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夏能弘,男,1982年生,上海电力学院电气工程学院副教授,硕士生导师。2013年10月毕业于香港理工大学,电气工程专业,获博士学位。同年12月加入上海电力学院电气工程学院,获聘为光明学者“特聘教授。主要研究方向:电磁场数值分析,无线电能传输,电力系统电磁兼容,输变电电磁环境分析与评估等。近年来在国内外重要学术期刊和国际会议_上发表论文20余篇,其中SCI收录(IEEE) 5篇,E收录7篇,CPCI-S收录2篇,中文核心2篇。现主持国家自然科学基金、上海市自然科学基金、上海高校青年教师培养资助计划、上海电力学院光明学者引进基金各1项。




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[1] Nenghong Xia; Menglin Tian; Yang Fu; Qibin Zhou; Jie Guo, "A Hybrid Meshing Technique for Feromagnetic Structure Based on PEEC Method," in Magnetics, IEEE Transactions on.vo1.51, no.11, pp.1-4, Nov.2015. [2] Xia, N; Du, Y, "An Eficient Modeling Method for 3-D Magnetic Plates in Magnetic Shielding," Electromagnetic Compatibility, IEEE Transactions on, vo1.56, no.3, pp.608,614,June 2014. [3] Du, Y. and N. Xia Principles of power-frequency magnetic shielding with fnite-widith plates. International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems, volume 24, issue 8, pages1168- -1184, August 2014. [4] Nenghong Xia, Du, Y, "Reduction of PEEC Unknowns for 3D Matallic Plates in Magnetic Shielding," Magnetics, IEEE Transactions on。vol1.49, no.5, pp.2001, 2004, May 2013. [5] Du, Y.; Nenghong Xia, Mingli Chen, "Joint Modeling for Conductive Plates in Low-Frequency Magnetic Shielding," Magnetics, IEEE Transactions on, voL49, no.5,pp.2005, 2008, May 2013. [6] Xia Nenghong, Du Ya Ping, "Volume and Surface Elements- Based PEEC for Magnetic Plate Shielding at Low Frequency," EMC Europe 2012 Rome, 17-21 Sept. 2012. [7] Du Ya Ping. Xia Nenghong, "An Improved Method for Evaluating Low frequency Shielding Parformance of 3D Conductive Plate," Electromagnetic Compatibility (APEMC),2011 Asia-Pacific Symposium, 16-19 May 2011. [8] Nenghong Xia, Xueqin Y, Wenwu Song "Shielding Effectiveness and Coupling Characteristic of Metallic Enclosures with Apertures under EMP," Power cand EnergvEngineering Conference, 2009. APPEEC 2009. Asia-Pacific , vol, no, pp.1-4, 27-31 March2009.
