教育融于管理学课堂的探索,光明日报客户端,2021年2月13日。 秦昕,鞠冬.破镜能否重圆?承诺破坏和承诺恢复之于心理契约和对高管的信任的影响[J].中大管理研究,2011年第6期。 鞠冬译:《组织情境下的社会身份和自我归类过程》,张志学、贾良定主编,《<美国管理学会评论>优秀论文集萃》,北京大学出版社,2014年。(Hogg, M. A., & Terry, D. J. (2000). Social identity andself-categorization processes in organizational contexts. Academy of Management Review, 25, 121-140.) 会议报告、论文 2022年“新征程下的中国式企业管理现代化”学术研讨会暨中国企业管理研究会,报告《新一轮技术变革下员工异化的挑战及应对——激发工作内在动机为核心的管理理论与实践》,西安,中国。 2018年第四届北航经商国际论坛:“全球商业研究的新视角:挑战、创新与沟通”,报告《Supervisoryconsequences of abusive supervision》,北京航空航天大学,中国。 Ju,D., Ma, L., Ren, R., & Zhang, Y. C. Confidenceof voice: Effects of performance, empowering leadership and power distance onsilence. Accepted by 2014 Academy ofManagement (AOM) Annual Meeting,Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA. Ju,D., Xu, M., Qin, X., & Spector, P. Boundaryconditions of the abusive supervision-counterproductive work behavior link: Amultilevel study of norms and personal control. Accepted by 2014Biennial Conference of International Association for Chinese ManagementResearch (IACMR), Beijing. Chen, Z. X., Ma, L., Wang, H., Ju, D., & Ren, R. Delivering voicein a subtle way: Why, when and so what? Accepted by 2014 Biennial Conference ofInternational Association for Chinese Management Research (IACMR),Beijing. Ju,D., Ma, L., & Jiao, J. Effects of role clarityand person-job fit on employees’ job involvement: Goal orientations asmoderators. Accepted by 2013 Academy of Management (AOM) Annual Meeting(AOM), Orlando, Florida, USA. Ju,D., Xu, M., & Qin, X. Applying AMO framework tocounterproductive work behavior: When personal control makes it worse. Acceptedby 2013Academy of International Business (AIB)-UKI Annual Conference,Birmingham, UK. Ju,D., Xu, M., & Qin, X. Applying AMO framework tocounterproductive work behavior: When personal control makes it worse. Acceptedby2013 International Conference of Pacific Rim Management (ICPRM), LasVegas, Nevada, USA. Qin, X., Xu, M., & Ju, D. Inspired by “long distancerelationship”: Exploring how and when geographical distance increasesemployees’ turnover intention. Accepted by 2013 Academy of International Business(AIB)-Midwest Meeting, Chicago, Illinois, USA. Qin, X., Xu, M., & Ju, D. Inspired by “long distancerelationship”: Exploring how and when geographical distance increasesemployees’ turnover intention. Accepted by 2013 Academy of International Business(AIB)-US Southwest Chapter Annual Meeting, Albuquerque, New Mexico,USA. Huang, M., Ju, D., & Zhang W. The role of internal corporate socialresponsibility efforts in retaining employees:Evidence from Chinese migrantworkers. Accepted by 2012 Biennial Conference of InternationalAssociation for Chinese Management Research (IACMR), Hong Kong.
